It’s Flu Season: Prescription?
contact WPS Customer Service. WPS’ pharmacy analyst willwork with the pharmacy to confirm that coverage criteria aremet. If one meets eligibility, WPS will arrange a refund by the
One needs no reminder that it is flu season. One also
need not be reminded that flu shots - for seasonal flu and moreparticularly for H1N1 - are in short supply. Given this, some areturning to medications to treat the flu. Tamiflu and Relenza areamong those medications.MTI Successful in Securing TRO
With the rise of H1N1 flu virus and the lack of a readily
available vaccine to treat all who wish to receive the vaccine in
Recently, an MTI member was physically and verbally
2009, WPS has developed policies to follow the criteria and attacked by a student. Unfortunately, the MTI member was recommendations set forth by the Center for Disease Control
injured and needed to seek medical treatment. He has now
and Prevention (CDC). The CDC asked that Tamiflu and
returned to work. Fortunately, the member immediately
Relenza be limited in its usage so that: (1) resistance or
contacted MTI, and the Union filed a petition in Circuit Court
ineffectiveness is avoided for these medications; and (2) supplies
seeking a restraining order against the student.
of the medications are available for those that have both the flu
As is MTI’s practice in such situations, MTI began working
and high risk medical concerns. Even if a person has the flu, the
with legal counsel Jordan Loeb, Cullen Weston Pines and
CDC is not recommending usage of theses medications unless
Bach. The next day Attorney Loeb was able to secure a
the person has additional risk factors such as:
temporary order keeping the student from further harassing the
member. A few days after the temporary order was issued, MTI
was in Judge Hanrahan’s courtroom seeking a permanent order
against the student. Judge Hanrahan heard the evidence and
•People with a low immune system (such as diabetes,
issued an order that the student “cease or avoid harassment of
HIV, organ transplant), or chronic medical conditions
the member. Avoid the residence and/or any premisestemporarily occupied by the member” and “avoid contact thatharasses or intimidates the member” with contact to include
When to take Tamiflu or Relenza? Tamiflu and Relenza
“contact at the member’s work.” Because of the order, the
are agents that help treat the flu but they only help to reduce the
student is now being educated off campus and will not be
severity of the flu. They should be taken within the first 48 hours
returning to the member’s work location.
of symptoms. These medications may not prevent the normal
Anyone who has a similar experience should immediately
seasonal flu or the H1N1 flu. The best prevention is to get a
seasonal flu vaccine as well as the H1N1 vaccine, as it becomesavailable. For those with WPS health insurance, Tamiflu and School Calendars Slightly Amended
Relenza are covered if the person meets at least one of thefollowing criteria:
MTI teacher bargaining unit members, when voting to
ratify the 2009-11 Collective Bargaining Agreement, agreed to
modify the school calendars from those set forth in the
ratification document. The revisions are as follows:
•Healthcare workers •People with a low immune system (such as diabetes,
HIV, organ transplant), or chronic medical conditions
(such as asthma, chronic lung disease) AND
•Have flu symptoms or have been exposed to / had direct
contact with persons with active flu. How to obtain Tamiflu or Relenza once coverage criteria is met? Call WPS Customer Services (608-221-7058).
Customer service will contact the WPS pharmacy analyst to
verify that the individual meets eligibility. If one meets
eligibility, the pharmacy analyst will proceed to approve the
prescription and the appropriate co-payment will be assessed.
