Microsoft word - file format guide.docx

Below is a listing of the file requirements needed to import a file into the Regal ACH Processor.
The following fields are considered required:
Unique Identifier (Your In-house Reference/File Number) Account Type (Personal Checking, Personal Savings, Business Checking) Your file can contain a header record or not Your file can contain more fields, like address, email, phone number, etc.
Your file can have the fields in any order Your file should be one of the following formats: 1. CSV (comma delimited)2. Excel .XLS3. Comma Quote Delimited We recommend stripping out all delimiters from names, (ex: ,'|%$) to avoid file import issues Copyright Regal Technologies, LLC – All Rights Reserved Regal Technologies ACH Processor – File Import Requirements 2.1 FIELD DESCRIPTIONS AND GUIDELINES:
1. This field is used to identify the transaction for future returns2. This field can contain letters, numbers and symbols FIRST AND LAST NAME/COMPANY NAME (REQUIRED): 1. The field should be first and last name or company name2. You can separate the first and last name into two separate fields 3. Make sure the company Name (if used) is also in the first and/or last name field TRAN DATE (OPTIONAL - IF MISSING WILL DEFAULT TO CURRENT DATE): 1. Date should be in the format of MM/DD/YYCC or MM-DD-YYCC2. Future dates are allowed and will automatically be put in queue (Future Payments) 1. Always 9 digits (ABA numbers will be validated at Time of Import. If Invalid the Transaction will report as 3. Maximum of 17 digits4. No symbols, letters, or spaces Copyright Regal Technologies, LLC – All Rights Reserved Regal Technologies ACH Processor – File Import Requirements 2.1 1. "C" for Personal Checking2. "S" for Personal Savings 3. "B" for Business Checking (if used, SEC Code MUST be Debit, or C21) Acceptable SEC Codes: ARC, BOC, C21, Credit, Debit, POP, RCK, TEL, WEB "TEL (Telephone Authorized Transaction)" for Personal Telephone Authorized "WEB (Consumer Initiated WEB Transaction)" for Personal Internet Authorized "ARC (Accounts Receivable Check)" for Personal or Business Paper Checks Received in the Mail "BOC (Back Office Conversion)" for Personal or Business Paper Checks Received In-Person but Convertedto ACH at a Later Time "C21 (Check 21)"for Personal or Business Paper Checks Received "POP (Point of Purchase)" for Immediate Conversion at Point of Purchase (at the Register) "RCK (Redeposited Check)" for Conversion and Redeposit of Paper NSF Check 1. To create a PPD or CCD transaction you would need to use "Credit" or "Debit".
2. "Credit" or "Debit"are used to indicate whether a transaction will be a Debit from an account or a Credit Examples:
Account Type "B", SEC Code "Debit" = CCD DebitAccount Type "B", SEC Code "Credit" = CCD CreditAccount Type "C", SEC Code "Debit" = PPD Debit Account Type "C", SEC Code "Credit" = PPD Credit Copyright Regal Technologies, LLC – All Rights Reserved Regal Technologies ACH Processor – File Import Requirements 2.1 EXAMPLE ACH FILE:
Below is an example file using all of the required fields using a Comma Quote Format.
Your file can contain a header record or not Your file can contain more fields, like address, email, phone number, etc.
Your file can have the fields in any order Your file should be one of the following formats: 1. CSV (comma delimited)2. Excel .XLS3. Comma Quote Delimited We recommend stripping out all delimiters from names, (ex: ,'|%$) to avoid file import issues "57587-58172-3846","Luke Smith","12/2/2010","063102152","12345678",157.64,"C","WEB""57587-58172-3847","Bob Sob","12/25/2010","063102152","987564",1.64,"S","Credit""57587-58172-3848","Crazy Luke's Pizza","12/12/2010","063102152","564789",1157.64,"B","Debit" "57587-58172-3849","Stephen Baldwin","12/15/2010","063102152","12349999",107.64,"C","TEL""57587-58172-3846","Harry Smith","01/15/2011","063102152","998512345678",1157.64,"S","TEL" The above file is using the following field order:
3. Tran Date (Not Required)4. Bank ABA #5. Bank Account #6. Amount Copyright Regal Technologies, LLC – All Rights Reserved


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