Levetiracetam: safety and efficacy in neonatal seizures
e u r o p e a n j o u r n a l o f p a e d i a t r i c n e u r o l o g y x x x ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 e7
Official Journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society
Levetiracetam: Safety and efficacy in neonatal seizures
Georgia Ramantani a,b,*, Chrysanthy Ikonomidou a,c, Beate Walter a, Dietz Rating d,Juergen Dinger e
a Department of Pediatric Neurology, University Children’s Hospital Dresden, Fetscherstrasse 74, 01307 Dresden, Germanyb Epilepsy Center, University of Freiburg, Breisacher Strasse 64, 79106 Freiburg, Germanyc University of Wisconcin, Department of Neurology, H6/574 CSC Box 5132, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI 53792, USAd Department of Pediatric Neurology, University Children’s Hospital Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 430, 69120 Heidelberg, Germanye Department of Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care, University Children’s Hospital Dresden, Fetscherstrasse 74,01307 Dresden, Germany
Purpose: Neonatal seizures are common, especially in prematurity. Phenobarbital (PB)
currently represents the antiepileptic drug (AED) of choice, despite being related to
increased neuronal apoptosis in animal models and cognitive impairment in human
subjects. Levetiracetam (LEV) may have a more favorable profile since it does not cause
neuronal apoptosis in infant rodents. Methods: In a prospective feasibility study, LEV was applied as first-line treatment in 38
newborns with EEG-confirmed seizures, after ruling out hypoglycemia, hypocalcaemia,
hypomagnesaemia and pyridoxin dependency. Initial intravenous doses of 10 mg/kg LEV
were gradually increased to 30 mg/kg over 3 days with a further titration to 45e60 mg/kg at
the end of the week. Acute intervention with up to 2 intravenous doses of PB 20 mg/kg was
tolerated during LEV titration. LEV was switched to oral as soon as the infants’ condition
allowed. Based on clinical observation, EEG tracings (aEEG/routine EEGs), and lab data, drugsafety and anticonvulsant efficacy were assessed over 12 months. Results: In 19 newborns a single PB dose of 20 mg/kg was administered, while 3 newbornsreceived 2 PB doses. 30 infants were seizure free under LEV at the end of the first week and27 remained seizure free at four weeks, while EEGs markedly improved in 24 patients at 4weeks. In 19 cases, LEV was discontinued after 2e4 weeks, while 7 infants received LEV upto 3 months. No severe adverse effects were observed. Conclusions: These results illustrate the safety of LEV treatment in neonatal seizures,including prematurity and suggest LEV anticonvulsant efficacy. Additional PB treatmentadmittedly constitutes a methodological shortcoming due to the prolonged anticonvulsiveefficacy of PB. Double blind prospective controlled studies and long-term evaluation ofcognitive outcome are called for.
ª 2010 European Paediatric Neurology Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
* Corresponding author. Epilepsy Center, University of Freiburg, Breisacher Str. 64, 79106 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Tel.: þ49 720
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Ramantani).
1090-3798/$ e see front matter ª 2010 European Paediatric Neurology Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ejpn.2010.10.003
Please cite this article in press as: Ramantani G, et al., Levetiracetam: Safety and efficacy in neonatal seizures, European Journalof Paediatric Neurology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ejpn.2010.10.003
e u r o p e a n j o u r n a l o f p a e d i a t r i c n e u r o l o g y x x x ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 e7
2004e200623encouraged us to further develop this protocol
and initiate a prospective feasibility study in our institution.
This study analyses the results regarding anticonvulsant
Neonatal seizures are the most frequent clinical manifesta-
efficacy and treatment safety obtained using LEV in neonates
tion of central nervous system dysfunction in the newborn,
with electroclinical and electrographic-only seizures. Our
with an incidence of 1.5e3.5/1000 in term newborns and
objectives were to evaluate 1) control of seizures, both clini-
10-130/1000 in preterm newborns.1 Seizures in the newborn
cally and electroencephalographically and 2) adverse effects
frequently signal significant brain pathology, such as hypoxic-
associated with the intravenous or oral administration of LEV.
