Normative data and factor structure of the
Fernand-Widal, AP-HP, 200 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010 Paris, France
Received 26 April 1999; received in revised form 24 August 1999; accepted 15 September 1999
We explored the psychometric features of the French Temperament and Character Inventory Ž
602-subject community sample Ž263 men and 339
women , representative of the French population. The factor
structures of the temperament and character dimensions, explored separately, were in agreement with the hypothe-
sized constructs, except for the scales Novelty Seeking NS1 Žexploratory excitability., Persistence, and Self-Directed-
ness SD4 Žself-acceptance. The internal consistency of the main dimensions was good ŽCronbach alpha coefficients
0.49 . The mean scores of the temperament dimensions were
notably different from those published in other normative data ᎏ especially lower for Novelty Seeking Ž16.4"
and higher for Harm Avoidance Ž16.1"
7.2 when compared with US data ᎏ suggesting cross-cultural differences in
personality assessment, and the necessity to use specific normative values with each translated instrument. ᮊ 2000
Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Consistency; Cross-cultural; Personality; Questionnaire; Validity
1. Introduction
chobiological model of temperament and charac-
ter. The four temperament dimensions are sup-
TCI is a 226-item, self-administered, true᎐false
posed to be highly heritable, stable throughout
questionnaire developed by Cloninger to assess
life, and underlined by specific neurotransmission
seven dimensions of personality ŽCloninger et al.,
systems. No¨elty seeking Ž .
hereditary tendency to respond actively to novelstimuli, with frequent exploratory activity in re-
U Corresponding author. Tel.: q33-1-40-05-48-69; fax: q33-
sponse to novelty or impulsive decision-making. E-mail address: [email protected] ŽA.
bias in the inhibition of behaviors, such as pes-
0165-1781r00r$ - see front matter ᮊ 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 1 7 8 1 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 1 2 7 - X
simistic worry, passive dependent behaviors, or
and in various clinical studies ŽBayon et al., 1996;
rapid fatigability. Reward dependence Ž
Allgullander et al., 1997; Ampollini et al., 1997;
fined as a heritable bias in the maintenance or
Black and Sheline, 1997; Tome et al., 1997; Be-
continuation of ongoing behaviors, and is mani-
jerot et al., 1998; Bulik et al., 1999; Hansenne et
fest as sentimentality and social attachment or
dependence. Persistence ŽP. is defined as a heredi-
have been recently published from a Swedish
tary tendency to perseverance despite frustration
The three character facets, which reflect indi-
metric investigations in large community samples
vidual differences in goals, values, and self-consci-
are rather scarce, especially for translated ver-
ous emotions, are influenced by social learning
sions of the TCI ŽTanaka et al., 1997; De la Rie et
and are hypothesized to be less developed in
immature personality and in personality disorder.
The TCI was translated into French based upon
consensus of five bilingual clinicians. This trans-
and ‘willpower’, to self-esteem, and to the ability
lated version, approved by Cloninger, has been
of an individual to control, regulate and adapt his
used in France and in French-speaking countries
behavior in accord with personal goals and values.
since 1993. Its factor structure and its reliability
have been tested in various clinical and non-clini-
ences in identification with and acceptance of
other people Žagreeability, compassion, empathy,
validation study on a computerized version of this
maturity, transpersonal identification, and self-
1997 . This questionnaire has also been used in
Each of these dimensions, except P, is explored
by between 24 and 44 items of the TCI, and
the French version of the TCI have been avail-
involves three to five facets measured by sub-
able to date. Such normative data are necessary
to interpret the figures obtained with the TCI in
scales of the main scales. Persistence is explored
French-speaking subjects, but are also of interest
by only eight items, not subdivided. The TCI is an
to address some cross-cultural issues about the
extension of the former Tridimensional Personal-
assessment of personality in various countries,
e.g. the US compared to European countries.
dimensions of temperament ŽCloninger, 1987;
Indeed, cross-cultural validation studies have been
published for depression scales ŽRoberts et al.,
Two studies have established the validity and
the reliability of the original American version of
the TCI in individuals from the general commu-
functioning assessment instruments ŽVelligan et
1995 , but less information is available for
psychometric studies have been carried out onthe TPQ ŽSvrakic et al., 1991; Kleifield et al.,1993; Takeuchi et al., 1993; Lepine
and have supported the validity of the four tem-
2. Objectives
perament dimensions, especially from a geneticpoint of view ŽCloninger et al., 1993; Stallings et
The primary objective of this study was to ob-
tain French normative data for scores and sub-
The TCI, as well as the TPQ, has been trans-
scores of the TCI in a representative community
lated into several languages and used in more and
sample. Other objectives were to explore the in-
more genetic studies Žreview in Cloninger,
ternal consistency of the scores and sub-scores of
the TCI in a translated version, to explore the
3. Methods
factor structures of temperament and character
dimensions, and to determine cut-off scores for
temperament dimensions in order to delineate
categorical typology of personality as described by
A group of 750 subjects was first identified by
the SOFRES survey institute as representative of
Table 1Mean scores Žand standard deviations. of the TCI, comparison between men and women Žtaking age into account., and Cronbach’salpha coefficients
UU Gender difference: P-0.005.
