DOI: 10.1097/01.ju.0000165336.44836.2d Oncology: Adrenal/Renal/Upper Tract/Bladder
From the Section of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery, Glickman Urological Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio
Purpose: We report a prospective, randomized comparison of transperitoneal laparoscopic
adrenalectomy (TLA) vs retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy (RLA) for adrenal lesionswith long-term followup.
Materials and Methods: Between December 1997 and November 1999, 57 consecutive eligible
patients with surgical adrenal disease were prospectively randomized to undergo TLA (25) orRLA (32). Study exclusion criteria were patient age greater than 80 years, body mass indexgreater than 40, bilateral adrenalectomy and significant prior abdominal surgery in the quadrantof interest. Mean followup was 5.96 years in the 2 groups.
Results: The groups were matched in regard to patient age (p ϭ 0.84), body mass index
(p ϭ 0.43), American Society of Anesthesiologists class (p ϭ 0.81) and laterality (p ϭ 0.12). Median adrenal mass size was 2.7 cm (range 1 to 9) in the TLA group and 2.6 cm (range 0.5 to6) in the RLA group (p ϭ 0.83). TLA was comparable to RLA in terms of operative time (130 vs126.5 minutes, p ϭ 0.64), estimated blood loss (p ϭ 0.92), specimen weight (p ϭ 0.81), analgesicrequirements (p ϭ 0.25), hospital stay (p ϭ 0.56) and the complication rate (p ϭ 0.58). One caseper group was electively converted to open surgery. Pathology data on the intact extractedspecimens were similar between the groups. Averaged convalescence was 4.7 weeks in the TLAgroup and 2.3 weeks in the RLA group (p ϭ 0.02). During a mean followup of 6 years 2 patientsin the TLA group had a late complication (port site hernia). Mortality occurred in 5 patients,including 1 with TLA and 4 with RLA, during the 6-year followup.
Conclusions: For most benign adrenal lesions requiring surgery laparoscopic adrenalectomy
can be performed safely and effectively by the transperitoneal or the retroperitoneal approach.
KEY WORDS: adrenal glands, adrenalectomy, laparoscopy, retroperitoneal space
Since laparoscopic adrenalectomy was first described in
neal laparoscopic adrenalectomy (TLA) vs retroperitoneal
1992 by Gagner et al,1 it has become the standard of care for
laparoscopic adrenalectomy (RLA) has been published.5 We
many patients with benign adrenal disease requiring sur-
report our prospective, randomized, single institution com-
gery. Evidence from multiple centers is testimony to the
parison of transperitoneal vs retroperitoneal laparoscopic ad-
feasibility, comparable efficacy and decreased morbidity of
renalectomy in 57 consecutive patients with intermediate
laparoscopic adrenalectomy compared with the open ap-
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy can be performed transperi-
toneally or retroperitoneally. The transperitoneal approach
has the benefit of a wider working space and readily identi-
Between December 1997 and November 1999, 57 consecu-
fiable anatomical landmarks. The retroperitoneal approach
tive patients were prospectively randomized to undergo
has been thought to be associated with earlier recovery of
transperitoneal (group 1, 25 patients) or retroperitoneal
bowel function, possibly leading to a shorter hospital stay
(group 2, 32 patients) laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Study ex-
clusion criteria were patient age greater than 80 years, body
Most studies comparing the 2 approaches for laparoscopic
mass index (BMI) greater than 40, bilateral adrenalectomy
adrenalectomy have been retrospective.2Ϫ4 To date only 1
and significant prior abdominal surgery in the quadrant of
small, prospective, randomized comparison of transperito-
interest. Patients were prospectively randomized by a com-puter generated program. All patients provided consent for
Submitted for publication November 16, 2004.
either approach. The primary surgeon (ISG) was informed
Study received Institutional Review Board approval. * Correspondence and requests for reprints: Section of Laparo-
about the preselected laparoscopic approach for each individ-
scopic and Robotic Surgery, Glickman Urological Institute, A100,
ual patient in the operating suite immediately prior to posi-
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio
Laparoscopic techniques for the lateral retroperitoneal6
† Financial and/or other relationship with Baxter and Pfizer.
and transperitoneal7, 8 approaches for adrenalectomy have
been previously described. Intraoperative data were docu-
Mean followup was 5.9 years in the retroperitoneal and
mented by the primary surgeon in the operating room imme-
transperitoneal groups. During this time late complications
diately at the end of the procedure using a statistically val-
occurred in 2 patients in the transperitoneal group, who had
idated data sheet. All data were prospectively maintained in
port site hernia. Mortality due to various unrelated causes
a computerized database with Institutional Review Board
occurred in 5 patients, including 1 in the transperitoneal and
4 in the retroperitoneal group, during the 6-year followup.
