Low-dose doxycycline inhibits bone resorption associated with apical periodontitis
Low-dose doxycycline inhibits bone resorptionassociated with apical periodontitis
Z. Metzger1,2, D. Belkin1, N. Kariv3, M. Dotan1 & A. Kfir21Department of Oral Biology and 2Department of Endodontology, The Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School of DentalMedicine, 3Glasberg Tower for Medical Research, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
was determined and used to compare the groups. Statistical analysis was completed using anova with
Metzger Z, Belkin D, Kariv N, Dotan M, Kfir A. Low-dose
doxycycline inhibits bone resorption associated with apical
Results The mean doxycycline serum level in group
periodontitis. International Endodontic Journal, 41, 303–309,
A was 0.22(±0.03) lg mL)1 and in group B below the
detection level of the assay (<0.062 lg mL)1). The
Aim To test the effect of low-dose doxycycline on bone
mean area of the periapical bone resorption in the
resorption associated with apical periodontitis.
control group C was 2.91(±0.61) mm2. In animals
Methodology Apical periodontitis was induced by
treated with a low-dose doxycycline, the mean size of
occlusal pulp exposure in the mandibular first molars of
the bone resorption was significantly smaller at
36 rats. Animals were divided into three groups of 12:
1.59(±0.59) mm2 (group A) and 1.72(±0.85) mm2
group A received doxycycline in drinking water at a
(group B) (P ¼ 0.001). No significant difference was
dose of 5.85 mg day)1; group B received a dose of
found in the area of the bone resorption between these
1.48 mg day)1 (one-quarter of the original dose); and
group C received no medicament and served as the
control. A bioassay determined the doxycycline serum
area of bone resorption associated with apical peri-
levels. After 21 days, the mandibles were removed,
odontitis in the mandibular first molar teeth of rats.
radiographed and the radiographs scanned to generate
Keywords: apical periodontitis, bone resorption,
digital images. These images were analysed morpho-
metrically and the total area of the periapical boneresorption of the mesial and distal roots of each tooth
Received 1 March 2007; accepted 12 October 2007
b, derived from these cells, trigger periapical
bone resorption (Wang & Stashenko 1993).
Apical periodontitis develops in response to bacterial
Periapical bone resorption may be considered a mere
colonization of the root canal. Host response against
undesirable side effect of the essential and successful
bacteria emerging through the apical foramen success-
protective host response at this site of potential bacte-
fully prevents their spread to other sites. Activated
rial penetration (Metzger 2000). However, it is the
macrophages and activated T-lymphocytes serve as
major clinical hallmark of apical periodontitis. The
essential components of this response. Nevertheless,
presence of bone resorption indicates disease whilst
locally produced inflammatory cytokines, such as IL1b
healing is monitored by its reversal and by reduction ofthe periapical radiolucency. Persistence of the lesionindicates that the balance between bone resorption andhealing is still in favour of the former.
Correspondence: Z. Metzger, School of Dental Medicine, Tel
For several decades, the main, if not only, interven-
Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel(Tel.: +972547956125; fax: +97236409250; e-mail:
tion in apical periodontitis consisted of effective
International Endodontic Journal, 41, 303–309, 2008
Doxycycline inhibits PA lesions Metzger et al.
bacterial elimination from the root canal. However,
2004, Preshaw et al. 2004a,b). Its effect has been
recent advances in understanding the mechanisms
attributed primarily to inhibition of metallo-proteases,
involved in apical periodontitis allow consideration of
essential for the breakdown of connective tissue and
other, additional, means of intervention (Metzger
bone resorption (Golub et al. 1998, Ramamurthy et al.
