DOCTOR’S TESTIMONIALS (Ärtzliche Kommentaren) Dr. Aaron Flickstein, D.C.—September 2003 I have been ordering jiaogulan pills since July 2000. Jiaogulan makes great sense for our busy, stressed-out practice’s members. With 4 times the kick and great ease of administration, plus its adaptogenic role…it’s a big winner. Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D.—Arizona, January 2002 Jiaogulan has become one of my top choices for healing weakened adrenal function. I am very impressed with how many people respond to jiaogulan for adrenal support and building the Kapha energy for strengthening the upper respiratory system. Update—August 2003 Dr. Cousens continues to regularly order the jiaogulan pills for his patients. Dr. Carlos Barcena, M.D.—Mexico, September 2001 Jiaogulan Herbal Pills is a very nice product. I have at least 8 persons who I am giving it to. Seven of them they are reporting an increase of energy. They feel it is stronger than ginseng. One person reports it decreases their anxiety. Two of them notice a significant improvement in digestion and bowel movement—one of them is my daughter. In another, it is keeping cholesterol and triglycerides down. Two of my patients, who are taking statins, are reporting muscle aches. There is great concern about statins now with the information about Baycol. My sister, with fibromyalgia, has painful muscles. She takes one pill in the morning and one in evening and is experiencing a decrease in pain. Update—August 2003 Dr. Barcena still orders the jiaogulan pills for his friends and family. Dr. Conrad Dean, ND—New Mexico, June 2001 I just called up to say that we’ve got a problem here. I gave your jiaogulan pills to a patient with high blood pressure. He never called back to report in with me. When I called the patient, he said that his blood pressure was normal. I lost a patient. Update—February 2002 I’m seeing phenomenal results in my patients with jiaogulan. I have several patients on it. The best story is a 74-year old male who had bypass surgery and was on a few heart medications. I started him on 2 pills, 3 times a day. Now he is taking 1 pill twice a day. His blood pressure is down to 120/72 and he’s back working and extremely happy. Another patient, a 56-year old on Coumadin and 3 or 4 heart medications was having arrhythmia with a very irregular heart beat. He is now off all chemical medications, taking 1 pill 3 times a day. His arrhythmia is almost gone. Update—May 2002 I had a young woman come in about 2 months ago with a lot of pain. It was a problem with a nerve. Bone had grown around her nerve. She was given different therapies to alleviate her pain, none of which worked. Out of desperation, I tried Jagulana Tea Pills. Now she reports back that she is pain free. I was quite impressed. Another patient came in with hypertension. I started him on 3 pills 1 x a day, with no effect. Then I increased the dosage to 3 pills 3 x a day. Within 2 days his blood pressure started coming down. Update—August 2003 Dr. Dean’s latest order of 12 bottles of pills was placed in July 2003. Kenneth Piller, N.D., Bruce Blinzler, N.D.—Idaho, August 2001 Actually the main reason we prescribe jiaogulan is for high blood pressure. Although it did not work on a few patients, we’ve been treating about 15-20 people with it and it’s been successful in lowering and maintaining their blood pressure. A couple of those people have made the comment that they also felt better since taking jiaogulan. There’s one gentleman whose medical doctors gave up on him—none of their drugs worked. Nor did any of the alternative treatments that we gave him work, until he tried jiaogulan. Update—August 2003 The doctor’s clinic is still regularly ordering the jiaogulan pills. Dr. Colin Craggs, D.V.M. (ret.)—Canada, January 2002 I am very pleased with both your Standardized Gypenosides capsules and Jiaogulan Plus Energy Formula. Since I have been taking them (one year) I have more energy and generally feel better. The key for me is that when I stopped taking them I had less energy and didn’t feel as well. Update—September 2003 Dr. Craggs has ordered by the case of 12 and just placed another order of 12 bottles of the Energy Formula.
Dr. David Walsh, M.D.—Alabama, August 2001 I’m very excited about your product. I could not believe that it actually helped my PVA (Premature Ventricular Contraction), and within a short time. Not only that; I recently developed high blood pressure and it brought it down. I’d like to place another order. Update—February 2002 I’m still taking the Energy Formula. Everything is fine Update—September 2003 I stopped taking it because I got cured. Everything’s gone; I’m still feel fine.
These four documents have been provided courtesy of Dr Linda Greenwal BDS MGDS MSC MRD RCS FFGDP for the use of CODE members Patient Information on Home Whitening Treatment Your dentist has given you a whitening kit to take home with you together with your whitening trays. It is essential that you fol ow the instructions given by your dentist and the manufacturers’ instructions in wear
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