Cirriculum vitae

Addendum D
80 Columbia Street • PO Box 910 • Stevenson, WA 98648 ———————————————————————————————————— •Medical Doctor Degree from New York University School of Medicine •Immunologist and Board Certified Urological Surgeon. •30 years of drug research and development experience with various pharmaceutical companies including Bristol-Myers International, Mead-Johnson Pharmaceutical Co. and E.R. Squibb. •An accomplished executive with domestic and international experience. •Practiced in the formation of strategic alliances, key partnership development and high stake negotiations. •Successfully executed acquisitions of breakthrough medical technology, in conjunction with formation, funding and launch of several corporations. • Co-founder of Medco Research Inc., a NYSE biopharmaceutical company acquired by King Pharmaceutical Inc. •Founder of Axonyx Inc., acquired by TorreyPines Therapeutics, Inc. •Founder of Total Nutraceutical Solutions, Inc.; design and development of natural organic antioxidant mushroom products to be used as nutritional supplements in humans and animals •Founder and President of Northwest Medical Research Partners, Inc., a company specializing in the identification and acquisition of breakthrough pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products. Total Nutraceutical Solutions, Inc.
CEO and Chairman of the Board;
A Nutraceutical company with a focus on discovering, formulating and marketing products composed primarily of organic natural mushroom compounds that contain bioactive nutrients for potential health benefits. TNS develops production and analytic technologies for food and nutritional supplements composed primarily of mushrooms and their mycelia biomasses. Novel clinical models and biomarkers are used to show nutritional and clinical efficacy of our products. In addition to preventative health care formulations and nutritional approaches to a wide variety of human conditions and illnesses, TNS also develops and acquires break through nutritional tools and products in the fields of animal husbandry and livestock feeds. Research and formulation of bioactive mushroom Nutraceutical products with anti- oxidant/anti-inflammatory activities for humans and animals. Design and development of biomarker assays to monitor human and animal clinical responses to nutritional supplementation United States Use Patent filings related to increased biologic survival with the use of Oxis International, Inc. Foster City, CA
President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board;
A company that develops technologies and products to research, diagnose, treat and prevent diseases associated with damage from free radicals and reactive oxygen species and the increased inflammation that accompanies oxidative stress. Engineered and Executed Manufacturing and/or Supply Agreements with Cambridge Major Laboratories Inc., Minitube of America and Golden Gourmet Mushrooms Inc. Negotiation, design and submission with Duke University of joint bioterrorism drug research and development grant protocols to United States BioShield/Barda program
Northwest Medical Research Partners, Inc., Stevenson, WA
Founder and President

A company specializing in the identification and acquisition of breakthrough pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products. Identification, acquisition and funding of Alzheimer’s disease drug portfolio from The Identification and acquisition of preclinical Beta-amyloid Alzheimer’s disease drug portfolio and intellectual property from Department of Pathology, New York University School of Medicine; successfully out licensed to Serono Inc, Geneva, Switzerland Facilitated, executed and financed Research and Development agreement with Department of Food Science, Pennsylvania State University; identified key bioactive nutrients within mushrooms and discovered new composition of matter substance including filing of patents.

Axonyx, Inc., New York, New York

Founder and CEO
A biotechnology company specializing in the development of pharmaceutical compounds for the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease and related central nervous system conditions. NASDAQ listed company merged with TorreyPines Therapeutics, Inc. (TPTX) In licensing of preclinical and clinical Alzheimer’s disease drug portfolios
Total Nutraceutical Solutions Inc., Spartanburg SC (TNUS: OTC.BB)

Golden Gourmet Mushrooms, Inc. / Mushroom Matrix, San Marcos, CA
Scientific Consultant

A company performing research and development, and sales and marketing, of specialized exotic natural mushroom powders/capsules with potent anti-oxidant/anti- LPath Therapeutics Inc. San Diego CA (LPATH: OTC.BB)
A biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of lipid-based therapeutics, an emerging field of medical science whereby lipids are targeted to treat human diseases.
Arbios Technologies, Los Angeles CA
A company engaged in the discovery, acquisition and development of proprietary liver assist devices and new technologies useful in the diagnosis and treatment of acute liver
Regent Assisted Living, Inc., Portland Oregon
A Company specializing in building care centers for Assisted Living and clients with
Medco Research, Inc., Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

A company engaged in the acquisition, research and development of proprietary human health care products, focused primarily in the area of cardiovascular disease.
Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center, Stevenson WA
A museum concerned with the preservation of history and culture of the Columbia River
New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York
Board of Governors, Alumni Association

State of California
Advisor and Medical Examiner in Forensic Urology
Personal Injury, Worker’s Compensation Plaintiff and Defendant specializing in Bladder Dysfunction, Male Sexual Dysfunction, Hernia, Inguinal and Abdominal, Lumbosacral Injuries and Associated Bladder and Sexual Problems.
Mead-Johnson Pharmaceutical Co., Evansville, Indiana

Antibiotic Research, Development and Clinical Application, Male Sexual Dysfunction

Bristol Meyers International, Mead-Johnson Pharmaceutical Co., Medco Research,
Inc. E.R. Squibb