Information analyzed included patient demographics, pre-
operative adrenal characteristics, intraoperative and postop-
erative outcomes, and pathological adrenal features. Conva-
Minimal access surgery has inherent appeal for a small,
lescence was defined as the period needed for complete
deeply seated target organ such as the adrenal gland, which
recovery from the physical aftereffects of surgery. Current
would otherwise necessitate a large abdominal skin incision
followup was obtained by telephone contact with individual
for open surgical access. Reports from multiple institutions
worldwide confirm the technical feasibility, safety and effi-
Summary statistics are presented as the median and quar-
cacy of the laparoscopic approach.7, 8 Additionally, the de-
tiles, that is the 25th (Q1) and 75th (Q3) percentiles, when
creased morbidity, more rapid recovery and superior cosme-
the Wilcoxon rank sum test was used. Statistics were per-
sis of laparoscopic adrenalectomy vs traditional open surgery
formed with SPSS software (SPSS, Chicago, Illinois) using
are well established. This has resulted in laparoscopic adre-
the Wilcoxon rank sum test for continuous variables and the
nalectomy becoming the treatment of choice for the majority
chi-square or Fisher exact test for categorical variables with
of benign adrenal lesions requiring surgery.
p Ͻ0.05 considered statistically significant.
There are 4 laparoscopic approaches to the adrenal gland,
namely transperitoneal (conventional laparoscopic or needle-
scopic9), lateral retroperitoneal,6 posterior retroperitoneal
Baseline demographics were comparable in groups 1 and 2
and transthoracic transdiaphragmatic.10 The transperito-
with respect to patient age (57 vs 57.5 years, p ϭ 0.841), BMI
neal route is often preferred by many surgeons because of its
(29.1 vs 30.4, p ϭ 0.426), American Society of Anesthesiolo-
wider working space and familiar anatomy. However, retro-
gists class (3 vs 3, p ϭ 0.811), laterality (right side 48% vs
peritoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy has gained in popu-
28.1%, p ϭ 0.123) and adrenal tumor size (2.7 vs 2.6 cm,
larity because it provides direct access to the adrenal gland,
p ϭ 0.825) (table 1). Laparoscopic adrenalectomy was suc-
and avoids bowel handling and the potential for injury to the
cessfully performed in 55 patients with 1 elective open con-
version per group because of failure to progress. TLA was
This prospective, randomized study was designed to objec-
comparable to RLA in terms of total operative time (130 vs
tively assess whether the transperitoneal vs the lateral ret-
126.5 minutes, p ϭ 0.640), estimated blood loss (50 vs 50 ml,
roperitoneal approach for laparoscopic adrenalectomy trans-
p ϭ 0.922) and specimen weight (24 vs 29 grams, p ϭ 0.809)
lated into any practical clinical differences in patient
(table 2). The open conversion in group 1 was in a patient
outcomes. To this end specific factors that were known to
with a 9 cm right adrenocortical carcinoma with dense peri-
increase the difficulty of either approach, such as morbid
tumor adhesions and in group 2 open conversion was done in
obesity and prior surgery in the area of interest, were ex-
a patient with a 6 cm right pheochromocytoma because of
cluded from study. Additionally, patient demographics and
baseline characteristics were comparable.
The 2 approaches were similar in regard to time to oral
Our study showed no significant differences in operative
intake resumption (p ϭ 0.86), time to ambulation (p ϭ 0.86),
time, estimated blood loss, specimen weight or complication
analgesic (Toradol®) requirements (p ϭ 0.25), hospital stay
rates between the 2 groups. These data confirm that, the
(p ϭ 0.56) and convalescence (p ϭ 0.86) (table 2). Postopera-
constraints of a limited working space notwithstanding, the
tive complications occurred in 2 patients (8%) undergoing
retroperitoneal approach is technically efficient because it
transperitoneal laparoscopy and in 1 (3.2%) undergoing the
takes advantage of naturally existing anatomical planes. Af-
retroperitoneal approach (p ϭ 0.576). Average convalescence
ter initial balloon dilation of the retroperitoneum laparo-
was 4.7 weeks in the transperitoneal group and 2.3 weeks in
scopic examination through the transparent balloon confirms
the retroperitoneal group (p ϭ 0.02).
proper creation of the working space. Anatomical landmarks,
Pathological data on the intact extracted specimens were
such as the psoas muscle posterior, Gerota’s fascia anterior
similar in the 2 groups (table 3). Two patients, including 1
and the diaphragm superior, facilitate operator orientation
with adrenocortical carcinoma and 1 with leiomyosarcoma,
in the retroperitoneum. Our analysis of 404 retroperitoneal
died 2 and 31 months after surgery, respectively.
laparoscopic renal and adrenal surgeries demonstrated a low
TABLE 1. Demographic and preoperative data
Median American Society of Anesthesiologists class (Q1, Q3)
Median cm computerized tomography size (Q1, Q3)*
* Incomplete data set since some patients did not have a discrete mass on computerized tomography.
