Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
This Practice Bulletin wasdeveloped by the ACOG Com-
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition of unexplained hyperandro-genic chronic anovulation that most likely represents a heterogenous disorder.Its etiology remains unknown, and treatment is largely symptom based andempirical. Recent findings suggest PCOS has substantial metabolic sequelae,including risk of diabetes and possibly cardiovascular disease, and that pri-
practitioners in making deci-sions about appropriate obstet-
mary treatment should focus on metabolic sequelae. The purpose of this docu-ment is to examine the best available evidence on the diagnosis and clinical
strued as dictating an exclusivecourse of treatment or proce-dure. Variations in practice may
be warranted based on theneeds of the individual patient,
Incidence, Definition, and Diagnostic Criteria
Although there is no universally accepted definition of PCOS, diagnostic criteria
established by the National Institutes of Health in 1990 define it as hyperandro-
genism and chronic anovulation in cases in which secondary causes (such asadult-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hyperprolactinemia, and androgen-secreting neoplasms) have been excluded (1). Insulin resistance has been notedconsistently among many women with unexplained hyperandrogenic chronicanovulation, but it is not included in the diagnostic criteria (2). Ultrasonograms ofwomen with unexplained hyperandrogenic chronic anovulation frequently showovaries that appear polycystic (3); however, polycystic ovaries are a nonspecificfinding and also are frequently noted in women with no endocrine or metabolicabnormalities. Hyperandrogenic chronic anovulation occurs in approximately4–6% of women, with no significant differences in the prevalence of hirsutism orelevated circulating androgen levels between white and black women (4).
Hyperandrogenism can be established on the basis of clinical findings (eg,
hirsutism or acne) or hormone measurement or both. However, not all womenwith hirsutism will have androgen excess, and not all women with androgen
excess will have hirsutism (5). In the largest clinical trial
cardiovascular disease [male younger than 55 years and
to date of women with PCOS, 50–60% of the 400 women
female younger than 65 years]) is important. Lifestyle fac-
prospectively identified as having hyperandrogenic
tors, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, and
chronic anovulation had no evidence of hirsutism (6).
exercise, are particularly important in these women.
The physical examination should include an evalua-
tion of balding, acne, clitoromegaly, and body hair dis-tribution, as well as a pelvic examination to look for
No gene or specific environmental substance has been
ovarian enlargement. The presence and severity of acne
identified as causing PCOS. Selective insulin resistance
should be noted. Signs of insulin resistance, such as
may be central to the etiology of the syndrome: skeletal
obesity, centripetal fat distribution, and the presence of
muscle is profoundly resistant, and other tissues (hypo-
acanthosis nigricans, should be recorded. Acanthosis
thalamus, adrenal, ovary) remain sensitive to the effects of
nigricans is a dermatologic condition marked by velvety,
insulin (7). Thus, compensatory hyperinsulinemia may
mossy, verrucous, hyperpigmented skin. It has been
result in decreased levels of sex hormone binding globulin
noted on the back of the neck, in the axillae, underneath
(SHBG) and serve as a trophic stimulus to androgen pro-
the breasts, and even on the vulva. The presence of acan-
duction in the adrenal gland and ovary. Insulin also may
thosis nigricans appears to be more a sign of insulin
have direct hypothalamic effects, such as abnormally stim-
resistance than a distinct disease unto itself. Other patho-
ulating appetite and gonadotropin secretion.
logic conditions associated with acanthosis nigricansshould be considered, such as insulinoma and malignant
Clinical Manifestations
disease, especially adenocarcinoma of the stomach.
Women with PCOS commonly present with infertility or
Because Cushing’s syndrome is extremely rare (1 in
menstrual disorders. For this reason, much attention has
1,000,000) and screening tests are not 100% sensitive or
been focused on the risks of ovulation induction among
specific (16), routine screening for Cushing’s syndrome
women with PCOS because they are at increased risk for
in all women with hyperandrogenic chronic anovulation
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, multiple pregnancy,
is not indicated. Those who have co-existing signs of
and first-trimester pregnancy loss. In addition, women
Cushing’s syndrome, including a moon facies, buffalo
with PCOS appear to be at increased risk for complica-
hump, abdominal striae, centripetal fat distribution, or
tions of pregnancy, including gestational diabetes and
hypertension, should be screened. Proximal myopathies
hypertensive disorders (8–10); the risk of these compli-
and easy bruising, not present in women with PCOS, also
cations is further exacerbated by multiple pregnancy.
may help identify patients with Cushing’s syndrome.