2000). Agents that may inhibit local bone resorption
2002). On the other hand, some reports indicate that
and thus favourably shift the balance between healing
tetracyclines may also be effective in reducing the
and resorption, once bacteria have been eliminated,
amounts of IL-1 released by activated macrophages
may be considered. Enhancement of healing kinetics
using a pharmacological intervention presents an
The present study was designed to test the effect of
attractive option. This may allow earlier decisions
systemically administrated low-dose doxycycline on the
regarding the survival and potential prosthodontic use
bone resorption associated with induced apical peri-
Three main pharmacological targets can be identified:
local cytokine production, their effect on their target
cells and the bone resorption process itself. Gluco-corticoids may be used to inhibit the local production of
The Animal Care Committee of Tel Aviv University
IL-1 by activated macrophages in the inflamed periapi-
approved the experimental protocol. During the exper-
cal tissues. This occurs through a post-transcriptional
iment, animals were treated according to the standards
mechanism (Politis et al. 1992). Recently, dexametha-
set by the Committee. No signs of stress or discomfort
sone was shown to inhibit the formation of bone
were observed in any animal (inspected daily). Individ-
resorption associated with apical periodontitis in rats
ual weight-gain curves served as an additional indica-
(Metzger et al. 2002). The potential of IL-1-receptor-
tor of the well being of the animals.
antagonist was also tested in the same model; theinhibition of the effect of IL-1 on its target cells inhibited
periapical bone resorption (Stashenko et al. 1998).
The present study was designed to test another
Apical periodontitis was induced in rats by the method
pharmacological agent that is known to affect the bone
first described by Kakehashi et al. (1965) and allowed
resorption process: doxycycline, a member of the
to develop for 21 days. Systemic doxycycline was
tetracycline family. Doxycycline has been widely used
administered and its effect on the size of the bone
both experimentally and clinically to control and
resorption evaluated. The experiment included three
inhibit bone resorption (Grevstad 1993, Chang et al.
groups of 12 rats each: group A received a low-dose of
1994, Grevstad & Boe 1995, Cummings & Torabinejad
doxycycline in drinking water throughout the experi-
2000, Bezerra et al. 2002, Yaffe et al. 2003, Preshaw
ment; group B received one-quarter of the former dose;
et al. 2004a, Buduneli et al. 2005). This effect of
and group C received no doxycycline and served as the
tetracyclines is independent of their antimicrobial
activity (Golub et al. 1998). The inhibition of boneresorption by doxycycline occurs even when a low,
sub-antimicrobial dose is administered (Bezerra et al. 2002, Buduneli et al. 2005). Furthermore, chemical
The study used 36 female Wistar rats (Tel Aviv
University breeding) which were randomly divided into
CMT-8), which lack any antibacterial effects, are still
three groups of 12 animals each. At the start of the
effective in the inhibition of bone resorption (Sasaki
experiments, animals were 2 months old and weighed,
et al. 1998, Ramamurthy et al. 2002).
on average, 229(± 14) g. Animals were kept two per
At sub-antimicroboial low doses, doxycycline can be
cage and fed pelleted rat diet, ad libitum. Rats were
used without the risk of developing resistant bacterial
weighed every third day. The weight gained in the
strains (Ciancio & Ashley 1998). With no antibacterial
experimental groups was compared with that of the
effect, no selective pressure exists on the bacteria and
control group and with normal animals (no procedure).
therefore no resistant strains emerge (Greenstein 1995,
At the end of the experiment, average weight was
Pallasch 2003). Low-dose doxycycline has been suc-
272(±12) g. In the experimental groups, weight gain
cessfully applied to treat marginal periodontitis with
did not differ from the controls or from normal animals
favourable results (Ciancio & Ashley 1998, Lee et al.
International Endodontic Journal, 41, 303–309, 2008
Metzger et al. Doxycycline inhibits PA lesions
Animals were anaesthetized by an intra peritonealinjection of Ketamine (90 mg kg)1; Ketaset, Barneveld,Fort Iowa, IA, USA) and Xylazine (5 mg kg)1; Kepro,the Netherlands ). The occlusal surface of each of thetwo mandibular first molars was perforated using anew No. 0.5 round bur, at low speed, exposing thepulps. The occlusal penetration was of the size of theactive part of the low speed bur used, which wasallowed to fully penetrate the pulp chamber. Penetra-tion was verified by insertion of a bent size 20 K-filethrough the occlusal opening and into the entrance of
the distal root canal. The pulps remained exposed for21 days, as previously determined (Metzger et al. 2002).
