Questions about h1n

Questions about H1N1
Characteristics of the virus
What are the symptoms?
Same as general flu symptoms: sudden onset of fever,
headache, cough, sore throat, aches; possibly vomiting and diarrhea

What is the incubation period?
1 to 4 days

What is the infectious period?
5+ days starting 1 day before symptoms (longer in children)
What non-pharmaceutical interventions are recommended?
Use good hand hygiene:
wash hands with soap and water and use hand sanitizer

Practice good cough etiquette
: cough on shoulder away from people, not into hands
Disinfect surfaces
: especially tables and chairs, doorknobs, athletic equipment, toys,
grocery carts

Stay home when sick
: stay home for at least 24 hours after fever is gone without the use of
fever reducing medicine. Treat symptoms with rest, fluids and pain medication (NO ASPRIN
for children).
Vaccine implementation
Who will receive the H1N1 vaccine?
The target groups are:
• children and young people ages 6 months through 24 years • household contacts of babies under 6 months of age • health care and emergency medical services workers • people between 25 and 64 years who have chronic medical conditions.
Once these groups have had the opportunity to receive vaccine, healthy individuals 25 years
of age and older will be offered vaccine.

How will it be distributed?
The Department of State Health Services will coordinate the
ordering and distribution of the novel H1N1 vaccine in Texas. Providers can register at
ceive vaccines.

How much will the vaccine cost?
There is no cost for the vaccine; however, providers may
charge an administration fee. The allowable amount has not been established.

Will the regular influenza vaccine protect against H1N1?
No, both seasonal and novel
H1N1 vaccines are necessary to prevent illnesses from both viruses. The regular seasonal
flu vaccine should be available in mid-September.
How many doses will be needed? It is expected that 2 doses will be needed.

When will the vaccine be available?
The expected date is mid-October.
Antiviral medication (Relenza and Tamiflu)

What is it for?
Antiviral medicine will be used to treat or help slow novel H1N1 influenza
and allow the body’s normal immune system to respond

Does it require a prescription?
Yes, prescriptions are given based on healthcare provider
decision and are targeted to high risk populations. Additional guidance is provided at

When should it be given?
Must be started within 48 hours of onset of symptoms (for
maximum effectiveness)

How will it be distributed?
Through retail chain and independent pharmacies, community
health centers, and local health departments

How much will it cost?
Individuals will pay the regular co-payment as required for all
prescriptions. Anti-viral medication will be provided at no cost for patients who are uninsured
or underinsured.

Where can I get updated information? Sign up for email alerts

Other contacts: Schools and health providers can call 1-866-623-6274 with questions.
Helpful websites are:
Texas Department of State Health Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Texas Department of Agriculture

Texas Education Agency

School Closures: Based on the current severity of the disease, school closure is not
recommended for disease control. School superintendents and county judges may
initiate school closures. This decision will be based on the impact influenza has on
the school (e.g. average daily attendance, staff absenteeism, and the school’s ability
to function)



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