Microsoft word - priority standard-earth, gr. 2.doc

• Curriculum Guide
Earth Science Strand
for Harcourt Science

Priority Standard(s)
3) Earth is made of matter (material) that has distinct properties and provides
resources for human activity.

Student Outcomes
Student Task’s and Assessments
As a basis for understanding this standard,
Unit B: Exploring Earth’s Surface
students know:
3a) How to compare and contrast the physical ¾ Recognize and describe different kinds of properties of different kinds of rocks; that rock is rocks and soil and will infer about why the composed of different combinations of minerals. 3c) That soil is made partly from weathered rock ¾ Identify ways people use rocks and soil; and partly from organic materials. Soils differ in their make a chart similar to the one found on p. color, texture, capacity to retain water, and ability to support the growth of many kinds of plants. ¾ Classify rocks using 2 or more attributes they identified (p. B6, “Use Process Skills”). • Scientific Background/Facts
¾ Investigate the question, “What Makes Up ¾ Rocks are composed of different minerals Soil?” (Investigation Challenge, p. B8) and and are classified into 3 groups: igneous will write or draw their results in their science rock forms when molten magma deep inside journals and will discuss the procedures in Earth solidifies below the surface or rises to the surface; sedimentary rock forms when ¾ Set up an investigation similar to the one on parts of older rocks and plant and animal p. B8 and find out that different kinds of soil material form layers that harden into rock over time; metamorphic rock forms when ¾ Identify the steps needed to make adobe existing rock changes due to extreme heat bricks (p. B8, “Reading Mini-Lesson” on arranging events in sequence) and then will ¾ Sand is made up of loose grains of minerals draw and number pictures to go with each ¾ Topsoil is the uppermost layer of soil. Top- (“Reading Mini-Lesson” on p. B18); point out soil can contain sand, clay, and minerals, that information is sometimes put into a but is mostly composed of humus (this orga- chart to make it clearer and easier to find nic material provides plants with nutrients ¾ Clay is found in most soils; it is made up of ¾ Rocks near the Earth’s surface are broken into smaller pieces by a process called weathering; this process takes place be-cause of effects of environmental factors. ¾ There are two types of weathering: chemi- Timeline/Calendar/Time Needed
¾ Minerals are solid resources found in nature, • Vocabulary
8-12 weeks; a suggested 3 day per wk./45 min.-1 hr. per day science teaching schedule, for the entire unit on Earth science (also contains a chapter on fossils, entitled “Earth Long Ago”; even though standard 3d is not a priority standard, most children love to study about fossils and dinosaurs). Can be taught any trimester. Travis Unified School District
Science Grade 2, Page 1 of 2
• Curriculum Guide
Earth Science Strand
for Harcourt Science
Instructional Strategies & Materials
Real Life Applications
¾ People use rocks and soil in different ways. ¾ Using small groups, pairs, or individually, ¾ Rocks are a kind of natural resource; a have students do lesson investigation #1, p. nature that people can use to meet their Makes Up Soil?” on p. B8. Materials for these 2 activities are on p. B2c and p. B8. ¾ Have students reinforce their own under- ¾ Rocks are used to make gravel for roads. standing of the use of science tools (like a ¾ Sculptures can be made from rocks (see B7, hand lens) by asking volunteers to model the reference to Mount Rushmore and its histori- skill for their classmates (works well for the ¾ Adobe bricks can be made from clay and ¾ Use Process Skill Tip Transparency B1-1 to practice the skill of inference (see “Science ¾ U.S. coins are made from certain kinds of ¾ Provide a variety of rock samples and have ¾ People also use materials from minerals to children practice classifying the rocks using ¾ Artists use natural materials like rocks, soil, and water to create artwork for people’s ¾ Use charts like the one on p. B9 to summa- rize what children have learned about rocks Resources & Technology
Teacher’s Edition with links to other CA content ¾ Use the chart on p. B19 to help children analyze the photos to identify properties that ¾ Have Read Alouds (see Literature Connec- ¾ Have students start a rock collection. ¾ Address science misconceptions-see “The Harcourt Science Activity Video
Harcourt Science Instant Readers CD-ROM
Harcourt Assessment Guide
SDAIE Manual/Support for ELL
Free access to Internet Activities for Harcourt
Grade Level Equipment Kit for Grade 2
Bibliography, T59-61
Rock and mineral samples (box of these in Science
Kits for Pilot Teachers-the green buckets)
Travis Unified School District
Science Grade 2, Page 2 of 2


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