the French general population in terms of sex,
RD , in accordance with recent clinical stud-
age, socio-professional categories, household lo-
cation and type. The TCI was sent by mail to
Internal consistency of scores and sub-scores
these subjects, with the usual instructions and
was assessed by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient cal-
explanations of the purposes of the study pre-
culated on responses to items. The structure of
sented as an investigation into the ‘vision of the
the TCI was explored by two principal component
life’ of the French people. A total of 602 subjects
analyses with Varimax transformation, one for
80.3% completed and returned the question-
the temperament dimensions and one for the
naire, with fewer than 10 non-completed items.
character dimensions, in accordance with the
To preserve the representativeness of the sample,
weighting coefficients were computed, but the
differences between weighted and unweighted
All analyses were conducted with SPSS, version
values for TCI scores were not statistically sig-
nificant; thus, we present here only unweighted
values which are more in accordance with the
4. Results
Mean scores and sub-scores and standard devi-
ations of the TCI were calculated in the whole
602-subject sample, and a comparison of mean
scores of men and women was performed, taking
of 46.5"17.7 years, i.e. 46.3"17.7 years in men
into account the age as an associated variable in a
and 46.7"17.7 years in women. Educational level
general linear model. Correlations between TCI
was under 6 years for 20.6% of subjects, and
scores and age were also calculated, using the
above 15 years for 14.3%. Almost half of the
Pearson correlation coefficient. Quartiles of the
distributions of temperament and character scores
or higher than the French baccalaureat. The ma-
were computed, and cut-off scores for tempera-
ment types ŽCloninger et al., 1994; Cloninger and
were cohabiting, 19.8% were single, 6.1% di-
vorced, and 8.3% widowed. The subjects lived in
scores of each temperament dimension ŽNS, HA
all areas of France, with 20.3% in the Paris area.
deviations in three age groups, and correlation of TCI scores with age ŽPearson coefficient.
Table 3Median and quartile segmentation of TCI dimensions
In addition to temperament types, subjects are
considered to have a high risk of immaturity, and
Mean scores of the TCI in the whole sample
therefore of personality disorder, if their SD and
and by sex are presented in Table 1. When age
C scores are significantly low ŽCloninger et al.,
was taken into account, significantly higher scores
were found in women for HA, RD and ST, and
each category of the temperament typology, those
subjects who were considered as ‘immature’ had
The distribution of TCI scores according to age
SDqC in the lowest quarter of the SDqC dis-
groups is shown in Table 2. A significant Žnega-
tribution of the whole sample, i.e. below 58. The
tive. correlation with age was found only for NS,
categorization of the subjects according to the
temperamental typology, with or without this im-
Median and quartile segmentations for each
maturity criterion, is presented in Table 4.
dimension of the TCI are shown in Table 3.
According to Cloninger’s theory of temperament
4.3. Internal consistency and principal component
ŽCloninger et al., 1993; Cloninger and Svrakic,
1997 , high and low scores for NS, HA and RD
were set using the median as the cut-off scores,
The Cronbach alpha coefficients for each score
and sub-score of the TCI are listed in the last
Table 4Distribution of temperament typology according to Cloninger’s classification
Correlations between temperament and character scores of
Principal component analysis of temperament sub-scales
Žthree-factor solution with eigenvalues of 1 or more, after
Correlations with P-valuesF0.01 are shown in bold.
column of Table 1. All alpha coefficients for main
scores were higher than 0.68, except for Persis-
0.49 which includes only eight items. Six
sub-scores had alpha coefficients lower than 0.50:
Correlations between the four temperament
and the three character dimensions are shown in
Loadings with absolute values of 0.40 or more are shown
Table 5. Notable correlations Žhigher than
were found between HA and NS Žnegative., HA
5. Discussion
Two principal component analyses were per-
formed for temperament and character sub-scores
Two types of results about the TCI are avail-
separately, with Varimax orthogonal transforma-
able in this study, conducted in a French repre-
tion taking into account factors with eigenvalues
of 1 or more. Three factors were identified for
temperament sub-scales, accounting for 53% of
Principal component analysis of character sub-scales Žthree-
to the rationally defined dimensions, except for
factor solution with eigenvalues of 1 or more, after Varimax
Persistence, which loaded negatively on the NS
Three factors were also identified for character
sub-scales, accounting for 53% of the variance
7 , and corresponding closely to the three
dimensions, except for SD4, which loads moder-
In order to analyze the main cross-cultural
differences in TCI figures, we present in Table 8
the scores found in our sample as well as those
obtained in three general population studies car-
Loadings with absolute values of 0.40 or more are shown
sentative sample, and can be discussed: normative
data, and psychometric features about the struc-
and NS, differences between French and US data
ture and the reliability of the instrument.
were found in the same direction for all sub-
Mean scores of this French version of the TCI
scores, except for NS2 Žimpulsiveness., for which
can first be compared to those published by
similar values were obtained in both samples.
