Case study for slimlipo of

Case Study for SlimLipo™ of Upper Back and Lateral Flanks Prepared by: Dr. Richard Noodleman
Date: 4/21/2009
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s), not necessarily those of Palomar Medical Technologies, Inc. ("Palomar"). Palomar and the author(s) assume no liability or responsibility for the contents of this publication. It is provided as a convenience only and is not intended to replace sound judgment or serve as the standard of care. Palomar’s suggested guidelines are set forth in the operator's manuals and clinical treatment guides for Palomar products. Ultimately, a practitioner is solely responsible for the care of a particular client in light of all circumstances presented by the client, the diagnostic and treatment options at hand, and the available resources. Case Study for SlimLipo™ of Upper Back & Lateral Waist By Richard Noodleman, MD
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s), not necessarily those of Palomar Medical Technologies, Inc. ("Palomar"). Palomar and the author(s) assume no liability or responsibility for the contents of this publication. It is provided as a convenience only and is not intended to replace sound judgment or serve as the standard of care. Palomar’s suggested guidelines are set forth in the operator's manuals and clinical treatment guides for Palomar products. Ultimately, a practitioner is solely responsible for the care of a particular client in light of all circumstances presented by the client, the diagnostic and treatment options at hand, and the available resources. Case Study for SlimLipo™ of Upper Back & Lateral Waist By Richard Noodleman, MD

: Lipodystrophy of upper back and lateral waist

: Laser Lipolysis with 24 watt SlimLipo™ system to treat upper back and lateral waist in
conjunction with conventional aspiration performed on a caucasian female with BMI of 29.
The total procedure time was 3 hours and 35 minutes
Pre-treatment anesthesia consisted of intra muscular injection of Versed 5mg (sedative), Demerol® 50mg
(pain), and Phenergan® 25mg (anti-nausea) with a variation of Klein tumescent technique.
Amount of infiltration used was 6400cc/mL
Tumescent mixture consisted of 100cc/mL 2% plain Lidocaine, 0.65cc/mL Epinephrine 1:1000, 10cc/mL
8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate, and 1cc/mL Kenalog® 40 in 1000cc/mL Sodium Chloride for the first 1000cc/mL
then for the next 5400cc/mL of fluid it consisted of 50cc/mL of 2% plain Lidocaine, 0.65cc/mL Epinephrine
1:1000, 10cc/mL 8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate, and 1cc/mL Kenalog® 40
Aspire® SlimLipo™ Settings: 24 watts 924/975 nm blend before aspiration and 8 watts 975 nm after
Total Energy and aspiration:
Energy: 48.85 Kj before aspiration and 3.38 Kj after aspiration for a total of 52.23 Kj
Aspiration: 2600cc/mL (1850 cc/mL fat and 750cc/mL tumescent fluid)
Post Op: Patient seen 2 days post-op, 1month, and 3 months.
Garments used were sleeved vest and high waist to the knee compression garments.

Excellent post-operative results. Procedure uneventful and smooth. Great skin retraction.

Physician Quote: “
SlimLipo is easy to master and use. The probe easily moves around corners. Unlike
the Vaser, the aimimg beam lets me know where I'm working.

Patient Quote: “
I'm an employee and after actually seeing the results of our patients, I knew I was ready
for this.”
Pre-Op: 12/24/08
Post-Op 4/09
Kenalog® is a registered trademark of Westwood-Squibb Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Buffalo, New York) Phenergan® is a registered trademark of Wyeth LLC (Madison, New Jersey) Demerol is a registered trademark of sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC (Bridgewater, New Jersey) Aspire is a registered trademark and SlimLipo is a trademark of Palomar Medical Technologies, Inc. (Burlington, Massachusetts) Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s), not necessarily those of Palomar Medical Technologies, Inc. ("Palomar"). Palomar and the author(s) assume no liability or responsibility for the contents of this publication. It is provided as a convenience only and is not intended to replace sound judgment or serve as the standard of care. Palomar’s suggested guidelines are set forth in the operator's manuals and clinical treatment guides for Palomar products. Ultimately, a practitioner is solely responsible for the care of a particular client in light of all circumstances presented by the client, the diagnostic and treatment options at hand, and the available resources.


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