210.2. POSSESSION/USE OF EMERGENCY MEDICATIONS The Board shall not be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of student illness. The administration of emergency medication by the student during school hours in accordance with the written consent of a parent/guardian and an order from a physician, dentist or other individual authorized and licensed by law to prescribe (certified registered nurse practitioner, physician assistant) will be permitted only when failure to take such medicine would jeopardize the health of the student. Asthma inhaler - is a device utilized for the self-administration of short-acting,
metered doses of a prescribed medication to treat the symptoms related to an acute Epi-pen - Refer to Use Of Epi-pens Policy 210.3.
Self-administration - means pre-approved medication administered directly by the
student to himself/herself not in the presence of a school nurse or designee in
accordance with prescribed instructions.
Emergency self-administration - means self-administration of a pre-approved
medication to avoid immediate and substantial risk to health, including but not
limited to, self-administration of an Epi-pen, Insulin, Glucagons, Benadryl or asthma
The Board shall permit students to possess emergency medications and to self-administer the prescribed medications used to treat asthma, severe allergies, hyperglycemia and severe hypoglycemia when such is parent/guardian authorized. Possession and use of emergency medications by students shall be in accordance with state law and Board policy. 210.2. POSSESSION/USE OF EMERGENCY MEDICATIONS - Pg. 2 Before a student may possess or use an emergency medication during school hours, 1. A written request from the parent/guardian that the school complies with the order of the physician, dentist, or other individual authorized and licensed by law to prescribe (certified registered nurse practitioner, physician assistant). 2. A statement from the parent/guardian acknowledging that the school is not responsible for ensuring the medication is taken and relieving the district and its employees of responsibility for the benefits or consequences of the prescribed medication. 3. A written statement from the authorized, licensed prescriber that states: d. Length of time medication is prescribed. e. Diagnosis or reason medication is needed, unless confidential. f. Potential for serious side effects of medication. h. If the child is qualified and able to self-administer the medication. The student shall be made aware that the emergency medication is intended for his/her use only and may not be shared with other students. The student shall notify the school nurse immediately following each use of the emergency medication. Violations of this policy by a student shall result in immediate confiscation of the emergency medication and loss of privileges. 210.2. POSSESSION/USE OF EMERGENCY MEDICATIONS - Pg. 3 The district reserves the right to require a statement from the physician or authorized, licensed prescriber for continued use of a medication beyond the school year in which it was prescribed. Permission for possession and use of an emergency medication by a student shall be effective for the school year for which it is granted and shall be reviewed each subsequent school year. A student whose parent/guardian completes the written requirements for the student to possess an emergency medication and self-administer the prescribed medication in the school setting shall demonstrate to the school nurse the capability for self-administration and responsible behavior in use of the medication. To self-administer medication, the student must be able to: 1. Respond to and visually recognize his/her name. 2. Identify his/her medication. 3. Demonstrate the proper technique for self-administering medication. 4. Sign his/her medication sheet to acknowledge having taken the medication. 5. Demonstrate a cooperative attitude in all aspects of self-administration. The Superintendent or designee, in conjunction with the school nurse, shall develop procedures for student possession of emergency medications and self-administration of prescribed medication. The district shall annually inform staff, students and parents/guardians about the policy and procedures governing student possession and use of emergency medications. When the emergency medication is initially brought to school by a student, the school nurse shall be responsible to complete the following: 1. Obtain the required written request and statements from the parent/guardian and physician or other authorized, licensed person, which shall be kept on file in the office of the school nurse. 2. Review pertinent information with the student and/or parent/guardian, specifically the information contained on the statement submitted by the physician or other authorized, licensed individual. 210.2. POSSESSION/USE OF EMERGENCY MEDICATIONS - Pg. 4 3. Determine the student’s ability to self-administer and the need for care and 4. Maintain an individual medication log for all students possessing emergency References: School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1401, 1414.1 State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 12.41

Source: http://www.masd.k12.pa.us/assets/210.2.pdf


Dept. of Stat. Methods, University of L´ e-mail : [email protected] celebrated Kaplan-Meter estimator (KME) suffers from a disadvantage:it may happen that estimated probabilities of survival for two different times t 1and t 2 are equal each to other while t 1 and t 2 differ substantially. We proposea smoothinq of KME in such a way that the resulting estimator is a strictlydec


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