Doxycycline (doxycycline hyclate; Sigma, St. Louis, MO,USA) was diluted in distilled water at a concentration ofeither 40 or 10 mg mL)1 and kept frozen in aliquots of1 mL, in the dark, until used. Each aliquot was thendiluted in 200 mL of drinking water, resulting inconcentrations of 0.2 mg mL)1 (group A) and 0.05 mg
Figure 1 Periapical bone resorption area in first mandibular
mL)1 (group B). Aluminium foil, wrapped around the
molar of rats. (a) Larger resorption in the control group; (b)
small drinking water bottles, kept the medicament out of
smaller resorption in animals treated with doxycycline. Apical
the light. Water bottles were replaced every second day
periodontitis was induced by occlusal pulp exposure, open for
and the amount consumed was recorded. Doxycycline
treatment started 3 days prior to pulp exposure.
using the method described by Bennet et al. (1966). Bacillus cereus (ATCC 11778), which is highly sensitive
to tetracycline, was grown overnight in Brain–Heart
At day 21, animals were anaesthetized and blood
Infusion broth and 200 lL of the culture, containing
samples were collected by cardiac puncture. Animals
2 · 108 colony forming units, were evenly spread on
were killed using CO2 and the mandibles removed and
the surface of Brain–Heart Infusion agar plates. Four
placed in 2% NaOH for 48 h to facilitate thorough soft
full-thickness holes, 6 mm in diameter, were prepared
tissue removal. Mandibles were then stored in buffered
in the agar of each plate and served as wells for the
5% formalin. The jaws were radiographed using an
tested samples (Bennet et al. 1966). Serum samples,
EP-21 periapical dental film (Eastman Kodak, Roches-
60 lL, were placed in each well and plates incubated
ter, NY, USA) with 0.32 s exposure from a distance of
aerobically at 37 °C for 24 h. A standard curve was
20 cm, using a Gendex X-ray machine (Milan, Italy).
generated in a similar manner using predetermined
Jaws placed on their clean buccal side allowed a
uniform angulation as previously determined (Metzger
either in PBS or in PBS containing 50% normal rat
et al. 2002) (Fig. 1). All radiographs were developed
serum (Bennet et al. 1966). Circular inhibition zones
developed around wells containing doxycycline. Twoinhibition zone diameters, perpendicular to each other,were measured and the mean diameter used as an
inhibition parameter. Each serum sample and each
Individual serum samples collected at the end of the
point of the standard curve were assayed in quadru-
experiment were assayed for doxycycline concentration
plicate. The mean inhibition zone diameter of each
International Endodontic Journal, 41, 303–309, 2008
Doxycycline inhibits PA lesions Metzger et al.
serum sample was calculated and its individual
consumed an average of 29.3(±3.5) mL day)1 (actual
doxycycline concentration determined using the stan-
daily dose of 5.85(±0.69) mg per animal), and in group
B, the mean consumption was 29.52(±2.77) mL day)1(actual daily doxycycline dose of 1.48(±0.14) mg peranimal).