ischemic injury, stroke, intracranial infection, hypoglycemia,inborn errors of metabolism, or brain malformations. Etiologysignificantly influences outcome. Newborn seizures correlate
with higher mortality as well as motor or cognitive disabilityin survivors.2,3 Furthermore, an association could be estab-
In 2006, following availability of intravenous LEV, consecu-
lished between the amount of EEG seizure activity and
tively admitted newborns with EEG-confirmed seizures,
subsequent mortality and morbidity in infants.4 In this light,
including premature and extremely premature infants treated
effective therapeutic interventions addressing both clinical
at the Department of Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive
seizures and EEG seizure activity might significantly improve
Care of the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden,
neurocognitive development as well as reduce morbidity and
Germany, were considered for this study. Infants presenting
with clinical seizures that were confirmed as such through
There are currently no evidence-based guidelines for
a clear correlation with pathologic EEG findings were subse-
evaluation and management of neonatal seizures. Available
quently treated with levetiracetam as a first-line AED.
data indicate that phenobarbital (PB) remains the first-line
Parents of newborns enrolled gave written informed
treatment for neonatal seizures.5 Yet, a recent Cochrane
consent for the study. In 15 cases, parents refused participa-
Review concluded that “there is little evidence to support the
tion or enrollment was impracticable because of time limita-
use of any of the anticonvulsants currently used in the
tions. In further 2 cases an underlying disease of complex
neonatal period”.6 Conventional treatment (phenobarbital
genetic/metabolic origin was presumed that led to exclusion.
and phenytoin) only achieves clinical control in 50%e80% of
These newborns were lost to the study and consequently
cases and is even less effective in controlling most neonatal
electroencephalographic seizures.7 On the other hand, there is
Neonatal seizures were defined according to Volpe’s clas-
increasing concern over the long time adverse effects of
sification as subtle, focal clonic, multifocal clonic, focal tonic,
phenobarbital, since it was shown to increase neuronal
generalized tonic and myoclonic. Infants that presented with
apoptosis in animal models8 and induce cognitive impairment
subtle seizures, especially in the form of apneas, posed
a major diagnostic challenge in prematurity. However, most of
Levetiracetam (LEV) is an effective and well-tolerated
these patients showed multiple seizure types that altogether
antiepileptic drug currently licensed as adjunctive therapy in
clinically confirmed the classification of events as epileptic.
the treatment of partial onset seizures with and without
The EEG recordings were performed bedside in the
secondary generalization in adults, children and infants with
neonatal/intensive care unit; 10 or 21 cerebral electrodes,
epilepsy starting from 1 month of age (in oral application) and
depending on the infant’s head size (21 being applicable only
already licensed in children aged !4 years at study initia-
to full-term eutrophic newborns), were applied according to
tion.10 Retrospective series in children including patients
the 10e20 International System, and EKG, EOG, chin EMG
younger than 4 years showed comparable responder rates and
activity, abdominal respiration were the other parameters
side-effect profiles of add-on LEV treatment.11,12 Prospective
most frequently monitored. Tests were continued until
studies with small patient groups in infants and very young
a complete cycle of awake, quiet and active sleep states were
children reported similar results.13,14 There are hardly any
recorded. EEG was monitored online and whenever state
reports of severe, life threatening side effects, while most
changes were not clearly distinguishable, recording was per-
frequently observed adverse effects included somnolence and
formed for at least 60 min. The EEG recording was routinely
behavioral problems.15 Furthermore, LEV presents a favorable
performed within 1e2 h from the clinical episode and reported
profile regarding neuronal apoptosis: in contrast to most other
by an experienced neonatologist/pediatric neurologist. EEGs
established antiepileptic drugs it was not found to increase
were scored with an emphasis on age-dependent background
apoptosis in the developing rodent brain16 or interfere with
activity24: 1. Normal/Mild abnormalities: normal pattern for
neuroprotective up-regulation of hypoxia inducible tran-
gestational age, including slightly abnormal activity, e.g. mild
scription factor 1 (HIF-1a)17 and it was shown to decrease
asymmetry, mild voltage depression; moderate abnormalities:
neurodegeneration in rodent models of hypoxia/ischemia18 or
discontinuous activity with interburst interval too long for GA,
clear asymmetry or asynchrony, absence of age-appropriate
To date, ten patients with neonatal seizures who were
EEG features; 2. Major abnormalities: severe discontinuity in
successfully treated with LEV in the neonatal period have
EEG for gestational age, burst suppression pattern, no appro-
been reported in detail,21e23 while one of these patients
priate wakeesleep cycle for gestational age, multifocal sharp
received LEV intravenously.21 The preliminary data on
waves; 3. Severe abnormalities: severe discontinuity in EEG
safety and anticonvulsive efficacy in the pilot study carried
for gestational age, burst suppression pattern, no appropriate
through at the University Hospital of Heidelberg in the years
wakeesleep cycle for gestational age, multifocal sharp waves.
