Pyridostigmine in the treatment of postural orthostatic tachycardia: a singlecenter experience
Pyridostigmine in the Treatment of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia: A Single-Center Experience KHALIL KANJWAL, M.D.,* BEVERLY KARABIN, PH.D.,* MUJEEB SHEIKH, M.D.,* LAWRENCE ELMER, M.D., PH.D.,† YOUSUF KANJWAL, M.D.,* BILAL SAEED, M.D.,* and BLAIR P. GRUBB, M.D.* From the *Electrophysiology Section, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio; and †Department of Neurology, The University of Toledo College of Medicine, Health Science Campus, Toledo, Ohio Background: The long-term efficacy of pyridostigmine, a reversible acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor, in the treatment of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) patients remains unclear. We reportour retrospective, single-center, long-term experience regarding the efficacy and adverse effect profile ofpyridostigmine in the treatment of POTS patients.Methods: This retrospective study included an extensive review of electronic charts and data collection in regards to patient demographics, orthostatic parameters, side-effect profile, subjective response totherapy, as well as laboratory studies recorded at each follow-up visit to our institution’s Syncope andAutonomic Disorders Center. The response to pyridostigmine therapy was considered successful if patienthad both symptom relief in addition to an objective response in orthostatic hemodynamic parameters(heart rate [HR] and blood pressure). Three hundred patients with POTS were screened for evaluation inthis study. Of these 300, 203 patients with POTS who received pyridostigmine therapy were reviewed. Ofthese 203 patients, 168 were able to tolerate the medication after careful dose titration. The mean follow-up duration in this group of patients was 12 ± 3 (9–15) months. Pyridostigmine improved symptoms oforthostatic intolerance in 88 of 203 (43%) of total patients or 88 of 172 (51%) who were able to toleratethe drug. The symptoms that improved the most included fatigue (55%), palpitations (60%), presyncope(60%), and syncope (48%). Symptom reduction correlated with a statistically significant improvement inupright HR and diastolic blood pressure after treatment with pyridostigmine as compared to their baselinehemodynamic parameters (standing HR 94 ± 19 vs 82 ± 16, P < 0.003, standing diastolic blood pressure71 ± 11 vs 74 ± 12, P < 0.02). Gastrointestinal problems were the most common adverse effects (n = 39,19%) reported. The overall efficacy of pyridostigmine in our study was seen in 42% of total patients or52% of patients who could tolerate taking the drug.Conclusion: The subgroup of POTS patients who can tolerate oral pyridostigmine may demonstrate improvement in their standing HR, standing diastolic blood pressure, and clinical symptoms of orthostaticintolerance. (PACE 2011; 1–6)pyridostigmine, orthostatic intolerance, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome Introduction
from variety of symptoms such as palpitations,
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
exercise intolerance, lightheadedness, cognitive
(POTS) is a form of chronic orthostatic intol-
impairment, and syncope.1 Many POTS patients
erance associated with an excessive increase
can be severely limited in daily activities to
in heart rate (HR) during upright posture that
the point of functional disability with loss of
resolves with recumbency. While the exact
both educational and employment opportunities.
incidence is unknown, it is currently thought that
A number of therapeutic options have been
POTS affects more than 500,000 people in the
proposed for these patients, including increased
United States alone. POTS patients can suffer
hydration and sodium intake, reconditioning andstrength training, as well as pharmacotherapysuch as fludrocortisone, midodrine, serotoninand/or norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and
Address for reprints: Blair P. Grubb, M.D., F.A.C.C., Professor ofMedicine and Pediatrics, Director Electrophysiology Services,
octreotide. However, there are patients where
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Health
these treatments are ineffective and/or poorly
Sciences Campus, The University of Toledo Medical Center,
Mail Stop 1118, 3000 Arlington Ave, Toledo, OH 43614. Fax:
Pyridostigmine, an acetyl cholinesterase in-
419-383-3041; e-mail: [email protected]
hibitor, is a novel treatment option for the patients
Received September 13, 2010; revised November 20, 2010;
suffering from POTS, presumably acting through
facilitation of ganglionic and neural transmission
in both the sympathetic and parasympathetic
C 2011, The Authors. Journal compilation C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
nerves.3 A study by Raj et al. demonstrated that
If these were ineffective, pharmacotherapy was
pyridostigmine improved both the tachycardia
initiated in a sequence generally consisting of
and other symptoms in a group of 17 patients
fludrocortisone, midodrine, and selective sero-
suffering from POTS.4 In this paper, we report
tonin reuptake inhibitors, either alone or in
our experience using pyridostigmine in a clinical
combination. A trial of stimulants including
setting with a large outpatient group of POTS
methylphenidate or dextroamphetamine failed
patients refractory to other forms of treatment.
