Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital Structure of Submission QUARTER 4 Performance Report Summary of Vote Performance Cumulative Progress Report for Projects and Programme Quarterly Progress Report for Projects and Programmes Submission Checklist Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Highlights of Vote Performance V1: Summary of Issues in Budget Execution This section provides an overview of Vote expenditure (i) Snapshot of Vote Releases and Expenditures Table V1.1 below summarises cumulative releases and expenditures by the end of the quarter: Table V1.1: Overview of Vote Expenditures (UShs Billion) Approved Cashlimits Released Spent by % Budget % Budget % Releases Released GoU Total Total GoU+Donor (MTEF) Total Budget 1.8414996 Grand Total 1.8414996 * Donor expenditure information available** Non VAT taxes on capital expenditure
The table below shows cumulative releases and expenditures to the Vote by Vote Function :
Table V1.2: Releases and Expenditure by Vote Function* Approved Released
VF:0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services
Total For Vote 75.1% 62.5% 83.2% (ii) Matters to note in budget execution
Some Drugs are not avoilable in the Hospital becouse they are out of stock in the National Medical Store. Table V1.3: High Unspent Balances and Over-Expenditure in the Domestic Budget (Ushs Bn) (i) Major unpsent balances (ii) Expenditures in excess of the original approved budget V2: Performance Highlights Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Highlights of Vote Performance This section provides highlights of output performance, focusing on key outputs and actions impelemented to improve section performance.Table V2.1: Key Vote Output Indicators and Expenditures* Approved Budget and Cumulative Expenditure Status and Reasons for Planned outputs and Performance any Variation from Plans Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Output: 0 Inpatient services Description of Performance: 242,920 inpatients admissions; 10363 admissions, 90%bed
Output: 0 Outpatient services Description of Performance: 1,200,000 outpatient’s
attendance, 320,000 specialized treated,23824 specialised clinic clinic attendance,
Output: 0 Medicines and health supplies procured and dispensed Description of Performance: Medicines delivered by NMS
Output: 0 Diagnostic services Description of Performance: 620,000 lab tests, 27,000 xray
becouse there is only one radiographer. Output: 0 Hospital Management and support services Output: 0 Prevention and rehabilitation services Description of Performance: 150,000 antenatal cases,
25,000 people receiving family received family planning. Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Highlights of Vote Performance Approved Budget and Cumulative Expenditure Status and Reasons for Planned outputs and Performance any Variation from Plans Output: 0 Acquisition of Land by Government Output: 0 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure Output: 0 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software
Procurement process has started for other items
Output: 0 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment
Procurement process for other items has started. Output: 0 Purchase of Office and Residential Furniture and Fittings
Procurement process for other items has started. Output: 0 Acquisition of Other Capital Assets Output: 0 Hospital Construction/rehabilitation Description of Performance: Completion of a private wing in NA
reconstructed/rehabilitated general wards
from the rennovation of existing facilities.