Please cite this article in press as: Ramantani G, et al., Levetiracetam: Safety and efficacy in neonatal seizures, European Journalof Paediatric Neurology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ejpn.2010.10.003
e u r o p e a n j o u r n a l o f p a e d i a t r i c n e u r o l o g y x x x ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 e7
The neurophysiology technologist performing the recording
visits. Additional examinations were performed during rapid
noted all behavioral changes or specific clinical correlates.
LEV titration in the first week and later, in the case of seizure
In 19 cases, an ictal pattern could be confirmed in the
recurrence. Based on the experience gained in older children,
conventional EEG recording, while in another 9 cases, aEEG
LEV serum levels were not used to decide LEV dosage
over 24e48 h presented typical seizure patterns. All other
newborns enrolled had overtly pathologic interictal findings
Infants with occasional seizures which presented beyond
in conventional EEG pointing to a low seizure threshold. EEG
the neonatal period (44 completed weeks post-conceptional
recordings were not strictly classified according to the
age), persisted beyond the third month corrected age and
amount of epileptiform activity i.e. according to the relative
correlated with the presence of epileptic spikes/sharps waves
density of spikes in a set period, due to the nature of
in routine EEG were considered to have developed post-
newborn EEG; physiological background varies from burst
neonatal epilepsy. Also infants for whom it was not indicated
suppression patterns to temporal spiking, according to
to taper the antiepileptic therapy because of recurrent
gestational age. In this light, we chose to classify EEG data
seizures were considered to suffer from post-neonatal
based on the deviation from the gestational-age appropriate
epilepsy. On the other hand, the classification of patients as
norm. On the other hand, aEEG recordings were not included
seizure free was based on clinical observation (lack of suspi-
in this classification, since they were not applied routinely to
cious clinical events) and conventional EEG recordings. In case
every patient but rather used as a low-resolution longitudinal
of doubt a long-term conventional EEG recording or aEEG
observation in order to clarify the nature of an event or series
registration were further implemented. A formal statistical
evaluation was not performed due to the small number of
In EEG-confirmed newborn seizures, metabolic derange-
ments (hypoglycemia, hypocalcaemia, hypomagnesaemia)were swiftly ruled out (glucose, electrolyte and blood gasscreening available directly at the ward) and Vitamin B6
(100 mg i.v. up to a cumulative dosage of 300 mg i.v.) wasadministered. In case of ongoing seizures, LEV was adminis-
In the period between 2006 and 2008, following availability of
tered as the first AED within the first 8 h from seizure mani-
intravenous LEV, a total of 38 newborns with EEG-confirmed
festation, in some cases even as an acute intervention during
seizures, including 19 extremely premature infants at gesta-
a prolonged clinical seizure/EEG ictal pattern.
tional age <28 þ 0 weeks, birth weight 410e1330 g, 6 prema-
LEV initial dosage was 10 mg/kg intravenously adminis-
ture infants with gestational age >28 to 36 þ 6 weeks, birth
tered twice daily increasing by 10 mg/kg over 3 days up to
weight 1250e1890 g, and 13 term newborns were evaluated in
30 mg/kg, while a further increase up to 45e60 mg/kg was
this study. Clinical data of all infants included in the study are
performed at the end of the first week of treatment in case of
summarized in Table 1, while response to treatment is pre-
persistent seizures or grave EEG pathology suggesting a low
seizure threshold. Two single intravenous doses of PB 20 mg/kg
Seven newborns were affected by status epilepticus, with
were tolerated during LEV titration to treat seizures that were
a frequency equally distributed between groups of different
prolonged or recurrent (duration of over 5 min or over 2
gestational age. All other newborns presented repetitive
episodes in 15 min) and called for acute intervention. This
seizures, while isolated seizures prompted close surveillance,
additional PB administration admittedly constitutes a meth-
but no pharmacotherapy. In 11 out of 19 cases where seizure
odological shortcoming due to the prolonged anticonvulsive
patterns were recognized in EEG newborns were treated
with levetiracetam in the context of an acute intervention.