Chronic anovulation (11), obesity (12), hyperinsu-
Androgen-secreting tumors of the ovary or adrenal
linemia (13), and decreased levels of SHBG (14) are all
gland are invariably accompanied by elevated circulating
associated with endometrial cancer. Insulin resistance
androgen levels. However, there is no absolute level that
and its associated conditions, such as acanthosis nigri-
is pathognomonic for a tumor, just as there is no mini-
cans, centripetal fat distribution, obesity, and obesity-related sleep disorders (15), are all common with PCOS. In turn, all of these conditions are risk factors for long-term metabolic sequelae, such as type 2 diabetes and car-diovascular disease.
Factors to Consider in the Differential Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis of PCOS includes other causes
of androgen excess (see box “Factors to Consider in the
Differential Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”).
Nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Essential components of the history and physical examina-
tion are necessary to diagnose the underlying cause of oli-goovulation (see box “Suggested Diagnostic Evaluation
for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”). The history should
focus on the onset and duration of the various signs of
androgen excess, the menstrual history, and concomitant
medications, including the use of exogenous androgens. A
family history of diabetes and cardiovascular disease(especially first-degree relatives with premature onset of
mum androgen level that excludes a tumor. In the past,
Suggested Diagnostic Evaluation
testosterone levels greater than 2 ng/mL and dehy-
for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
droepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) levels greater than700 µg/dL were regarded as suspicious for a tumor of,
respectively, ovarian and adrenal etiology, but these cut-
off levels have poor sensitivity and specificity (17).
• Body mass index (weight in kg divided by height in m2)
The best measurement of circulating androgens to
document unexplained androgen excess is uncertain.
Evaluation of testosterone or bioavailable testosterone is
• Waist–hip ratio to determine body fat distribution
useful for documenting ovarian hyperandrogenism. Evaluation of DHEAS levels may be useful in cases of
rapid virilization (as a marker of adrenal origin), but its
• Presence of stigmata of hyperandrogenism or insulin
utility in assessing common hirsutism is questionable.
Both the adrenal glands and ovaries contribute to the
■ Acne, hirsutism, androgenic alopecia, acanthosis
circulating androgen pool in women. The adrenal gland
preferentially secretes weak androgens, such as dehy-
droepiandrosterone (DHEA) or DHEAS (up to 90% of
• Documentation of biochemical hyperandrogenemia
adrenal origin). These hormones, in addition to
■ Total testosterone and/or bioavailable or free testos-
androstenedione, may serve as prohormones for more
potent androgens, such as testosterone or dihydrotestos-
• Exclusion of other causes of hyperandrogenism
terone. The ovary is the preferential source of testosterone,
■ Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels (thyroid dysfunction)
and it is estimated that 75% of circulating testosterone
originates from the ovary (mainly through peripheral con-
version of prohormones by liver, fat, and skin, but also
■ 17-Hydroxyprogesterone (nonclassical congenital adre-
through direct secretion). Androstenedione, largely of
nal hyperplasia caused by 21-hydroxylase deficiency):random normal level <4 ng/mL or morning fasting
ovarian origin, is the only circulating androgen that is
higher in premenopausal women than men, yet its andro-
■ Consider screening for Cushing’s syndrome and other
genic potency is only 10% of testosterone. Dihydro-
testosterone is the most potent androgen, although it
• Evaluation for metabolic abnormalities
circulates in negligible quantities and results primarily
■ 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (fasting glucose
from the intracellular 5-α-reduction of testosterone.
<110 mg/dL = normal, 110–125 mg/dL = impaired,
Mild elevations in prolactin are common in women
>126 mg/dL = type 2 diabetes) followed by 75-g
with PCOS (18). A prolactin level can identify prolactin-
oral glucose ingestion and then 2-hour glucose
omas that secrete large amounts of prolactin and that
level (<140 mg/dL = normal glucose tolerance,
may stimulate ovarian androgen production, but this is
140–199 mg/dL = impaired glucose tolerance,
an extremely rare cause of hyperandrogenic chronic
anovulation. Evaluating serum levels of thyroid-stimu-
• Fasting lipid and lipoprotein level (total cholesterol, high-
lating hormone also is useful given the protean manifes-
density lipoprotein, triglycerides, [low-density lipoproteinusually calculated by Friedewald equation])
tations and frequency of thyroid disease in women. Optional Tests to Consider • Ultrasound examination of ovaries for baseline evaluation
and morphology before ovulation induction or in cases of
Clinical Considerations and
virilization or rapid conversion to an androgen excess state
• Gonadotropin determinations to determine cause of
• Fasting insulin levels in younger women, those with severe
Who should be screened for nonclassical
stigmata of insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism, or
congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and how should screening be performed?
