Eureka Family Practice2675 Harris St. Eureka, CA 95503707-443-8335
Please read and follow the instructions below carefully. AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE YOUR COLONOSCOPY, PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING (all available without prescription):
◦ Four Dulcolax laxative tablets ◦ bottle (238 gms) of Miralax ◦ 64 oz. bottle of Gatorade or other sports drink, flavor of your
choice BUT AVOID RED OR PURPLE COLORED LIQUIDS. Alternatively, you could use 64 oz. of iced tea. DIABETIC PATIENTS:
On the day prior to your colonoscopy, take ½ your usual insulin or oraldiabetic medication dosages. If you take metformin (Glucophage), do nottake it the day before your procedure. After you return home and resumeeating normally, resume all your regular insulin and oral medicationdosages. THE DAY PRIOR TO YOUR COLONOSCOPY
1. Drink only clear liquids the entire day. 2. At noon, take two Dulcolax tablets3. At 3 PM, mix the 255 gm bottle of Miralax in the 64 oz. of sports
4. Drink one 8 oz. glass every 15 – 20 minutes until you’ve consumed
the entire mixture. It will take approximately two hours.
5. At 6 PM take the final two Dulcolax tablets.
6. Thereafter, drink at least three more 8 oz. glasses of clear liquid
before going to bed. You may drink more (in fact, more is better),but do not drink less. DO NOT CONSUME:
• MILK or milk products• Juices with PULP• Beverages that are red or purple
◦ Tea, coffee, juices without pulp, carbonated beverages◦ Soups, broth◦ Popsicles, Jell-O◦ And of course, all the water you want
After midnight of the day you're doing your prep, do not consume ANY liquids at all unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Leer. You should show up at the hospital on the day of your procedure with an empty stomach. no drinks of any sort since midnight. DAY OF YOUR PROCEDURE
• You must arrive 1 hour before your scheduled appointment. Your
entire stay at General Hospital will be between 3-4 hours.
• You must have a friend or relative drive you home following the
procedure. You are not allowed to take a taxi or publictransportation home.
• After your procedure, do not drive a car for the remainder of the
day. Do not make any important decisions until the following day.
• Leave valuables, including jewelry, home.
• If biopsies are taken, the results are usually available within 7
calendar days. Dr. Leer or his medical assistant will contact you with
said results. If you had biopsies and haven’t heard from us withinone week, please call!
• The Referrals Department at Eureka Family Practice schedules all
procedures. Please call 443-8335 if any questions.
• To cancel (only on weekdays) call 443-8335. Please note that if you
do not cancel more than 1 week prior to your scheduled procedure,you may be responsible for a late cancellation fee.
APPOINTMENT DATE: ______________________________
ARRIVAL TIME: ___________________________________
PROCEDURE TIME: _________________________________
Curriculum Vitae ISABEL SAEZ DE DE LA FUENTE Hato Pintado, Urban ización La Loma, calle Francisco Arias Paredes Formación Académica Columbus University , Psicologia, 2010 a la fecha. Academie Scientifique de Beaute , Diploma Representante Internacional de la Centro de Enseñanza CEM , Diploma Internacional de EsteticaEsthetica, 2000 Instituto de Estética y
GASTROINTESTINAL SPECIALISTS Aria Torresdale Medical Office Bldg. Barix Clinic 3998 Red Lion Rd S.242 280 Middletown Blvd Philadelphia, Pa 19114 Langhorne, Pa 19047 215-632-3500 215-702-7090 UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY PREPARATION YOU ARE SCHEDULED FOR A GASTROSCOPY ON ____________________ DO NOT TAKE ANY FOOD OR LIQUID BY MOUTH AFTER MIDNIGHT THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR PROCEDURE