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Winter school
‘New skills and occupations in
Europe: Challenges and
25-27 November 2013
CEPS- Place du Congres, 1000 Brussels
Website Programme Application form Practical information (will be published soon) Financial information for participants Contact: mailto:[email protected] General information
The winter school offers possibilities to combine onsite visits through InGRID
visiting grants and training activities, as well as opportunities to network with
leading international experts and other colleagues in the field. The winter school
will take place in the city centre of Brussels, at CEPS.
The winter school will be student-centred, providing participants opportunities to discuss and develop their own projects, either as doctoral students or as post-docs/early-career researchers. There will be parallel possibilities to work as part of a short-term research team, identifying research opportunities, questions, strategies and methodologies. This winter school is designed to give participants a clear understanding of the role of new skills and new occupations in European labour markets1. New skills have potential to further promote inclusive growth in various ways. However, there are worries that European labour markets will suffer from skill-to-occupation mis-match. The first day of the winter school will focus on the origins, measurement and solutions of matching skills and occupations in Europe. During the second day we will discuss measurements of new skills and occupations in Europe with Internet-based data. The final half day will concentrate on students’ own work, student Poster sessions and on-the-spot discussions and networking. 1 European Commission (2008): ‘New Skills for New Jobs: Anticipating and matching labour market and skills needs’ Day 1
Skill mismatch is a growing concern at European level, not the least in light of the return of wide-scale
unemployment. Employers increasingly voice worries that skills taught to graduates of educational
programmes do not match their company’s needs. This skill mismatch might also have effects on
European social and economic integration.
Within the framework of the European Commission’s initiative ‘New skills for new jobs’, a number of approaches have already been taken to monitor labour markets both in the long- and short-term to identify potential bottlenecks and new models for short-term forecasting are needed. The aim of this first day of the winter school is to provide a full picture of recent labour market trends with a view to the skill-to-occupation mismatch. Here we will discuss as well different methodologies for measurements of skill demand and skill supply. Training and courses will be given regarding the following subjects: - labour market dynamics and skill mismatches; - consequences of skill mismatch for European integration; - various methods of measurements of skill demand and skill supply. Day 2
With the spread of the Internet, data are increasingly collected through web-based frameworks that can be
used for analysing the labour market both from supply- and demand-side perspectives. Internet-based data
collecting projects differ in their objectives and scope, but they all carry potential to efficiently provide a
large amount of data. However, many methodological issues remain concerning quality of data,
representativeness, reliability and types of biases that may affect research findings.
The aim of the second day is gather together European experts on measurement of new skills and occupations with Internet-based data. Training and courses will be given regarding the following subjects: - online vacancy data use; - data on wages: WageIndicator project. Day 3
The final half day will provide the opportunity for the researchers to present their work in a poster session
or a presentation session and to allow on-the-spot discussion and networking.


Muzaffar ad-Din Schah auch Mozaffar ad-Din Schah (* 1853; † 1907) regierte von 1896 bis 1907 als Schah von Persien. Muzaffar ad-Din Schah war mit einer unbekannten Anzahl Frauen verheiratet, hatte 7 Söhne und 15 Töchter. Sein Nachfolger wurde sein ältester Sohn Mohammed Ali. Konzessionen und Kredite Der älteste überlebende Sohn von Naser al-Din Schah, Mass'oud Mirza Zel -e S


Vortrag der Wissenschaftlichen Begleitung im Rahmen der Fachkonferenz zum Projekt „Ich will mich“, am 11. Mai 2010 in Magdeburg (Aufsatz erscheint demnächst in: Kulig & Schibort & Schubert (2010) Verlag Kohlhammer) Sehr verehrtes Fachpublikum, sehr verehrte Damen und Herren, als Mitarbeiter der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des Projektes IWM möchte ich Ihnen einige Zwisc

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