• 24-hour urine test for urinary free cortisol with late onset
of polycystic ovary syndrome symptoms or stigmata of
Nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia, often
referred to as late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia,can present in adult women with anovulation and hir-
sutism and is almost exclusively caused by genetic
women with PCOS. Women with PCOS should be
defects in the steroidogenic enzyme, 21-hydroxylase
screened for type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose toler-
(CYP21). In Europe and the United States, congenital
ance with a fasting glucose level followed by a 2-hour
adrenal hyperplasia occurs with the highest frequency
glucose level after a 75-g glucose load (27). This finding
among Ashkenazi Jews, followed by Hispanics,
has taken on new significance with the findings of the
Yugoslavs, Native American Inuits in Alaska, and Italians
Diabetes Prevention program that both lifestyle interven-
tions and metformin significantly reduce the risk of
To screen for nonclassical congenital adrenal hyper-
developing diabetes in women with impaired glucose tol-
plasia caused by CYP21 mutations, a fasting level of 17-
hydroxyprogesterone should be obtained in the morning.
A value less than 2 ng/mL is considered normal. If the
Does PCOS have a long-term impact on the
sample is obtained in the morning and during the follicu-
development of cardiovascular disease?
lar phase, some investigators have proposed cutoffs ashigh as 4 ng/mL (20). Specificity decreases if the sample
No prospective studies have documented an increased
is obtained in the luteal phase. High levels of 17-hydroxy-
risk of cardiovascular events in women with PCOS.
progesterone should prompt an adrenocorticotropic hor-
However, a number of studies using surrogate endpoints
for cardiovascular disease risk have suggested womenwith PCOS are at increased risk (29, 30). A recent cohort
Does PCOS increase the risk of developing
study found an increased prevalence of subclinical ather-
type 2 diabetes?
osclerosis in those with PCOS (7.2%) when comparedwith controls of similar ages (0.7%) (31). This difference
Retrospective studies of women with PCOS have noted a
was detected only in women aged 45 years or older.
twofold to fivefold increased risk of diabetes in women
Women with PCOS display a number of well-recog-
with PCOS when compared with a control population
nized risk factors for both diabetes and cardiovascular
(21, 22). In a prospective, cohort study, 11.9% of women
disease, such as obesity and impaired glucose tolerance
older than 30 years with PCOS had a physician’s diagno-
(32). Dyslipidemia is a common metabolic abnormality
sis of type 2 diabetes, compared with only 1.4% of con-
among women with PCOS. The prevalence of borderline
trols (23). Recent studies have suggested as many as 40%
or high lipid levels according to National Cholesterol
of women with PCOS demonstrate glucose intolerance
Education Program guidelines (33) approaches 70% in
when the less stringent World Health Organization crite-
women with PCOS (34). Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
ria are applied (2-hour glucose levels ≥140 mg/dL) (24).
levels are disproportionately elevated in women with
Undiagnosed diabetes approaches 10% in these PCOS
PCOS (34–36) when compared with other insulin-resist-
cohorts. The risk factors associated with glucose intoler-
ance in women with PCOS—age, high body mass index
Insulin resistance has been associated with other dis-
(BMI), high waist–hip ratios, and family history of dia-
tinct patterns of dyslipidemia, including decreased levels
betes—are identical to those in other populations (25).
of high-density lipoprotein (HDL); increased levels of
Currently, the American Diabetes Association does
small, dense LDL; and elevated levels of triglycerides. A
not recommend screening for insulin resistance with
large cohort study looked at the effect of aging on the pat-
measures of insulin or other markers of the insulin resist-
tern of dyslipidemia in women with PCOS (35). Subjects
ance syndrome (26). Although insulin sensitivity can be
were first evaluated in their 30s and underwent repeat
much more precisely quantified by direct measurement
lipid phenotyping over time (36). Later evaluations
of insulin effects on glucose metabolism in target tissues,
showed persistent lipid abnormalities in women with
both in vivo and in vitro, dynamic tests such as the eug-
PCOS, but these abnormalities tended to persist and
lycemic glucose clamp or frequently sampled intra-
plateau, whereas in the control population, lipid abnor-
venous glucose tolerance test are too intensive and
unwieldy to have widespread clinical utility. Thus, rou-
All women with PCOS should be screened for car-
tine screening for insulin resistance is not useful in the
diovascular risk by determination of BMI and waist–hip
larger population of women with PCOS. However, it may
ratio and measurement of fasting lipid and lipoprotein
be useful to screen selected women with PCOS for
levels (total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyc-
hyperinsulinemia—for example, those with severe hyper-
erides). Regular exercise and weight control are proven
androgenism and acanthosis nigricans, younger women,
methods to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortal-
or those undergoing ovulation induction. Fasting glucose
ity. These modalities should be considered before pre-
levels are poor predictors of glucose intolerance risk in
In a woman with PCOS who is not attempting
vary. There are class differences, for example, biguanides
to conceive, what is the best medical mainte-
tend to decrease weight and thiazolidinediones to
nance therapy to treat anovulation and
increase weight. Within a class there also can be signifi-
cant differences in the risk–benefit ratio, for instance aknown increased risk of hepatotoxicity with troglitazone(no longer available) compared with the minimal risk
Combination Oral Contraceptives
with rosiglitazone. These differences should discourage
Oral contraceptives have been the mainstay of long-term
aggregating all of these agents into a single category
management of PCOS. They offer benefit through a vari-
when considering their use. Nonetheless, improving in-
ety of mechanisms, including suppression of pituitary
sulin sensitivity is associated with a decrease in circulat-
luteinizing hormone secretion, suppression of ovarian
ing androgen levels, improved ovulation rate, and
androgen secretion, and increased circulating SHBG.