Output: 0 Staff houses construction and rehabilitation Description of Performance: Completion of staff housing in
Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Highlights of Vote Performance Approved Budget and Cumulative Expenditure Status and Reasons for Planned outputs and Performance any Variation from Plans Vote Function Cost UShs Bn: 3.860 UShs Bn: 2.411 % Budget Spent: 62.5% Cost of Vote Services: 3.860 UShs Bn: 2.411 % Budget Spent:
-Construction of Staff houses is expected to be completed in the first quarter of the new Financial Year2012/13. Table V2.2: Implementing Actions to Improve Vote Performance V3: Details of Releases and Expenditure This section provides a comprehensive summary of the outputs delivered by the Vote and further details of Vote expenditures by Vote Function and Expenditure Item.Table V3.1: GoU Releases and Expenditure by Output* Approved Released VF:0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services 75.4% 62.7% 83.2%
085603 Medicines and health supplies procured and dispensed
085605 Hospital Management and support services
085606 Prevention and rehabilitation services
085672 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure
085675 Purchase of Motor Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment
085676 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software
085677 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment
085678 Purchase of Office and Residential Furniture and Fittings
085679 Acquisition of Other Capital Assets
085680 Hospital Construction/rehabilitation
085681 Staff houses construction and rehabilitation
Total For Vote 75.4% 62.7% 83.2% Table V3.2: 2012/13 GoU Expenditure by Item Approved Releases %Releases Released Output Class: Outputs Provided 2.44 1.59 1.58 65.2% 64.6%
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral expenses
Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Highlights of Vote Performance Approved Releases %Releases Released
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Binding
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and Furniture
Output Class: Capital Purchases 1.55 1.33 0.86 85.8% 55.3%
281503 Engineering and Design Studies and Plans for Capi
Output Class: Arrears 0.03 0.03 0.04 100.0% 117.4% Grand Total: Total Excluding Taxes and Arrears: Table V3.3: GoU Releases and Expenditure by Project and Programme* Approved Released VF:0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services 75.4% 62.7% 83.2% Total For Vote 75.4% 62.7% 83.2% Table V3.4: Donor Releases and Expenditure by Project and Programme* Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Cumulative Outputs and Expenditure by End of Quarter Annual Planned Outputs and Cumulative Outputs Achieved by End of Cumulative Expenditures made by the End of the Quarter to Quarter (Quantity and Location) Deliver Cumulative Outputs Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services 08 56 01 Inpatient services Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs: Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: 14,171 patients adimitted and treated.
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
Reasons for Variation in performance
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Cumulative Outputs and Expenditure by End of Quarter Annual Planned Outputs and Cumulative Outputs Achieved by End of Cumulative Expenditures made by the End of the Quarter to Quarter (Quantity and Location) Deliver Cumulative Outputs Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR 08 56 02 Outpatient services Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs: Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: 141,744 patients treated.
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
Reasons for Variation in performance
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Cumulative Outputs and Expenditure by End of Quarter Annual Planned Outputs and Cumulative Outputs Achieved by End of Cumulative Expenditures made by the End of the Quarter to Quarter (Quantity and Location) Deliver Cumulative Outputs Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR 08 56 03 Medicines and health supplies procured and dispensed Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs: Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: Antimalaria,ARV,plus other medicine were procured.
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
Reasons for Variation in performance
We received less than we ordered becouse some of the drugs were out of
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Cumulative Outputs and Expenditure by End of Quarter Annual Planned Outputs and Cumulative Outputs Achieved by End of Cumulative Expenditures made by the End of the Quarter to Quarter (Quantity and Location) Deliver Cumulative Outputs Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services 08 56 04 Diagnostic services Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs:
Laboratory tests done, X-rays and Scans done and Blood Tranfusions
Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter:
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
-Lab 65,551were done. -X-ray & Invests 1,245 were done. -U/Sound 668 were done. -Blood Transifusion 1,407 done. Reasons for Variation in performance
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR 08 56 05 Hospital Management and support services Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs:
Human Resources managed, Finances managed, Assets and Equipment
Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter:
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
-1061 medical workers paid. -181 meals provided to patients -Management meetings have been held. -Quarterly reports were done. -Contracts Committee were held. Reasons for Variation in performance Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Cumulative Outputs and Expenditure by End of Quarter Annual Planned Outputs and Cumulative Outputs Achieved by End of Cumulative Expenditures made by the End of the Quarter to Quarter (Quantity and Location) Deliver Cumulative Outputs Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR 08 56 06 Prevention and rehabilitation services Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs:
Antenatal Mothers attended to. Immunizations conducted. Family Planning
Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter:
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
-ANC 9,511 attended to. -Immunization 20,020 conducted. -F/P 3,378 done. Reasons for Variation in performance
We nearly reached the targeted number.
