WEDNESDAY, THE 24TH FEBRUARY, 1999 (The Rajya Sabha met in the Parliament House at 11.00 a.m.)1. PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE
Shri L.K. Advani (Minister of Home Affairs) laid on the Table- I. A copy (in English and Hindi) of the Ministry of Home Affairs S.O. 55 (E), dated
February 22, 1999, publishing the Border Security Force (Amendment) rules, 1999, under sub-section (3) of section 141 of the Border Security force Act, 1968. II. A copy (in English and Hindi) of the Ministry of Home Affairs G.S.R. 8(E), dated
January 4, 1999, publishing the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) (Amendment) Rules, 1998, under sub-section (3) of section 30 of the Foreign Contribution
(Regulation) Act, 1976. Shri Kadambur M.R. Janarthanan (Minister of State in the Ministries of Personnel,
Public Grievances and Pensions and Finance) laid on the Table- I. A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following papers:-
(i) Economic Survey, 1998-99. (ii) Twenty-eighth Valuation Report of the Life Insurance Corporation of India for the year 1998, under section 29 of the Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956.
II. A copy (in English and Hindi) of the following notifications of the Ministry of Finance (Department of
Revenue), under sub-section (4) of section 94 of the Finance Act, 1994, alongwith explanatory memoranda on the notifications :-
(i) G.S.R. No. 597, dated October 7, 1998 publishing the notifications No. 53/98-ST dated 7.10.98 seeking to bring into force the provisions of section 116 of the Finance
(No. 2) Act, 1998 with effect from 16.10.98 including the levy of service tax on services specified in sub-section (4) and (5) of section 66 of the Finance Act, 1994. (ii) G.S.R. No. 598(E), dated October 7, 1998 publishing the notification No. 54/98-
ST regarding the Service Tax (Amendment) Rules, 1998. (iii) G.S.R. No. 599 (E), dated October 7, 1998 publishing the notification No. 55/98-
ST dated 7.10.98 regarding exemption from the whole of service tax the taxable services rendered in India to a client in respect of overseas projects for which
payment is made in convertible foreign exchange. (iv) G.S.R. No. 600 (E), dated October 7, 1998 publishing the notification No. 56/98-
ST dated 7.10.98 regarding exemption from the whole of service tax the taxable or security agency to a client in relation to the services of providing safe deposit lockers or security or safe vaults for security of movable properly.
(v) G.S.R. No. 601 (v), dated 7, 1998 publishing notification No. 57/98-ST dated 7.10.1998 regarding exemption from the whole of service tax the taxable services,
other than of auditing and accounting, provided by a practicing chartered accountant in his professional capacity.
(vi) G.S.R. No. 602 (E), dated October 7, 1998 publishing Notification No. 58/98-ST dated 7.10.98 regarding exemption from the service tax the taxable services
provided by a mechanised slaughter house in relation to the slaughtering of bovine animals, from so much of service tax leviable on such slaughter house as in excess of Rs. 100 per bovine animal.
III. A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following notifications of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), under section 39 of the Central Excise and Salt
Act, 1944, alongwith an explanatory Memoranda on the notifications:- (i) G.S.R. No. 399 (E), dated July 18, 1999 publishing the notification No. 27/98-
Central Excise (NT) dated 18.7.98 seeking to reduce the rate of duty from Rs. 60 per
metre length to Rs. 45 per metre length of the machines per shift for embroidery machines utilised for manufacturing specified type of embroidery.
(ii) G.S.R. No. 400 (E), dated July 18, 1998 publishing the notification No. 28/98-CE (NT) dated 18.7.98 seeking to amend notification No. 5/94-CE (NT) dated 1.3.94 to
allow full credit of duty on specified inputs then received in a factory belonging to a multilocational composite mill from another factory belonging to the same mill or
when received by an independent texturiser, for manufacture of specified final product.
(iii) G.S.R. No. 401 (E), dated July 18, 1998 publishing the notification No. 17/98-Central Excise dated 18.7.98 seeking to amend notification No. 05/98 Central Excise dated 2.7.98 to prescribe effective rates of duty on specified goods.