improved glucose tolerance. It is difficult to separate the
Individual preparations may have different doses and
effects of improving insulin sensitivity from those of
drug combinations and thus have varying risk–benefit
lowering serum androgens, as any “pure” improvement
ratios. For instance, various progestins have been shown
in insulin sensitivity can increase SHBG and, thus, de-
to have different effects on circulating SHBG levels (38),
crease bioavailable androgen. None of the agents noted
but whether that translates into a clinical benefit is uncer-
are currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
tain. The “best” oral contraceptive for women with PCOS
ministration (FDA) for treatment of PCOS. Despite en-
is not known. Oral contraceptives also are associated
couraging preliminary results, troglitazone was removed
with a significant reduction in the risk for endometrial
from the world wide market because of hepatotoxicity.
cancer (38), but the magnitude of the effect in women
Small studies of 3–6 months’ duration with met-
formin in women with PCOS suggested improvement inovulatory function in about one half of those studied
(45–47). Circulating androgen levels also appear todecrease with long-term treatment. There are no studies
Both depot and intermittent oral medroxyprogesterone
of treatment for 1 year or more with a thiazolidinedione
acetate (10 mg for 10 days) have been shown to suppress
in women with PCOS. The effects of either metformin or
pituitary gonadotropins and circulating androgens in
thiazolidinediones on preventing endometrial hyperplasia
women with PCOS (39). No studies have addressed the
or neoplasia in women with PCOS are unknown.
long-term use of these compounds to treat hirsutism. Theregimen of cyclic oral progestin therapy that most effec-
In a woman with PCOS who is not attempting
tively prevents endometrial cancer in women with PCOS
to conceive, what is the best medical mainte-
is unknown. However use of medroxyprogesterone
nance therapy to prevent cardiovascular dis-
acetate has been associated with decreases in SHBG inwomen with PCOS (40). Progestin-only oral contracep-
ease and diabetes?
tives are an alternative for endometrial protection, butthey are associated with a high incidence of breakthrough
Combination Oral Contraceptives and Progestins
In the general population, oral contraceptive use has not
Insulin-Sensitizing Agents
been associated with an increased risk of developing type
Drugs initially developed to treat type 2 diabetes also
2 diabetes (48). There is no convincing evidence that the
have been used to treat PCOS. Most studies have focused
use of oral contraceptives contributes to the risk of dia-
on agents that improve peripheral insulin sensitivity by
betes in women with PCOS. However, suppression of
decreasing circulating insulin levels. These agents
androgens with oral contraceptives is associated with a
include biguanides (metformin) (42, 43), thiazolidine-
significant elevation in circulating triglycerides as well as
diones (troglitazone, pioglitazone, and rosiglitazone),
in HDL levels, as demonstrated in a large, 3-year study of
and an experimental insulin sensitizer drug known as D-
women with PCOS (49). Most of these effects were
chiro-inositol (44). They do not increase insulin secre-
achieved at 12 months, with little change in circulating
tion, as do sulfonylureas, and are, thus, rarely associated
lipid values between 12 months and 36 months (49).
with hypoglycemia, a risk for those who are normo-
Other studies with fewer participants or of shorter dura-
glycemic when fasting (as are most women with PCOS).