to provide symptomatic relief in any of thesepatients. Being a referral center for POTS patients,
our study had a higher number of drug refractory
The study was a retrospective study approved
patients. As such, these refractory POTS patients
by our institutional review board. We screened
were on multiple medications upon presentation
300 POTS patients who were being followed at our
and pyridostigmine was added in slow escalating
institution’s Syncope and Autonomic Disorders
doses to assess response and efficacy of pyri-
Center. A total of 208 patients were found eligible
dostigmine in this group of patients. The idea
was to assess the use of the drug as it would beemployed by a clinician in a “real world” setting
Criterion for Diagnosis of POTS
as an “add on” to existing therapy. We did not
POTS was defined as the presence of chronic
employ a formal questionnaire or a composite
symptoms of orthostatic intolerance (>6 months
autonomic severity score (CASS) to assess the
duration) accompanied by a reproducible HR
increase of at least 30 beats/min (or a rate that
the response to treatment with HUTT testing.
exceeded 120 beats/min) that occurs in the first
The information about the current symptoms, side
10 minutes of upright posture or head-up tilt
effects of medications, and overall improvement in
test (HUTT) occurring in the absence of other
symptoms from each patient were collected from
chronic debilitating disorders. Symptoms include
the patient charts, physician communications,
fatigue, orthostatic palpitations, exercise intoler-
and direct patient inquiry. We also attempted
ance, lightheadedness, diminished concentration,
to collect information about the prior trials
headache, near syncope, and syncope.5 In a retro-
of various medications before initiation of the
spective detailed chart review, we collected data
pyridostigmine; however, that information was
including demographic information, presenting
not available in the majority of the patients.
symptoms, laboratory data, tilt-table response, and
A treatment was considered successful if the
patient reported symptomatic relief and if thehemodynamic parameters showed improvement
HUTT Protocol
as compared to previous readings. HR and blood
The protocol used for tilt-table testing has
pressure were recorded both in supine and after
been described elsewhere, but basically consisted
3 minutes of standing during each visit. We used
of a 70◦ baseline upright tilt for a period
descriptive statistics to report our findings.
of 30 minutes, during which time HR andblood pressure were monitored continually. If no
symptoms occurred, the patient was lowered to
The mean duration of follow-up was 12 ± 3
the supine position and an intravenous infusion
(range 9–15 and median 12) months.
of isoproterenol started with a dose sufficient toraise the HR to 20%–25% above the resting value. Pyridostigmine Use
Upright tilt was then repeated for a period of
All patients were initially started on pyri-
15 minutes. Patients were included in the study
dostigmine 30 mg orally twice daily. After a period
if they had a POTS pattern on HUTT (rise in HR
of 1 week, if no therapeutic effect was noted and
independent of any change in blood pressure).
if the drug was tolerated, the dose was increasedto 60-mg orally three times daily. Again after a 1-
Treatment Protocols
to 2-week interval, if the drug was tolerated but
The treatment protocols that were initially
no therapeutic benefit was noted, the dose was
employed were based on our previous experiences
increased to a maximum of 90-mg orally three
with orthostatic disorders and are described in
times daily or 180 mg of the sustained release form.
detail elsewhere. We identified 208 patients withPOTS who were refractory to other commonly
used medications. Briefly, a sequence of therapies
were employed that included physical counter
POTS from our Syncope and Autonomic Dysfunc-
maneuvers and aerobic and resistance training
tion Clinic and found 208 patients eligible for
as well as increased dietary fluids and sodium.
