S. Naz, A. Hanif, A. Maqbool, S. Ahmed and K. Muhammand
Veterinary Research Institute, Ghazi Road, Lahore, Department of Microbiology, University of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan. Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Veterinary and
Corresponding Author e-mail: [email protected]ABSTRACT
Haemorragic septicaemia (HS) caused by Pasteurella multocida (P. multucida) is an important disease of buffaloes
causing heavy economic losses in Pakistan. Samples from 20 HS suspected carcasses of buffaloes were processed and
the recovered isolates were identified by cultural, morphological, biochemical and serological tests. All the isolates were
also processed for mouse pathogenicity test and antibiogram assay. Sixteen isolates were identified as Pasteurellamultocida. Serologically all isolates were associated with Carter΄s sero group B. Maximum number of isolates were
recovered from samples of bone marrow, lungs and spleen. All the isolates were found pathogenic to mice. Antibiogram
assay of all the fields isolates depicted the highest sensitivity 87.5% for ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, enrofloxacin and
gentamicin, 81.25% for norfloxacin and amikacin, 75% for kanamycin, 56.25% for tetracycline, 25% for
chloramphenicol, doxycycline and vancomycin, erythromycin where as sulfadiazine (12.5%) was found least effective.
No resistance was observed for ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, ofloxacin and norfloxacin where as maximum resistance was
observed against erythromycin and sulfadiazine (50%). It is concluded that all P. multucida isolates belonged to Carter’s
group B and found sensitive to ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin. Key words. Buffalo, Pasteurella multocida, Isolation, Antibiotic resistance. INTRODUCTION Pasteurella isolates varies according to the host animal
species, time, geographical origin and antimicrobial
Hemorrhagic septicemia is an economically
pretreatment of the animals (Caprioli et al., 2000). The
important bacterial disease of cattle and buffaloes
aim of the present study was the isolation and
(Chandrasekaran et al., 1994) and buffaloes are more
identification of the pathogen from hemorrhagic
susceptible than cattle (DeAlwis, 1990). The disease
septicemia suspected carcasses of buffaloes, which could
remains a significant obstacle to sustainable livestock
be used for development of vaccine from local isolates to
production in most parts of tropical Asia and Africa. It is
effectively prevent the disease in future, to determine the
caused by Pasteurella multocida a natural inhabitant of
antimicrobial susceptibility status of field isolates of
the mucosal surfaces of upper part of the respiratory tract
Pasteurella multocida that will assist practitioners in the
of ruminants, and under predisposing environmental or
rational selection of antimicrobial agents and make the
management conditions which constitute stress for the
prudent use of these drugs for control of the disease.
animals such as transport (shipping fever), marketing,
change of feed, climate or ventilation (Radostits et al.,MATERIALS AND METHODS
2000). The disease is per acute, having a short clinical
course, involving severe depression, pyrexia, sub
Samples: Samples of blood, bone marrow and tissue
mandibular edema, and dyspnea, followed by
specimens (pieces from liver, spleen and lung) were
recumbency and death (Horadagoda et al., 2001).
collected from HS suspected carcasses of 20 buffaloes
Diagnosis of the Pasteurellosis has been traditionally
from different areas around Lahore during the period
from July, 2005 to June, 2006. The samples were
isolation/identification of the causative organism.
processed for isolation and identification of suspected
Antibiotics are used to a large extent for treatment of
pathogen by standard method (Carter, 1984).
hemorrhagic septicemia. However, the prolonged and
indiscriminate use of antibiotics has resulted in organism
Isolation: Samples were inoculated on nutrient agar,
and even multi drug resistant (MDR) forms of P.
blood agar (5% sheep blood) and MacConkey’s agar. The
multocida have emerged (Arora et al., 2005;
smears were prepared from representative colonies and
Shivachandra et al., 2004). Antimicrobial resistance of
“Proceedings of 6th Asian Buffalo Congress held on 27-30 Oct. 2009 at Lahore Pakistan” Naz et al., J. Anim Plant Sci, 22(Sup 3): 2012
microbes were characterized microscopically by using
from all isolates revealed microscopically gram negative
Biochemical tests: Biochemical tests for all the isolates
All the isolates fermented glucose, sucrose,
were performed. Peptone water grown culture of each
sorbitol, manitol, fructose, arabinose and maltose with
isolate was inoculated in 1% glucose, sucrose, sorbitol,
acid production only. A negative reaction was observed
manitol, fructose, dulcitol, lactose, silicin, arabinose and
for dulcitol, lactose and silicin. All the isolates were
maltose, incubated aerobically at 37°C for 72 hours.
found positive for indol, oxidase, catalase production and
Indol, oxidase, catalase, urease production and nitrate
nitrate reduction tests. All the isolates were negative for
reduction tests were carried out according to their
urease production. Cultural, morphological and
standard bacteriological procedure (Carter, 1984).