tion showed similar or no effects on circulating lipids
These drugs often are referred to as insulin-sensitizing
(50). There is no evidence to suggest that women with
agents, but their individual effects and risk–benefit ratios
PCOS experience more cardiovascular events than the
general population when they use oral contraceptives. Table 1. Pregnancy Categories of Common Medications
The effect of progestins alone on metabolic risk factors
Used in the Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Pregnancy Insulin-Sensitizing Agents Category
A National Institutes of Health sponsored trial demon-
strated that metformin can prevent the development of
diabetes in high-risk populations (eg, those with impaired
glucose tolerance) (28). The use of troglitazone in this
trial was terminated because of its hepatotoxicity. Among
women with PCOS who use metformin, glucose toler-
ance improves or stays steady over time (46). Metformin
also may be associated with weight loss, but results are
inconsistent. Currently, data are insufficient to warrant
use of insulin-sensitizing agents prophylactically to pre-
vent diabetes in women with PCOS. However, results ofongoing prevention trials may favor more aggressive man-
agement of impaired glucose tolerance to prevent diabetes.
Multiple studies have documented improvement
with the use of insulin-sensitizing agents in the cardio-
vascular risk profile of patients with diabetes or insulin
resistance syndrome, but the role of these agents in pri-
mary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease
is uncertain (51). However, similar improvements in lipid
profiles have not been noted consistently in women with
PCOS. The cardioprotective effects of insulin-sensitizing
agents in women with PCOS are still unknown. Anotherarea where there is theoretic appeal, but little data toguide therapy, is the use of statins to prevent cardiovas-
will occur within the first six ovulatory cycles. Increasing
cular disease in young women with PCOS or the meta-
the duration of treatment adds little to the pregnancy rate.
A recent meta-analysis showed clomiphene citrate to beeffective in women with ovulatory dysfunction and estro-
In women with PCOS who are attempting to
gen production (55). There are no clear prognostic factors
conceive, which methods of ovulation induc-
for response, although increased weight is associated
tion are effective?
with a larger dose requirement and a greater likelihood offailure (56).
There is no evidence-based schema to guide the initial
Alternative clomiphene regimens have been devel-
and subsequent choices of ovulation induction methods
oped, including prolonging the period of administration
in women with PCOS. Treatment should begin with a
(57) and adding dexamethasone. Dexamethasone as
regimen of regular exercise and weight control and then
adjunctive therapy with clomiphene citrate has been
proceed to other methods if necessary (52). The preg-
shown to increase ovulation rates in women with PCOS
nancy classification of common medications used to treat
with higher DHEAS levels (>2000 ng/mL) (57, 58).
Gonadotropins frequently are used to induce ovula-
Clomiphene Citrate or Gonadotropins
tion in women with PCOS for whom clomiphene treat-ment has failed (59). In a large trial of gonadotropins in
Clomiphene citrate has traditionally been the first-line
women with PCOS, women were randomized to either an
treatment agent for anovulatory women, including those
aggressive or low-dose follicle-stimulating hormone pro-
with PCOS. Up to 80% of women with PCOS will ovu-
tocol. Higher pregnancy rates (40% versus 20%, respec-
late in response to clomiphene treatment, and 50% of
tively) and less multifollicular ovulation (27% versus
these women will conceive (53). One half of all women
74%) were achieved with the low-dose protocol (60).
who are going to conceive using clomiphene will do so
There were fewer cases of multiple pregnancy, ovarian
with the 50-mg starting dose, and another 20% will do so
hyperstimulation, and multifollicular ovulation (74%
with the 100-mg per day dosage (54). Most pregnancies
versus 27%) (60). Low-dose therapy with gonadotropins
offers a higher rate of monofollicular development (ap-
nancy (73). Some clinicians advocate its use during early
proximately 50% or greater) with a significantly lower
pregnancy to reduce the miscarriage rate, but the docu-
risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (20–25%)
that results in cycle cancellation or more serious seque-lae (60, 61).
Thiazolidinediones are peroxisome proliferator activat-
Ovarian Drilling
ing receptor (PPAR-γ) agonists and are thought to
The value of laparoscopic ovarian drilling with laser or
improve insulin sensitivity through a postreceptor mech-
diathermy as a primary treatment for subfertile women
anism. In a large, randomized, controlled, multicenter
with anovulation and PCOS is undetermined (62).