Radiographs were scanned using an HP Photosmart
film scanner (Hewlett Packard, Singapore), and theirdigital images analysed using sigma scan software
Doxycycline treatment resulted in a mean serum level
(SPSS Science Software, San Raffael, CA, USA). The
of 0.22(±0.03) lg mL)1 in group A, with a range from
borders of the radiographic image of the periapical bone
0.17 to 0.30 lg mL)1, whilst in group B serum levels
resorption of the mesial and distal roots of each tooth
were below the lowest detection level of the bioassay
were traced and their area calculated. The area of the
(<0.062 lg mL)1). No Doxycycline was detected in the
root tip was excluded. Tracing was performed manu-
control group. No difference was found between
ally, on the screen, on an enlarged image, with the
standard curves generated with and without normal
operator blinded as to the animal and treatment group
from which the sample came. Measurements, afterseveral initial practicing sessions, were with intra-
operator reproducibility of ±8%. A total of 24 teethwith 48 periapical areas of bone resorption were
The areas of the periapical bone resorption were first
tested for normal distribution, using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (spss, version 14.0). When each root wastested alone (mesial right, distal right, mesial left, distal
left), distribution in each group did not differ from
anova with-repeated-measures was used to analyse the
normal distribution (P ¼ 0.637, 0.990, 0.290 and
weight gain of the animals. The areas of bone resorption
0.272, respectively). Nevertheless, when the total area
were first tested for normal distribution, using the
of both mesial and distal bone resorption of a given
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (spss, version 14.0). Once
tooth was used as the parameter, distribution was
this was verified (see Results), anova with-repeated-
closer to normal (P ¼ 0.945 and 0.661 for left
measures with Tukey’s post hoc test was used to analyse
mesial + distal roots and right mesial + distal roots,
the size of periapical bone resorption. Analysis was
respectively). Results of analysis for distal roots alone or
performed with within-subject-factors: area of the
mesial roots alone gave similar results with the same
individual periapical bone resorption on left and right
conclusions (data not presented) Therefore, the total of
and the total of areas of the resorption of the mesial and
periapical areas per tooth was used as the parameter for
distal roots of each given tooth for left and right sides
and with between-subject-factor: treatment.
Effect of doxycycline on periapical bone resorption
The area of periapical bone resorption that developedin
2.91(±0.61) mm2 (per tooth) (Table 1). In group A,
Preliminary measurements were taken to determine
the amount of drinking water consumed daily by
resulted in a significant reduction in the size of
normal rats, similar in age and weight. Mean con-
sumption was 27.8(±2.6) mL day)1. On this basis, the
1.59(±0.59) mm2 (P ¼ 0.001). The lower dose of
doxycycline concentration in the drinking water of
doxycycline in group B (1.48(±0.14) mg day)1) also
group A was set at 0.2 mg mL)1 (calculated daily dose
resulted in a significant reduction in the size of
of 5.4 mg per animal), and of group B at 0.05 mg mL)1
(calculated daily dose of 1.35 mg per animal).
1.72(±0.85) mm2 (P ¼ 0.001). No significant differ-
The actual drinking water consumption was moni-
ence in the size of bone resorption was found between
tored during the experiment. In group A, animals
International Endodontic Journal, 41, 303–309, 2008
Metzger et al. Doxycycline inhibits PA lesions
Table 1 Effect of low-dose doxycycline on the size of periapical
The present results agree with Chang et al. (1994)
alveolar bone loss could also be inhibited by admin-istering 5 mg day)1 of doxycycline, a dose similar to
that used in this study. Similar results with low-dose
doxycycline in rats have also been reported using
either nylon thread ligature (Bezerra et al. 2002) or
endotoxin (Buduneli et al. 2005) to induce alveolar
aMean total area of the periapical bone resorption area of the
mesial and distal roots, as measured from a digitized radio-
It is well documented that doxycycline inhibits
periodontal bone resorption in rats. Grevstad et al. demonstrated that surgically induced alveolar bone loss
was prevented by doxycycline administered systemi-
This preliminary feasibility study tested for the potential
cally (Grevstad 1993, Grevstad & Boe 1995). Similar
of doxycycline to modulate periapical bone resorption.
results have been reported on inhibition of surgery-
The total area of periapical bone resorption surround-
associated crestal bone loss by doxycycline, adminis-
ing the mesial and distal roots was used to give a ‘tooth’
tered either locally (Yaffe et al. 2003) or systemically
value. This was performed as this parameter had a
more normal distribution than the area of either the
The results of the present study are in apparent
distal or mesial roots alone. As this differs from other
conflict with those reported recently by Tja¨derhane
studies carried out with a similar model (Stashenko
et al. (2007). That study addressed a similar issue,
et al. 1998, Tja¨derhane et al. 2007), statistical analysis
using the same model and tested the effect of system-
was also carried out on the distal and mesial bone
ically administered chemically modified tetracycline
resorption areas alone, with similar results.