biochemical characteristics identified all isolates as
A slide agglutination test using the antiserum
Pasteurella multocida. Serologically all isolates were
against the capsular type B was also performed for each
Sixteen samples (80%) out of 20 samples of
each of the bone marrow, lung and spleen yielded pure
Pathogenicity test: Pathogenicity of each isolate was
growth of the causative agent where as 10 (50%) and
tested in six weeks old Swiss albino mice. A total of six
5(25%) out of 20 samples of each of the liver and blood
mice were used for each isolate. Mice were inoculated
yielded pure growth on sheep blood agar.
intra-peritoneally with 0.1 ml of inoculum containing
All the field isolates killed mice within 24 to 36
0.3x108 organisms per ml in sterile normal saline. Control
hours post inoculation. Giemsa stained smears prepared
mice were injected with 0.1 ml of sterile saline. All the
from heart blood of dead mice revealed bipolar
mice were kept under observation and mortality was
organisms. From heart blood of mice colonies
recorded. Blood smears were prepared from the heart
representative of P. multocida were isolated on sheep
blood of dead mice and stained with Giemsa stain. Re-
isolation of P. multocida from heart blood of the dead
mice was carried out on sheep blood agar (Buxton and
Table I. Antibiogram assay of sixteen field isolates of P. multocida Antibiogram assay: Each of the isolate was tested for
sensitivity against 15 different antibiotics such as
Antibiotics Sensitive Intermediate Resistant
doxycycline, vancomycin, erythromycin, sulfadiazine,
amoxycillin, ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin,
norfloxacin, ofloxacin and enrofloxacin using the
standard method of National Committee for Clinical
Laboratory Standards (NCCLS, 1990). An eighteen hours
culture of each isolate in Brain Heart Infusion broth was
plated on Muller-Hinton agar medium enriched with 5%
sheep blood. The culture was allowed to adsorb for 10
minutes and then the antibiotic discs (Oxoid) were placed
on the plate at an appropriate distance from each other.
The plates were incubated aerobically at 37°C for 24
hours. The diameters of inhibition zones surrounding the
antibiotic discs were measured and subsequently matched
with the standard inhibition zone diameters of respective
antibiotic discs. On the basis of size of inhibition zones of
Sixteen field isolates of P. multocida showed
various antibiotics, the isolates were classified as
sensitivity to 15 antibiotics, as 87.5% isolates were found
sensitive, intermediately sensitive or resistant.
sensitive to ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, enrofloxacin and
gentamicin followed by 81.25% isolates to norfloxacin
and amikacin. Seventy five percent isolates were
sensitive to kanamycin. For tetracycline sensitivity was
Sixteen bacterial isolates were recovered from
56.25%. Fifty percent isolates were sensitive to
the samples collected from 20 HS suspected buffalo
chloramphenicol, doxycycline and vancomycin. Twenty
carcasses. All the isolates exhibited smooth glistening,
percent isolates were sensitive to erythromycin. The
translucent colonies on nutrient agar, failed to grow on
lowest sensitivity (12.5%) was observed for sulfadiazine.
MacConkey agar and produced non hemolytic dewdrop
Resistance was not observed for ciprofloxacin,
like colonies on sheep blood agar. Grams stained smears
enrofloxacin, ofloxacin and norfloxacin. However for
“Proceedings of 6th Asian Buffalo Congress held on 27-30 Oct. 2009 at Lahore Pakistan” Naz et al., J. Anim Plant Sci, 22(Sup 3): 2012
erythromycin and sulfadiazine resistance was 50% (Table
vancomycin were moderately effective against the
bacteria. Erythromycin and sulfadiazine were not very
effective. These observations are in accordance to Watts
DISCUSSION et al. (1994) who frequently encountered resistance of P.haemolytica and P. multocida of bovine origin to
In clinical cases, diagnosis of hemorrhagic
septicemia is made on the basis of clinical signs, gross
In conclusion, all the field isolates were similar
pathological lesions, herd history, morbidity and
in cultural, morphological, biochemical and serological
mortality pattern. However confirmation of tentative
characteristics and can be used for development of HS
clinical diagnosis needs isolation and identification of
vaccine to control the disease. The local isolates of HS
causative organism from the morbid material. In the
showed increasing level of resistance to the antibiotics
present study, cultural, morphological and biochemical
that are extensively used in field for treatment of the
characteristics of all the isolates recovered from morbid
disease. It is therefore recommended to monitor the
materials were in accordance with those of P. multocida
antibiotic sensitivity of P. multocida from time to time in
(Dutta et al., 2001; Kumar et al.2009).
future to design the effective regimen for treatment of the
hemorrhagic septicemia were found to be the sample of
choice for isolation of P.multocida. Isolation of P.REFERENCES multocida from the lung and spleen samples was
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