Journal of Rashid Latif Medical College 1 (2012) 4-7
Original Journal of Rashid Latif Medical College
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . j r l m c . o r g
Incidence of Hysterectomy After Transcervical Resection of Endometrium- A Five Years Audit
Talha Abdul Halim¹, Barry Gaughan², Paul Byrne² 1 Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, RLMC, 35 Km Ferozpur Road Lahore2 Department of Gynaecology, Beaumont Hospital, DublinKEY WORDS: ABSTRACT Objective: Menorrhagia is a major debilitating condition, constituting 33% of
all gynaecological consultations. The management of heavy menstrual flow
with endometrial resection is widely used. Aim of this study was to assess the
long term effects of this surgical procedure on women health. Methods: During a period of 62 months 60 women underwent Transcervical Resection of Endometrium (TCRE) and procedure was successfully completed in 59 patients. Results: Menstrual loss was significantly decreased in 70.17%, but only 51.66% patients were satisfied. Amenorrhea rate was 29.82%, 28.07% were hypomenorrhic, 12.08% women experienced normal flow and 29.82% found no improvement in menorrhagia. Repeat procedure was performed in 10% of cases and hysterectomy rate was 25%. Complication rate was 11.66%. Conclusion: Considering a high subsequent operative treatment rate cost effectiveness of endometrial resection is questioned. However it is an effective surgical procedure in carfully selected women with menorrhagia. Introductýon:
resection in the management of abnormal uterine
Menorrhagia is a significant debilitating condition
which presents a major physical, financial and personal
burden in today's health care . It comprises 3.1% of
Patients and Methods:
general practitioner consultation and thirty three
Between June 1991 and August 1996 sixty patients
percent of all gynaecological consultations and this
at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin were treated with
proportion rises to 70% when investigating peri or post
endometrial resection for abnormal uterine bleeding by
menopausal women and 60% of these women will
two surgeons. The age of the patients varied from 31
years to 53 years. The indication for surgery in all
have a hysterectomy in the next five years , which is not
patients was abnormal uterine bleeding. Most of the
only associated with high operative morbidity of 25-
patients were healthy and opted endometrial resection
but also increased financial burdens on
as an alternative to hysterectomy. In 10 ( 16.66%)
hospitals. Minimally invasive surgery in the form of
patients procedure was offered on medical grounds for
hysteroscopic endometrial ablation, resection or uterine
whom it was considered that conventional surgery may
balloon therapy is indispensable in the management of
be hazardous such as renal transplant (2), haemepresis
abnormal uterine bleeding as these procedures appear
(1) extreme obesity (4) chronic asthma (1) ischemic
to be much more rapid, simpler, cause limited disability
heart disease (1) and ileo-cystoplasty (1).
to the patient with shorter hospital stay and cheaper
All patients were explained about the detail of the
form of surgical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding.
operation, complications, failure rate and warned that
Further more, it appears to be associated with
sterility could not be guaranteed , simultaneously
considerably fewer complications. The aim of this article
laparoscopic sterilization was offered to all patients at
is to assess the efficacy and safety of endometrial
Correspondence to: Halim TA, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, RLMC, 35 Km Ferozpur Road Lahore, Pakistan.
Talha Abdul Halim¹, Barry Gaughan², Paul Byrne²
risk of pregnancy and 16 (26.66%) patients were
cutting and at 80-120W during coagulation on blend 1. A
undergone sterilization at the time of endometrial
6mm cutting loop was used during endometrial
resection and 4mm rollerball during endometrial
Women with uterine size more than 12 weeks'
ablation. Patients were kept overnight in hospital and
pregnancy were not offered this procedure. For
discharged the next day and reviewed in the out patient
histological examination, endometrial specimen prior to
endometrial resection was obtained either by pipple,
Case notes were reviewed and all patients were
dilatation and curettage or hysteroscopy. Danazol
contacted by a postal questionnaire, in outpatient clinic
(50%), Gonadotrophin releasing hormone analogues
or on telephone; asking about menstruation,
(43.33%) or medroxy progesterone (6.66%) were used
dysmenorrhea, the need for further treatment and
overall satisfaction; 59 patients responded. Microsoft
Procedures were carried out under general Access data base programme was used to evaluate the
anaesthesia and video monitoring with continuous flow
resectoscope fitted with 4mm telescope and 30 fore oblique lens. 1.5% glycine was used to keep the uterine
cavity distended and to maintain good visibility. A strict
Endometrial resection was completed successfully
record of inflow and outflow of glycine was kept by a
in 59 patients. Follow up examination showed that
member of the staff. The mean fluid deficit during the
29.82% had amenorrhea, 28.07 hypomenorrhea,
procedure was 280ml (100-1300ml) . Valleylab, 12.28% normal flow and in 29.82% patients, no diathermy machine was pre-set at 100-120W during
improvement was noticed in menstrual flow. Table 1: Improvement in menstrual flow after the TCRE.
a. One patient had endometrial resection twice,
and 08 (40%) respectively. Dysmenorrhea was not a
new symptom in any patient who was dissatisfied with
b. One patient remained amenorrhic for 3 years, now
endometrial resection because of pain.
