Health and Safety blurb
There is direct link between a child’s health and their ability to learn, therefore when you enroll your child we ask for information about your child’s well-being. It is also important to tell us of any changes to your child’s health. This information will be kept confidential. Your child’s teacher will help you contact specialists in early childhood care, for example, speech pathologists, occupational therapists etc. should the need arise. Injury Prevention
Children have little or no idea of danger. It is our responsibility to ensure they are safe. We will check the preschool constantly to ensure a safe environment. It is most important you clearly hand your child over to a staff member each day so we know we are responsible from that point in time. No matter how careful we are, accidents do and will happen, majority of staff hold a current first aid certificate and will ensure that at least one member of staff, with their current first-aid certificate, is in the preschool at all times. In the event of an injury or illness;
• if injury is minimal, first aid will be given and an accident report completed • if injury is minor, first aid will be given and parents may be cal ed to collect the child • if the injury is serious, staff trained in first aid will attend to the child Medical assistance/ambulance will be called one staff member will accompany the child in the ambulance families or emergency contacts will be notified accident report will be completed and given to the family. Emergency Procedure
There could be an occasion when we would need to evacuate the preschool therefore, we practice an evacuation drill at least once every 3 months. Emergency procedures are posted in each classroom. In the event of a real evacuation, children will be taken to the car park of the Muswellbrook Christian School, 100 Hil St Muswellbrook, until they can be collected. Sick Children
Our preschool is not equipped to care for sick children; however we will do everything we can to comfort a child who has become sick whilst at preschool. To try and prevent the spread of disease, please monitor your child’s health and watch for: • high temperature
• diarrhoea
• red, swollen or discharging eyes
• vomiting
• rashes
• irritability, unusually tired or lethargic
Please do not bring your child to preschool if they display any of the above
symptoms or had PARACETAMOL or IBUPROFEN in the last 12 hours.
A child prescribed antibiotics for any illness cannot return until at least 24 hours after
treatment has started. The Director has sole discretion on this matter.
Infectious Diseases
In the cases of infectious illness, please notify the preschool immediately as exclusion periods apply. Immunisation
It is a Health Department regulation that records be kept of your child's immunisation status. You will be asked to provide this before your child begins preschool. Any child who has not been immunised will be excluded from attending preschool in the event of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease. You will be required to pay full fees during this time. Administering Medication
Staff will only administer medication if the parent has signed permission for them to do
so. You must fill out the Medication Form and hand the medication to your child’s
teacher. Do not leave medication in your child’s bag or send to Preschool on the

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