
WESST Admin Council - II
Date: November 18, 2012
Time: 6:00 PM PST
Location: Skype
Attendees: Madison Myrfield (WESST President - UBC), Michael Elder (WESST VP Finance – UBC),
Kaitlynn Meadows (WESST VP Communications – U of M), Steph Fulcher (WESST VP
Communications-Elect U Vic B), Peter Kazakoff (WESST Retreat 2013 Co-Chair – U Vic B), Brad Liluk
(WESST EM 2013 Chair – U of R), Ben Marriott (WESST President-Elect and U of M External),
Emmeline Agassini (SFU-Surrey External), William McEwan (UBC External), Paul Banwell (UBC-O
Finance, proxy for Lena Risler), Dustin Gutsche (U of C External), Cecilia Gee (U of A External), Kyle
Smyth (U of R External), Rebecca Steffenson (U of S External), Paul Nahal (U Vic B External), Yasmin
Houshmand (SFU – Burnaby External), Tom Gracie (U Vic A External), Sean Garrity (BCIT External)
i. Spectrum is looking for student presenters and they have bursaries available so 2. Volunteers for committee for CE Course Bursary - Madison i. Please contact Madison ASAP if you are interested. The time commitment is whatever you feel comfortable with. No pressure. 1. So far the only volunteer is Dustin from U of C i. This became an issue at WESST Retreat this year where a lot of delegates came to Retreat not knowing what it was about. There was also theft of swag and property. Supercow, etc are fair game but personal items are not fair game. 1. Welcome to Brad Liluk, Co-Chair for WESST EM 2013 1. Thank you for your feedback. We have 29 responses and they have been good and thorough so far! Please encourage your delegates to fill out the feedback form too. 2. The biggest complaint was the schedule running a little long on Friday. People liked the sessions and the work/play balance. 3. Tom: I’ll have my feedback in soon, I got busy with external duties at U 4. Cecilia: If we did reports, would WESST want them? Yes 1. Sessions have been planned since the week before WESST Retreat but there are still open spots so if there is a session you’d really like to see then please let Madison, Nic or a CFES officer know. 2. Delegates who aren’t required to attend plenary may attend an optional Case Study that will be a sort of small consulting competition and will take place at the same time as plenary. 1. Please try to bring a delegate to this program. It will be geared toward first years and will be different than last year’s program in that it won’t be completely segregated from the rest of Congress. Delegates will do their own sessions in the morning and then join the rest of the conference for afternoon sessions. 2. Ben: Is this course just for first years? a. Madison: It’s geared toward people who are new to leadership. 1. Every school has to have a proxy form. Even if you are attending as your school’s external, your school has to proxy their vote to you. 2. Emmeline: Does this include SFU-Surrey since we aren’t CFES a. Madison: No, since you won’t be made members until close to i. We have created a first version of the sponsorship package and are working on making it look better. Some firms have already shown interest though. Hopefully the updated package will be out before December 25th. We are looking at a $25 000 budget and are hoping for a patron sponsor for $10 000. ii. Please email Madison or Brad to say when your last final exam is because U of R is looking at the weekend of April 26th, 2013. Brad’s email address is currently and will soon b i. Look for a Doodle poll for when works best for you between December 15th and December 25th so that we can have a meeting before Congress. 1. Michael – Working on transition with Nic Blanchet. There isn’t much to do otherwise. 2. Kaitlynn – Working on transition with Steph Fulcher, who might be transitioned a bit early. I need descriptions of your school’s (main) events for the website so please send them to [email protected]. Only UNBC has sent theirs in so far! It doesn’t have to be a long description, just enough to let people know what the event is about. Also, the domain name needs to be renewed by December 1st. i. Tom: We talked about having a Traditions document. What happened with that? 1. Madison: We have about half a page of information, nothing worth ii. Ben: I think we should sort the events by genre, not by school and also include the email address of the directorship in charge of the events. 3. WEC (as reported by Madison and Tom) – There is no more information on whether extra teams can be sent to WEC yet. U of S won’t even be done their mini WEC until December 1st. The issue is that there is not enough banquet space, not that the social events or hotel can’t hold extra delegates. If you have a U of Y team, please contact the chairs (Nigel or Jeremy) and it is at their discretion whether you may compete.

Source: http://www.wesst.ca/files/Minutes%202012/Admin%20Council%20Minutes%202012-11-18.pdf

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