trial, troglitazone demonstrated a dose-response effect in
Neither drilling by laser nor diathermy has any obvious
improving ovulation and hirsutism (6). These benefits
advantages, and there is insufficient evidence to suggest
appeared to be mediated through decreases in hyperinsu-
a difference in ovulation or pregnancy rates when
linemia and decreases in free testosterone levels (with
drilling is compared with gonadotropin therapy as a sec-
corresponding increases in SHBG). Newer thiazolidine-
ondary treatment for women who do not respond to
diones, such as rosiglitazone and pioglitazone, appear to
clomiphene (62). A recent randomized trial found no dif-
be safer in terms of hepatotoxicity but also have been
ference in pregnancy or miscarriage rates between ovar-
associated with embryotoxicity in animal studies, and
ian surgery or 3 months of ovulation induction with
little has been published on their effects in women with
gonadotropins (63). Multiple pregnancy rates are
reduced in those women who conceive after laparoscop-
ic drilling. In some cases, the fertility benefits of ovarian
In obese women with PCOS, does weight loss
drilling may be temporary (64), and drilling does not
improve ovarian function?
appear to improve metabolic abnormalities in womenwith PCOS (65).
Obesity contributes substantially to reproductive andmetabolic abnormalities in women with PCOS. Multiple
Insulin-Sensitizing Agents
studies have shown that weight loss can improve the fun-damental aspects of the endocrine syndrome of PCOS by
decreasing circulating androgen levels and causing spon-
Most randomized trials using metformin have shown that
taneous resumption of menses (75, 76). These changes
it improves ovulatory frequency in women with PCOS
have been reported with weight loss as little as 5% of the
(43, 45, 46, 66, 67), although several have not shown a
initial weight (77). Other benefits include decreased cir-
benefit (68–70). The dosage most frequently used has
culating insulin levels (75, 77). The decrease in unbound
been 1,500 mg per day, and more recent studies have
testosterone levels after weight loss may be largely
used 2,000 mg per day in divided doses. Metformin also
mediated through increases in SHBG (77). There also
has been used successfully as an adjunctive agent with
may be decreases in circulating luteinizing hormone lev-
both clomiphene citrate (43) and gonadotropins (67, 71).
els (76), although not uniformly (78). Changes in body
In a small study, metformin significantly improved the
weight have been associated with improved ovulation
pregnancy rate in clomiphene-resistant women with
and pregnancy rates. Longer-term effects from improve-
PCOS when compared with placebo (72). Studies have
ment in ovarian function also have been reported. In one
been hampered by small numbers, inconsistent use of a
study, hirsutism improved in approximately 50% of
placebo, selection bias (primarily women who are clomi-
phene-resistant), and lack of a dose-ranging study.
Although there is much interest in the therapeutic
Metformin carries a small risk of lactic acidosis,
effects of a high protein diet for women with PCOS, few
most commonly among women with poorly controlled
studies support the benefits. Further, there are theoretic
diabetes and impaired renal function. Gastrointestinal
concerns about the adverse effects of high protein on
symptoms (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloat-
renal function in a population at high risk for diabetes, as
ing, flatulence, and anorexia) are the most common
well as the adverse effects of the increased fat composi-
adverse reactions and may be ameliorated by starting at
tion of such diets on dyslipidemia. Only limited studies
a small dose and gradually increasing the dose or by
on the effects of exercise on PCOS have been performed
using the sustained-release version now available in the
(80). It is reasonable to assume that exercise would have
the same beneficial effects in women with PCOS as
Metformin has no known human teratogenic risk or
women with type 2 diabetes, which exist even with no
embryonic lethality in humans and appears safe in preg-
In the general population, weight loss can result in
significant improvement in the risk for diabetes and car-
Spironolactone, a diuretic and aldosterone antagonist,
diovascular disease (82). These data support the utility of
also binds to the androgen receptor as an antagonist (90).
lifestyle modification, ie, improved diet and increased
It has other mechanisms of action, including inhibition
exercise, as primary treatments for all obese women with
of ovarian and adrenal steroidogenesis, competition for
androgen receptors in hair follicles, and direct inhibition
of 5-α-reductase activity. The usual dosage is 25–100 mg
How effective are the various medical agents
twice per day, and the dosage is titrated to balance effi-
in treating hirsutism in women with PCOS?
