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CURRICULUM VITAE Joseph Anthony DiPietro
The University of TennesseeInstitute of Agriculture2621 Morgan Circle DriveRoom 101 Morgan HallKnoxville, Tennessee 37996-4505(865) 974-7342 (Office phone)Email)
Married Deborah Sue Brown -8/3/74Three Children: Robin Rebecca -3/10/77Joseph Alphonso -5/11/81Rose Elizabeth -2/23/83
High School: Charleston Community High School, Charleston, Illinois 61920. Graduation: June 1969
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences – Animal SciencesMajor: Pre-Veterinary Medicine – 1969-1972
College of Veterinary Medicine - BS, l974; DVM, l976; MS, 1980Graduate Training: Department of Veterinary Medical Science (Department of VeterinaryPathobiology; Parasitology Division). Master's Thesis Title: The Endoparasitic Activity ofIvermectin, MK933, in the Horse. 1980. University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801. OTHER EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE:
Managing for Commitment Program, The Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC,October 3-9, 1988.
Senior Administrator Seminar, Executive Development Center, College of Commerce and BusinessAdministration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 3-5, 1991.
Florida State University System, Leadership Workshop. In service training, Howey-in-the-Hills, FL,May 4-6, 1997.
Florida Board of Regents Deans and Chairs Retreat, Gainesville, FL, November 24, 1998.
Food Systems Leadership Institute (2007 Fellow, Inaugural Class, Sponsored byNASULGC and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The Food Systems Leadership Institute (FSLI) offersleadership development to upper-level leaders in higher education, government, and industry toprepare them to meet the leadership challenges and opportunities of the future. It is a two-yearprogram consisting of four week-long residential sessions. LICENSURE:
State of Illinois: 90-B-3919State of Indiana: 3701
June 2010 - PresentChancellor, Institute of AgricultureThe University of Tennessee
February 2006 – June 2010Vice President, Institute of AgricultureThe University of Tennessee
May l976-June l978. Associate Veterinarian, Peotone Animal Hospital, Peotone, Illinois 60468.
July l978-September l980. Instructor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana,Illinois 6l80l.
September 1980-August 1984. Assistant Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine and VeterinaryPathobiology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801.
August 1984-November 1990. Associate Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine and VeterinaryPathobiology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801. (Tenured)
November 1990-January 1997. Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, University ofIllinois, Urbana, IL 61801. (Tenured)
January 1997-February 2006. Professor, Department of Pathobiology, University of Florida, 32610. (Tenured)
February 2006 – Present. Professor, Comparative Medicine Department, College of VeterinaryMedicine, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (Tenured)
November 1990-November 1991. Acting Associate Dean for Research, College of VeterinaryMedicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801.
November 1991-January 1992. Assistant Dean for Research, College of Veterinary Medicine,University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801.
November 1993-1994. Acting Assistant Director, The Agriculture Experiment Station, College ofAgriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801.
November 1993-August 1994. Acting Associate Dean for Research, College of Veterinary Medicine,University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801.
August 1994-January 1997. Assistant Director, The Agriculture Experiment Station, College ofAgriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801.
August 1994-January 1997. Associate Dean for Research, College of Veterinary Medicine,University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801.
January 1997-February 2006. Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida,Gainesville, FL 32610.
February 2006–June 2010. Vice President, Institute of Agriculture, The University of Tennessee,Knoxville, TN 37996-4505.
June 2010–Present. Chancellor, Institute of Agriculture, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
American Veterinary Medical AssociationTennessee Veterinary Medical AssociationAmerican Association of Equine Practitioners (Inactive)American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists Conference of Research Workers in
American Association of Veterinary Clinicians (Inactive)American Society of Parasitologists (Inactive)
Alpha Zeta--Morrow ChapterPhi Zeta--Mu ChapterSigma Xi--University of Illinois ChapterGamma Sigma Delta--Illinois ChapterGama Sigma Delta--Tennessee Chapter
Gamma Sigma Delta Scholastic Achievement Award, January, l972. Dr. J. O. Alberts Award for Outstanding Performance as a VMS Graduate Student, May 8, 1991. Mu Chapter Phi Zeta Literary Award, 1982. Listed as a Teacher Ranked as Excellent by Their Students. Daily Illini, November 4, l980;
May 26, l98l; November 3, l98l; November 1982; May 1983; Fall 1983; Fall 1984;April 15, 1985; April, 1987; April, 1988.
Fellow--Mark Morris FoundationListed in Who's Who in Veterinary Science and Medicine. 1st Edition, 1987-1988. Crown
Publishing, Van Nuys, CA, 1988, pp 66-67.
Delivered Commencement Address, Class of 1988, College of Veterinary Medicine Convocation,
Finalist, Class of 1993 American Council on Education Fellows Program. ACE, 1 Dupont Plaza,
Washington, DC. Nominated November, 1992, Interviewed February 14, 1993.
Certificate of Appreciation, (Scientific Collaborations) College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk
Outstanding Symposium Service Award, University of Florida SCAVMA, 1998. University of Florida Foundation, Distinguished Service Recognition, 2003. Dr. Erwin Small Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Illinois, College of Veterinary
State of Florida Special Recognition Award, (Service to the Animal Industry) 2006. TEACHING EXPERIENCE:
VCM 360--MedicineVCM 362--Veterinary Clinical and Lab PracticeVCM 364--MedicineVCM 366--Veterinary Clinical and Lab PracticeVCM 368--MedicineVCM 371--Veterinary Clinical and Lab PracticeVCM 374--Veterinary Clinical Lab PracticeVCM 375--TheriogenologyVCM 378--Freshman OrientationVCM 384--Client RelationsVCM 390--Advanced Equine TheriogenologyAn Sci 206--Horse ProductionVP 315--Physiology LaboratoryVP 330--Veterinary EthicsVP 333--ParasitologyVB 319--PharmacologyAHT 116--Large Animal Techniques, Parkland Junior College, Champaign, ILAGB173--Horse Management, Parkland Junior College, Champaign, IL
VME 6767--Issues in the Responsible Conduct of ResearchVEM 5154--Large Animal Parasitology
Indefinite Term Member of the Graduate Faculty, University of Illinois, 2/03/88. Indefinite Term Member of the Graduate Faculty, University of Florida, 1/31/97.
Dr. Alan Paul, 1981-1983, MSDr. Richard French, 1985-1990, MSDr. James Hosek, 1986-1988, MSDr. Phillip Fassler, 1989-1994, MSDr. Doug Hutchens, 1996-1998, MSDr. Merijo Jordan, 1998-2001, MSDr. Chris Sanchez, 1999-2002, Ph.D.
Ms. Virginia Reuter, March 1984-1986, MSDr. Scott M. Austin, 1988-1990, MSDr. Nicholas Primm, 1989-1990, MSDr. Thomas Brauer, 1989-1990, MSDr. Calvin Vandermyde, 1985-1987, MSDr. Kathleen Ewert, 1989-1991, MSDr. Reginald Valdez, 1991-1994, MS
Primary Supervisor, USAID Scholars Program, Pakistan Participant Training Program, Dr. R. A. Butt, June 1990 to September 1990, funded amount $11,650.
Primary Supervisor, CIC Summer Research Opportunities Program for Minority Students, N. Leacock, 1989.
Primary Advisor, CIC, Summer Research Opportunities Program for Minority Students, E. Anderson, June 1992 to August 1992.
Primary Supervisor, Merck Minority Fellowship in Clinical Parasitology, Dr. R. Valdez,1991-1994, funded amount $69,125.
The Lilly Seminar Series on the Epidemiology of Selected Parasitic Diseases, Hosted by theParasitology Division, Department of Pathobiology, Solicited funding from Eli Lilly & Co.,Greenfield, IN, and coordinated seminar series. 1993-94 Academic Year, $4,500.
Primary Advisor, Howard Hughes Fellowship Program, University of Illinois, School of LifeSciences, R. Gamboa, 1995, 1996
Invited Parasitology Lecturer, Chonbuk National University, Chunju, Korea, 1995. CONTINUING EDUCATION/EXTENSION:
October l978--University of Illinois Fall Short Course for Veterinarians. Title: Selection of EquineAnthelmintics.
October l979--University of Illinois Annual Conference and Short Course for Veterinarians. Titles:Equine Rapid Dose Syringe Worming and Selection of Equine Anthelmintics.
November l979--University of Illinois Equine Conference. Title: Equine Parasites and TheirControl.
December l979--Adams County Livestock Seminar. Title: Bovine and Porcine Parasite Control.
May 1980--University of Illinois Short Course. Title: Broodmare Reproduction Program.
September l980--University of Illinois Short Course for Veterinarians. Title: Ivermectin, a NewEquine Anthelmintic.
October l980--University of Illinois Racehorse Health Seminar. Title: Research Report onIvermectin, a New Equine Anthelmintic.
November l980--University of Illinois Fall Horseman's Conference. Title: Advances in EquineParasitology.
November l98l--University of Illinois Racehorse Seminar. Title: Strangles: What Is It? And HowDo You Live With It?
September l982--University of Illinois Short Course. Title: Equine Vaccination and WormingSchedule.
November l982--University of Illinois Racehorse Seminar. Title: Parasite Control in Illinois. Title:A Strangles Update.
March 1983--University of Illinois Equine Conference. Title: Parasite Control in the PerformanceHorse.
September 1983--University of Illinois Shortcourse. Title: Update on Internal Parasite Control inCattle.
September 1983--University of Illinois 4H Leaders Conference. Title: Equine Parasitology.
November 1983--University of Illinois Racehorse Seminar. Title: Illinois Parasite Survey Results. Title: In-Depth Equine Parasitology Seminar.
