Korean J Anesthesiol 2013 December 65(6 Suppl): S147-S148
Endotracheal intubation-related vocal cord ulcer fol owing
Choon-Kyu Cho1, Jae-Jung Kim1, Tae-Yun Sung1, Sung-Mee Jung2, and Po-Soon Kang1
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, 1Konyang University Hospital, Konyang University Col ege of Medicine, Daejeon,
2Yeungnam University Medical Center, Yeungnam University Col ege of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
Post-intubation throat pain is a common complaint that
pain during the hospitalization period. However, the attending
is caused by focal ischemia, damage to the laryngeal mucosa,
physician and nurse overlooked his complaints because throat
or edema. However, if the laryngeal symptoms persist after 72
pain was considered to be a normal side effect of intubation.
h, vocal cord paralysis, the formation of granulation tissue, or
He was therefore discharged 4 days after the operation without
ulcers can occur [1]. Most vocal cord ulcers that are caused by
any further examination. The day after discharge, the patient
intubation are found after progression to granuloma. However,
was concerned that his sore throat persisted, unlike his previous
we recently observed a patient in whom the ulcer was detected
experience with general anesthesia and intubation, and visited an
before progression, and was successful y treated with conserva-
otolaryngology outpatient clinic. Laryngeal endoscopic examina-
tion showed an ulcer in the posterior of the vocal cord (Fig. 1A).
A 39-year-old male (167 cm, 66 kg) was scheduled for elec-
Prednisolone (5 mg, BID) and esomeprazole (40 mg, QD) were
tive Guyon’s tunnel release surgery. The patient had no signifi-
prescribed, and voice rest was recommended. His sore throat
cant medical history, except for septoplasty surgery 6 years ago
improved after 1 week, and laryngoscope examination revealed
using general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation. Pre-
partial cure of the vocal cord ulcer (Fig. 1B). After subsequent
operatively, he exhibited no laryngopharyngeal symptoms such
visits, the ulcer had completely healed without progressing to
as sore throat, hoarseness, or stridor. Anesthesia was induced
using 130 mg propofol, and endotracheal intubation was per-
Vocal cord ulcers are non-neoplastic lesions of the posterior
formed with 35 mg rocuronium. An endotracheal tube with an
glottis, and represent an early stage in the progression of vocal
internal diameter of 8.0 mm, and a high volume/low pressure
cord granulomas [2]. General y, vocal cord ulcers occur due to
cuff was used. Laryngoscopy was performed using a standard 3
mechanical or chemical damage, such as the overuse of voice,
Macintosh metal blade, a stylet, and external laryngeal pressure,
chronic coughing, throat clearing, or gastroesophageal reflux
and was characterized as Cormack-Lehane laryngoscopy grade
disease [3]. The common symptoms of vocal cord ulcers and
III. There was slight friction when going through the vocal cord
granulomas are throat pain, hoarseness, and coughing [4].
during intubation, but the process was otherwise successful. The
The causes of vocal cord ulcers related to endotracheal intu-
duration of intubation was 65 min, and anesthesia was com-
bation are vocal cord mucosa damage during intubation and ex-
pleted without any specific hemodynamic instability. Emergence
tubation, clasping movements between the vocal cords and the
was smooth, and extubation was completed without any cough-
tube, continuous pressure of the tube during anesthesia, use of a
tube that is too large, or infection. During endotracheal intuba-
After surgery, the patient persistently complained of throat
tion, inflammation can occur on the mucous membrane of the
Corresponding author: Tae-Yun Sung, M.D., Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Konyang University Hospital, Konyang University College of Medicine, 685, Gasoowon-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon 143-701, Korea. Tel: 82-42-600-9316, Fax: 82-42-545-2132, E-mail: [email protected]
CC This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://
creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Copyright ⓒ the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, 2013
Fig. 1. (A) Five days after surgery, a vocal
Twelve days after surgery, the vocal cord
ulcer had decreased in size after medical
vocal process area of arytenoid cartilage, and its severity tends to
the ulcer has progressed to granuloma, it may lead to aspiration
increase with longer intubation times or increased pressure [5].
and respiratory distress, and so long-term treatment or even
In the current case, the duration of intubation was short, and
surgical excision may be required [1,4].
there was little or no movement of the head and neck during the
To prevent post-intubation vocal cord ulcers from occurring,
surgery or extubation. It is therefore likely that the vocal cord
using an appropriately sized tube, adequate sedation and muscle
ulcer was caused by friction with the tube during intubation,
relaxation, performing smooth intubation, stabilization of the
damaging the vocal cord mucosa. It is also possible that the en-
tube, and extubation without laryngeal reflexes are recommend-
dotracheal tube used was too large, or that the pressure exerted
by the external cricoids led to backward and lateral tilt, making
In conclusion, anesthesiologists should recognize that vocal
the vocal process more prominent and vulnerable to injury [5].
cord ulcers could occur as a complication of intubation fol ow-
Most vocal cord ulcers can be cured with conservative treat-
ing endotracheal anesthesia. Persistent post-operative laryngo-
ment such as voice therapy, or medical interventions including
pharyngeal symptoms should not be overlooked, and appropri-
steroids, antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, or histamine-2
ate examinations wil help identify complications, such as ulcers,
receptor blockers. However, if the cause of ulcer is iatrogenic or
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