Median mg analgesic Toradol requirement (Q1, Q3)
of the right gland. During left adrenalectomy the left main
adrenal vein is visualized to be horizontally oriented and it is
identified early along the cephalad aspect of and anterior to
the vertically oriented left renal artery. The left main adre-
nal vein courses obliquely toward the left renal vein from the
inferomedial aspect of the gland. Adrenal specimen mobili-
zation requires constant anatomical orientation and it should
be performed cautiously outside of the peri-adrenal fat. Oc-
casionally with larger specimens entrapment may be more
difficult in the somewhat smaller retroperitoneal space. We
believe that the retroperitoneal approach can be applied with
equivalent efficacy to the right or left adrenal gland.
Although cost data were not collected for this specific
study, at our institution a recent cost analysis of 3 ap-
proaches for laparoscopic adrenalectomy (transperitoneal,lateral retroperitoneal and posterior retroperitoneal) showedno significant cost differences.13 The study indicated thatoperating costs should not be a factor in selecting the lapa-
incidence of intraoperative vascular (1.7%) and bowel (0.25%)
complications.11 Seven of the 8 cases with vascular injury
Although our study demonstrates the comparable safety
were managed laparoscopically or through the created ex-
and efficacy of either approach, some particular clinical sit-
traction incision. Thus, we believe that retroperitoneal lapa-
uations should be kept in mind. In our hands patients with
roscopy is a reliable and safe approach with adequate work-
prior intra-abdominal surgery in the area of interest are
ing space, reliable anatomical landmarks and operator
preferentially approached retroperitoneoscopically. In mor-
bidly obese patients the abdominal pannus fat tends to fall
Groups 1 and 2 were similar in terms of analgesia require-
away from the operative site when the patient is in the full
ments, resumption of ambulation and oral intake, and dura-
90-degree flank position. Thus, we believe that in the obese
tion of hospitalization. Thus, contrary to our belief and that
patient retroperitoneal adrenalectomy may be somewhat
of others, the transperitoneal approach was not associated
technically simpler than the transperitoneal approach. Con-
with a higher incidence of paralytic ileus or longer hospital
versely the transperitoneal approach may be advantageous
stay. However, convalescence was significantly more rapid in
in patients with prior retroperitoneal renal surgery and in
patients undergoing the retroperitoneal approach (2 to 3 vs
patients with larger (greater than 10 cm) adrenal masses.
4.7 weeks, p ϭ 0.02). Also, we did not note any increased
Moinzadeh and Gill reported on 31 patients who had under-
incidence of flank neuralgia syndromes in the retroperitoneal
gone a total of 32 laparoscopic adrenalectomies for malignan-
group during the intermediate or long-term followup. Patho-
cy.14 The laparoscopic approach was retroperitoneal in 15
logical characteristics and the weight of the intact extracted
patients, transperitoneal in 13 and transthoracic in 2. Mean
specimen were comparable in groups 1 and 2.
adrenal tumor size on preoperative computerized tomogra-
In our study 4 patients undergoing RLA and 3 undergoing
phy was 5 cm (range 1.8 to 10). This study demonstrated that
TLA had tumors 5 cm or greater. At our institution Hobart et
with adequate experience laparoscopic adrenalectomy by the
al compared laparoscopic adrenalectomy for large volume (5
transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach can achieve good
cm or greater) adrenal tumors.12 They concluded that the
results for select, small, organ confined malignant tumors of
feasibility of the laparoscopic approach was not impacted by
the adrenal gland. Finally, it is important to note that the
adrenal mass size. The presence of local invasion and com-
current prospective series reported comes from a surgeon
promised peri-adrenal tissue planes were more important
who has extensive experience and facility with retroperito-
concerns regarding the technical feasibility of laparoscopic
neal laparoscopic adrenal and renal surgery.
Certain technical aspects of the retroperitoneal approach
require emphasis. During right adrenalectomy the first step
is usually identification of the right renal artery. Dissection
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy can be performed safely and
is then performed along the lateral surface of the inferior
effectively by the transperitoneal or the retroperitoneal ap-
vena cava to expeditiously control the main adrenal vein,
proach. Operative parameters, perioperative morbidity and
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Poster Session IV Wednesday, June 20 Presenter’s name is in bold and is subject to change. electric field. In particular, cell displacement rate was higher for cells culturedonto hydrogel substrate and myotubes contraction rate increased as a conse- THE ROLE OF EPHB/EPHRIN-B INTERACTIONS IN CELL quence of the frequency increasing. This frequency-dependent response of ATTACHMENT AND
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