November 1983--University of Illinois Swine Health Clinic. Title: What's Coming in MangeControl.
June 1984--1984 State 4H Conference Animal Science Workshop. Title: Equine PrepurchaseExamination.
September 1984--1984 State 4H Horse Project Leaders Forum. Title: New Developments in EquineAnthelmintics.
October 1984--University of Illinois Annual Conference and Short Course for Veterinarians. Title: New Concepts in Equine Parasite Control.
June 1985--State 4H Conference Animal Science Workshop. Title: Equine Artificial Insemination.
October 1985--University of Illinois Annual Conference and Short Course for Veterinarians. Title: Current Concepts of Equine Parasite Control.
September 1986--University of Illinois Annual Conference and Short Course for Veterinarians. Title:Clinical Problems with Anthelmintics: Adverse Reactions and Ineffectiveness.
January 1987--Treatment of Natural Parascaris equorum Infections with Ivermectin (Videotapeproduction), MSD AGVET, Div of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ.
February 1987--Illinois State Veterinary Medical Assoc Annu Meet, Springfield, IL. Title: EquineAnthelmintics. Equine Colic Panel. Equine Preventive Medicine.
November 1987--Practitioner Seminar: Review of the Life Cycle, Epidemiology, andChemotherapeutics of Parascaris equorum (Presentation done 5 times: Buellton, Temecula, Berkeley,Gilroy, and Sacramento, CA). MSD AGVET, Div of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ.
January 1988--Practitioner Seminar: Review of the Life Cycle, Epidemiology, andChemotherapeutics of Parascaris equorum (Presentation done 2 times: Lexington and Louisville,KY). MSD AGVET, Div of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ.
February-March 1988--Practitioner Seminar: Review of the Life Cycle, Epidemiology, andChemotherapeutics of Parascaris equorum (Presentation done 3 times: Boise, ID and Salt Lake City,UT). MSD AGVET, Div of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ.
February 1989--Parascaris equorum Infections in Foals; Lifecycle, Chemotherapy, and Control. MSDAGVET Seminar, Div of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ.
August 1990--Contemporary Topics in Equine Parasitology. MSD AGVET Equine PractitionerSymposia, Denver, PA, Albany, NY, Framingham, MA, Secaucus, NJ.
October 1990--Fall Conference for Veterinarians, University of Illinois. Title: Equine ParasiteUpdate.
January 1994--University of Illinois Racehorse Conference. Title: Parasites and the Racehorse inTraining.
May-November 1994--How to Control Parasites in your Horse. (Presentation done three times:Rockville, IN; Sullivan, IL; and Tremont, IL.) MSD AGVET, Division of Merck and Company, Inc.,Rahway, NJ.
October 1994--Practitioner Seminar on Anthelmintic Treatment of Horses. Florence, KY. MSDAGVET, Division of Merck and Company, Inc., Rahway, NJ.
June 1999-- Equine Parasite Control, MBNA Equine Health Conference, Gainesville, FL. COMMITTEES:
American Association of Equine Practitioners Research Committee, 1983-1986Research Committee on Equine Parasites, American Association of Veterinary
Outreach Committee, American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, 1984-1987Constitution & Bylaws Committee, American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists,
Liaison Officer, American Association of Equine Practitioners to American Association of
Executive Committee, American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, 1988-1990Awards Committee, American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, 1988-1992;
Abstract Committee, American Association of Equine Practitioners, 1988-1990Finance Committee, American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, 1990-1997Biologic and Therapeutic Committee, American Association of Equine Practitioners,
North Central USDA Advisory Committee-NC-02, 1993-1997. Secretary, 1995-1997U.S. Pharmacopeia Board on Veterinary Medicine, 1995-1997Research Deans and Directors Committee, American Association Veterinary Medical
Florida Farm Bureau Equine Advisory Committee, 1998NASULGC Board on Veterinary Medicine Representative, Association of American
Accreditation Task Force, Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, 1998-2003Organizing Committee and Moderator, University of Georgia Colic Symposium,
National Research Council, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Committee on the
Future Role of Pesticides in U.S. Agriculture, 1997-2000
Comparative Data Committee, Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges Liaison to the Experiment Station
Committee on Organization and Policy Budget, Legislative, Advocacy andMarketing Committee, Board on Agriculture, NASULGC, AAVMC Liaison,1998-1999
Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges Veterinary Medical College
Applications Service Oversight Committee, 2001-2006
Chair-elect/Vice Chair Southern Region Administrative Heads, Association of Public and
Land Grant Universities (APLU), 2010–Present
Senator, Champaign-Urbana Senate, 1981-1983, 1985-1987Tenure & Academic Freedom, 1986-1987Search Committee, Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine, 1988-1989Council on Program Evaluation (COPE Committee), 1989-1992Facilities Planning Committee, 1990-1992, 1993-1997South Farms Planning Committee, 1996-1997
Health Science Center Council, 1997-2006University of Florida Research Policy Council, 1998-2006Search Committee, Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vice Chair, 1998Task Force on Sexual Harassment Policy, 1999-2000Ad Hoc Committee for Review of Animal Resources Programs, Chair, 1999-2000Council on Affirmative Action, Chair, 1999-2002Animal Care Advisory Council, Chair, 2001-2006University of Florida Foundation Deans Advisory Committee, Chair, 2004-2006University of Florida Community Campaign Steering Committee, Vice Chair, 2002-2006
UT Statewide Human Resource Compensation Advisory Board Chair, February 2010-PresentUT Outreach (scorecard) Work Group Chair, 2009–PresentFaculty Exchange – Kasetsart University Bangkok, ThailandTennessee State Soil Conservation Committee, 2006–PresentTaskforce Higher Education in Tennessee, June 2008Institute for Public Service Taskforce, January 2009–January 2010UT Strategic Planning Committee December, 2007–PresentUT Diversity Committee Taskforce, June 2007-Present
Affirmative Actions Committee, 1980-1983Student Affairs Committee, 1981-1982Alumni Board, 1982-1985Committee on Committees, 1983-1984, 1986-1987, 1987-1988, 1988-89, 1989-1990Research Advisory Committee, 1984-1988Executive Committee, 1985-1987, 1988-1990 (Vice-chairperson)Phi Zeta Lecture Committee, 1985-1986, 1986-1987Executive Board SCAAEP, 1987-1990Phi Zeta Secretary-Treasurer, 1987-1989Task Force on Veterinary Medical Education, 1987-1988Equine NAHMS Committee, 1987-1988Search Committee, Head VCM, 1987-1988
Subcommittee of the SPC on Computer Information Management, 1988-1989Subcommittee of the SPC on Interinstitutional Collaboration, 1988-1989Subcommittee of the SPC on Alumni, 1988-1989 (Chairperson)Subcommittee of the SPC on Interinstitutional Collaboration, 1988-1989Subcommittee of the SPC on Continuing Education, 1988-1989
Faculty Retreat Committee, 1988-1989Ad hoc Committee Computer/Information Management, 1988-1990Ad hoc Committee for Evaluation of The Associate Dean for Research, 1989-1990
Ad hoc Committee for Evaluation of The Office of Computer Services, 1989-1990Ad hoc Committee on Planning, February 2, 1990, to May 31, 1990Fall 1990, Faculty Retreat Committee, 1990Search Committee, Associate Dean for Research, March 1990-August 1990Ad hoc Committee on Equine Treadmill, 1991 (Chairperson)Administrative Committee, November 1991-January 1993Liaison to Illinois Standardbred and Thoroughbred Breeders and Owners Association,
Organizing Committee, 13th Symposium of the American Association of Veterinary MedicalColleges, Postdoctoral Training Programs, 1993-1994Scholastic Petitions Committee, 1993-1994Search Committee, Assistant and Associate Professor, Office of Laboratory Care and Division
of Comparative Medicine, VP, August 1993-March 1994 (Chairperson)
Search Committee, Head, Department of Animal Science, August 1995-1996
Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital Board, 1997-2006Administrative Council, Chair, 1997-2006Dean’s Council, Chair, 1997-2006Executive Committee, 1997-2006Center for Veterinary Sports Medicine, 1997-2006Student-Faculty Communications, 1997-2006Small Animal Hospital Campaign Task Force, 1999-2006
Search Committee, Head of Food Animal Section, 1979Committee on Instructor Evaluation, 1982Pharmacy Committee, 1983-1984Search Committee, Assistant Professor, Field Service and Theriogenology, 1983Search Committee, Assistant Professor, Parasitology, 1983Intern/Residency Committee, 1983-1986Medical Records Committee, 1982-1987Search Committee, Assistant Professor, Food Animal Medicine and Surgery Section, 1984Ad hoc Committee for Revision of Departmental Bylaws, 1984Search Committee, Assistant Professor, Parasitology, 1984Ad hoc Committee on Computerization, 1984-1988
Elections & Credentials, 1986-1989Capricious Grading Committee, 1988-1990Graduate Committee, 1989-1990Courses and Curriculum Committee, 1989-1990Non-Academic Employee Recognition, 1989-1990Ad hoc Committee on Equine Euthanasia, 1989-1990Ad hoc Committee on Reorganization of Food Animal Components of the Department,
VCM Graduate Committee, 1989-1990VCM Courses & Curriculum Committee, 1989-1990VCM Nonacademic Employee Recognition, 1989-1990Promotion and Tenure Committee, Dr. Carl Jones, 1990-1995Promotion and Tenure Committee, Dr. Herbert Whiteley, April 1990-January 1994Animal Science Search Committee, Assistant Professor, Equine, 1992Promotion and Tenure Committee, Dr. Silvia Moreno, June 1993-1996Ad hoc Committee, K. S. Todd Retirement Event Planning, January 1994-July 1994External Advisory Committee for Review of Swine Programs, May 1994-August 1994
Commissioner Illinois Racing Board, 1996Florida Veterinary Medical Association Board of Directors, 1997-2006Board of Directors, University of Florida Foundation, 1999-2003Finance Committee, University of Florida Foundation Board of Directors, 1999-2006Board of Directors, Veterinary Medicine Faculty Association, Inc. (Practice Plan),
Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, Secretary, 2003-2004Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges Executive Board, 2003-2006Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, President-elect, 2004-2005Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, President, 2005-2006Alachua County Humane Society Board, 2004-2005National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board,
National Commission on Veterinary Economic Issues, 2005Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, President, 2005-2006Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation Board 2006-PresentUniversity of Tennessee Health Systems Board of Directors July 2008-PresentTennessee Agriculture Hall of Fame Board June 2008-PresentGenera Energy, 2008-Present
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical AssociationAmerican Journal of Veterinary ResearchEquine Practice Journal (Editorial Board Member)Guest Editor, Equine Parasitology Section, Compendium on Continuing Education, May 1991
Veterinary Parasitology Editorial Board, Compendium on Continuing Education, 1993-1999Veterinary Advisory Panel, The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, MD,
Ad hoc Reviewer, USDA, NRI ProposalsAd hoc Reviewer, University of Illinois Research Board
Todd KS, Simon J, and DiPietro JA. Pathological Changes in Mice Infected withTetrathyridia of Mesocestodes corti. Lab Anim l2:5l-53, l978.