LEV was switched to oral solution as soon as the infants’
11 newborns required an additional application of PB 20 mg
condition allowed. In most cases, this coincided with the
i.v. as an acute measure in the first 8 h after the diagnosis of
initiation of oral feeding after an initial period of full paren-
newborn seizures and after initiation of LEV treatment, due to
seizure recurrence during LEV titration. In further 8 patients
Neuropediatric follow-up included daily visits in the first
a single dosage of PB 20 mg i.v. was applied in the second day
week, weekly visits up to one month after treatment initia-
after treatment initiation, while only 3 newborns received
tion, and follow-up visits at 3, 6 and 12 months. Patients were
the maximal allowed PB dosage of 40 mg additional to LEV
clinically examined, and seizure frequency, antiepileptic
(Table 2). No other AEDs e.g. benzodiazepines were adminis-
medication, and adverse events were documented at every
tered concurrently. Out of the 5 term infants with hypoxic-
visit. Conventional EEG was performed a week after treatment
ischemic insult, three additionally underwent therapeutic
initiation, at the end of the first month, at 3, 6 and 12 months.
After the first four weeks, decisions regarding further treat-
30 infants were seizure free under LEV at the end of the
ment were considered on an individual basis, especially
week, and 27 remained seizure free at four weeks, while EEGs
regarding the duration of LEV treatment. Cerebral ultrasound
markedly improved in 25 patients at four weeks. Three infants
was performed in all infants in the first 48 h, followed by at
presented with seizure recurrence after the first week, in one
least two further ultrasound screenings in the first two weeks
case this led to a change in AED and initiation of a conven-
of life and weekly controls up to 40 weeks post-conceptional
tional PB therapy (Table 2). There was no significant difference
age. Laboratory tests including complete blood count, hepatic
between infants that received adjunctive PB and those that
and renal function parameters and LEV serum levels were
were treated with LEV alone in regards to clinical character-
performed weekly during the first four weeks and at all further
istics or response to treatment, although a formal statistic is
Please cite this article in press as: Ramantani G, et al., Levetiracetam: Safety and efficacy in neonatal seizures, European Journalof Paediatric Neurology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ejpn.2010.10.003
e u r o p e a n j o u r n a l o f p a e d i a t r i c n e u r o l o g y x x x ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 e7
Table 1 e Clinical characteristics of patients treated with levetiracetam.
a Normal: normal muscle tone, active muscle movements, normal alertness for age; Mildly abnormal: hypertonia, hyperexcitability; Moder-ately abnormal: hypotonia/hypertonia, decreased muscle movements, lethargy; Severely abnormal: flaccid, inactive and coma. b EEG-scoring according to Holmes and Lombroso. c Normal: no pathology; Moderately abnormal: IVH I/II, mild ventriculomegaly, periventricular echodensities; Severely abnormal: IVH III/IV,cystic PVL, malformation.
impracticable due to the size of the study population. The
switching from intravenous to oral. There was no significant
limited number of newborns included further prohibits any
variation in LEV plasma levels between newborns that
definite conclusions as to the response to LEV in newborn
received 1e2 additional doses of PB compared to those where
seizures of different etiology. However, there was a trend for
this intervention was not necessary.
poor response among patients with extensive intracerebral
Follow-up data is available on patients that remained
seizure-free under LEV at 4 weeks after treatment initiation .
In 19/30 cases, LEV was discontinued after 2e4 weeks
At 6 months 4/14 premature infants developed post-neonatal
seizure freedom. In view of multiple comorbidities especially
epilepsy, 7/14 presented developmental delay and 5/14
associated with extreme prematurity, LEV was continued in 7
multiple comorbidities. In the newborn group, 2/12 developed
cases up to 3 months after treatment initiation. Drowsiness was
epilepsy and 5/12 were diagnosed with developmental delay,
the only adverse effect observed in infants during the titration
while 1/12 had comorbidities. At 12 months 3/14 extremely
period, often concomitant with adjunctive PB therapy.
premature infants had post-neonatal epilepsy and 5/14 pre-
LEV plasma levels were in the range of 12,5e55 mg/ml
sented with developmental delay compared to 2/12 with post-
(reference values 5e65,0 mg/ml) under intravenous adminis-
neonatal epilepsy and 3/12 with developmental delay in the
tration and remained in the same therapeutic range when
Please cite this article in press as: Ramantani G, et al., Levetiracetam: Safety and efficacy in neonatal seizures, European Journalof Paediatric Neurology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ejpn.2010.10.003
e u r o p e a n j o u r n a l o f p a e d i a t r i c n e u r o l o g y x x x ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 e7
Table 2 e Anticonvulsant efficacy of levetiracetam.