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Cumulative Outputs and Expenditure by End of Quarter Annual Planned Outputs and Cumulative Outputs Achieved by End of Cumulative Expenditures made by the End of the Quarter to Quarter (Quantity and Location) Deliver Cumulative Outputs Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR Programme 02 Hoima Referral Hospital Internal Audit 08 56 05 Hospital Management and support services Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs: Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: Third quarter report is being worked on as we wait for the fourth quarter report. Reasons for Variation in performance Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR Programme 03 Hoima Regional Maintenance 08 56 05 Hospital Management and support services Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs:
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Allowances while on monthly/quarterly routine maintenance and support supervision:Utilities paid:Vehicle maintenance:Oil and lubricantsStaff Walfare:Staff TrainingTravel InlandBooks, periodicals and newspapersOffice stationery
Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: Equipments,Materials Spares were purchased as planned and repaires carried out.Also other services like stationery, maintenance of vehicle were done. Reasons for Variation in performance Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Cumulative Outputs and Expenditure by End of Quarter Annual Planned Outputs and Cumulative Outputs Achieved by End of Cumulative Expenditures made by the End of the Quarter to Quarter (Quantity and Location) Deliver Cumulative Outputs Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 03 Hoima Regional Maintenance Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR Project 1004 Hoima Rehabilitation Referral Hospital 08 56 71 Acquisition of Land by Government Annual Planned Outputs: Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 72 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs: Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: About 90% of the work completed. Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 73 Roads, Streets and Highways Annual Planned Outputs:
One Road from OPD to Accidentt and Emergency Unit
Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: The Road was completed. Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 76 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Cumulative Outputs and Expenditure by End of Quarter Annual Planned Outputs and Cumulative Outputs Achieved by End of Cumulative Expenditures made by the End of the Quarter to Quarter (Quantity and Location) Deliver Cumulative Outputs Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Project 1004 Hoima Rehabilitation Referral Hospital Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs: Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 77 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs:
Medical EquipmentSolar Panels and Batteries, Fire fighting Equipment
Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: Necessary equipments were procured. Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 78 Purchase of Office and Residential Furniture and Fittings Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs: Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: Funitures were procured and fitted in the private wing. Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 79 Acquisition of Other Capital Assets Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs:
281503 Engineering and Design Studies and Plans
Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: Reasons for Variation in performance Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Cumulative Outputs and Expenditure by End of Quarter Annual Planned Outputs and Cumulative Outputs Achieved by End of Cumulative Expenditures made by the End of the Quarter to Quarter (Quantity and Location) Deliver Cumulative Outputs Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Project 1004 Hoima Rehabilitation Referral Hospital GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 80 Hospital Construction/rehabilitation Item Spent Annual Planned Outputs: Cumulatie Outputs Achieved by the end of the Quarter: Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR GRAND TOTAL 2,324,660 Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent GoU Development External Financing NTR Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Outputs and Expenditure in Quarter Planned and Actual Outputs in Quarter Expenditures incurred in the Quarter to deliver outputs (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services 08 56 01 Inpatient services Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter: Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: 3,808 patients adimitted
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
Reasons for Variation in performance
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Outputs and Expenditure in Quarter Planned and Actual Outputs in Quarter Expenditures incurred in the Quarter to deliver outputs (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR 08 56 02 Outpatient services Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter: Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: 37,816 patients treated
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
Reasons for Variation in performance
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Outputs and Expenditure in Quarter Planned and Actual Outputs in Quarter Expenditures incurred in the Quarter to deliver outputs (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR 08 56 03 Medicines and health supplies procured and dispensed Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter:
Antimalarials, ARVs and other medicines procured. Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: Drugs procured:
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
-Inj Ammoplyllm 250my/10m/100x1. -Inj Dexamethabone 4mg/m1 8x100. -Ampicillin 500mg 37x100. -Atropine 1mg/1m 5x100. -Peniallne Benmyllmu 2-4my 10x10. -Cetlviaxane 1g/ 12x1. -Chloranphenicol sodium 10mg 17x50. -Chloupromazne HCh 50mg/1m1 2x100. -Diazepan lomg 10mg/ml 30x100.