DiPietro JA and Haliburton JC. Toxaphene Toxicosis in Swine. J Am Vet Med Assoc
Weirup M and DiPietro JA. Bacteriologic Examination of Equine Fecal Flora as a DiagnosticTool for Equine Intestinal Clostridiosis. Am J Vet Res 42:2l67-2l69, l98l.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, Lock TF, and McPherron TA. Anthelmintic Efficacy of IvermectinGiven Intramuscularly in Horses. Am J Vet Res 43:l45-l48, l982.
DiPietro JA, Boero M, and Ely RW. Abdominal Abscess Associated with Parascaris equorumInfection in a Foal. J Am Vet Med Assoc 182:991-992, l983.
DiPietro JA, Paul A, and Todd KS. Evaluation of Mebendazole Used Concurrently withPiperazine Monohydrochloride in Horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc 182:1102-1104, l983.
DiPietro JA, Turner TA, Lock TF, and Williams RG. Retained Twin Fetus in a Mare. J AmVet Med Assoc 183:800, 1983.
Todd KS, Mansfield ME, and DiPietro JA. Anthelmintic Efficacy of Avermectin B1A andDihydroavermectin B1A Against Ovine Gastrointestinal Nematodes in 1977. Am J Vet Res45:976-977, 1984.
Klei TR, Bello TR, Clayton HM, DiPietro JA, Drudge JH, Lyons ET, Moore JN, SlocombeJOD, and Stiller D. Research Needs on Internal Parasites of Horses. Am J Vet Res45:1614-1618, 1984.
DiPietro JA, Paul A, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Controlled Trials of Fenbendazole and Febantelin Ponies with Experimental Parascaris equorum Infections. J Eq Vet Sci 4:158-160, 1984.
DiPietro JA and Todd KS. Current Concepts in the Control of Equine Parasites. Mod VetPract 65:B3-B5, 1984. (Refereed Article)
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, Lock TF, and Reuter VA. Evaluation of Febantel Used Concurrentlywith Piperazine Citrate in Horses (Mares). J Am Vet Med Assoc 186:262-264, 1985.
Todd KS, Mansfield ME, DiPietro JA, and Blagburn BL. Anthelmintic Activity of IvermectinAgainst Immature Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Sheep. Am J Vet Res 46:2354-2355, 1985.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Reuter VA. The Antistrongyle Activity of a Propylene Glycol-Glycerol Formal Formulation of Ivermectin in Horses (Mares). Am J Vet Res 47:874-875,1986.
Paul AJ, Todd KS, Sundberg JP, and DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Ivermectin Against Dirofilariaimmitis Larvae in Dogs Thirty and Forty-five Days after Induced Infection. Am J Vet Res47:883-884, 1986.
Paul AJ, Tranquilli WJ, Seward RL, Todd KS, and DiPietro JA. Clinical Observations inCollies Given Ivermectin Orally. Am J Vet Res 48:684-685, 1987.
Vandermyde CR, DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Evaluation of Fenbendazole forLarvacidal Effect in Experimentally Induced Parascaris equorum Infections in Pony Foals. JAm Vet Med Assoc 190:1548-1549, 1987.
Tranquilli WJ, Paul AJ, Seward RL, Todd KS, and DiPietro JA. Response to PhysostigmineAdministration in Collie Dogs Exhibiting Ivermectin Toxicosis. J Vet Pharmacol Therap10:96-100, 1987.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Todd KS, and Reuter VE. Evaluation of Ivermectin in the Treatmentof Ponies for Parascaris equorum Infections. J Am Vet Med Assoc 190:1181-1183, 1988.
Paul AJ, Todd KS, and DiPietro JA. Environmental Contamination by Eggs of ToxocaraSpecies. Vet Parasitol 26:339-342, 1988.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Evaluation of Ivermectin for Larvacidal Effect inExperimentally Induced Parascaris equorum Infections in Pony Foals. Am J Vet Res49:1983-1985, 1988.
Davis JL, Boero JA, DiPietro JA, and Lock TF. Practical Aspects Involved in Raising theOrphaned Foal. Eq Vet J 19(Sup 5):61, 1988.
DiPietro JA and Todd KS. Chemotherapeutic Treatment of Larvae and Migratory Stages ofParascaris equorum. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Amer Assoc Eq Pract34:611-618, 1989. (Manuscripts submitted undergo review via a refereed format.)
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Todd KS, Davis JL. Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Treatment of InducedParascaris equorum Infection in Pony Foals. J AM Vet Med Assoc 195:1712-1714, 1990.
DiPietro JA, Klei TR, French DD. Contemporary Topics in Equine Parasitology. CompendContin Ed 12:713-721, 1990.
Austin SM, DiPietro JA, Foreman JH, Baker GJ, Todd KS. Parascaris equorum Infections inHorses. Compend Contin Ed 12:1110-1119, 1990.
Ewert KM, DiPietro JA, Danner CS, Lawrence LM. Ivermectin Treatment of Horses: Effecton Proportion of Faecal-Fouled Areas in Pastures. Vet Rec 129:140-141, 1991.
Ewert KM, DiPietro JA, Foreman JH, Todd KS. Control Programs for Endoparasites inHorses. Compend Contin Ed 13:1012-1018, 1991.
Austin SM, DiPietro JA, Foreman JH, Todd KS, and Baker GJ. Comparison of the Efficacyof Ivermectin, Oxibendazole, and Pyrantel Pamoate Against 28-day-old Parascaris equorumLarvae in Pony Foals. J Am Vet Med Assoc 198:1946-1949, 1991.
Snyder DE, Floyd JG, DiPietro JA. Use of Anthelmintics and Anticoccidial Compounds inCattle. Compend Continuing Ed., 13:1847-1860, 1991.
DiPietro JA. Daily Anthelmintic Therapy in the Horse. Compend Contin Ed 14:651-654,1992.
Primm ND, Hall WF, DiPietro JA, Bane DP. The Efficacy of an In-feed Preparation ofIvermectin Against Endoparasites and Sarcoptic Mange in Swine. Am J Vet Res 53:508-512,1992.
Ewert KM, DiPietro JA, Berenbaum MR. The Ecological Implications of Ivermectin Use inthe Horse. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Amer Assoc Eq Pract 38:483-488,1993. (Manuscripts submitted undergo review via a refereed format.)
DiPietro JA, Paul AJ, Lock TF, Ewert KM, Todd KS, and Aguilar R. Moxidectin Gel; A NewEquine Endectocide. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Amer Assoc Eq Pract38:311-316, 1993. (Manuscripts submitted undergo review via a refereed format.)
DiPietro JA, Ewert KM, and Todd KS. Ivermectin Treatment of Horses: Effect of theDistribution of Lawns and Roughs in Horse Pastures. Vet Parasitol 48:241-246, 1993.
Valdez RA, DiPietro JA, Paul AJ, Lock TF, Hungerford LL, and Todd KS. ControlledEfficacy Study of the Bioequivalency of Strongid C and Generic Pyrantel Tartrate in Horses. Vet Parasitol 60:83-102, 1995.
DiPietro JA. Development and Use of Anthelmintics in Horses in the United States. KoreanJournal of Veterinary Research 35:49-51, 1995.
Jones CJ, and DiPietro JA. Biology and Control of Arthropod Parasites of Horses. CompendContin Ed 18:551-558, 1996.
Morin D, Valdez R, Lichtensteiger C, Paul A, DiPietro J, and Guerino F. Efficacy ofMoxidectin 0.5% Pour-on Against Naturally Acquired Nematode Infections in Cattle. VetParasitol 65:75-81, 1996.
DiPietro JA, Hutchens DE, Lock TF, Walker K, Paul AJ, Shipley C, Rulli D. Clinical trial ofoxidectin oral gel in horses. Vet Parasitol 72:167-177, 1997.
Lichtenssteiger, CA, DiPietro, JA, Paul AJ, Neumann EJ, Thompson, L. Persistent activity ofdoramectin and ivermectin against Ascaris Summ in experimentally infected pigs. VetParasitol 82:235-241, 1999.
