Sanco-2007-03703-00-00-en-tra-00 (ru)

Maximum permissible levels (MPLs) of residues of
active substances of pesticides in fresh food products
of plant origin fixed by Russian legislation in
accordance with Hygiene Standard (GN) 1.2.1323-03
MPLs of active substances MPLs in other types of food products in line with the MPL of an active substance file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (1 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** Not permitted Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.03 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (2 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** Not permitted Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.04 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (3 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (4 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical pomes** (pomes) 0.01 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.05 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (sugar 0.1 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (sugar 0.1 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (5 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Sugar beet, mangelwurzels and table beet 0.05 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (plums, Not permitted Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** Not permitted file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (6 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** Not permitted Tropical and subtropical drupes* (drupes) 0.15 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.15 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (7 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 Cabbage (cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, Not permitted file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (8 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** Not permitted Tropical and subtropical drupes* (apples) Not permitted Tropical and subtropical pomes** (apples) Not permitted Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** Not permitted Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** Not permitted file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (9 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (10 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical drupes* (apples) 0.1 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (apples) 0.1 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (apples) 0.03 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.03 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (11 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical drupes* (drupes) 0.5 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (pomes) 0.5 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (grapes) 0.1 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (12 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical pomes** (grapes) 0.1 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (fruit) 5.0 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (fruit) 5.0 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 5.0 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (drupes) 5.0 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (pomes) 5.0 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 5.0 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (grapes) 0.03 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (grapes) 0.03 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.03 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (13 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical drupes* (grapes) 0.02 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (grapes) 0.02 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.02 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (grapes) 0.03 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (grapes) 0.03 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.03 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (14 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** Not permitted Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (drupes) 0.01 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (15 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical pomes** (pomes) 0.01 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.01 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (drupes) 0.5 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (pomes) 0.5 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.5 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (apples) 0.2 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (16 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical pomes** (apples) 0.1 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.5 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (sugar 0.1 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (sugar 0.1 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (17 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical drupes* (grapes) 0.5 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (grapes) 0.5 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.5 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (18 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical drupes* (plums) 0.01 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (pears, 0.2 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.2 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.2 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 1.0 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (19 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical drupes* (apples) Not permitted Tropical and subtropical pomes** (apples) Not permitted Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** Not permitted Tropical and subtropical drupes* (pomes) 0.1 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (pomes) 0.1 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (pears, 0.5 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.5 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (20 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** Not permitted Pineapples (melons, plums, cherry plums) 0.05 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (plums, 0.05 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (apples) 0.05 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.05 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (21 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.2 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (22 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:55 p.m.] Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (plums) 0.1 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (plums) 0.01 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (23 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:56 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical pomes** (apples) 0.01 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.01 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (wheat, 0.005 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (wheat, 0.005 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.005 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (24 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:56 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical drupes* (drupes) 0.2 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (pomes) 0.2 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.2 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (fruits) Not permitted Tropical and subtropical pomes** (fruits) Not permitted Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** Not permitted file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (25 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:56 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical drupes* (apples) 0.005 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (apples) 0.005 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.005 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (grapes) 0.15 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (apples) 0.15 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.15 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (26 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:56 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical drupes* (fruits) 0.6 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (fruits) 0.6 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.6 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (drupes) 0.1 Tropical and subtropical pomes** (apples) 0.05 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (27 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:56 p.m.] Tropical and subtropical drupes* (pomes 0.4 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.4 Tropical and subtropical drupes* (grapes) 0.1 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** 0.1 Tropical and subtropical drupes* - dates, avocadoes, mangoes, mangosteens, nectarines, etc.; Tropical and subtropical pomes** - figs, cape gooseberries, feijoa, etc.; file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (28 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:56 p.m.] Other tropical and subtropical fruits*** - fruits other than those in groups "*" or "**".
file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (29 de 29) [28/09/2008 05:12:56 p.m.]


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