Scholarship Eligibility Deadline Submit Application Pleae note: If a link is broken or says Page Cannot be Displayed, simply copy and paste the address from under the Scholarship Name or type the address in the browser bar. If all else fails, do a search of the scholarship name.
Active in your community, led a project that
AXA Achievement Scholarship
Senior 3.0+ GPA, ACT (Math 29 English 25)
Engineers Foundation of Ohio
Admitted to engineering program approved by the
12/15/2011 packet available in college resource
An officially established business is a requirement.
NFIB Young Entrepreneur Foundation Graduating HS Senior planning to attend a 2 or 4 Allegra Ford Scholarship
Enrolling in a two year college, financial need,
12/31/2011 Copies available online or in college
documentation of an identified learning disability
Enrolling in a four year college, 3.0+GPA, financial
Ann Ford Scholarship
need, documentation of an identified learning
12/31/2011 Copies available online or in college
Currently enrolled in college, parent/stepparent
Elks National Foundation Emergency Educational Grants
deceased or totally disabled and was a member in
good standing at time of death/disability
3.0+GPA, have a current hunting license, current
National Wild Turkey Federation
NWTF member, extracurriculars, 3 letters of
2012 Profile in Courage Essay Contest
Students in Grades 9-12 Must write essay.
George Washington Crossing Foundation
Township resident , attending 2 or 4 year
Ohio Township Association
university, 500 word essay, 2 letters of
ACT High School Poster Contest 11th & 12th Grade HS Students, US resident and Settlers Bank Marietta College Scholarship Accepted to Marietta college? Preference given to
Parent or Guardian an AFSCME member for 1
Union Plus Scholarship year, academic ability, social awareness, financial
need and appreciation of labor considered.
Active in your community, led a project that
AXA Achievement Community Scholarship
Letter from sponsoring chapter, Application,
DAR - Wings of Eagles Scholarship
Transcript, FAFSA SAR, Essay, statement, 3
2012 Graduate desiring to attend a career or
Elks Association Career/Tech. Educational Fund Grant Program
Senior whose parent/step-parent, guardian or
Elks Legacy Scholarship
grandparent, step-parent has been a elk since
4/1/2009, accepted to accredited US school, take
3.5+GPA, be accepted to: Kettering, University of
National CO-OP Scholarship Program
Cincinnati, University of Toledo or one of the other
participating institutions. See website.
Current High School Senior, 2.0+Accumulative
Big 33 Scholarship Foundation GPA, Enrolling in College or Technical School Foodland
Pick up Application at Foodland store.
A US citizen attending a four year institution
US Bank Scholarships
participating in the U.S. Bank Student Loan
HS Senior or Post Secondary student currently
Big Sun Scholarship involved in some sport at that institution or in
Foster care on 18th birthday, foster care case
The Ohio ETV Program State Voucher
Ends June 30 each year, first come, first
closed between ages 18 & 21, adopted from
Parent or Guardian an AFSCME member active or
AFSCME Family Scholarship retired, accepted as fulltime to a four year degree
Complete FAFSA, Create NEALP Web Account,
Ohio Nurse Education Assistance Loan Program (NEALP)
Complete Application, includes 2 personal
Attending 1 or 500 participating colleges - listed
Imagine America
online 2.5+GPA, Financial Need, Volunteer or
2.0+GPA, financial need, dependent of a Wal-Mart
National Wal Mart Foundation
employee employed in good standing for at least 6
Varies by Scholarship, see list online or in College
BK Scholars
Resource Room. Open to US HS Seniors even if
employed by Burger King. 2.5+ GPA. The Whopper
Scholarship requires a 25 Minimum ACT.
Sign up for a profile with Cappex, apply online
Cappex Scholarships for a chance at one of 5 different scholarships. $1,000 to $5,000
2.75+ GPA, Enroll in public college or university
KFC Colonel's Scholars
w/in state of legal residence, Pursue bachelor's
Varies by Scholarship, see list online or in College
DAR National Level Scholarships Resource Room. Available for nursing, medical,
American Indian background and a variety of
Must be child or spouse of peace officer or fire
Ohio Safety Officers College Memorial Fund
fighter Killed In the line of duty, or military
personnel killed in the line of duty or in Operation
National Clearinghouse for Professions in Special Education
Interested in becoming a special education
Little Kananwha Regional Chapter of the West Virginia Society of
Pursuing an education that prepares student to
Professional Surveyors REMINDER: More scholarships may be found under Financial Aid Search on the Guidance Web Page or under Check the college website to which you are Check the Guidance Resource Specific College's Individual Scholarships applying room file cabinet Bowling Green State University Scholarship for Underrepresented
Separate application, 3.0+GPA, or 20+ACT
Students (Appalachia)
Create video that describes what servant
University of Dayton Servant Leadership Video Contest
Check Web
leadership meant to you. Share the video on
Ohio College and University Scholarships
An online grid of links to Ohio Colleges and
their college specific scholarship information.
Top 10% of high school class, involved in
Ohio State University Alumni Scholars Program
school and community activities. Merit based. Ohio State University Morill Scholars Program
Apply for admission to OSU by 12/1/11 and have
two of the following three academic requirements;
High test score, GPA and Class rank. An EFC
Ohio University Appalachian Scholarships Program from FAFSA of $8,000 or less, reside in Ohio
FCCLA, Visions & Voices, Concept Car,
Pittsburgh Technical Institute
Applications are available in the College
Honors in Technology, PTI Art & Design
Check qualifications for each scholarship
CÁMARA OFICIAL DE COMERCIO DE ESPAÑA EN BÉLGICA Y LUXEMBURGO ASBL Rue Belliard, 20-1er piso. 1040 Bruselas NÚMERO DE IDENTIFICACIÓN BCE (Banque Carrefour d’Entreprises): 0406935487 PREÁMBULO La entidad constituida libremente por sus fundadores, el 8 de marzo de 1938, como "asociación sin ánimo de lucro" de derecho belga, según acta publicada en el Boletín Oficial d
Deliriumprotocol Thoracale Heelkunde KENMERKEN Delirium (Acute verwardheid) (Sub)Acuut begin De verschijnselen ontstaan in korte tijd (uren tot dagen) en hebben de neiging te wisselen gedurende de dag. Bewustzijnsstoornis Het belangrijkste symptoom van een delirium is een bewustzijnsstoornis. Het bewustzijn is, in wisselende mate, gedurende dag verlaagd, dit is het meest u