(iv) G.S.R. No. 402 (E), dated July 18, 1998 publishing the notification No. 18/98-Central Excise dated
18.7.98 seeking to amend notification No. 8/98-CE and 9/98 both dated 2.6.98 to include cast brass/rods of specified length in the category of eligible goods for
general scheme of excise duty exemption for small scale unit. (v) G.S.R. No. 403 (E), dated July 18, 1998 publishing the notification No. 19/98
dated 18.7.98 seeking to amend notification No. 22/96-CE dated 23.7.96 to provide for procedural changes required for multilocational composite mills. (vi) G.S.R. No. 404 (E), dated July 18, 1998 publishing the notification No. 20/98-CE
dated 18.7.98 seeking to provide for concessional rate of excise duty on specified fabrics falling under chapters 52.54 or 55 of Central Excise Tariff.
(vii) G.S.R. No. 701 (E), dated November 24, 1998 publishing the notification No. 35/98-Central Excise dated 24.11.98 seeking to amend the notification No. 10/98-CE
dated 2.6.98 to reduce excise duty from 18% to 15% on betel nut powder known as supari.
IV. A copy (in English and Hindi) of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) notification G.S.R. 22(E), dated January 11, 1999, publishing the Central Excise (First Amendment) Rules, 1999, under sub-section (2) of section 38 of the Central
Excise Act, 1944 alongwith an explanatory memorandum. V. A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following notification of the Ministry of
Finance (Department of Revenue) under section 159 of the Customs Act, 1962 alongwith an explanatory memoranda on the notifications:-
(i) G.S.R. No. 396 (E), dated July 18, 1998 publishing the notification No. 50/98-Customs dated the 18th July, 1998 to amend notification No. 23/98-Customs, dated
the 2nd June, 1998 regarding reduction or exemption of customs duty on certain things. (ii) G.S.R. No. 397(E), dated July 18, 1998 publishing the notification No. 51/98-
Customs dated the 18th July, 1998 to amend notification No. 12/97-Customs dated the 1st March, 1997 regarding exemption of certain items from special customs duty.
(iii) G.S.R. No. 398(E), dated July 18, 1998 publishing the notification No. 52/98-Customs, dated the 18th July, 1998 to amend notification No. 36/97-Customs, dated
the 11th April, 1997 in order to continue the said exemption by altering the reference from goods specified in List 8A of notification No. 11/97-Customs, dated
the 1st March, 1997 to the goods specified in List 27 of notification No. 23/98-Customs, dated 2nd June, 1998. (iv) G.S.R. No. 409(E), dated July 24, 1998 publishing the notification No. 54/98-
Customs dated 24th July, 1998 rescinding notification No. 7/98-Customs, dated 16.4.98 which imposed provisional anti-dumping duties on Vitamin-C.
(v) G.S.R. No. 496(E), dated August, 14, 1998 publishing the notification No. 63/98-Customs dated 14.8.98 to impose antidumping duty on Bisphenol-1A falling under
Chapter 29 of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 imported into India, when originating in or exported from Japan, at the rate of Rs. 8434/MT.
(vi) G.S.R. No. 497(E) dated August 14, 1998 publishing the notification No. 64/98-Customs dated 14.8.98 to rescind notification No. 102/94 dated 11.3.94 which
imposed final anti-dumping duty on Bisphenol-A consequent to the imposition of duty on the basis of the review findings
vide notification No. 63/98-Customs dated 14.8.98. (vii) G.S.R. No. 615(E), dated October 13, 1998 publishing the notification No.
76/98-Customs dated October 13, 1998 seeking to amend notification No. 23/98-Customs dated June 2, 1998 so as to omit the procedural requirement.
(viii) G.S.R. No. 636(E), dated October 22, 1998 publishing the notification No. 79/98-Customs dated the 22nd October, 1998 to impose final antidumping duty on magnesium.
(ix) G.S.R. No. 681(E), dated October 22, 1998 publishing the notification No. 80/98-Customs, dated the 22nd October, 1998 to rescind notification No. 19/98-
Customs dated 4.5.98 consequent upon imposition of final anti dumping duty. (x) G.S.R. No. 68(E), dated November 17, 1998 publishing the notification No.