Although symptomatic menorrhagia was treated
One patient lost to follow up and two patients had
successfully in 70.17% patients, 18.51% patients were
hysterectomy within 02 weeks of endometrial resection.
still unhappy either because of dysmenorrhea or
Fifteen (25%) women had hysterectomy after
persistence of menstruation despite improvement in
previously been treated by endometrial resection. Thirty
menstrual flow, so the overall satisfaction rate in our
five (58.33%) patients had regular bleeding, 10
(66.67%) of them end up in hysterectomy in the follow
In our study 87.93% women had more than 80%
up period as compared to 25 (41.66%) women who had
resection, satisfaction rate in these women was
irregular bleeding and premenstrual dysmenorrhea in
56.86%, 25.49% found no change in menstrual flow and
which only 05 (33.33%) had hysterectomy in the
23.52% eventually had hysterectomy as compared to
subsequent period. Eleven (73.33%) hysterectomies
12.06% women who had less than 80% resection only
were performed within a year after endometrial 28.57% were satisfied with the operation, 57.14 found resection. There were 06 (10%) cases of repeated
no change in menorrhagia and 42.85% end up in
procedures, only one (16.66%) of them was satisfied
and one woman later on had hysterectomy.
Operating time was less than 30 minutes in 57
Indications for hysterectomy are given in Table III,
(95%), 30-60 minute in 02 (3.33%) and 90 minutes in 01
four patients who had hysterectomy because of
(1.66%) procedure. Return to normal activity was less
dysmenorrhea, 03 (20%) were amenorrhic and 01
than 2 weeks in 55 (93.22%), 2-4 weeks in 02 (3.38%)
and more than 06 weeks in 02 (3.38%) women.
Twenty-five (41.66%) women had pre-menstrual
Complications occurred in 07 (11.66%) patients
and 20 (33.33%) had menstrual dysmenorrhea, the
including two (3.33%) uterine perforations, one during
overall improvement in dysmenorrhea was 09 (36%)
cervical dilatation, procedure abandoned and second
Incidence of Hysterectomy After Transcervical Resection of Endometrium- A Five Years Audit
during endometrial resection, simultaneous priming agent as compared to Danazol users. laparoscopy revealed no intra-abdominal organ injury, procedure completed under laparoscopic control. Two
(3.33%) patients developed post operative endometritis
Conceptualizing the results of this study showed
and there were two (3.33%) instances of post operative
that endometrial resection is a simple and an effective
bleeding, one patient who had auto immune procedure in the management of menorrhagia in thrombocytopenic purpra, bled heavily and did not
carefully selected women. Although there was a
respond on balloon tamponade and had hysterectomy
significant improvement in menstrual flow in 70.17% of
the next day of endometrial resection and second
our patients, satisfaction rate was only 51.66% which
patient had hysterectomy 10 days after the operation.
One (1.66%) woman developed pulmonary embolism
satisfaction in the range of 80-88%. However our results
and was later on diagnosed with Anti phospho lipid
are in agreement with other studies that complete
syndrome. There was not a single instance of fluid
resection is associated with higher success rate and
patient satisfaction as compared to partial resection.
Fifteen (57.69%) of GNRHa users and fifteen and
Complication occurred in 11.66% of women as
two (50%) of danazol and provera users respectively
compared to other studies . We found no significant
had amenorrhea or hypomenorrhea after endometrial
difference in outcome concerning patient satisfaction
resection. Adverse side effects of all these endometrial
and age below or above 40 years. Although there was
priming agents were within the expected pattern for
improvement in pre-menstrual and menstrual
these drugs. The incidence of hysterectomy was 10%
dysmenorrhea in 36% and 40% patients respectively,
more in women who used GNRHa as endometrial
but it also become worse in 10.52% of women necessitating hysterectomy in 7.01% which is in
agreement with other published data . A higher hysterectomy rate (25%) and lesser repeat procedure rate (10%) as compared to Scottish audit ( 11% and 13% respectively ) is not because of our lower threshold for hysterectomy but because of patient's own request.
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Ongoing Child Protective Services (CPS) with Methamphetamine Using Families: Implementing Promising Practices August 2006 Prepared by Diane DePanfilis & R. Anna Hayward University of Maryland School of Social Work Center for Families For the National Resource Center for Child Protective Services A Service for the Children’s Bureau Introduction and Purpose