Number of patients initially included in the study
PB administration in the first 2 d of titration
PB administration > 3 d ¼ excluded from further study
Single seizure recurrence, no change in treatment
Infants with post-neonatal epilepsy commonly presented
studies suggest that neonatal seizures affect the developing
symptomatic localization-related epilepsy with focal motor
brain with long-term adverse effects on cognition, learning,
seizures and secondary generalization regardless of gesta-
and seizure threshold,26,27 and when a suspicious event is
tional age. None of them presented electro-clinical patterns
confirmed electrographically, treatment seems warranted.
consistent with West syndrome. However, there was a strong
Repeated seizures may be deleterious to the brain even
correlation of post-neonatal epilepsy with developmental
without disturbances of ventilation or perfusion by increasing
delay ranging from mild retardation to cerebral palsy.
central nervous system metabolic demand and causing therelease of excitatory amino acids such as glutamate.28
The most common anticonvulsant used initially in the
newborn period for seizure treatment is intravenous PB29although there are many concerns regarding the short-term
The causes of neonatal seizures vary as do the duration and
adverse effects of PB as well as long-term effect on neuro-
frequency, and the distinction between an epileptic and non-
cognitive development. Intravenous phenytoin and benzodi-
epileptic event in neonates is often difficult to demonstrate.25
azepines are commonly employed as second-line intravenous
On the other hand, current data from animal and human
medications in the treatment of neonatal seizures.30 Theadverse effects of phenytoin are well known and includecardiac arrhythmias and hypotension. Fosphenytoin may be
Table 3 e Outcome at 6 and 12 months after treatment
a safer alternative but is less well studied and is not available in
every country. Benzodiazepines have been successfully used to
stop status epilepticus, but the long-term use of these medi-
cations is not recommended. Midazolam,31 carbamazepine,
primidone, lidocaine, and valproate6,32 are other medicationsthat have been used with limited data on success and safety.29
The potentially neurotoxic effects of antiepileptic drugs
have been known for decades. Intrauterine exposure to
phenobarbital and phenytoin is a risk factor for birth defects,
microcephaly, mental retardation, and learning deficits or
lower IQ scores that persist to adulthood.33e36 Furthermore,
infants and toddlers randomized to prophylactic phenobarbital
therapy for febrile seizures had lower IQ scores that outlasted
the duration of treatment.37,38 A more recent study showed thatclinically relevant levels of antiepileptic drugs including
Infants in which occasional seizures continued after the neonatal
phenobarbital, phenytoin, and diazepam led to apoptotic
period, considered up to 44 completed weeks’ post-conceptionalage for preterm infants born <37 weeks of GA, and persisted
neurodegeneration in the developing rat brain.8 The impact of
beyond the third month of corrected age with the presence of
therapeutic doses of these agents on neurodevelopmental
epileptic spikes/sharps waves in their routine EEG or infants for
outcome in newborns with seizures is not known.
whom it was impracticable to taper the antiepileptic therapy
LEV, a novel anticonvulsant drug with a nonconventional
because of recurrent seizures were considered as suffering from
mechanism of action, is well studied as an adjunctive therapy
for partial epilepsy. Given the safety profile of this medication
Please cite this article in press as: Ramantani G, et al., Levetiracetam: Safety and efficacy in neonatal seizures, European Journalof Paediatric Neurology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ejpn.2010.10.003
e u r o p e a n j o u r n a l o f p a e d i a t r i c n e u r o l o g y x x x ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 e7
as well as its linear pharmacokinetics (half-life of 7 h),39 rapid
(“electroclinical dissociation”) are a common occurrence in
absorption (30 min), nonhepatic elimination, lack of protein
neonates with abnormal neurological findings.44,45 We did not
binding (<10%), no known interactions with other antiepileptic
attempt a further increase of LEV dosage, in accordance with
drugs, and favorable efficacy in children,12,40 it is empirically
usual dosage of LEV in children and adults ranging from 30 to
considered a viable alternative for seizure treatment in all
60 mg/kg/d. However, clearance of LEV is significantly higher in
pediatric age groups, including infants and neonates.41
infants46 and doses over 100 mg/kg/d without side effects have
Several pediatric studies have reported marked decrease in
been reported in very young children.21,13 It is not clear,
seizure frequency with the use of LEV, including a recent
whether our patients may have had additional benefit from
report of six patients that received LEV as a first-line AED,
allowing 1e2 additional doses of PB during titration.23
LEV was discontinued at 2e4 weeks in 19 cases, but
Furthermore, in a recent survey conducted at the 2007
continued for 9e12 weeks in 7 cases, due to multimorbidity.
Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society, seventy-three
Although neonatal seizures are an important risk factor for
percent (40/55) of pediatric neurologists present recom-
childhood epilepsy, the timing of onset of post-neonatal
mended treatment of neonatal seizures with one or both of
seizures is variable and seizures may recur in spite of
LEV and topiramate (TPM); 47% (26/55) recommended LEV; and
prophylactic antiepileptic drug therapy, making the value of
55% (30/55) recommended TPM.42 Factors driving LEV use in
ongoing therapy uncertain.47,3 Most experts recommend early
the intensive care nursery may include a low side-effect
cessation of antiepileptic drug therapy due to the high side-
profile and its ease of use with either parenteral or liquid
effect profile of old AEDs coupled with the fact that neonatal
seizures typically abate within days independent of the ther-
In our study, we observed the anticonvulsant efficacy and
apeutic intervention and have a low risk of early recurrence.48
safety of LEV as a first-line AED in neonatal seizures, after
In follow-up, favorable response to treatment with cessa-
excluding standard metabolic causes. 30/38 (79%) infants were
tion of seizures and EEG normalization was associated with
seizure free under LEV at the end of the first week, and 27/30
a favorable neurodevelopmental outcome, as reported in term
(90%) remained seizure free at four weeks, while EEGs were
neonates.4 At 12 months 3/14 extremely premature infants
markedly improved in 25/30 (83%) patients at four weeks.
developed post-neonatal epilepsy and 5/14 presented with
Three infants presented with seizure recurrence after the first
developmental delay compared to 2/12 with post-neonatal
week; in one case this led to a change in AED. LEV was toler-
epilepsy and 3/12 with developmental delay in the newborn
ated extremely well in our study group, with somnolence
group. In our patient group, we observed an association of
during titration (at least partially) attributed to adjunctive PB
outcome with etiology, as suggested by previous studies,49
therapy. Plasma levels of LEV were in the therapeutic range in
although the limited number of patients treated did not
all occasions, including when changing administration from
intravenous to oral. This observation underlines the safety of
The encouraging results obtained in this population illus-
LEV administration in an ICU setting and suggests a high
trate the safety of LEV treatment in neonatal seizures,
including prematurity, and suggest LEV anticonvulsant effi-
Our study has various limitations: 1. it was a non-
cacy. Double blind prospective controlled studies and long-
randomized study with a relatively small sample size and no
term evaluation of cognitive outcome is called for, in order to
control group; 2. adjunctive PB therapy in some patients was
establish a reasonable alternative to PB.
tolerated during LEV titration, thus constituting a methodo-logical shortcoming due to the prolonged anticonvulsive effi-
cacy of PB; 3. simultaneous video-EEG monitoring was notperformed. Certain abnormal clinical behavior, even withoutEEG epileptiform manifestation, may represent subcortical
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Please cite this article in press as: Ramantani G, et al., Levetiracetam: Safety and efficacy in neonatal seizures, European Journalof Paediatric Neurology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ejpn.2010.10.003
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Please cite this article in press as: Ramantani G, et al., Levetiracetam: Safety and efficacy in neonatal seizures, European Journalof Paediatric Neurology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ejpn.2010.10.003
2004 BComm/BHRM Graduate Survey Report June and November Graduates A total of 444 of 519 graduates from the June and November 2004 Bachelor of Commerce graduating class were contacted; the remaining 75 students were unreachable. Employment: • 90% (361 of 402) of students looking for work were employed within six months of graduation • 91% of those students who had complete
Gallatin County Unified Health Command Meeting Minutes May 14, 2009 8:00 – 9:00 am Sapphire Room Introductions Mike Layman (Belgrade Urgent Care), Mark Winton, Steph Nelson, Tim Roark, Sid Williamson, Jim Feist, Buck Taylor, Betty Kalakay, Leslie Teachout, Ita Killeen, Pam Shrauger, Patrick Lonergan, Kevin Stickler, Sean Grabbe, Vickie Groeneweg Review prior minutes