Clinical and Pharmaceutical Research Consultant
U.C.L.A. Medical Center, Dept. of Immunology/Urology, Los Angeles CA

Bladder Cancer project, BCG Immunotherapy EDUCATION
New York University School of Medicine, New York New York POSITIONS IN MEDICINE
U.C.L.A. Medical Center, Los Angeles CA
Research Fellowship – Immunology

Dr. Paul Terasaki, Department of Surgery, HLA Typing Research, in-vitro and in-vivo
Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York New York

Resident in Surgery

National Institute of Health, Bethesda Maryland

USPHS, Immunology Section, Laboratory of Microbiology, National Institute of Dental Research performing research work with Ralph Snyderman, M.D. on 3rd and 5th U.C.L.A. Medical Center, Los Angeles CA
Resident, Division of Urology

Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Immunology School of Medicine
Los Angeles CA
Postdoctoral Scholar

U.C.L.A. Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Lecturer, Division of Urology

Clinical Instructor and Visiting Surgeon
Division of Urology and Dept. of Surgery


U.C.L.A. Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Visiting Surgeon, Division of Urology and Dept. of Surgery

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles CA
Clinical Instructor, Pediatric Urology, Dept. of Pediatrics

Samuel Soifer Memorial Prize for Outstanding Work in Urology Clinical Research on Duricef (antibiotic) American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Research on Duricef (antibiotic) American Urological Association, Western Section Research and Development of Condranol (Antiatherosclerotic Drug) HISTORICAL MEMBERSHIPS
The American Association of Immunologists American Association for the Advancement of Science American Federation for Clinical Research Kidney Foundation of Southern California American Urological Association - Western Section EXPERIENCE WITH NEW DRUG INVESTIGATION
1. Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim (Bactrim) in chronic urinary tract infection, 1972 - 1974; Harbor General Hospital, Torrance, California, Hoffman-La Roche, Inc. 2. BCG therapy in patients with genitourinary carcinoma, 1973 to 1978. Departments of Urology a nd Immunology, U .C.L.A. Medical C enter, L os Angeles, C alifornia. National Bladder Cancer Project, Public Health Service; Grant #CA 16880. US FDA 3. Effects of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) on the dog bladder, Invest. Urol. 12:423,
4. Cefadroxil (D uricef) - A n ew s afe ef fective d rug i n t he t reatment o f urinary t ract
infections, 1977 - 1979; C linical Research S tudy, M ead-Johnson P harmaceutical 5. Cefadroxil (D uricef) - A onc e-a-day oral c ephalosporin f or t he t reatment of a cute cystitis, 1977 - 1979; C linical Research S tudy, M ead-Johnson P harmaceutical 6. Condranol (Chondroitin sulfate A and B), clinical efficacy in the prevention of post- operative de ep ve in t hrombosis. C edars-Sinai M edical C enter, Biomed R esearch, Inc., Los Angeles, California, 1979 - 1981. 7. Velosef / Ceclor clinical study in acute cystitis, E.R. Squibb & Sons, Inc. 1980. 8. Papaverine, clinical efficacy in impotence. Los Angeles, California, 1985 - 1986. 9. Y-Bron, clinical efficacy in impotence, 1988 - 1989. 10. Male Delay Spray, clinical efficacy in premature ejaculation, Los Angeles, California 11. Adenocard™, f or c onversion t o nor mal s inus r hythm i n pa tients w ith p aroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT), 1978-1993. US FDA approved. 12. Adenoscan™, a pharmacologic stress agent used for coronary vasodilation in patients unable to exercise adequately. 1978-1993. US FDA approved. 13. Phenserine, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor having potential to provide symptomatic improvement a nd tr eat the p rogression o f mild to mo derate Alzheimer’s d isease. EXPERIENCE WITH MEDICAL DEVICE INVESTIGATION
1. EZ Detect Occult Blood Test, NMS Pharmaceutical, Inc., Newport Beach, California, 2. StrutR (Companion-EPDR) - A n ew alternative in th e d iagnosis a nd tr eatment o f impotence: I MS, I nc., C ompanion Medical Products, Inc., Los A ngeles, a nd S an Published Articles Available on Request


Avaliação bimestral de ciências

AVALIAÇÃO: Exercícios de Recuperação COMP. CURRICULAR: QUÍMICA SÉRIE: 3 EM PROFESSOR: Flávio VALOR: 2,0 NOTA: 1. O ácido acetil salicílico de fórmula: um analgésico de diversos nomes comerciais (AAS, Aspirina, Buferin e outros), apresenta cadeia carbônica: a) acíclica, heterogênea, saturada, ramificada b) mista, heterogênea, insaturada, aromática c) mist

BIOSCIENCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASIA , December 2013. Vol. 10 (2), 891-896 An Antibacterial, Antifungal and Anthelmintic Evaluations of Some Synthesized Chalcone Derived Benzimidazoles I. Sudheer Babu and S. Selvakumar* Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sir.C.R.Reddy College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, West Godavari (Dist), Eluru - 534 007, India. DOI: http://dx.doi.or

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