Hutchens DE, Paul AJ, DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Jones CJ, Rowley DD, Wallace RW. AComparison of the bioequivalence of 0.5% fenbendazole top dress pellets and 10%fenbendazole oral suspension against a spectrum of equine parasites. Vet Parasitol 83:79-85,1999.
Rowley DD, Hutchens DE, Paul AJ, Lock TF, Meccoli RA, and DiPietro JA. Efficacy ofMultiple Fenbendazole Treatments Against Mucosal Stages of Cyathostomes. Vet Parasitol,Accepted 1999.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Todd KS, Ewert K, and Cole N. Clinical Trials with Oxfendazole andCommonly Used Boticides in Horses. Eq Pract 3(6):16-23, 1981.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Clinical Trials: Fenbendazole and Fenbendazole-Piperazine Mixtures in Horses. Eq Pract 4:12-16, 1982.
Thilsted JP, DiPietro J, Szabo JR, Ely R W, and Mesfin GM. Hyperlypemia in Pony Mares. Mod Vet Pract 63:467-469, 1982.
Todd, KS, Mansfield ME, DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and McPherron TA. Oxfendazole asTreatment for Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Calves. Mod Vet Pract 63:643, 1982.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Clinical Trials of the Antiparasitic Activity ofIvermectin in Horses. Vet Med/Sm An Clin 77:1403-1406, 1982.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Reuter-Dallman V. Ivermectin and Ivermectin-PenicillinCombination: A Comparison of Anthelmintic Efficacy in Horses. Mod Vet Pract 65:A14-A16, 1984.
Sundberg JP, Todd KS, and DiPietro JA. Equine Papillomatosis: Is Partial Resection ofLesions an Effective Treatment? Vet Med/Sm An Clin 80:71-74, 1985.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Reuter VE. Anti-strongyle Activity of a Propylene Glycol-Glycerol Formal Formulation of Ivermectin in Horses (Mares). Momentum (MSD AGVET)2:3, 1986.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Evaluation of Ivermectin Paste in the Treatment ofPonies for Parascaris equorum Infections. Momentum (MSD AGVET) 1:5-8, 1988.
DiPietro JA. Strongyloides westeri Infections in Foals. Eq Pract J 11:35-40, 1989.
DiPietro JA and Todd KS. Anthelmintics Used in Treatment of Parasitic Infections of Horses.
Austin SM, DiPietro JA, Foreman JH. Cryptosporidium sp.: A Cause of Diarrhea inImmunocompetent Foals. J Eq Pract 12:10-14, 1990.
DiPietro JA, Klei TR, and French DD. Contemporary Topics in Equine Parasitology. Momentum (MSD AGVET) 1:35-44, 1991.
Hutchens DE and DiPietro JA. The Effect of Biweekly Treatment with Fenbendazole onResistant Small Strongyle Population in Horses. Eq Pract 18:10-14, 1996.
Jordan ME, DiPietro JA and Courtney CH, Equine tapeworms implicated in colic:Understanding the biology of A. perfoliata aids in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, DVMNewsmagazine 20: 1E-4E, 1999.
D. E. Hutchens, J. A. DiPietro, and A. J. Paul. AAEP Forum: Importance of Tapeworms inColic. The Horse, March, 2000:24.
Todd KS, DiPietro JA, Guterbock WM, Blagburn BL, and Noyes JD. Evaluation ofThiacetarsamide Therapy for Dirofilaria immitis Infections in Naturally Infected Dogs. InProceedings of the Heartworm Symposium, 1980. HC Morgan, GF Otto, RF Jackson, LAJackowski, Jr., and CH Courtney, eds, Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co., Edwardsville,Kansas, l98l.
DiPietro JA and Todd KS. The Role and Control of Internal Equine Parasites in Colic. InProceedings of the Veterinary Seminar at the University of Georgia. Veterinary LearningSystems, Lawrenceville, NJ, pp 15-20, 1986.
DiPietro JA. Current Approaches to Internal Parasite Control in Horses. In Proceedings ofthe Fourth Symposium on Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. American Academyof Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Texas A&M University, College Station,Texas, pp 51-62, 1985.
Reuter VA, DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Results of Seasonal and IntervalDeworming Programs on the Control of Equine Parasites. In Proceedings of the SecondSymposium on Equine Colic Research at the University of Georgia. Veterinary LearningSystems, Lawrenceville, NJ, pp 235-238, 1986.
Powell DM, Lawrence LM, Parrett DF, DiPietro JA, Moser LR, Fisher MG, and Bump KD. Body Composition Changes in Broodmares. In Proceedings of the 11th Equine Nutritionaland Physiology Society. May 17-20, 1989.
DiPietro JA. The Importance of Small Strongyles and Tapeworms in Colic. NewPerspectives on Equine Colic Symposium. In Proceedings of the Fifth Equine Colic ResearchSymposium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
Better Control Measures Helping DVMs Fight Equine Parasites; Treatments Differ. DVMMagazine. Cleveland, Ohio, pp 28-32, April 1991.
Strongid C: Panacea or Potentially Harmful? The Sentinel, Libertyville, IL, pp 9-11,August/September 1991.
Piecing Together the Parasite Puzzle. Modern Horse Breeding 7:4-23, 1991.
Since You Asked: Control of Equine Parasites, Vet Products News, pp 21-32, Jan 1992.
Clinical Advances Roundtable, Equine Parasite Resistance, Moderator and Panel Member,Veterinary Learning Systems, Reno, NV, July 19, 1997.
Equine Parasitology Roundtable, Moderator and Panel Member, Equine Practice, Volume 20,Numbers 6, 7, and 8, 1998.
Book Chapters, Books and Special Publications
Todd KS and DiPietro JA. Cestodes in Food Animals. In Current Veterinary Therapy inFood Animal Practice. JL Howard, ed, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, pp 93l-935, l98l.
Todd KS and DiPietro JA. Trematodes in Food Animals. In Current Veterinary Therapy inFood Animal Practice. JL Howard, ed, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, pp 935-937, l98l.
Todd KS, Paul AJ, and DiPietro JA. Parasitic Diseases. In Handbook of Small AnimalTherapeutics. LE Davis, ed, New York, Churchill Livingstone, pp 89-126,1985. [Alsopublished in Japan.]
Todd KS, DiPietro JA, and Guterbock WM. Coccidiosis. In Current Veterinary Therapy 2 inFood Animal Practice. JL Howard, ed, Philadelphia, WB Saunders, pp 632-635, 1986.
Todd KS, DiPietro JA, and Guterbock WM. Balantidiasis. In Current Veterinary Therapy 2in Food Animal Practice. JL Howard, ed, Philadelphia, WB Saunders, pp 636, 1986.
Todd KS, DiPietro JA, and Guterbock WM. Amoebiasis. In Current Veterinary Therapy 2 inFood Animal Practice. JL Howard, ed, Philadelphia, WB Saunders, pp 637, 1986.
DiPietro JA and Todd KS. Anthelmintics Used in Treatment of Parasitic Infections of Horses. Vet Clin North Am (Eq Pract) 3:1-14, 1987.
DiPietro JA. Internal Parasite Control. In Current Therapy in Equine Medicine. NERobinson, ed, Philadelphia, WB Saunders, pp 51-52, 1991.
Uhlinger CA, and DiPietro JA. Equine Ascarid Infection. In Large Animal Medicine, 2ndEd, BP Smith, ed, St. Louis, Mosby, pp 1695-1697, 1996.
DiPietro JA. Gastrointestinal Parasites of Horses. In The Merck Veterinary Manual, Merck& Company, Inc, Whitehouse, NJ, 8th Edition, pp.200-205, 1998.
Little SE, Moore JN, DiPietro JA. Ed, Equine Cyathostome Conference, VeterinaryParasitiology 85 (1999) V, pp. 95-225.
Berenbaum M, Brusseau M, DiPietro J, Goodman R, Gould F, Gunsolus J, Hammock B,Hartung R, Marrone P, Maxwell B, Raffa K, Ryals J, Shaner D, Serber J, and Zilberman D. The Future Role of Pesticides in the U.S. Agriculture. Washington, DC, National AcademyPress, pp 1986.
Uhlinger CA and DiPietro JA, Equine Ascarid Infection, In Large Animal Medicine, 3rd Ed,BP Smith, ed, St. Louis, Mosby, pp 1443-1445, 2002.
DiPietro JA. The Description, Treatment and Control of Parasites in Race and PerformanceHorses. Equiputer, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, 28 pp, 1985.
DiPietro JA and Todd KS. Clinical Trials with Fenbendazole and Trichlorfon in Horses. InProceedings, 25th Annual Meeting of the Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol, p 4, 1980.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, Lock TF, and McPherron TA. Controlled Critical Testing of theEndoparasitic Activity of Ivermectin in Horses. In Proceedings, 61st Conference of ResearchWorkers in Animal Disease, Abstract 286, l980.
Lock TF, DiPietro JA, Ott RA, and Keef TS. Distribution of Ticarcillin in the ReproductiveTract Tissue of Pony Mares Following Parenteral and Intrauterine Administration. InProceedings, 61st Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Abstract 16, l980.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Clinical Trials with Fenbendazole and PiperazineMixtures in Horses. In Proceedings 26th Annual Meeting of the Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol, pl0, l98l.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Cole NM. Vertical Migration of Strongyle Larvae Through Soil. In Proceedings, 62nd Annual Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Abstract 3,l98l.
Cole NM, DiPietro JA, Baker GJ, and Todd KS. Clinical Outbreak of Dictyocaulus arnfieldiin Horses in Illinois. In Proceedings, 27th Annual Meeting of the Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol,pp 19-20, l982.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Cole NM. Comparison of Quantitative Fecal Techniques inHorses. In Proceedings, 27th Annual Meeting of the Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol, p 20, l982.
