Microsoft word - angermayer_seduction sex and sentences_excerpt.doc
2010 by Kösel-Verlag, a division of Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Munich, Germany Karen Christine Angermayer Seduction, Sex and Sentences 33 Quickies for Successful Writing (Verführung mit Worten) 176 pages March 2011 English sample translation by Michaela Leithner In Cooperation with Chris Davidson Seduction, Sex and Sentences
Table of Contents
Prologue: "Make it sexy" Part 1: The theory of seduction
A quick look in the mirror: all set to go?
What does "sexy" mean and can you learn to be sexy?
Casanova or passion killer: which type of seducer are you?
Part 2: Seduction in practise Phase 1: Some new positions to experiment with Four quickies that last a life time
1 "Here?" You can do it anywhere
3 "Hand job?" Give your computer a break
4 "Satisfied now?" Deal with your internal critics
Phase 2: The foreplay Chill out zone Get on the dance floor
10 Creative ceroc: twenty alternatives to sex
Phase 3: Let's get down to business
11 Up close and personal: why we need to know our readers
12 "What a feeling" Ultra-sensitive does the job
13 The G-spot Test: do your words hit the spot
14 "Hot story!" Old can be sexy, too
15 "Top first, then bottom": how to do the perfect striptease
16 Quick and dirty: the licence to write for the gutter
17 "Viagra?" How to transfer a slump into a writing kick
18 "The first cut is the deepest": letting lovers go
19 "Kinky?" Why being crazy is normal
20 Let flowers speak: how to let images talk instead of letters
21 "Cuddling or sex?" Tell me what's going on
22 "French or not French?" Simple is best
23 Dress it up: twelve tips for sexy titles
24 "It's okay to laugh" why humour gives you the kicks
25 "Hand cuffs?" I have something much better than that …
26 "How romantic" Score with poetry
27 "Change position" Everything in place
28 "Read it again, Sam" Why all good things come in fours
29 "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Mind orgasm guaranteed
Phase 4: The afterglow
30 Sense and Sensibility: why intuition has the last word
31 "Here's looking at you, kid" See yourself as a writer
32 "How was it for you?" The thin line between self confidence
33 "The miracle of love" Writing without writing
Back home and a long look in the mirror: successful date?
Events and INSP!RATIONS by Karen Christine Angermayer
Excerpt: Phase 1: Some New Positions to Experiment With 1 "Here?" You can do it anywhere
There are some things you don't do everywhere. Sex might be
one of them, depending on how liberal a view you take of life.
Writing, however, you can do anywhere, even in places you
haven’t yet found the courage to have sex: in the office, at
home, on a park bench, in the lift, in the queue at the post
office, in a coffee shop, on a plane, on the back seat of a car –
When you want to write you don't need to be dressed up and it
doesn't matter how many people are watching you. In fact you
might be soaping yourself in the shower or lounging in the
Concerning place, writing is the most undemanding thing on
earth. Try it right now – the writing that is, not the sex. Yes,
Quickie 1: doing it in unusual places – dogging for writers
Just take your laptop or some sheets of white paper and a pen.
This may seem unusual preparation for dogging, but this isn't
really a book about sex, it is a book about writing - just in case
Look for a place where you have never written before. It could
be the conference room, the cafeteria, or the settee in
reception. It could be your kitchen table, your bed, your sofa,
the sauna at the gym, your favourite wine bar, the VIP lounge
of your favourite airline.anywhere. The exciting thing is that
you have never ever done it there before – just like dogging.
"I can't do that. What if somebody sees me?"
That’s half the fun. So what? For quite a few years now you’ve
been running around with a little apparatus pushed against
your ear (called a mobile phone) talking to somebody who isn’t
there. You sit on trains and in waiting rooms, pushing buttons
on a small keyboard. A minute or so later it beeps, which is the
signal for you to continue pushing buttons. Seeing someone,
somewhere, writing something, is no longer the common sight
it once was. In days gone by you would see people writing as
they waited at a bus stop, for example. You’d see school
children sitting at the side of the playground writing in their
exercise books, some sitting on low walls, others resting their
High time to do it again, don’t you think?
• a thank-you e-mail to your best customer or the nicest
• the core messages of your next product presentation
• the foreword of your non-fiction book or your novel
Write whole sentences, not keywords or bullet points.