In another normative sample with the Swedish
300 subjects in US with the original version
ate scores between our results and those pub-
for all dimensions except for HA Ž16.1 vs.
dimensions, except for Persistence Ž3.7"
higher scores than those of both samples for SD
19.2 . These differences can be explained by
language and translation issues, andror by dif-
ferences in personality characteristics among the
two samples, since the US group was not selected
obtained with the French version in two Belgian
as being representative of the general population.
samples of 40 depressed subjects and 40 control
The difference in HA Žmore anxious and de-
subjects. Compared to our results, the mean scores
were higher for NS both in depressed subjects
only partially explained by the fact that we have a
higher for HA in depressed subjects Ž25.6"
in depressed subjects. It is worth noting that the
higher than the mean score for HA in American
mean ages were lower in both samples than in
found for NS in the French sample can be par-
tially or totally explained by the fact that the
mean age of our sample was higher than in the
have reported that the HA score is related to
depression, as well as SD Žnegatively. Therefore,
Table 8Comparison of four normative studies of the TCI in France Žour
1998 , and the Netherlands ŽDe la Rie et al.,
a N, number of subjects; S.D., standard deviation.
a methodological shortcoming of our study is that
coefficients are higher than those obtained with
we do not have a depressive assessment of our
the Swedish version in a normative sample
subjects. However, such assessment was not avail-
able for other normative samples, and there is no
Concerning the principal component analysis,
procedure to investigate whether psychopatho-
the hypothesized factor structures of tempera-
logic differences can explain the differences found
ment and character dimensions are relatively well
in TCI scores between samples. Moreover, our
confirmed, as has already been shown in other
objective was to obtain normative data in the
normative samples ŽCloninger et al., 1994;
general population, and not TCI figures in healthy
However, the portion of the variance explained by
these factor solutions ᎏ 53% for temperament
pared to men have been found in other popula-
and character dimensions ᎏ is relatively low. In
tions using either the TPQ or the TCI ŽCloninger
et al., 1991; Svrakic et al., 1991; Lepine
58.9% of the variance of temperament dimen-
sions explained by a four-factor solution, and
slight elevation of SD in women, whereas such a
difference was observed only for C by Cloninger
For temperament dimensions, NS1 Žexploratory
excitability. seemed to load more on the HA
factor Žnegatively. than on the NS factor. Similar
compared to women, but with an interaction
results were obtained with the French version of
between sex and psychiatric status Ždepressed vs.
with the English TPQ in a group of patients with
A significant negative correlation of NS with
age appeared in our sample, as in other studies
results may suggest that exploratory tendencies
are notably influenced by inhibition traits, and
that NS1 is a heterogeneous sub-factor. Another
find any significant difference in the other dimen-
unanticipated result of our study is that Persis-
sions according to age, whereas Cloninger et al.
tence is not an isolated dimension, but loads
1994 noted in a US community sample that SD
negatively on the NS factor. Several studies have
and C showed a strong positive correlation.
suggested that RD and P are less robust than the
Cronbach’s alpha coefficients are similar, or
slightly inferior, to those published by Cloninger
ity of these factors can be questioned. For charac-
ter dimensions, the three hypothesized factors are
patients. They are high for main scores ŽG
validated, even if SD4 Žself-acceptance. appeared
to be poorly specific. The same figure was found
ate or low for sub-scores, particularly for NS4 and
C5. P is actually a sub-score ᎏ corresponding to
character dimensions were analyzed separately.
RD2 in the first versions of the TPQ ŽCloninger,
The negative correlation observed between NS
1987 ᎏ with a limited number of items. The
and HA does not fit with the model of indepen-
alpha coefficient obtained by Cloninger et al.
dent temperament factors described by Cloninger
suggesting that the internal consistency of this
scale is, in general terms, weak and that transla-
community sample and by Hansenne et al. Ž
tion issues are not entirely responsible for the low
in French-speaking control subjects. It may be
coefficient obtained in our population. Similar
related to an overlap of some items within the
conclusions can be drawn for RD and certain
two dimensions, in particular because of the in-
sub-scores. As a whole, these Cronbach’s alpha
teraction found between NS1 and HA in the
factor analysis. Other high correlation coefficients
were found between HA and SD Žnegatively.,
which may illustrate the fact that anxious subjects
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