DiPietro JA, Paul A, and Todd KS. Clinical Trials with Combination of Mebendazole andPiperazine in Horses. In Proceedings, 27th Annual Meeting of the Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol,p 29, l982.
DiPietro JA. Studies of the Antiparasitic Activity of Ivermectin in Horses. In Proceedings,Equine Colic Research Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, pp 27-31, 1983.
DiPietro JA. Activity of Oxibendazole Against Benzimidazole Resistant Strongyles. InProceedings, 63rd Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Abstract 21, 1982.
DiPietro JA, Paul A, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Controlled Testing of the Activity ofFenbendazole and Febantel Against Parascaris equorum in Ponies. In Proceedings, 28thAnnual Meeting of the Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol, Abstract 32, 1983.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Seward RL, Todd KS, Wallace DK, and Manning JP. SafetyEvaluation of Ivermectin Paste in Horses. In Proceedings, 64th Conference of ResearchWorkers in Animal Disease, Abstract 138, 1983.
Snyder CA, Kesler DJ, DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Webel SK. The Effect of AltrenogestTreatment to Early Postpartum Mares in the Reproductive Performance and Foals Growth. JAn Sci 57(Sup 1):109, 1983.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Clinical Trials of Febantel-Piperazine Mixtures inHorses. In Proceedings, 29th Annual Meeting of the Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol, p 34, 1984.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, Lawrence L, and Reuter-Dallman V. Comparison of the Activity ofIvermectin and Oxibendazole in Horses with Benzimidazole-Resistant Cyathostomes. InProceedings, 64th Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Abstract 193, 1984.
Reuter-Dallman V, DiPietro JA, and Todd KS. Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Treatment ofCutaneous Habronemiasis in Equids. In Proceedings, 64th Conference of Research Workersin Animal Disease, Abstract 194, 1984.
Paul A, Todd KS, and DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Ivermectin Against Dirofilaria immitisInfections in Dogs Thirty and Forty-five Days After Induced Infections. In Proceedings, 64thConference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Abstract 196, 1984.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Reuter V. The Antistrongyle Activity of a Propylene Glycol-Glycerol Formal Based Formulation of Ivermectin in Horses. 30th Annual Meeting of the AmAssoc of Vet Parasitol, Las Vegas, NV, No 48, 1985.
Paul AJ, Todd KS, DiPietro JA, and Liu JJ. Evaluation of Ivermectin as a Microfilaricicde inDirofilaria immitis Infected Dogs. In Proceedings, 30th Annual Meeting of Am Assoc of VetParasitol, Las Vegas, NV, No 28, 1985.
Reuter VA, DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Results of Seasonal and IntervalDeworming Programs on the Control of Equine Parasites. 2nd Equine Colic ResearchSymposium Abstracts, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, p 34, 1985.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Pulliam JD, and Manning JP. The Safety of Ivermectin Oral Liquid inFoals. 66th Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL, Abstract 116,November 11, 1985.
Lock TF, DiPietro JA, and Kasper KA. Enzyme Immunoassay for the Qualitative Detectionof Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin, an Indicator of Pregnancy in Mares. In Proceedings, 3rdInternational Symposium on Equine Reproduction, 1986.
Lock TF and DiPietro JA. Enzyme Immunoassay for the Qualitative Detection of EquineChorionic Gonadotropin, an Indicator of Pregnancy in Mares. In Proceedings, 67thConference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL, Abstract 220, 1986.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Evaluation of Ivermectin in the Treatment of Parascarisequorum. In Proceedings, 67th Annual Meeting of the Conference of Research Workers inAnimal Disease, Chicago, IL, Abstract 334, 1986.
Vandermyde CR, DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Reuter VA. Efficacy of Fenbendazole AgainstImmature Stages of Parascaris equorum. In Proceedings, 31st Annual Meeting of the AmAssoc of Vet Parasitol, Abstract 4, 1986.
DiPietro JA, Reuter VA, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Clinical Trials with Ivermectin Liquid inHorses. In Proceedings 31st Annual Meeting of the Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol, Abstract 48,1986.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Evaluation of Ivermectin in the Treatment of 11-Day-Old Parascaris equorum Infections in Ponies. In Proceedings, 32nd Annual Meeting of theAm Assoc of Vet Parasitol, No 2, 1987.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Evaluation of the Activity of Ivermectin AgainstParascaris equorum. In Proceedings, 12th Conference of the World Association for theAdvancement of Veterinary Parasitology, Abstract 18b2, 1987.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Reuter VE, and Todd KS. Evaluation of Ivermectin Paste in theTreatment of Ponies for Parascaris equorum infections. Assoc Eq Sports Med Quarterly 2:15,1987.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Todd KS, and Lawrence LM. The Effect of Treatment of Mares withIvermectin on the Incidence of Strongyloides westeri in their Foals. In Proceedings, 68thAnnual Meeting of the Conference Research Workers in Animal Disease, Abstract 203, 1987.
Lock TF, DiPietro JA, Davis JL, and Hoffmann WE. Effect of Treatment with Ivermectin onSerum Chemistry Values in Heavily Parasitized Horses. In Proceedings, 68th AnnualMeeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL, Abstract No204, 1987.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Todd KS, and Lawrence LM. The Effect of Treatment of Mares withIvermectin on the Incidence of Strongyloides westeri in their Foals. In Proceedings, 29thAnnual Meeting of Animal Disease Research Workers in the Southern States, Abstract No 96,1988.
Davis JL, Lock TF, and DiPietro JA. The effect of Antibiotics on Metabolic Activity ofEquine Neutrophils. In Proceedings, 11th International Congress on Animal Reproductionand Artificial Insemination, p 512, 1988.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Treatment of 28 Day-OldStages of Parascaris equorum in Pony Foals. In Proceedings, 33rd Annual Meeting of AmAssoc of Vet Parasit, No 50, 1988.
DiPietro JA, Davis JL, Boero JA, and Lock TF. Hand-Raising Pony Foals for ControlledAnthelmintic Trials. In Proceedings, 33rd Annual Meeting of Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol, No50, 1988.
DiPietro JA, Kirkpatrick CE, Baszler TV, and Todd KS. Cryptosporidium spp. Infections ofPony Foals. In Proceedings, 69th Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, No212, 1988.
Powell D, Lawrence L, Parrett D, and DiPietro J. Body Composition Changes in Broodmares.
In Proceedings, 11th Annual Meeting of Equine Nutrition and Physiology Society, 1989.
Austin SM, DiPietro JA, Foreman JH, and Todd KS. Efficacy of Ivermectin, Oxibendazole,and Pyrantel pamoate treatment of 28-day-old Parascaris equorum in Pony Foals. InProceedings, 34th Annual Meeting of Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol, Abstract 17, 1989.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Lawrence LM. Observation of the development of Strongyloideswesteri infections in foals nursing dams treated with ivermectin. In Proceedings, 34th AnnualMeeting of Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol, Abstract 26, 1989.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Study of the Efficacy of Ivermectin Against EarlyMigratory Stages of Parascaris equorum Larvae in Pony Foals. In Proceedings, 35th AnnualMeeting Am Assoc of Vet Parasitol, Abstract No. 41, p 39, 1990.
Ewert KM, DiPietro JA, Berenbaum MR, and Todd KS. Musca domestica Bioassay forDetection of Larvicidal Activity of Ivermectin in Horse Feces. In Proceedings, 71st AnnualMeeting of Conference Research Workers in Animal Disease, Abstract No 157, p 27, 1990.
Ewert KM, DiPietro JA, Berenbaum MR, and Todd KS. Larvicidal Activity of IvermectinAgainst Musca domestica in Aged Horse Feces. In Proceedings, 71st Annual Meeting ofConference Research Workers in Animal Disease, Abstract No 158, p 28, 1990.
DiPietro JA, LaRocca GL, and Todd KS. The Effect of Ivermectin Treatment on the Presenceof Free-Living Stages of Strongyles in Horse Feces. In Proceedings, 71st Annual Meeting ofConference Research Workers in Animal Disease, Abstract No 159, p 28, 1990.
Ewert KM, DiPietro JA, Lawrence LM, Larrett DF, and Todd KS. Comparison of IntervalDeworming Programs in Controlling Equine Endoparasites. In Proceedings, 36th AnnualMeeting of Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Abstract No 41, 1991.
Ewert KM, DiPietro JA, and Danner S. A Technique to Measure Lawns and Roughs inPastures Grazed by Horses. In Proceedings, 36th Annual Meeting of Am Assoc Vet Parasitol,Abstract No 42, 1991.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, Holste JE, Daurio C, and Lawrence LM. Development ofStrongyloides westeri Infection in Foals Nursing Dams Treated Periparturiently withIvermectin. In Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Equine Infectious Diseases,Abstract No 74, 1991.
DiPietro JA, Sanecki RK, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Treatment ofMigratory and Intestinal Larvae of Parascaris equorum. In Proceedings, 6th InternationalConference on Equine Infectious Diseases, Abstract No 75, 1991.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, Holste JE, Daurio C, and Lawrence LM. Control of Strongyloideswesteri Infections in Foals by Postpartum Ivermectin Treatment of Mares. In Proceedings, 4thEquine Colic Research Symposium, Abstract No 30, 1991.
DiPietro JA, Sanecki RK, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Ivermectin Treatment of Migratory andIntestinal Larvae of Parascaris equorum. In Proceedings, 4th Equine Colic ResearchSymposium, Abstract No 46, 1991.
