Treasure Mountain Physical Education 9th Grade, 2010-2011 Mr. Torrey [email protected] Physical Education Course Description Physical Education develops a healthy physical lifestyle through exploration of movement and participation in individual and team activities. Physical Education promotes a positive self-image, the basic components of lifelong health and fitness, and appropriate social behaviors in both independent and group activities. Possible Activities Archery, Flag Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Ultimate Games, Badminton, indoor Tennis, Floor Hockey, Fitness, Basketball, Dance, Cross-Country Skiing, Snowshoeing, Softball, Traverse Wall, Inline Skating, Ice skating, Golf Grading 85% Daily Participation/ Sportsmanship/Dress (Score based on MYP rubrics) 15% Written Work/ Home Work/Skill Evaluations /Fitness Testing/Written Tests Late work will be minus 10 points per calendar day The Sport Education Model will be used for most activities. Students will be assigned jobs related to their teams. Students will be required to carry out the job requirements and will be graded as to how well they full filled those requirements. Show REPECT to the game, your coach, teachers and the officials. Never question the referee and always listen to your coach and teachers. Show RESPONSIBILITY to your teammates, instructors, family and yourself. You are always accountable for your own actions on and off the field. Show INTEGRITY by being honest and following the rules. Always give 100% and never cheat. Show LEADERSHIP by putting your team first in all decisions. Your example in games and practices will inspire others to follow. Show SPORTSMANSHIP by reacting correctly even when others do not. Acknowledge good plays, accept bad calls and always thank your opponents There will be a make up assignment for all absences, which must be approved by your instructor. See teacher page for directions and format as to what is required and accepted. Text Book Fitness for life, Authors: Charles B. Corbin and Ruth Linsey Loss of Participation Points for the Day
• If a student is assigned to in school suspension for any reason and misses class • Unexcused absences from the office • Out of School Suspensions • Food, Drink, Candy, GUM, Third time zero for the day. IF A STUDENT IS NOT IN CLASS AND IT IS NOT AN EXCUSED ABSENCE, ALL POINTS ARE LOST FOR THE DAY. Dress (Required Physical Education Uniform)
• Gray Park City Physical Education or Treasure Mountain logo T-shirt • T-shirt with FIRST name and LAST INTIAL printed on it, in the space provided on the front with permanent marker.
• Black Park City Physical Education or Treasure Mountain logo shorts • Shorts are to have your LAST name printed in the space provided in permanent
• Your name must be on your uniform or have a loaner from your instructor to earn credit for dress.
• A pair of tennis/court shoes or athletic shoes (non-marking soles, properly tied / and clean of all debris when in the gym)
• Athletic socks (optional) • Towel (optional) • No jewelry, watches or ear rings • Sweatshirt, sweat pants or other cold weather gear when appropriate. • Shorts cannot hang below the knees at their lowest point. • Shorts must be worn high enough at the waist so as to not be offensive or exposing undergarments or those parts of the body that would normally be covered by undergarments.
The initial uniform fee is $20.00 for one uniform. If you lose or damage your uniform the replacement cost is $30. If you would like to purchase a second uniform the cost is $30. All uniforms include a shirt and shorts; nothing is sold separately. Suggested items for outside activities: When appropriate for the activity, sunglasses, sunscreen, sports cap, and a water bottle. Students should check the lost and found daily. Lockers
• Lockers with built in locks will be assigned to each student. Each student is responsible for the locker. Do not share your locker and/or combination with anyone. Only the person who is assigned that locker will be given the combination.
• Your lockers should be LOCKED at all times. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check that your locker is locked.
• No backpacks in gym and locker rooms. • Do Not leave valuables in your P.E. locker. Equipment
• No use of equipment until your physical education teacher has given permission. • The fitness room is off limits. • Correct use of equipment with teacher permission only. The student’s instructor will address consequences for any violation individually. Tardies
• Students will report to the locker room before class time. • Students are expected to report to rollTHREE minutes after the tardy bell • School tardy policy applies. Dismissal Policy
• Students will be allowed THREE minutes when inside and FIVE minutes when out side to get dressed at the end of the period.
• Students are not allowed to leave the gym until excused by the instructor and should wait in the gym until that time. If a student leaves before being released by the instructor, he or she will lose all daily points. Illness/ Injury If you are well enough to be here, then you are well enough to participate. If your child is restricted from activity, the following must occur: All restriction from activity requires a dated and signed note from a physician. An alternate activity will be given to the student to participate in when the planned activity is something they are restricted from. This is to ensure the safety of the students. With all excuses, state specific reasons why the student cannot participate in certain activity as well as the limited activities in which the student may participate. A doctor note to return to activity must be signed and dated in order to return to activity.
Treasure Mountain Physical Education
I have read and understand the policies stated above. STUDENT’S NAME (PRINTED) ________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE________________________________ DATE__________ PARENT’S NAME (PRINTED) __________________________________________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE__________ PHONE #’S ____________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ PLEASE LIST ANY PAST HISTORY OF ILLNESS OR INJURY ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIST CURRENT MEDICATIONS AND THE REASON THEY ARE BEING TAKEN. ALL MEDICATIONS MUST BE IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER. Example: Epipen, allergic to bee stings Atrovent inhaler, asthma, 4x/day ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Referat fra medlemsmøde lørdag den 28. oktober 2006 i Torvehallerne i Vejle. Foreningens formand Anders Christensen bød velkommen til 55 medlemmer og pårørende der havde fundet vej til Torvehallerne i Vejle. Jeg glæder mig meget til at høre de forskellige beretninger, men husk at vi er alle forskellige og vi reagerer forskelligt, men vi har nok alle oplevet at verden lige som går i
( Telephone: +3531 837 9964 / 809 2566 Introduction: The Poisons Information Centre provides a national service to doctors and other healthcare professions in Ireland. The Centre provides information on the toxicity, features and management of poisoning from drugs, household products, industrial chemicals, pesticides, plants and fungi. A limited service is provided to the general public e.g.