(CMT-3), which was administered by oral gavage. This
Systemic low-dose doxycycline treatment inhibited
treatment was expected to inhibit periapical bone
the formation of periapical bone resorption by 40–45%.
resorption by its inhibitory effect on matrix metallo-
It could be possibly attributed to either its antibacterial
proteinases. Their results indicate an enhancement of
activity or to its inhibitory effects on bone resorption, or
periapical bone resorption in animals treated with the
both. Neither the higher dose (5.85 mg day)1) nor the
CMT-3 rather than an inhibition, as found in the
lower dose (1.48 mg day)1) resulted in serum levels
present study. These results are in apparent conflict
that may be considered as clinically antimicrobial in
with most reports on the effect of tetracyclines or
rats. A therapeutic antimicrobial doxycycline dose in
CMT-3 in rats, in most of which bone resorption
rats should result in serum levels ‡1 lg mL)1 (Slots &
associated with marginal periodontitis was the model.
Rams 1990, Chang et al. 1994, Ramamurthy et al.
Therefore, it will be of interest to carry out a study in
2002). In the present study, the higher doxycycline
which doxycycline will be compared with CMT-3, as
dose resulted in a serum level of only 0.22(±0.03) lg
well as to other CMT, in the same model of apical
mL)1, approximately one-fifth of that of an effective
therapeutic dose. Serum samples from group A partially
Even with a clear effect, widespread use of tetracy-
inhibited bacterial growth in the bioassay. Therefore
clines has its potential drawbacks as resistant strains
they could, apparently, have some antimicrobial effect
may emerge through selective pressure on oral bacteria
in vivo which could have contributed to the inhibited
(Greenstein 1995, Pallasch 2003). Golub et al. (1998)
development of the periapical bone resorption. Never-
have clearly demonstrated that the effect of tetracy-
theless, the lower doxycycline dose in group B resulted
clines on bone resorption is independent of their
in such a low serum concentration that it failed to
antimicrobial properties. Furthermore, the inhibition
inhibit the growth of even the extremely sensitive
of matrix metallo-proteinases, essential for connective
bacterium (Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778). As this dose
tissue breakdown, occurs at levels well below those
was as effective in inhibiting periapical bone resorption
required for the antimicrobial effects (Vernillo & Rifkin
as the dose that had a partial inhibitory effect in the
1998). Consequently, low, sub-antimicrobial doses of
bioassay, it may indicate that the inhibitory effect of the
doxycycline have been tested clinically for treatment of
doxycycline was most probably through its effect on
periodontal disease, with favourable results (Golub
bone resorption and not its antibacterial properties.
et al. 1990, 1992, Greenstein 2004).
International Endodontic Journal, 41, 303–309, 2008
Doxycycline inhibits PA lesions Metzger et al.
The commonly used method for oral administration
of doxycycline in rat studies is oral gavage, using acanula inserted into the esophagus. It has the benefit of
This study was conducted at the Alpha Omega
assuring an accurate dose as well as bypassing the oral
Research Laboratories, as partial fulfillment of the
cavity. A previous study using the same model
requirements for DMD degree of D. Belkin.
concluded that dexamethasone inhibited the develop-ment of periapical bone resorption (Metzger et al.
2002). As the gavage procedure may present arecurrent stressful event for the animals, which may
Bennet JV, Brito GAC, Riberio RA, Rocha FAC (1966)
result in elevation of endogenous cortico-steroids, this
Simplified, accurate method for antibiotic assay of clinical
procedure was avoided and drinking water was used as
specimens. Applied Microbiology 14, 170–7.
a substitute. This may have a drawback, as a potential
Bezerra MM, Brito GA, Ribeiro RA, Rocha FA (2002) Low-dose
local effect of the doxycycline cannot be precluded
doxycycline prevents inflammatory bone resorption in rats.