DiPietro JA, McKenna DJ, Todd KS, and Ewert KM. Efficacy of Abamectin AgainstGastrointestinal Nematodes and Lungworms of Calves. In Proceedings, 72nd AnnualConference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Abstract No 130, 1991.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, Holste JE, Daurio C, and Lawrence LM. Control of Strongyloideswesteri Infections in Foals by Postpartum Ivermectin Treatment of Mares. In Proceedings, 4thEquine Colic Research Symposium, Abstract No 30, 1991.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Ivermectin Treatment of Migratory and IntestinalLarvae of Parascaris equorum. In Proceedings, 4th Equine Colic Research Symposium,Abstract No 46, 1991.
DiPietro JA, Paul AJ, Zinn GM, Todd KS, and Guerino F. Efficacy of Moxidectin Pour-on inCalves. In Proceedings, 37th Annual Meeting of Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Abstract No 32,1992.
DiPietro JA, Paul AJ, Lock TF, Ewert KM, Todd KS, and Aguilar R. Efficacy of MoxidectinGel in Equids. 37th Annual Meeting of Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Abstract No 73, 1992.
Ewert KM, DiPietro JA, Sanecki R, Walstrom DJ and Todd KS. The Effect of DailyAdministration of Pyrantel Tartrate on the Development and Larval Migration ofExperimentally Induced Parascaris equorum in Pony Foals. 37th Annual Meeting of AmAssoc Vet Parasitol, Abstract No 69, 1992.
Valdez RA, DiPietro JA, Paul AJ, and Todd KS. Daily Evaluation of the Suppression ofNematode Egg Production in Sheep by Treatment with Thiabendazole, Levamisole orIvermectin. 37th Annual Meeting of Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Abstract No 108, 1992.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, Holste JE, Daurio C, and Lawrence LM. Development ofStrongyloides westeri Infection in Foals Nursing Dams Treated Periparturiently withIvermectin. In Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Equine Infectious Diseases,Abstract No 74, 1991.
DiPietro JA, Burr JHH, and Kanara EW. Clinical Trial of Oxibendazole and PyrantelPamoate in Horses. In Proceedings, 73rd Annual Conference of Research Workers in AnimalDisease, Abstract No 142, 1992.
DiPietro JA, Valdez RA, Paul AJ, and Todd KS. Effect of Fecal Storage Techniques on theRecovery of Strongyle Eggs from Horse Feces. In Proceedings, 38th Annual Meeting of AmAssoc Vet Parasitol, Abstract No 29, 1993.
Paul AJ, Todd K, DiPietro J, Wallace D, and Daurio C. Efficacy of a Chewable IvermectinFormulation Against Induced Ancylostoma tubaeforme Infections in Kittens. In Proceedings,38th Annual Meeting of Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Abstract No 73, 1993.
DiPietro JA, Felt ML, and Todd KS. Larvicidal Effect of Pyrantel Salts on Third-StageCyathostome Larvae. In Proceedings, 39th Annual Meeting of Am Assoc Vet Parasitol,Abstract No. 38, 1994.
DiPietro, JA, and Reynolds J. Fecal Examination Survey of Horses in Training at ChicagoRacetracks. In Proceedings, 39th Annual Meeting of Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Abstract No. 37, 1994.
Valdez RA, DiPietro JA, Paul AJ, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Controlled Efficacy Study of theBioequivalency of Strongrid C and Generic Pyrantel Tartrate in Horses. In Proceedings, 39thAnnual Meeting of Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Abstract No. 39, 1994.
Nebergall SA, and DiPietro JA. Pilot Study of Daily Administration of Low Levels ofIvermectin to Horses. In Proceedings, 75th Annual Conference of Research Workers inAnimal Diseases, Abstract No. 144, 1994.
Hutchens DE, and DiPietro JA. The Effect of Biweekly Treatment with Fenbendazole inBenzimidazole Resistant Small Strongyles. In Proceedings, 75th Annual Conference ofResearch Workers in Animal Diseases, Abstract No. 145, 1994.
DiPietro JA, Valdez R, Morin D, Lichtensteiger C, Paul A, Guerino F, and Todd KS. Efficacyof moxidectin pour-on in the treatment of gastrointestinal parasites of cattle. In ProceedingsJoint Meeting Amer Soc Parasitologists and the Amer Assoc Vet Parasit, Abstract 33, 1995.
DiPietro JA. Development and Use of Anthelmintics in Horses in the United States. (Abstract). Korean Journal of Veterinary Medicine 35:49-51, 1995.
Gamboa, R., J. A. DiPietro, A. J. Paul. Comparison of the recovery of cyathostome larvaefrom fresh and frozen equine mucosa. 42rd Annual American Association of VeterinaryParasitologists Meeting. Reno, NV. July, 1997.
Lichtensteiger, C. A., J. A. DiPietro, A. J. Paul, E. Neumann, L. Thompson. Duration ofactivity of doramectin and ivermectin against Ascaris suum in experimentally infected pigs. 42rd Annual American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists Meeting. Reno, NV. July,1997.
Hutchens, D. E., A.J. Paul, J.A. DiPietro, T.F. Lock, C.J. Jones. A Controlled Bridging Studyin Equines to Compare the Bioequivalence of 0.5% Fenbendazole Top Dress Pellets and 10%Fenbendazole Suspension Administered Orally. 43rd Annual American Association ofVeterinary Parasitologists Meeting. Baltimore, MD. July, 1998.
DiPietro JA. A Case Report: A New Approach to Equine Strangles Treatment. University ofIllinois Equine Professional Topics, l979, No 4.
DiPietro JA. Case Report . . . A New Approach to Equine Strangles Treatment. W.S.U. Animal Health Notes 2:8-9, February l980.
DiPietro JA. Toxicities of Equine Anthelmintics. University of Illinois Equine ProfessionalTopics, No 3, l980.
DiPietro JA. Ivermectin A New Equine Anthelmintic. University of Illinois EquineProfessional Topics, No 4, pp 6-7, l980.
DiPietro JA. Case Study in Equine Parasitology: A Deworming Program for Adult Horses. Study No 1, American Hoechst Lithograph, Somerville, NJ, l98l.
DiPietro JA. Toxicities of Equine Anthelmintics. Iowa State University VeterinaryNewsletter, No 246, November, l980.
DiPietro JA. Onchocerca in Horses. University of Illinois Equine Professional Topics,7(3):l6-l8, l98l.
DiPietro JA. Ivermectin: A New Equine Anthelmintic. Florida Vet Newsletter,VM2459-2476, April 1983.
Todd KS, Mansfield ME, DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and McPherron TA. Oxfendazole for BovineGastrointestinal Parasites. Ill Agri Exp Sta DSAC 10, Dixon Springs Agricultural Center,Simpson, Illinois, January 1982.
DiPietro JA. Role of Internal Parasites in Colic and the Control of Parasites in Horses. InProceedings, Horse Owners Colic Seminar, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, pp 13-15,1985.
DiPietro JA. Basic Equine Parasitolgy. In Proceedings, First Annual Horse Owner's SeminarEast Meeting, Orlando, FL, pp 34-43, 1986.
DiPietro JA. Basic Equine Dewormers. In Proceedings, First Annual Horse Owner's SeminarEast Meeting, Orlando, FL, pp 132-139, 1986.
DiPietro JA. Parasite Control Programs. In Proceedings, First Annual Horse Owner'sSeminar East Meeting, Orlando, FL, pp 223-230, 1986.
Scoggins RD, DiPietro JA. Equine Strongyles: Maintaining Effective Internal ParasiteControl. Animal Health & Nutrition 41:6-10, 1986. PRESENTATIONS:
DiPietro JA. Ivermectin, a New Equine Anthelmintic. First Meeting of the Equine VeterinarySociety of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 7, l98l.
DiPietro JA. Evaluation of the Activity of Ivermectin Against Parascaris equorum. 12thConference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology,Montreal, CA, August 13, 1987.
DiPietro JA. Chemotherapeutic Treatment of Larvae and Migratory Stages of Parascarisequorum. 34th Annual Meeting of the Am Assoc of Eq Pract, December 5, 1988.
DiPietro JA. Treatment of Equine Ectoparasites with Ivermectin. Equine Chapter of theBritish Columbia Veterinary Medical Association Seminar, Vancouver, BC, November 7,1989.
DiPietro JA. Treatment and Control of Ascariasis in Foals. Equine Chapter of the BritishColumbia Veterinary Medical Association Seminar, Vancouver, BC, November 8, 1989.
DiPietro JA. Development of Strongyloides westeri Infection in Foals Nursing Dams TreatedPeriparturiently with Ivermectin. International Conference on Equine Infectious Diseases,Cambridge, England, July 8-11, 1991.
DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Treatment of Migratory and Intestinal Larvae ofParascaris equorum. International Conference on Equine Infectious Diseases, Cambridge,England, July 8-11, 1991.
DiPietro JA. Equine Chapter of the British Columbia Veterinary Medical AssociationSeminar. Ecotoxicity of Equine Anthelmintics: Factor Fantasy. Vancouver, BC,October 28, 1991.
DiPietro JA. Rotational or Nonrotational Anthelmintic Selection Strategies. Vancouver, BC,October 28, 1991.
DiPietro JA. The Role of Tapeworm and Cyathostone Infections in Colic. 35th AnnualMeeting, Korean Society of Veterinary Science, Chonbuk National University, Chonju,Korea, October 20, 1995.
DiPietro JA. Development and Use of Anthelmintics in Horses in the United States. 35thAnnual Meeting, Korean Society of Veterinary Science, Chonbuk National University,Chonju, Korea, October 20, 1995.