88/98-Customs dated 17.11.98 to impose final anti dumping duties on imports of GPPS and HIPS types of Polystyrene originating in or exported from Malaysia,
Taiwan, Japan and Republic of Korea. (xi) G.S.R. No. 682(E), dated November 17, 1998 publishing the 89/98-Customs dated 17.11.98 to rescind notification No. 43/98-Customs dated 30.6.98 which
imposed provisional anti-dumping duty on Polystyrene consequent to the imposition of final duty.
(xii) G.S.R. No. 683(E), dated November 17, 1998 publishing the notification No. 90/98-Customs dated 17.11.98 to impose anti-dumping duty under Customs Tariff
Act, 1975 on acrylic fibre. (xiii) G.S.R. No. 691 (E), dated November 20, 1998 publishing the notification No.
91/98-Customs dated the 20th November,1998 to amend notification No. 12/97-Customs, dated the 1st March, 1997 to exempt certain items imported for use in the manufacture of Steel from Special Customs Duty of 5% leviable under Section 68 of
the Finance (No. 2) Act, 1996. (xiv) G.S.R. No. 697 (E), dated November 24, 1998 publishing the notification No.
92/98-Customs dated 24.11.98 to amend notification No. 23/98-Customs dated 2.6.98 so as to withdraw full exemption from basic customs duty, special Customs
duty and additional duty available to Cefuroxime. (xv) G.S.R. No. 698(E), dated November 24, 1998 publishing the notification No.
93/98-Customs dated 24.11.98 to impose provisional anti-dumping duties on Lovasat in originating in or exported from China PR. (xvi) G.S.R. No. 699(E), dated November 24, 1998 publishing the notification No.
94/98-Customs dated 24.11.98 to impose provisional anti-dumping duties on Citric acid originating in or exported from China PR.
(xvii) G.S.R. No. 700 (E), dated November 24, 1998 publishing the notification No. 95/98-Customs dated 24th November to impose provisional anti-dumping duties on
Ortho Chloro Benzaldehyde originating in or exported from China PR. VI. A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following notification of the Ministry of
Finance (Department of Revenue). Under section 296 of the Income Tax Act.1961: - (i) S.O. 13(E), dated January 8, 1999 publishing the Income Tax (First Amendment) Rules, 1999 regarding Depreciation of commercial vehicles.
(ii) S.O. 23(E), dated January 20, 1999 publishing the Income Tax (Third Amendment) Rules, 1999 regarding consequent amendment of Section 285B of the
Income Tax Act. (iii) S.O. 33(E), dated January 27, 1999 publishing the Income Tax (4th
Amendment) Rules, 1999 regarding compulsory quoting of PAN/GIR No.
(iv) S.O. 1113(E), dated December 24, 1998 publishing the Income Tax (28th Amendment) Rules, 1998 regarding insertion of Section 18 (C) providing eligibility of
Industrial parks for benefit under section 80-I (A) (II) of the Income Tax Act,1961 (v) S.O. 20(E), dated January 15, 1999 publishing the Income Tax (First
Amendment) Rules, 1999 regarding insertion of Form No. 10 CCAA for Audit Report in respect of the profits and gains derived from the execution of a housing project.
VII. A copy (in English and Hindi) of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs), notification S.O. 642(E), dated 29 July, 1998 publishing the Regional Rural
Banks (Appointment and Promotion of Officers and Other Employees) Rules, 1998, under subsection (3) of section 29 of the Regional Rural Banks Act 1976 . VIII. A copy (in English and Hindi) of the following notification of the Ministry of
Finance (Department of Revenue):- (i) S.O. 89(E), dated February 9, 1999 publishing corrigendum to notification S.O.
No. 919(E), dated October 22, 1998. (ii) S.O. 90(E), dated February 9, 1999 publishing corrigendum to notification S.O.