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
-Glucose 50% 100ml 120x1. -Sdium (Ringers)Lactate 75x24. -Sodium chloride 0.9% ralme 35x24. -Tab acetylsalic acid 75mg 48x140.
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
-Tab spirnolactone 50mg 8x1000. -Tab charcoal activateel 250 5x100. -Tab sodium valpuvale 200mg 9x40. -Tab acyclovir 200my 25x100. -Tab albendazole 400my 5x500. -Tab Wafarm 5my 5x28. -W ceuuela g 22 50x100.
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
-Glove surgeon size 7.5 400x50. -Tab metromelazole 200mg 38x1000. -Tab pavacetumol 500mg 196x1000. -Tab phenobaubital 30mg 17x1000. -Tab phenytom soduim 100mg 40x1000. -Tab icetoconazole 200my 170x30. -Tab amlodopine 5mg 10x100.
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
-Tab dapsone 100mg 1x1000. -Tab vitamin B comynex 47x1000. -Tab cetrizine 10mg 40x100. -Tab bisacodyl 5my 8x100. -Inj dexamethsone 4my/1ml 15x100. -Inj Hydrelazine 20my/m1 4x5. -Ampicillin 500my 10x100. Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Outputs and Expenditure in Quarter Planned and Actual Outputs in Quarter Expenditures incurred in the Quarter to deliver outputs (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services -Alopine 1my 4x100. -Inj penicillin benzathme 2.5my 20x10. -Inj ceftviaxone 1g 300x1. -Sutume monofilament 2/10150x12. -Nylon monofilament n01 200x12. -Plaster adhesive 21nc oxide 600. -Cotton wool 500mg 360mg x1. -Glove examination 720x100. -Glove surgical size 7.5 setevile 40x50. Reasons for Variation in performance
We received less than we ordered becouse some of the drugs were out of stock
Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR 08 56 04 Diagnostic services Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter: Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: -Lab 14,705 tests done.
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
-X-ray & Invests 255 were done. -U/sound 270 done. -Blood Transfusion 790 were done. Reasons for Variation in performance
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Outputs and Expenditure in Quarter Planned and Actual Outputs in Quarter Expenditures incurred in the Quarter to deliver outputs (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services 08 56 05 Hospital Management and support services Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter:
240 medical workers paid on time. 387 meals provided to patients. Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: -264 medical workers were paid on time.
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
-55 meals were provided to patients. - 12 management meetings held. -3 Quaterly reports were done. -24 Contracts committee were held. Reasons for Variation in performance
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR 08 56 06 Prevention and rehabilitation services Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter:
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral
Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: -ANC 2,413 Attended to. -Immunizations 4,208 conducted. Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Outputs and Expenditure in Quarter Planned and Actual Outputs in Quarter Expenditures incurred in the Quarter to deliver outputs (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 01 Hoima Referral Hospital Services -F/P 493 were done. Reasons for Variation in performance
We nearly reached the targeted number.