cacy while avoiding side effects. A full clinical effect
Most medical methods, while improving hirsutism, do
may take 6 months or more. Approximately 20% of
not produce the dramatic results women desire, and
women using spironolactone will experience increased
treatment often is palliative rather than curative. In gen-
menstrual frequency (91). Because it can cause and
eral, combination therapies appear to produce better
exacerbate hyperkalemia, spironolactone should be used
results than single-agent approaches (83–85); however,
cautiously in women with renal impairment. Rarely,
randomized trials have not established a primary treat-
exposure has resulted in ambiguous genitalia in male
infants. Although spironolactone has had long and exten-sive use as an antiandrogen and multiple clinical trials
Oral Contraceptives
have shown a benefit, the overall quality of the trials andsmall numbers enrolled have limited the ability of a
No oral contraceptive has been approved by the FDA for
meta-analysis to document its benefit in the treatment of
the treatment of hirsutism. A number of observational or
nonrandomized studies have noted improvement in hir-sutism in women with PCOS who use oral contracep-
tives (86), but there are no definitive data to confirm theirbenefit in improving hirsutism in PCOS. Few studies
Flutamide, an androgen-receptor agonist, is another non-
have compared outcomes of different types of oral con-
steroidal antiandrogen that has been shown to be effec-
traceptives, and no one type of pill has been shown to be
tive against hirsutism in observational trials (93, 94). The
superior in treating hirsutism in women with PCOS (87).
most common side effect is dry skin, but its use has been
A number of studies have found additive benefit when
associated with hepatitis in rare cases. The common
oral contraceptives are combined with other treatment
dosage is 250 mg per day. The risk of teratogenicity with
modalities, such as flutamide (83). If a woman is taking
this compound is significant, and contraception should
an oral contraceptive that contains drospirenone, it may
be used. Administration of flutamide to a population of
be necessary to reduce her dose of spironolactone and
women with PCOS resulted in significantly decreased
Antiandrogens Finasteride
None of the antiandrogen agents were developed to treat
Finasteride inhibits both forms of the enzyme 5-α-reduc-
hyperandrogenism in women or are approved by the
tase (type I, predominantly found in the skin, and type II,
FDA for that indication. They have been used empirical-
predominantly found in the prostate and reproductive tis-
ly in women with PCOS. These compounds primarily
sues). It is available as a 5-mg tablet for the treatment of
antagonize the binding of testosterone and other andro-
prostate cancer and a 1-mg tablet for the treatment of
gens to the androgen receptor. Androgen antagonism
male alopecia. It has been found to be effective for the
may result in improvements in other metabolic variables,
treatment of hirsutism (95, 96). Finasteride is better tol-
such as circulating lipid levels (88). Randomized trials
erated than other antiandrogens, with minimal hepatic
have found that spironolactone, flutamide, and finas-
and renal toxicity; however, it has well-documented risk
teride all have similar efficacy in improving hirsutism
for teratogenicity in male fetuses, and adequate contra-
(89). All appear to offer some benefit, although the best
choice for hirsutism in PCOS is unknown. As a class,antiandrogens are teratogenic and pose a risk of femi-
Insulin-Sensitizing Agents
nization of the external genitalia in a male fetus
Insulin sensitizers may treat hirsutism by improving both
(ambiguous genitalia) if the patient conceives. There-
hyperinsulinemia and hyperandrogenemia concurrently.
fore, they are frequently used in combination with oral
In a 12-month study, only the highest dose of troglita-
zone was found to significantly—although modestly—
improve hirsutism in women with PCOS (6). In small
(101). The success of laser treatment is operator-depend-
studies with metformin, hirsutism was unchanged (50,
ent, and concomitant medical management generally is
97) or showed only slight improvement (47, 98). Studies
of longer duration are needed to detect differencesbetween classes of insulin-sensitizing agents and theirlong-term benefits. Summary of Eflornithine Recommendations
An inhibitor of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase, top-
The following recommendations are based on
ical eflornithine has been approved by the FDA for treat-
good and consistent scientific evidence (Level A):
ing hirsutism. It appears to be well tolerated, and may
have notable benefit after 6 months of use. A variety of
All women with PCOS should be screened for glu-
adverse skin conditions have been reported in a small
cose intolerance with a 2-hour glucose level after a
percentage of patients. Any additional benefit or de-
creased efficacy in women with PCOS is unknown at
All women with PCOS should be screened for dys-
lipidemia with a fasting lipoprotein profile, includ-
ing total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglyceride
Is there a role for adjuvant cosmetic man- agement of hirsutism?
Interventions that improve insulin sensitivity,
Mechanical hair removal (shaving, plucking, waxing,
including weight loss, use of metformin, and use of
depilatory creams, electrolysis, and laser vaporization)
thiazolidinediones, are useful in improving ovula-
often is the front line of treatment used by women (99).
There is no evidence that shaving can increase hair folli-
Use of clomiphene citrate is appropriate because it
cle density or size of the hair shaft (100). Judicious
effectively results in pregnancy in women with
plucking can be helpful if tolerated, but care must be
taken to avoid folliculitis, pigmentation, and scarring.