No. 920(E), dated the 22nd October,1998. IX. A copy (in English and Hindi) of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic
Affairs), notification S.O. 1073(E), dated December 15, 1998 publishing corrigendum to notification S.O. 642(E), dated the 29th July, 1998. 2. REPORT AND MINUTES OF THE RAILWAYS CONVENTION COMMITTEE
Shri Md. Salim laid on the Table a copy (in English and Hindi) of the Second Report of the Railway Convention Committee on 'Rate of Dividend for 1998-99 and other
ancillary matter' alongwith Minutes relating thereto. 3. REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT-RELATED PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Shri Narendra Mohan laid on the Table a copy (in English and Hindi) of the Thirteenth
Report of the Standing Committee on Finance on the Constitution (Eighty-Fifth Amendment) Bill, 1998. 4. LEAVE OF ABSENCE
Dr. Jagannath Mishra (Bihar) was granted leave of absence from all the sittings of the House during the current session of the Rajya Sabha.
5. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Chairman informed Members that the Business Advisory Committee at its
meeting held on Monday, the 22nd February, 1999 allotted time for Government Legislative and other Business as follows:-
BUSINESS ; ; ; ; ;TIME ALLOTTED 1. Consideration and passing ; ; ;1. Hour Of the Explosive Substances
(Amendment) Bill, 1998. 2. Consideration and passing of ; ;2. Hour
The Coffee (Amendment) Bill, 1998 as passed by Lok Sabha
3. Consideration and passing ; ; ;2. Hour Of the North Eastern Council
(Amendment) Bill, 1998. 4. Discussion on the Motion of ; ;16. Hour i.e., 4 Days Thanks on the President's
Address. ___________________________________________________________________
Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra moved that an address be presented to the President in the following
terms: - "That the Members of the Rajya Sabha assembled in this Session are deeply grateful
to the President for the Address which he has been pleased to deliver to both Houses of Parliament assembled together on February 22, 1999."
(The House adjourned for lunch at 1.05 p.m. and re-assembled at 2.11 p.m.) (The House adjourned for lunch at 2.11 p.m. and re-assembled at 2.20 p.m.)
Sardar Balwinder Singh Bhundar seconded the motion: - Shri Kapil Sibal moved:
1. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about a targeted time bound plan for eradication of
unemployment problem from the country." 2. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about implementation of a plan for enhancing the rate of production of agriculture produce."
3. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about setting up of an effective
system for the benefit of common man by way of transmitting the results of the researches and inventions." 4. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about a plan for upgrading agriculture and industry sector of the country above average international level on the basis of
new inventions by encouraging research and inventions." 5. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about a plan for evolving new technologies keeping in view the indigenous conditions and resources for the sake of
development and expansion of agriculture and industry in the country." 6. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about a plan for setting up of a
system to provide food-stuff of daily use as salt, tea, milk, sugar, rice, pulses, flour to the people of the country living below poverty line at fair price within their
purchasing capacity as per their requirements." 7. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about a plan for setting up a system to
provide education for each an every child, old and youth of the country by way of including education in the Fundamental rights." 8. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about a plan for setting up a system to
make storage of excess rain waters for using it appropriately with a view to make the country flood-frees."
9. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about the implementation of a time-
bound scheme to avoid dependency of agriculture on rain waters." 10. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about the implementation of any time-bound plan to resolve the housing problem in cities, towns and metropolitan
cities." 11. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about any scheme for bringing transparency in administration, checking the tendency of delaying the work, giving
the right of information to common man etc., in order to uproot the corruption from the country."
12. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about a time-bound plan to make the
expensive and inadequate medical system cheaper and easily available in the remote areas of the country."
13. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about a time-bound plan to make the
prescribed procedure simple and straight forward in order to establish the industries under the self employment schemes of the Government." 14. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about the implementation of a time-bond plan to make wasteland, available in the country, cultivable."
15. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about any scheme to upgrade the
education level of the Government Schools and bringing change in existing examination system."
16. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about bringing the prices of products of basic industries like coal, steel, cement, electricity, mining which are being run
under the monopoly of public sector or otherwise, and the prices of Petroleum products, Gas, etc. lower than the average prices in the international markets."
17. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about implementing a special scheme
for providing employment to the unemployed youths of the families which are living below the poverty line."
18. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about taking effective steps for lowering the
non-developmental expenditure vis-a-vis developmental expenditure." 19. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about any time-bound scheme for providing jobs to every person and making water available for irrigating every field."
20. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about any time-bound target for
increasing the purchasing power of Indian currency." 21. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about any resolution for avoiding
further delay in completing existing projects which are under construction in a fixed time limit."
22. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about the separate industrial policy
for the development of tiny and cottage industries." 23. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about the implementation of any time-bound plan to encourage the establishment of industries in rural areas of the country by way. Of providing infrastructure facilities and fixing targets thereof."
24. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about taking administrative measures
to check ever increasing crimes as well as about the scheme for making use of education and broadcasting media for creating clean and ethical environment in the
society." 25. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about taking effective steps for making administration public-welfare oriented."
26. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about taking effective steps for
checking unbridled price rise of commodities in the daily use of common consumers in the country."
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71. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: -
"but regret that the Address does not mention about the implementation of any long term or short term policy for the improvement of Textiles, specifically spinning mills."
72. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: - "but regret that the Address does not mention any time bound plan to improve
tourism in the country." 73. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: -
"but regret that the Address does not mention about any time bound plan to include all the Indian languages in the VIIth schedule of the Constitution of India."
74. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: - "but regret that the Address does not mention about the reservation of 33% seats for women in the Parliament and Assemblies."
75. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: - "but regret that the Address does not mention about the statutory dues to Central
public sector units workers." 76. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: -
"but regret that the Address does not mention any specific steps to involve the labour as equal partner in national reconstruction."
77. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: - "but regret that the Address does not mention how the resources will be mobilised to step up investment substantially in the infrastructure sector."
78. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: - "but regret that the Address does not mention what specific measures will be taken
to reach out the under-privileged and unemployed." 79. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: -
"but regret that the Address does not mention about the measures to recover the excessive subsidy to the tune of Rs. 1000 crores drawn by some private urea
manufacturing companies through 'goldplating'." 80. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: - "but regret that the Address does not mention about the steps to curb the activities
of the organisations directly of indirectly involved in inciting and organizing atacks on minorities."
81. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: - "but regret that the Address does not mention about the socio-economic impact of
the Government's decision to privatize or corporatize core sector industries like power, coal, oil, airports, ports, etc."
82. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: - "but regret that the Address does not mention about the severe impact on Eastern zone States because of the recent hike of power tariff by more than 40 by NTPC in is
its Eastern zone power stations in Farakka, Kahalgaon and Talchar." 83. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: -
"but regret that the Address does not mention about the hardships caused to the common man due to lowering of interest rates for small saving schemes."
84. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: - "but regret that the Address does not mention about hike in the prices of essential
commodities sold through Public Distribution System." 85. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: - "but regret that the Address does not mention about hike in the administered price
of urea and cooking gas." 86. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: -
"but regret that the Address does not mention about sickness of industries and steps to arrest the industrial sickness."
87. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: -
"but regret that the Address does not mention about revival of sick public sector units like IISCO, Jessop, Burn Standard National Instrument, MAMC, BOGL Tyre
Corporation of India, Hindustan Cables, Durgapur and Haldia units of Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation, NTC, NJM,C, Jute Corporation of India, Bengal Immunity,
Smith Stanistreet, Cycle Corporation of India etc." 85. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: -
"but regret that the Address does not mention about hike in the administered price of urea and cooking gas."
86. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely: - "but regret that the Address does not mention about sickness of industries and steps to arrest the industrial sickness."
87. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about revival of sick public sector
units like IISCO, Jessop, Burn Standard, National Instrument, MAMC, BOGL, Tyre Corporation of India, Hindustan Cable, Durgapur and Haldia units of Hindustan
Fertilizer Corporation, NTC, NIMC, Jute Corporation of India, Bengal Immunity, Smith Stanistreet, Cycle Corporation of India etc."
88. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about guaranteeing minimum wages to agricultural labours."
89. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about recognition of single trade
union through secret ballot." Shri Sanatan Bisi moved:
90. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about the causes of the activities and
performance of the Government in the last one year." 91. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention regarding effect of letter sent to the
U.S. President by our Prime Minister after nuclear tests at Pokhran." 92. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention regarding the various activities of various Task Force."
93. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention any measures to safeguard the
secularism." 94. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about the assurance of the
Government that it will not in any manner directly and indirectly attempt to subvert the Constitution and float Democratic norms and standard."
95. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about the assurance of the
Government that it will not alter the basic structure of the Constitution which guaranteed independence of the judiciary."
96. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely- "but regret that the Address does not specify/quality the concept of the words "National Agenda for Governance".
Shri Vayalar Ravi moved: 124. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about the failure of the Government to check the airocities against the minorities in certain States."
125. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address fails to mention as to why article 356 of the Constitution was involved only in Bihar while the same situation of law and order is existing in
Gujarat and Maharashtra which is further deteriorating every day." Shri Suresh Pachouri moved:
183. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not reflect Governments from determination to
protect the minorities from the onslaught of the fundamentalist organisations like Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and
Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh who have unleashed a volley of terror amongst the minorities by burning them alive and their properties and religious places, raping the nuns and violently attacking their families in various parts of the country particularly
in Gujarat." 184. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not reflect Governments firm determination to direct the State Government of Gujarat to stop forthwith the Census of Christians
and Muslims through State Police which has sent shockwaves amongst these minority communities in that State and other parts of the Country."
185. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about the sleep hike in prices of essential commodities particularly after the hike in prices of PDS ration items, LPG,
urea which has caused immense hardships to the poor and the farmers throughout the country."
186. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about the package for the over all
development of Madhya Pradesh." 187. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about the growing resentment amongst the youth of the Country due to lack of employment opportunities for them resulting in their joining hands with the anti-social and anti-national elements
thereby becoming a threat to the national security." 188. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about the growing Communalism and fundamentalism in the country."
189. That the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address does not mention about the problems of Bhopal Gas
victims of 1984 and timely solution of their problems." Shri H. Hanumanthappa moved: 190. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address does not mention about harnessing underground water for providing irrigation facilities to rainfed areas."
191. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention that all the benefits of research and
subsidies for farmers are enjoyed by only 30% of farmers of the country and no proper plan of assistance is contemplated for
70% of the Small and marginal farmers." 192. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention the implementation of land reforms in
order to implement the scheme of "Land to the Tiller." 193. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address fails to mention the problem of unemployment in rural areas and plan to provide gainful employment to the rural unemployed people."
194. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"That regret that the Address fails to mention about the indiscriminate urbanisation thereby creating increased social problems and the necessary remedy to stop the
same." 195. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address fails to mention about the increased unemployment of educated youth and their frustraction and to take remedial measures."
196. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention the required changes in the education
system in order to make the individual a self-made man to earn his livelihood after education." 197. That the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address fails to mention about the creating vocational training centers in large scale to absorb educated unemployed youths."
198. That the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention about the growing frustration among
the youths who are becoming anti-socials and militants and to take remedial measures for solving their problems."
199. That the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention about the shortage of Power in various States and steps to augment the same."
200. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention about the proper distribution of
infrastructure facilities to all parts of the country in order to have a balanced development."
201. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention about the anomalies that have crept in
the implementation of Reservation and suggest proper remedies." 202. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention about the providing equal opportunities
to SC/ST and Weaker sections at the higher hierarchy of the administration i.e. at the decision making level."
203. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention about frustration among the SC/ST
people because of the anti-reservation action taken by the Government by curtailing certain facilities enjoyed by them all these years."
204. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention about the non-following of the Planning Commission's guidelines in allocation of funds to S.C.P. and T.S.P.
205. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention the remedial measures to plug the
misuse or diversion of S.C.P. and T.S.P. funds allotted for the amelioration of SC/ST people."
206. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention about bringing a law to provide
reservation and make it justiciable." 207. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention about increasing residential schools for
S.C. and S.T. children so as to improve the literacy in order to bring them to the mainstream."
208. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:- "but regret that the Address fails to mention about the discrimination and humiliation
suffered by certain class of people on caste basis and take proper action." 209. That at the end of the Motion, the following be added, namely:-
"but regret that the Address fails to mention about providing proper opportunities to S.C. and S.T. people in trade, Commence, Industry, Foreign trade and High
Technology opportunities." Members took part in the discussion on the Motion and the Amendments moved
thereto. The discussion was not concluded.
(The House adjourned at 5.01 P.M. till 11.00 A.M. on Thursday, the 25th February,
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