inclusion in the current analysis (Fig. 1). Table I
Figure 1. Diagram summarizing the design and response to pyridostigmine in patients suffering from refractory POTS.
shows the baseline clinical characteristics of the
Side Effects from Pyridostigmine
A total of 39 patients developed gastrointesti-
nal (GI) symptoms; however, these symptoms were
whom were women) were found eligible for this
considered severe enough to warrant discontinu-
study. Of the 208 patients who were found to be
ation of the therapy in 35 patients. These adverse
candidates for pyridostigmine only 203 received
effects included severe abdominal cramps, severe
the medicine. Five patients could not afford the
nausea, and diarrhea. Four patients had very mild
medication and were excluded from the analysis.
bloating and mild nausea and they continued with
Thirty five (17%) patients stopped the medication
the therapy. None of the patients had diarrhea to
as a result of a variety of reported side effects.
begin with and none had any previous history of
A total of 172 patients were able to tolerate the
diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome.
medication through its dose titration and were
Other minor side effects included neuromuscular
included in final analysis. The majority of our
(tremors, twitching, hyperhidrosis) in five (2.4%),
patients (80%) received 60 mg of pyridostigmine
urinary urgency in two (1%), hypertension in two
(1%), chest pain in one (0.5%), and hypotension
Effect of Pyridostigmine on Clinical Symptoms
We did not identify any clinical predictors
Pyridostigmine improved symptoms of ortho-
that would portend a favorable response to
static intolerance in 88 of 203 (43%) of total
pyridostigmine therapy. In our study, there did
patients or 88 of 172 (51%) who were able to
not appear to be relationship between dosage and
tolerate the drug. The symptoms that improved
most included fatigue (55%), palpitations (60%),presyncope (60%), and syncope (48%). Discussion
Pyridostigmine is a reversible, peripheral
Effect of Pyridostigmine on Hemodynamic
cholinesterase inhibitor, which increases the
availability of acetylcholine at preganglionic nico-
Table II demonstrates effects of pyridostig-
tinic receptors (both sympathetic and parasympa-
mine on HR and blood pressure before and after
thetic) and muscarinic receptors (postganglionic
treatment. Pyridostigmine significantly improved
parasympathetic). This leads to an enhanced
standing HR and standing diastolic blood pres-
neural transmission, which improves baroreceptor
sure; however, there was no significant increase
reflex functions.3 This augmented baroreceptor
in standing systolic blood pressure.
sensitivity that occurs with pyridostigmine has
Table II.
Baseline Clinical Characteristics of Patients
Study Characteristics Treatment Treatment Type of POTS Clinical features in patients included for analysis
been shown to have a beneficial role in patients
suffering from neurogenic orthostatic hypotension
(NOH).6 In one open-label study and one placebo-
controlled study using pyridostigmine, there
was reported to be a statistically significant
improvement in standing diastolic blood pressure
in patients with NOH.7 Further, improvement in
patient satisfaction using CASS questionnaire has
Precipitating event
also been seen following chronic pyridostigmine
therapy. In an open-label study, 20 of 28 patients
with NOH receiving pyridostigmine reported
marked improvement using CASS questionnaire
at 19 ± 8.9 months of follow-up.8 While there are
some data to support the use of pyridostigmine
Clinical symptoms of POTS
in NOH, the role of pyridostigmine in POTS is
limited to a single study. In this study by Raj
et al.,4 17 patients with POTS were randomized
to treatment with pyridostigmine (30 mg) and
placebo. Baseline blood pressure and HR were
recorded and compared with change in blood
pressure and HR at 2 and 4 hours. Pyridostigmine
use was associated with significant decrease in
standing HR at 2 hours (119 ± 16 beats per
Response to pyridostigmine
minute [bpm] at baseline vs 2 hours, 104 ±
16 bpm, P < 0.001) and continued at 4 hours
(100 ± 16 bpm, P < 0.001). The authors proposed
Concomitant medications
that acute pyridostigmine therapy induced a shift
in cardiovagal tone that was associated with
reduction in upright tachycardia in POTS patients.