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 35,
(Toth et al. 1986). To investigate this point a direct
comparison between the two methods, using the same
Buduneli E, Buduneli N, Vardar-Sengul S et al. (2005)
Systemic low-dose doxycycline and alendronate administra-
The present study does not preclude the possibility
tion and serum interleukin-1beta, osteocalcin, and C-reac-
that the doxycycline treatment affected periapical bone
tive protein levels in rats. Journal of Periodontology 76,
resorption also through down regulation of cytokine
production. To test for this hypothesis, a study in larger
Chang KM, Ramamurthy NS, McNamara TF et al. (1994)
animals may be required, in which intra-canal exu-
Tetracyclines inhibit Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced
dates may be quantitatively tested for presence of IL 1
alveolar bone loss in rats by a non-antimicrobial mech-
anism. Journal of Periodontal Research 29, 242–9.
b (Matsuo et al. 1994, Kuo et al. 1998a,b).
The results indicated that modulation of bone
Ciancio S, Ashley R (1998) Safety and efficacy of sub-
antimicrobial dose doxycycline therapy in patients with
resorption in apical periodontitis with doxycycline
adult periodontitis. Advances in Dental Research 12, 27–31.
may represent a potential option; however, further
Cummings GR, Torabinejad M (2000) Effect of systemic
studies will be required to explore this possibility.
doxycycline on alveolar bone loss after periradicular
Systemic administration was used in the present study
surgery. Journal of Endodontics 26, 325–7.
as it was designed as a preliminary feasibility trial,
Golub LM, Ciancio S, Ramamamurthy NS, Leung M, McNa-
conducted in a simple, small animal, model. As for
mara TF (1990) Low-dose doxycycline therapy: effect on
potential clinical implication, one should keep in mind
gingival and crevicular fluid collagenase activity in humans.
that the relatively closed environment of the root
Journal of Periodontal Research 25, 321–30.
canal and periapical tissue may lend itself rather
Golub LM, Suomalainen K, Sorsa T (1992) Host modulation
easily to local pharmacological intervention with
with tetracyclines and their chemically modified analogues.
low-dose doxycycline, as well as other potential
Current Opinions in Dentistry 2, 80–90.
Golub LM, Lee HM, Ryan ME, Giannobile WV, Payne J, Sorsa T
modulators. Nevertheless, further studies, using larger
(1998) Tetracyclines inhibit connective tissue breakdown
animals in which intra-canal manipulation is possible,
by multiple non-antimicrobial mechanisms. Advances in
will be required before such clinical application may
Greenstein G (1995) Clinical significance of bacterial resis-
tance to tetracyclines in the treatment of periodontal
diseases. Journal of Periodontology 66, 925–32.
Greenstein G (2004) Efficacy of subantimicrobial-dose doxy-
1. Low-dose doxycycline inhibited development of
cycline in the treatment of periodontal diseases: a critical
bone resorption associated with apical periodontitis
evaluation. International Journal of Periodontics and Restor-
2. This inhibition was most probably unrelated to
Grevstad HJ (1993) Doxycycline prevents root resorption and
alveolar bone loss in rats after periodontal surgery.
doxycycline’s antimicrobial activity.
Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 101, 287–91.
3. Low-dose doxycycline may be potentially considered
Grevstad HJ, Boe OE (1995) Effect of doxycycline on surgically
for pharmacological modulation of periapical bone
induced osteoclast recruitment in the rat. European Journal of
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Kakehashi S, Stanley HR, Fitzgerald RJ (1965) The effect of
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International Endodontic Journal, 41, 303–309, 2008
EN DIRECT DE LA NOUVELLE-ORLEANS (USA) Congrès 2009 de l’American Diabetes Association Quatre ans après Katrina, la ville ne s’est pas encore relevée des blessures de l’ouragan. Ce congrès a néanmoins réussi à rassembler près de 12000 participants venus du monde entier pour partager l’actualité. Pour la pratique courante deux grands essais ont surtout retenu l’attenti
MD ACCOMPLISHMENTS HANAUER, STEPHEN B Dr. Hanauer received funds from CCFA from 1992 to 1995 to carry out a multicenter evaluation of the efficacy of methotrexate in chronically active CD. Methotrexate has been proven effective in moderate to severe CD (1) and to maintain remission in adults with CD (1,2). Hanauer participated in several studies evaluating its efficacy and safety, parti