DiPietro JA, and Todd KS. Clinical Trials with Fenbendazole and Trichlorfon in Horses25th Annual Meeting Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Washington, DC, July 1980.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, Lock TF, and McPherron TA. Controlled Critical Testing of theEndoparasitic Activity of Ivermectin in Horses. 61st Annual Meeting of the Conference ofResearch Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL, November l0, l980.
DiPietro JA. Ivermectin--A New Equine Anthelmintic. 118th Meeting of the AmericanVeterinary Medical Association, St. Louis, MO, July 2l, l98l.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Clinical Trials with Fenbendazole and Fenbendazole-Piperazine Mixtures in Horses. 26th Annual Meeting Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, St. Louis, MO,July l9, l98l.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Cole NM. Vertical Migration of Strongyle Larvae Through Soil. 62nd Annual Meeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago,IL, November l0, l98l.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Cole NM. Comparison of Quantitative Fecal Techniques inHorses. 27th Annual Meeting Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Salt Lake City, UT, July 18, l982.
DiPietro JA, Paul A, and Todd KS. Clinical Trials with Combinations of Mebendazole andPiperazine in Horses. 27th Annual Meeting Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Salt Lake City, UT,July 19, l982.
DiPietro JA. Experiences with Ivermectin, Eqvalan Injection Workshop. Branchburg Farm,MSD AGVET, Rahway, NJ, May 24, 1982.
DiPietro JA. Studies of the Antiparasitic Activity of Ivermectin in Horses. Equine ColicSeminar and Research Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, September 28, 1982.
DiPietro JA and Todd KS. Activity of Oxibendazole Against Benzimidazole-ResistantStrongyles. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease,Chicago, IL, November 8, 1982.
DiPietro JA, Paul A, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Controlled Testing of the Activity ofFenbendazole and Febantel Against Parascaris equorium in Ponies. 28th Annual Meeting AmAssoc Vet Parasitol, New York, NY, July 18, 1983.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Seward RL, Todd KS, Wallace DK, and Manning JP. SafetyEvaluation of Ivermectin Paste in Horses. 64th Annual Meeting of the Conference ofResearch Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL, November 14, 1983.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Lock TF. Clinical Trials of Febantel-Piperazine Mixtures inHorses. 21st Annual Meeting Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, New Orleans, LA, July 16, 1984.
DiPietro JA. Update on Equine Parasite Control. First Annual Eastern States VeterinaryConference, Orlando, FL, January 16, 1984.
DiPietro JA. Current Approaches to Internal Parasite Control in Horses. American Academyof Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 4th Symposium, College Station, TX, April 25,1984.
DiPietro JA, Todd, KS, Lawrence L, and Reuter-Dallman V. Comparison of the Activity ofIvermectin and Oxibendazole in Horses with Benzimidazole-Resistant Cyathostomes. 65thAnnual Meeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL,November 12, 1984.
DiPietro JA, Todd KS, and Reuter V. The Antistrongyle Activity of a Propylene Glycol-Glycerol Formal Based Formulation of Ivermectin in Horses. 30th Annual Meeting AmAssoc Vet Parasitol, Las Vegas, NV, July 23, 1985.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Pulliam JD, and Manning JP. The Safety of Ivermectin Oral Liquid inFoals. 66th Annual Meeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease,Chicago, IL, November 11, 1985.
DiPietro JA. Clinical Trials With Ivermectin Liquid in Horses. 31st Annual Meeting AmAssoc Vet Parasitol, Atlanta, GA, July 20, 1986.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Evaluation of Ivermectin in the Treatment of Parascarisequorum. 67th Annual Meeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease,Chicago, IL, November 17, 1986.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Evaluation of Ivermectin in the Treatment of 11-Day-Old Parascaris equorum Infections in Ponies. 32nd Annual Meeting Am Assoc Vet Parasitol,Chicago, IL, July 19, 1988.
DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Ivermectin Against Mature and Immature Ascarids. MSD AGVETEquine Veterinary Symposium, Washington, DC, June 5, 1987.
DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Ivermectin Against Mature and Immature Ascarids. MSD AGVETEquine Veterinary Symposium, San Francisco, CA, June 12, 1987.
DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Ivermectin Against Mature and Immature Ascarids. MSD AGVETEquine Veterinary Symposium, San Francisco, CA, October 2, 1987.
DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Ivermectin Against Mature and Immature Ascarids. MSD AGVETEquine Veterinary Symposium, Turnberry Isle, FL, October 23, 1987.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Todd KS, Lawrence LM. The Effect of Treatment of Mares withIvermectin on the Incidence of Strongyloides westeri in their Foals. 68th Annual Meeting ofthe Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL, November 17, 1987.
Lock TF, DiPietro JA, Davis JL, and Hoffmann WE. Effect of Treatment with Ivermectin onSerum Chemistry Values in Heavily Parasitized Horses. 68th Annual Meeting of theConference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL, November 17, 1987.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, Todd KS, and Lawrence LM. The Effect of Treatment of Mares withIvermectin on the Incidence of Strongyloides westeri in their Foals. 29th Annual Meeting ofAnimal Disease Research Workers in the Southern States, Baton Rouge, LA, March 28, 1988.
DiPietro JA. Research Update: Environmental Management and Control of Ascarids. EqVideo Journal 1(1), Summer 1988.
DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Ivermectin Against Mature and Immature Ascarids. MSD AGVETEquine Veterinary Symposium, Boston, MA, August 5, 1988.
DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Ivermectin Against Mature and Immature Ascarids. MSD AGVETEquine Veterinary Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT, August 26, 1988.
DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Ivermectin Against Mature and Immature Ascarids. MSD AGVETEquine Practitioner Symposium, Baltimore, MD, August 10-11, 1989.
DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Ivermectin Against Mature and Immature Ascarids. MSD AGVETEquine Practitioner Symposium, San Diego, CA, August 24-27, 1989.
DiPietro JA. Equine Anthelmintics. Western Veterinary Conference, February 19, 1990.
DiPietro JA. Clinical Parasitology of the Young Horse. Western Veterinary Conference,February 19, 1990.
DiPietro JA. Clinical Parasitology of the Adult Horse. Western Veterinary Conference,February 19, 1990.
DiPietro JA. Equine Table Topic: Administration of Anthelmintics. Western VeterinaryConference, February 20, 1990.
DiPietro JA. Equine Parasite Control. Veterinary Technicians Program. Western VeterinaryConference, February 20, 1990.
DiPietro, JA. Equine Parasitology Roundtable Discussion: Equine Parasites. VeterinaryLearning Systems, San Antonio, TX, March 12, 1990.
DiPietro JA, Lock TF, and Todd KS. Study of the Efficacy of Ivermectin Against EarlyMigratory Stages of Parascaris equorum Larvae in Pony Foals. 35th Annual Meeting AmAssoc Vet Parasitol, San Antonio, TX, July 23, 1990.
DiPietro JA, LaRocca GL, and Todd KS. The Effect of Ivermectin Treatment on the Presenceof Free-Living Stages of Strongyles in Horse Feces. 71st Annual Meeting of the Conferenceof Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL, November 5, 1990.
Ewert KM, DiPietro JA, and Danner S. A Technique to Measure Lawns and Roughs inPastures Grazed by Horses. 36th Annual Meeting Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Seattle, WA,July 29, 1991.
DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Abamectin Against Gastrointestinal Nematodes and Lungworms inCalves. 72nd Annual Meeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease,Chicago, IL, November 11, 1991.
DiPietro JA. Daily Anthelmintic Therapy in Horses. Fourth Equine Colic ResearchSymposium, Athens, GA, September 22, 1991.
DiPietro JA. Control of Strongyloides westeri Infections in Foals by Postpartum IvermectinTreatment of Mares. Fourth Equine Colic Research Symposium, Athens, GA, September 23,1991.
DiPietro JA. Ivermectin Treatment of Migratory and Intestinal Larvae of Parascaris equorum.
Fourth Equine Colic Research Symposium, Athens, GA, September 24, 1991.
DiPietro JA. Efficacy of Moxidectin Gel in Equids. 37th Annual Meeting Am Assoc VetParasitol, Boston, MA, August 3, 1992.
DiPietro JA. Clinical Trial of Oxibendazole and Pyrantel Pamoate in Horses. 73rd AnnualMeeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL, November9, 1992.
DiPietro JA. Effect of Fecal Storage Techniques on the Recovery of Strongyle Eggs fromHorse Feces. 38th Annual Meeting Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, Minneapolis, MN, July 17, 1993.
DiPietro JA. Larvicidal Effect of Pyrantel Salts on Third-Stage Cyathostone Larvae. 39thAnnual Meeting Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, San Francisco, CA, July 10, 1994.
DiPietro JA. Fecal Examination Survey of Horses in Training at Chicago Race Tracks. 39thAnnual Meeting Am Assoc Vet Parasitol, San Francisco, CA, July 10, 1994.
DiPietro JA. The Role of the Veterinarian in Biomedical Research. 1995 Student Chapter ofthe American Veterinary Medical Association, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, March 15,1994.
DiPietro JA. Ivermectin: A New Anthelmintic. 99th Annual Meeting of the Illinois StateVeterinary Medical Association, Champaign, IL, February l5, l98l.
DiPietro JA. To Worm or Not to Worm Dairy Cattle. 99th Annual Meeting of the IllinoisState Veterinary Medical Association, Champaign, IL, February l6, l98l.
DiPietro JA. Pediatric Equine Parasitology; New Equine Anthelmintics. Indiana EquinePractioners, Valparaiso, IN, March 23, 1982.
DiPietro JA. Equine Parasite Control in Illinois. Central Kentucky Veterinary MedicalAssociation Continuing Education Meeting: Equine Parasitology Seminar, Lexington, KY,August 21, l982.