If one is prescribed Tamiflu or Relenza and meets the
above criteria, but it is after WPS’ normal business hours or a weekend, one must pay the total cost of the prescription, and then MTI Solidarity! Madison Teachers Inc. SEE-MTI Know Your Rights: The Americans With Disabilities Act Service Bonus Rewards Long-term,
Title one of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act Experienced Workers
of 1990 (ADA) prohibits employers from discriminating against qualified employees with disabilities in job application
During the 1998-2000 SEE-MTI Contract Negotiations,
procedures, hiring, terminating, compensating, on the job MTI and District negotiators agreed to a Joint Committee to training, and other terms and conditions of employment. It also explore the possibility of providing a supplemental retirement
requires the employer to provide “reasonable accommodations”
benefit for members of MTI’s clerical and technical bargaining
to enable employees with disabilities to participate as fully as
unit (SEE-MTI). The work of the joint committee resulted in a
possible in employment activities and other activities that take
report in which the parties agreed that the matter should again be
place within their schools or any other place where people
discussed in negotiations. During the 2000-02 SEE-MTI
Contract negotiations, the Union proposed a supplemental
An employee with a disability is defined as a person who
retirement benefit for SEE-MTI members which was similar to
has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one
that provided MTI-represented teachers via TERP (Teacher
or more major life activities; has a record of such an impairment;
Emeritus Retirement Program). The District, however, expressed
or is regarded as having such an impairment. An employee
concern about the negative impact on the MMSD of turnover
qualified under the ADA is defined as one who, with or without
among clerical/technical employees (i.e. the loss of
reasonable accommodations, can perform the essential functions
knowledgeable and experienced employees) and was reluctant
of the job. Reasonable accommodations include (but are not
to agree to supplemental retirement benefits which may
limited to) making existing facilities readily accessible to and
accelerate the rate of retirement and limited the offering of such
usable by employees with disabilities; job restructuring,
a program to those retiring in the 2002-03 school year only.
modifying work schedules, or reassignment to a vacant position;
Given the District’s concerns, the parties changed their
and acquiring and modifying equipment or devices, training
goal from providing additional resources to those who retire to providing additional resources to those who remain
The employer is required to make reasonable
working by providing an incentive NOT to retire. This led to
accommodations if it would not impose an undue hardship on the
the creation of the “Service Bonus” set forth in Section III-B of
operation of the employer’s business. An employer is not
the SEE-MTI Collective Bargaining Agreement. Like longevity
required to lower quality standards in order to provide an
pay provisions (also contained in Section III-B), the Service
accommodation. An employer is not obligated to provide
Bonus provision rewards long-term employees with a lump-sum
personal use items, such as glasses, as part of an accommodation.
payment (as opposed to longevity pay which increases hourly
MTI assists many members with ADA issues. If you have
pay). Under the Service Bonus benefit, once an employee
questions regarding the ADA, please contact Eve Degen
achieves 300 months of service (25 years for a 12-month
employee, 30 years for a 10-month employee), they receive a $1000 bonus on a separate check following their anniversary date. An additional $1000 bonus is provided upon 324 months of service; $1250 for 348 months of service and $1500 for 372 months of service (31 years for a 12-month employee, Calendar of Events/Deadlines
37.2 years for a 10-month employee). The service bonus notonly provides additional money at the time of receipt, but also
P Thursday/Friday, November 26/27 Thanksgiving boosts future retirement benefits by increasing one of the
P Tuesday, December 1, 4:15 p.m., Harmony Grill variables used to calculate WRS retirement benefits, the threehighest years of annual earnings.
P Tuesday, December 8, 4:15 p.m., MTI
P Monday, December 14, 4:30 p.m., MTI Cardinal Stritch Offering
P December 19 - January 3 Winter Break
Cardinal Stritch University has recently instituted two
master’s degree programs which may be of interest to MTImembers. They are Master of Science in EducationalLeadership and Master of Arts in Reading & Language Arts. Our Union Makes Us Strong!
All such credits and degrees are applicable for advancement
on MTI’s salary schedule (see Contract Section III-A and III-G).
Anyone interested should contact Katherine Wilkinson (1-
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Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce – A P STR AC T Agroinform Publishing House, Budapest REHABILITATION IN MÁTRA MEDICAL INSTITUTE Anetta Müller1, Erika Kerényi2, Erika Könyves3 1Eszterházy Károly College, Eger 2Mátra Medical Institution, Mátraháza 3University of Debrecen, Faculty of Applied Economics and Rural Development, Debrecen Abstract: Our research we organ