Write not caring whether it’s ready for the printing press or not.
Write with this conspiratorial tickle in your tummy that you are
doing something what nobody else is doing in this place.
Write for seven minutes solid, starting now. I’ll still be here
Did anyone look at you in a strange way? Did anyone in a
medical uniform speak to you in soothing tones, pat you on the
head and try to escort you from your chosen ‘special place’?
None of that happened, did it? Once you got going, it seemed
like a perfectly natural thing to do, just like having sex in the
post office queue – well, maybe not, but you get my point. You
Now do it again. As often as you can. Perhaps not on the
If you find a place where writing is especially easy for you,
make it your personal writing centre. And if you have
colleagues who also write a lot, make it a joint effort to search
for a room in which you all can be creative without any
interruptions. If the copier gets its own room, you have the
same right. In your apartment there are also places which you
can make your writing retreats: your favourite chair, the kitchen
table, the balcony… More often than not, they’re places you’d
never think of. Just give it a go and see what happens.
Sexy is to make it everywhere. Seduction, Sex and Sentences: 10 arguments for the book
1) Writing is sex with your reader: a game of
seduction, a dance, a dialogue, no monologue. And
2) There is no “private” or “business” in writing: We are
all human beings and we write for human beings.
3) Good writing needs courage for emotions.
Grammar and rules for writing come in second.
4) Producing at least 20 ideas in 3 minutes is easy.
5) Only if you know which type of “verbal seducer” you
are, you can develop your own, unique writing style.
6) Writing is for everybody and this book is for
everybody: men – women, old – young, university
7) The contents of this book are applicable for both,
business texts (flyers, brochures, articles, etc.) and
8) The chapters and exercises (33 quickies) are
intentionally brief and can be realised immediately.
9) This book combines knowledge of creativity theory
with methods of mental training, intuition,
awareness coaching and quantum physics (without
any formula). Knowledge about writing has never
10) This book has a good sense of humour. So have
The author
Karen Christine Angermayer has been an author, ghostwriter
and trainer for lightness and charisma in writing for 10 years.
“Words that work“ („Worte, die wirken“) – this claim is the red
thread in all books she writes or oversees, no matter if it is a
children's, youth or a non-fiction book .
Her work is characterised by the combination of extraordinary
fields of knowledge, e.g. creativity training, brain research, mental training, quantum physics and special intuition techniques.
She is a member of the German Speakers Association (GSA), Global Speakers Federation (GSF),
and is represented by agency gattys global, Munich,
and by Literatur Agentur Hanauer, Munich. For further information: [email protected] and
Michaela Leithner
Michaela Leithner is the Managing Director of SMILE-
Translations, an expert office for translations and simultaneous
interpreting for conferences, congresses, seminars and
trainings with its headquarters in Vienna, Austria.
Michaela Leithner was intentionally selected by Karen
Christine Angermayer for the translation of her book, because
she was enthusiastically recommended by British and US-
American speakers after an international conference in
Cologne in 2010, where she was one of the simultaneous
Her special expertise is to 'translate' non-English humour into
the English language so precisely that British and US-
American listeners can follow and have as much fun as the
For further information: Chris Davidson
The table of contents and the excerpt were translated in co-
Chris Davidson is an inspirational speaker and business
communication coach. He helps people achieve more by
He is a master of words and with a lot of wit he exactly knows
how to transfer the content and the humour of the original
manuscript into the way of thinking and living of his fellow
For further information:
Na 44 jaar intensief gebruik was de stroomverde- ling van het AZ Middelheim – alom bekend voor zijn harttransplantaties - aan een grondige renova- tie toe. De strenge door de opdrachtgever opge- legde voorschriften i.v.m. de bedrijfscontinuïteit werden door het studiebureel Botec vertaald in een veeleisend lastenboek. Teneinde de grootst moge- lijke conformiteit en garan
To find a code that satisfies C = C⊥, C has to be a [2k, k]-code satisfyingIn particular, ∀u ∈ C : u · u = 0, therefore every codeword in C has even parity. This alsoimplies that all codewords have to differ in even number of zeros. Next, let me claim that we can consider only bases with codewords containing exactlytwo ones (instead of considering bases with four ones; zero and six are u