DiPietro JA. Equine Parasitology; Client Questions. 1st Annual Fall Conference for AnimalHealth Technicians, Champaign, IL, November 20, 1982.
DiPietro JA. Critical and Clinical Experiences with Ivermectin in Horses. Equine Branch ofthe Southern California Veterinary Medical Association, Eqvalan Symposium, Santa Barbara,CA, March 15, 1983.
DiPietro JA. Montgomery County Veterinary Medical Association and Department ofVeterinary Continuing Education, College of Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M University,Equine Parasitology Seminar, Woodlands, TX, March 20, 1983.
DiPietro JA. Recent Developments in Equine Parasitology. Seminar on Pharmacology andTherapeutics for Large Animal Practitioners, College of Veterinary Medicine, Office ofContinuing Education, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, April 28, 1984.
DiPietro JA. The Role and Control of Internal Equine Parasites in Colic. Veterinary Seminarat the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, September 30, 1985.
DiPietro JA. Common Equine Endoparasites and Their Control. Annual EducationalConference for Veterinarians, Michigan Veterinary Medical Association, Novi, MI,October 19, 1986.
DiPietro JA. Equine Anthelmintics. 105th Illinois State Veterinary Medical AssociationAnnual Meeting, Springfield, IL, February 7, 1987.
DiPietro JA. Equine Colic Panel. 105th Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association AnnualMeeting, Springfield, IL, February 7, 1987.
DiPietro JA. Equine Preventive Medicine. 105th Illinois State Veterinary MedicalAssociation Annual Meeting, Springfield, IL, February 8, 1987.
DiPietro JA. Veterinary Seminar: Clinical Approaches to Equine & Bovine Parasitology. Central Arizona Veterinary Medical Association, Phoenix, AZ, March 16, 1988.
DiPietro JA. Update on Equine Parasite Control. Wisconsin Equine PractitionersAssociation, Pewaukee, WI, October 1, 1988.
DiPietro JA. Equine Pediatric Parasitology. Illinois State Veterinary Medical AssociationAnnual Meeting, Springfield, IL, February 11, 1989.
DiPietro JA. Parascaris equorum Infections in Foals: Lifecyle, Chemotherapy, and Control. MSD AGVET Veterinary Practitioner Symposium, St. Charles, IL, February 28, 1989.
DiPietro JA. Control and Treatment of Endoparasites of Horses. Central Kentucky EquinePractitioners Meeting, Lexington, KY, August 7, 1989.
DiPietro JA. Pathogenesis and Control of Parascaris equorum. Edmond Oklahoma EquinePractitioners, Edmond, OK, September 17, 1991.
DiPietro JA. Clinical Equine Parasitology. Parasite Control Programs for Foals. ParasiteControl for Adult Horses (3 presentations). 5th Symposium on Advances in ClinicalVeterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, September 12 and 13, 1992.
DiPietro JA. Equine Parasites and Their Control. ABU Arabian Horse Club, 896 South 500,West Hebron, IN, January 9, 1979.
DiPietro JA. Careers in Veterinary Medicine. Charleston Carnegie Library Career Club,Charleston, IL, June 13, 1979.
DiPietro JA. The Antiparasitic Activity of Ivermectin in Horses. Northern Illinois ArabianHorse Association, McHenry, IL, February 13, 1981.
DiPietro JA. How Will Ivermectin Fit into Your Horse's Worming Program. Arab, Inc.,Bloomington, IL, February 28, 1981.
DiPietro JA. Equine Parasites and Their Control. Beloit Horseman, Beloit, WI, April 7,1981.
DiPietro JA. Ivermectin, a Promising New Parasiticide. Central Illinois Veterinary MedicalAssociation, Jacksonville, IL, March 25, 1981.
DiPietro JA. Clinical and Critical Testing Methodology of Equine Anthelmintics. Phi SigmaSociety Seminar, Beta Lambda Chapter, Illinois State University, Bloomington, IL, October15, 1981.
DiPietro JA. Equine Parasites and Their Control. Heart of America Miniature EquineAssociation, May 14, 1983.
DiPietro JA. Equine Parasites and Their Control. Midline Dressage, Decatur, IL, March 4,1985.
DiPietro JA. Ivermectin as an Equine Anthelmintic; the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. University of Illinois Department of Entomology Seminar, January 21, 1986.
DiPietro JA. The Role of Internal Parasites in Colic and How to Prevent Them. HoosierHorse Days, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, January 18, 1986.
DiPietro JA. Ethics and Etiquette in Veterinary Medicine. University of Illinois Prevet Club,February 3, 1986.
DiPietro JA. Equine Endoparasites & Their Control. Central Chapter Arab, Inc., Decatur, IL,March 11, 1986.
DiPietro JA. Equine Parasite Control. Client Seminar Ingmire Large Animal Clinic, NewLenox, IL, November 13, 1990.
DiPietro JA. Equine Parasite Control. Client Seminar Illinois Equine Hospital FieldServices, North Aurora, IL, January 10, 1991.
DiPietro JA. Equine Parasite Control. Client Seminar Strathman Veterinary Services,Rockford, IL, March 20, 1991.
DiPietro JA. Controlling Endoparasites of Horses. Coles County 4H Club, Charleston, IL,November 4, 1992.
DiPietro JA. Equine Parasites and Their Control. Will County Equestrian Club, New Lenox,IL, April 23, 1993. RESEARCH INTEREST:
Veterinary Parasitology--Chemotherapy, control, biology and epidemiology of parasitic infections ofanimals. Development of endoparasite models for chemotherapeutic evaluation. RESEARCH SUPPORT: Duration
Critical Studies of the Endoparasitic Activity
Clinical Trials with Ivermectin in Horses
Distribution of Penicillin and Oxytetracycline
in the Reproductive Tract of Mares afterIntrauterine and Parenteral Administration
Migration of Free-Living Strongyle Larvae
Controlled Critical Testing of the Activity of
Panacur (Fenbendazole) and Fenbantelagainst Parascaris equorum
Pilot Studies for the Clinical Evaluation of
Telmin Combined with Piperazine in Horses
Confirmation and Relative Potency againstDirofilaria immitis
MK-933/Horse/Clinical/Dose Confirmation--
Endoparasites and Reactions--Microfiliariae-Positive Dogs
Clinical Evaluation of Rintal Combined with
Interval Deworming Programs on theControl of Equine Parasites
following Iver-mectin Induced Toxicity inDogsGLP
Unrestricted Gift for Equine Parasitologic
Evaluation of Eqvalan in the Treatment of
Avermectin Com-pounds in IvermectinSusceptible Collie DogsGLP
Paste/Horses/Parascaris equorum/ DoseConfirmation
Paste/Clinical/Dose Confirmation/Endoparasites/Ascarids, 28-day-old
Paste/Clinical/Dose Confirmation/Endoparasites/S. westeri
Unrestricted Gift for Equine Parasitologic
Confirmation/ Dirofilaria immitis (inducedinfections)
Comparison of the Efficacy of Ivermectin,
Oxibendazole, and Pyrantel PamoateAgainst 28-day-old Parascaris equorum inPony Foals
Comparison of the Efficacy of Alternation of
Ivermectin, Oxi-bendazole and PyrantelPamoate and Periodic Treatment with onlyIvermectin in the Control of Endoparasitesof Mares
Ivermectin Sustained-Release Implant/Dogs
Unrestricted Grant for Equine Parasitology
Evaluation of the Safety of Moxidectin in
Paste Against Prevalent Parasite Infectionsin EquidsGCP
Effect of Daily Administration of Pyrantel
Tartrate on the Development ofExperimentally Induced Parascaris equorumInfections in Pony Foals
Clinical Dose Confirmation of Abamectin in
the Treatment of Experimentally Induced4th-Stage Larvae of Cattle Endoparasites
Evaluation of Ivermectin Chewables Against
Induced Dirofilaria immitis Infections in Cats
Experimentally Infected withTrichostrongyles
L-685,869/Dogs/Clinical/ Relative Potency/
Evaluation of L-685,869 in dogs--Trichuris
Bioequivalency of Strongid C and GenericPyrantel Tartrate in EquidsGLP
Moxidectin Pour-on Against NematodeInfection in CattleGCP
Confirmation/Endoparasites/ InducedImmature NematodesGCP
Ivomec Premix/Swine/ Demonstration/ Field
Trial/ Endo-EctoParasites/ Efficacy/ProductivityGCP
Clinical Field Trial of Moxidectin Equine Gel
Against Prevalent, Naturally AcquiredInternal Parasite Infections in HorsesGCP
Injectable Solution on Comparison withIvermectin Injectable Solution AgainstExperimentally Induced Ascaris suumInfection in SwineGCP
Efficacy of Fenbendazole Against Encysted
Small Strongyles Infecting Equis caballusGCP
Analysis of Swine Skin Scrapings and Fecal
Samples for the Presence of ParasiticInfectionsGCP
Denotes project carried out in accordance with Good Laboratory Practice standards as dictated by Federal law.
Denotes project carried out in accordance with Good Clinical Practice standards as dictated by Federal law.
GEDANKENSTÜTZEN FÜR IHRE VERANSTALTUNG - Kerzen � - Dekoration zum Empfang � Tricks für den Hochzeitstag Strumpfhosen Halten Sie immer Ersatzstrümpfe /-strumpfhosen in Reichweite. Eine Laufmasche kann lästig sein. Nähzeug Eine Freundin mit Nähkenntnissen sollte Nadel und Garn in der Tasche haben. Kleine Unfälle können so schnell behoben werden. Make-Up Auch
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