2011 Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award Tu Youyou For the discovery of artemisinin, a drug therapy for malaria that has saved mil ions of lives across the globe, especial y in the developing world.
The 2011 Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award honors a scientist who
discovered artemisinin and its utility for treating malaria. Tu Youyou (China Academy of
Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing) developed a therapy that has saved millions of lives
across the globe, especially in the developing world. An artemisinin-based drug
combination is now the standard regimen for malaria, and the World Health Organization
(WHO) lists artemisinin and related agents in its catalog of “Essential Medicines.” Each
year, several hundred million people contract malaria. Without treatment, many more of
them would die than do now. Tu led a team that transformed an ancient Chinese healing
method into the most powerful antimalarial medicine currently available.
Malaria has devastated humans for millennia, and it continues to ravage civilizations across
the planet. In 2008, the mosquito-borne parasites that cause the illness, Plasmodia, infected
247 million people and caused almost one million deaths. The ailment strikes children
particularly hard, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa. It affects more than 100
countries—including those in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, parts of Europe—and
travelers from everywhere. Symptoms include fever, headache, and vomiting; malaria can
quickly become life-threatening by disrupting the blood supply to vital organs. Early
diagnosis and treatment reduces disease incidence, prevents deaths, and cuts transmission.
In the late 1950s, the WHO embarked on an ambitious project to eradicate malaria. After
limited success, the disease rebounded in many places, due in part to the emergence of
parasites that resisted drugs such as chloroquine that had previously held the malady at
bay. At the beginning of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the Chinese government launched
a secret military project that aimed to devise a remedy for the deadly scourge. China was
particularly motivated to prevail over malaria not only because it was a significant problem
at home, but also because the Vietnamese government had asked for help. It was at war and
the affliction was devastating its civilian and military populations.
The covert operation, named Project 523 for the day it was announced—May 23, 1967—
set out to battle chloroquine-resistant malaria. The clandestine nature of the enterprise
and the political climate created a situation in which few scientific papers concerning the
project were published for many years, the earliest ones were not accessible to the
international community, and many details about the endeavor are still shrouded in
mystery. In early 1969, Tu was appointed head of the Project 523 research group at her
institute, where practitioners of traditional medicine worked side by side with modern
chemists, pharmacologists, and other scientists. In keeping with Mao Zedong’s urgings to
“explore and further improve” the “great treasure house” of traditional Chinese medicine,
Tu combed ancient texts and folk remedies for possible leads. She collected 2000 candidate
recipes, which she then winnowed. By 1971, her team had made 380 extracts from 200
herbs. The researchers then assessed whether these substances could clear Plasmodia from
the bloodstream of mice infected with the parasite.
One of the extracts looked particularly promising: Material from Qinghao (Artemisia annua L., or sweet wormwood) dramatically inhibited parasite growth in the animals. Such
hopeful results, however, were not reproducible, so Tu dove back into the literature and
The first known medical description of Qinghao lies in a 2000-year-old document called
“52 Prescriptions” (168 BCE) that had been unearthed from a Mawangdui Han Dynasty
tomb. It details the herb’s use for soothing hemorrhoids. Later texts also mention the
plant’s curative powers. Tu discovered a passage in the Handbook of Prescriptions for
Emergencies (340 CE) by Ge Hong that referenced Qinghao’s malaria-healing capacity. It
said “Take a handful of Qinghao, soak in two liters of water, strain the liquid, and drink.”
She realized that the standard procedure of boiling and high-temperature extraction could
With this idea in mind, Tu redesigned the extraction process, performing it at low
temperatures with ether as the solvent. She also removed a harmful acidic portion of the
extract that did not contribute to antimalarial activity, tracked the material to the leaves
rather than other parts of the plant, and figured out when to harvest the herb to maximize
yields. These innovations boosted potency and slashed toxicity. At a March 1972 meeting of
the Project 523 group’s key participants, she reported that the neutral plant extract —
number 191—obliterated Plasmodia in the blood of mice and monkeys.