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR Programme 02 Hoima Referral Hospital Internal Audit 08 56 05 Hospital Management and support services Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter: Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: Tree Audit reports have been released two have been worked on one is being worked on and the fourth one not yet released. Reasons for Variation in performance Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR Programme 03 Hoima Regional Maintenance 08 56 05 Hospital Management and support services Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Outputs and Expenditure in Quarter Planned and Actual Outputs in Quarter Expenditures incurred in the Quarter to deliver outputs (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Programme 03 Hoima Regional Maintenance Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter:
228003 Maintenance Machinery, Equipment and
Assorted spares procured and maintainance done
Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: -Underground water system for masindi hospital was repaired, -New battrey for mobile van was purchased. -Stationery for office use was procured. -Allowances for staff who carried out RPPM was paid. -Three Operating tables at HRRH were repaired. -Spares for medical equipments at HRRH were purchased. -Spares for incubator in Kangaroo unitwere purchased. -Bills for fuel for official use were settled. Sewerage system unblocked at HRRH. -UG 1173M Mobile Van was Repaired. -Electrical accessories for GYN theatre were procured. -Spares for medical equipments for Kagadi/Kiryandongo & Buliisa HC IV were purchased. -Spares for repairing Dental unit were purchased. -Materials to connect water to private wing were purchased & labour. -Wages for unblocking the sewarega arround specific areas were paid. -Imprest for office running was released. -Bank charges for services rendered was paid. Reasons for Variation in performance Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent NTR Project 1004 Hoima Rehabilitation Referral Hospital 08 56 71 Acquisition of Land by Government Outputs Planned in Quarter: Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 72 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Outputs and Expenditure in Quarter Planned and Actual Outputs in Quarter Expenditures incurred in the Quarter to deliver outputs (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Project 1004 Hoima Rehabilitation Referral Hospital Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter: Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: Construction is on final stages-Painting,Sewerage and other installations are mainly remainig. Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 73 Roads, Streets and Highways Outputs Planned in Quarter: Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: The Road from OPD to Imagency /Accident unit was completed. Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 76 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter: Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 77 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter: Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: Medical equipments were procured some were to be used in the private wing and others in in the general hospital. Reasons for Variation in performance Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Outputs and Expenditure in Quarter Planned and Actual Outputs in Quarter Expenditures incurred in the Quarter to deliver outputs (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Project 1004 Hoima Rehabilitation Referral Hospital GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 78 Purchase of Office and Residential Furniture and Fittings Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter: Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: Furnitures were purchased & fitted in the newly constructed private wing Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 79 Acquisition of Other Capital Assets Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter:
281503 Engineering and Design Studies and Plans
Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR 08 56 80 Hospital Construction/rehabilitation Item Spent Outputs Planned in Quarter:
Ongoing construction of residential building. Rehabilitation of non residential buildings. Engineering and design studies. Actual Outputs Achieved in Quarter: Reasons for Variation in performance GoU Development External Financing NTR Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital QUARTER 4: Outputs and Expenditure in Quarter Planned and Actual Outputs in Quarter Expenditures incurred in the Quarter to deliver outputs (Quantity and Location) GRAND TOTAL Wage Recurrent Non Wage Recurrent GoU Development External Financing NTR Vote Performance Report Vote: 166 Hoima Referral Hospital Checklist for OBT Submissions made during QUARTER 1 of following FY This is an automated checklist which shows whether data has been entered into the areas which are required for a complete quarterly submission. It does not verify the quality of the data that has been entered. A complete checklist is therefore a necessary, but not sufficient condition for a satisfactory submission to MoFPED. Project and Programme Quarterly Performance Reports and Workplans (Step 2)
The table below shows whether output information, and where relevant donor and ntr data has been entered into the required areas for the quarterly performance reports and quarterly workplans under step 2. Output Information Vote Function, Project and Program 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Donor Releases and Expenditure NTR Releases and Expenditure Vote Function, Project and Program 0856 Regional Referral Hospital Services Vote Performance Summary (Step 3)
The table below shows whether information has been entered into the required fields in the vote performance summary tables for each vote functions under step 3.1:
Vote Function Indicators
The table below shows whether data has been entered in the fields for key variances in budget execution under step 3.2:
The table below shows whether data has been entered into the vote narrative fields under step 3.3:
Background Briefing For those who care about the human future. All the confused talk and violence: what does it mean? Dr. Al Sears; Quote: ". Will this change? To understand why activities such The pharmaceutical giant Wyeth is being sued over its as mentioned above are allowed, even encouraged, synthetic hormone drugs Premarin and Prempro. They first learn basic logic. The c
La Pedagogía del Texto y la enseñanza/aprendizaje de las matemáticas: un abordaje interdisciplinario Corporación Educativa CLEBA – Medellín 1. Contextualización Las matemáticas en la educación de base de jóvenes y adultos no han ocupado el lugar que les corresponde, especialmente en los países del Tercer Mundo. A pesar de algunas referencias sobre el asunto, como es