Similar effects on parasympathetic tone have been
reported in heart failure in patients receiving
Despite this, the data on the long-term clinical
efficacy of pyridostigmine in POTS patients in
a clinical setting has yet to be determined.
POTS is a chronic autonomic disorder, displaying
wide fluctuations in both hemodynamics as well
as patient symptoms due to factors such asenvironmental conditions, disease progression,
resistance to therapy, and other concurrent illness.
followed by neuromuscular and genitourinary
In the current analysis, pyridostigmine use was
problems, similar to that reported in previous
associated with improvement in the clinical
studies. The GI symptoms were severe enough
in 35 (17%) and pyridostigmine therapy was
fatigue, palpitations, presyncope, and syncope
subsequently discontinued in this subgroup of
showing the greatest response. The improvement
patients. Pyridostigmine was used as an add-on
in these symptoms was most likely related
therapy for the treatment of POTS; however, there
to improved hemodynamics observed following
was no clear drug-drug interaction observed in our
pyridoigmine administration. In addition, the
use of pyridostigmine was associated with asignificant and sustained improvement in ortho-
static tachycardia in our study population. This
There are certain important limitations in the
is comparable to the findings reported by Raj
design of the current study. The study group
et al.4 Besides improvement in cardiovagal tone,
itself was small, and it was not a randomized
sustained improvement in upright tachycardia as
controlled trial. Rather, each patient was used
seen in our study also suggests the absence of a
as his/her own control. Also, our study lacked
rapid tachyplaxis with long-term therapy. We did
a standardized criterion for evaluating efficacy
not identify any clinical characteristics that would
of therapy. In addition, the assessment of hemo-
predict a favorable response to pyridostigmine
dynamic responses was also not standardized.
therapy. This limitation in the current analysis
The beneficial effects noted in our study could
would require a large prospective randomized
represent a spontaneous remission in some of
study in the future to help identify the subgroup
these patients. However, the refractory nature of
of POTS patients who may most benefit from
the symptoms in this group of patients would
seem to argue against chance improvement. Our
Pyridostigime has been postulated to improve
patients were highly symptomatic and had not
sympathetic vasomotor tone and has favorable
responded to multiple therapeutic trials of various
effect on hemodynamics in several forms of
medications. All patients presented here were
autonomic dysfunction. Singer et al. in a double-
suffering from unusually severe and refractory
blinded, placebo-controlled cross over study in
forms of POTS and therefore may not represent
58 patients with neurogenic hypotension, showed
the majority of patients with POTS. We hope this
that the use of pyridostigmine with midodrine
study will lay a foundation for a larger randomized
was associated with improvement in standing
clinical trial that will effectively evaluate the
diastolic blood pressure without any supine
role of pyridostigmine in the treatment of POTS.
hypertension.7 In our study, we also observed
Also, such a study will help to identify those
significant improvement in standing diastolic
POTS patients who are likely to benefit from
blood pressure in POTS patients. This increase
in diastolic blood pressure suggests an increase
Pyridostigmine therapy may help ameliorate
in peripheral vascular resistance following pyri-
the refractory symptoms in patients suffering from
dostigmine administration. Similar to previous
the severe forms of this disorder. Our study did
studies we did not note any significant effects on
not evaluate the use of pyridostigmine as a first-
upright systolic blood pressure. Further, we did
line therapy in POTS, as it was added to existing
not observe any increase in supine hypertension
The overall efficacy of pyridostigmine in
our study was seen in 42% of total patients or
51% of patients who could tolerate taking the
In a subgroup of POTS patients refractory to
drug. However, we did not find any specific
other forms of therapy, long-term treatment with
characteristic feature that could predict a response
pyridostigmine reduces standing HR, improves
to pyridostigmine therapy. The possible reasons
standing diastolic blood pressure, and ameliorates
for lack of improvement were noncompliance,
many clinical symptoms in patients who can
possible progression of the disease, resistant
tolerate taking this medication. The utility of the
forms of POTS, and intolerance due to side
pyridostigmine as a first-line therapy in POTS
effects of therapy. In our patient population,
remains unknown from the results of this limited
GI distress was the most common side effect
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