From branch to bedside
Later that year, Tu and her team tested the substance on 21 people with malaria in the
Hainan Province, an island off the southern coast of China. About half the patients were
infected with Plasmodium falciparum, the deadliest of the microbial miscreants, and about
half were infected with Plasmodium vivax, the most common cause of a disease variant that
is characterized by recurring fevers. In both groups, fever disappeared rapidly, as did
In the meantime, Tu started to home in on the active ingredient, using chromatography to
separate the extract’s components. On November 8, 1972, she and her colleagues obtained
the pure substance. They named it Qinghaosu (literally, the principle of Qinghao) and it is
now commonly called artemisinin in the west. Tu and her colleagues subsequently
determined that it had an unusual structure. It proved to be a sesquiterpene lactone with a
peroxide group, a completely different kind of compound than any known antimalarial
drug. Later studies would show that the peroxide portion is essential for its lethal effects on
Subsequent clinical trials on 529 malaria cases confirmed that the crystal they had isolated
delivers the antimalarial blow. Many scientists from other institutes then joined efforts to
improve the extraction procedures and conduct clinical trials. The first English language
report about artemisinin was in December 1979; as was customary at the time in China, the
authors were anonymous. By that point, the China-wide Qinghaosu research group had
given the substance to more than 2000 patients, some of whom had chloroquine-resistant
P. falciparum malaria infections. In addition, the drug cured 131 of 141 individuals with
cerebral malaria, a particularly severe form of the disease. Comparative studies on a small
number of cases suggested that the drug acted more quickly than chloroquine did. The
investigators reported no harmful side effects.
The paper drew international attention. In October 1981, the scientific working group on
the chemotherapy of malaria, sponsored by the WHO, the World Bank, and United Nations
Development Business, invited Tu to present her findings at its fourth meeting. Her talk
evoked an enthusiastic response. She told the audience not only about artemisinin, but also
about some of its chemical derivatives. In 1973, as part of her structural studies, Tu had
modified artemisinin to generate a compound called dihydroartemisinin. She later found
that it delivers ten times more punch than artemisinin and that it reduces risk of disease
recurrence. This compound provided the basis for other artemisinin-derived drugs.
Starting in the mid 1970s, Guoqiao Li (Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
performed clinical trials with artemisinin and these substances. They all delivered more
therapeutic clout than did standard drugs such as chloroquine and quinine. The derivatives
tend to hold up better than the parent compound in the body, and they form the foundation
In 1980, Keith Arnold (Roche Far East Research Foundation, Hong Kong) joined Li’s
enterprise and two years later, they published the first high-profile clinical trial of
artemisinin in a peer-reviewed, western journal. The same group then conducted the first
randomized studies that compared artemisinin alone with the known anti-malarial agents,
mefloquine and Fansidar (sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine). Artemisinin enhanced
effectiveness without adding side effects. Li, Arnold, and others subsequently showed that
suppository forms of artemisinin and its derivatives are effective. This mode of drug
delivery is especially important for babies and unconscious patients. Almost every new antimalarial drug has initially slashed incidence of the disease, and then
the parasites stop succumbing to it. At that point, sickness and death rates climb again.
Small pockets of resistance to artemisinin-based compounds have already cropped up in
Western Cambodia. To avoid resistance, patients typically take two drugs that attack the
parasite in different ways, and since 2006, the WHO has discouraged use of artemisinin
compounds as solo therapies. The organization now recommends several combination
treatments, each of which contain an artemisinin-based compound plus an unrelated
chemical. In 2001, the WHO signed an agreement with Novartis, the manufacturer of one of these
drug combinations, Coartem®; it consists of artemether and lumefantrine, another
antimalarial agent, which was originally synthesized by the Academy of Military Medical
Sciences in Beijing. The company is supplying the drug at no profit to public health systems
of countries where the disease is endemic. To date, Novartis has provided more than 400
Tu pioneered a new approach to malaria treatment that has benefited hundreds of millions
of people and promises to benefit many times more. By applying modern techniques and
rigor to a heritage provided by 5000 years of Chinese traditional practitioners, she has
delivered its riches into the 21st century.
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