In electrolysis, a direct current is passed down a nee-
The following recommendations are based on lim-
dle inserted into the hair follicle, destroying the follicle. ited or inconsistent scientific evidence (Level B):
Unlike mechanical and chemical depilatory methods,
electrolysis can permanently reduce hirsutism by
Improvements in insulin sensitivity, by weight loss
destroying the follicle. Electrolysis satisfactorily
or by the use of insulin-sensitizing agents, may
removes hair from women and men with hypertrichosis
favorably improve many risk factors for diabetes
(generalized increased hair distribution). However, elec-
and cardiovascular disease in women with PCOS.
trolysis is tedious, its success is highly operator-depend-
When using gonadotropins to induce ovulation,
ent, and it may be impractical for treating large numbers
low-dose therapy is recommended because it offers
of hairs. The regulation of electrology practice varies
a high rate of monofollicular development and a sig-
among states. Concomitant medical management direct-
nificantly lower risk of ovarian hyperstimulation in
ed at decreasing androgen levels usually is recommend-
ed for excess androgen states, otherwise new vellus hairs
will differentiate into terminal hairs, causing recurrence
The benefit and role of surgical therapy in ovulation
induction in women with PCOS is uncertain.
Laser treatment removes hair because follicular
melanin absorbs the laser wavelengths of light, which
The following recommendations are based primar-
selectively thermally damage the target without damag-
ily on consensus and expert opinion (Level C):
ing surrounding tissue. Women with dark hair and light
Although eflornithine hydrochloride cream has been
skin are ideal candidates, and the approach appears to be
effective in treating facial hirsutism in women, addi-
most effective during anagen. Because of the skew of
tional benefits or risks for women with PCOS are
hair follicles among varying segments of the hair growth
cycle, multiple treatments may be necessary. Most stud-
ies have been observational, nonrandomized studies with
All women with a suspected diagnosis of PCOS
no specific focus on women with PCOS. Randomized
should be screened with a 17-hydroxyprogesterone
studies have demonstrated a benefit over control areas
value for nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
Combining medical interventions may be the most
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hirsutism, hyperandrogenism, oligomenorrhea, dyslipi-
86. Falsetti L, Gambera A, Tisi G. Efficacy of the combina-
demia, and hyperinsulinism after precocious pubarche. J
tion ethinyl oestradiol and cyproterone acetate on
Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000;85:3526–30. (Level II-2)
99. Richards RN, Uy M, Meharg G. Temporary hair removal
in patients with hirsutism: a clinical study. Cutis 1990;
The MEDLINE database, the Cochrane Library, and
ACOG’s own internal resources and documents were used
100. Peereboom-Wynia JD. Effect of various methods of
to conduct a literature search to locate relevant articles pub-
depilation on density of hairgrowth in women with idio-
lished between January 1985 and January 2001. The search
pathic hirsutism. Arch Dermatol Forsch 1972;243:
was restricted to articles published in the English language.
Priority was given to articles reporting results of original re-search, although review articles and commentaries also
101. Dierickx CC. Hair removal by lasers and intense pulsed
were consulted. Abstracts of research presented at symposia
light sources. Semin Cutan Med Surg 2000;19:267–75.
and scientific conferences were not considered adequate for
inclusion in this document. Guidelines published by organi-zations or institutions such as the National Institutes ofHealth and the American College of Obstetricians and Gy-necologists were reviewed, and additional studies werelocated by reviewing bibliographies of identified articles. When reliable research was not available, expert opinionsfrom obstetrician–gynecologists were used.
Studies were reviewed and evaluated for quality accordingto the method outlined by the U.S. Preventive Services TaskForce:
Evidence obtained from at least one properly de-signed randomized controlled trial.
II-1 Evidence obtained from well-designed controlled
II-2 Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or
case–control analytic studies, preferably from morethan one center or research group.
II-3 Evidence obtained from multiple time series with or
without the intervention. Dramatic results in uncon-trolled experiments could also be regarded as thistype of evidence.
Opinions of respected authorities, based on clinicalexperience, descriptive studies, or reports of expertcommittees.
Based on the highest level of evidence found in the data,recommendations are provided and graded according to thefollowing categories:
Level A—Recommendations are based on good and consis-tent scientific evidence.
Level B—Recommendations are based on limited or incon-sistent scientific evidence.
Level C—Recommendations are based primarily on con-sensus and expert opinion.
Copyright December 2002 by the American College of Obstetriciansand Gynecologists. All rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any formor by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, orotherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher.
Requests for authorization to make photocopies should be directed toCopyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA01923, (978) 750-8400. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 409 12th Street, SW, PO Box 96920 Washington, DC 20090-6920
Polycystic ovary syndrome. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 41. AmericanCollege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2002;100:1389–402.
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