It is the aim of the school to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Part IV), as added to by the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2002 (Part 2) and in relation to this policy all reasonable steps will be taken to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage. The school aims to promote equality in all aspects of school life and with regard to all matters embraced by this policy will comply with relevant legislation relating to equal opportunities, race relations, sex discrimination and age discrimination.
Date of last review: November 2011 Date of next review: November 2013 First Aiders List Updated: October 2012
FIRST AID POLICY First Aiders Mrs J Beasley
‘First Aid is the initial assistance or treatment given to a casualty for any injury or sudden illness before the arrival of an ambulance, doctor or other qualified person’.
Responsibility of a First Aider
To assess a situation quickly and safely and summon appropriate help.
To identify as far as possible, the injury or the nature of the illness affecting a
To give early, appropriate and adequate treatment in a sensible order of priority.
To arrange for the removal of the casualty until handing him or her over to the care
To make and pass on a report and give further help if required.
Pupils Any emergency assistance given to a child at Offmore Primary School will be in accordance with information given by ‘First Aid at Work’ course – delivered at Pitmaston House and will comply with the relevant sections of the Handbook of Safety Information (Worcestershire Education Department). The primary aim of first aid in school is to assess any injury or condition which may occur, give accurate treatment for minor injuries and ensure that whilst medical help is being sought for more serious conditions, the casualty is monitored and assistance given in order that the condition does not worsen. To these ends the following procedures must be followed. All reported injuries no matter how small, will be examined by an adult, an assessment made and appropriate action taken: Minor Cuts and grazes Initial clean with baby wipe – alcohol free wipe used to sanitise the wound. All open wounds sprayed with Savlon Dry, if child has permission. If necessary, cover wound with a clean dressing (or gauze) secured with non-allergic tape or a plaster. Please check with list by the first aid box to see if any children are allergic to plasters. Bumps and bruises Apply a cold compress (not frozen) from First Aid fridge located in KS1 group room. Dress with non-fluffy dressing. Nose bleed Seat child with head well forward. Pinch fleshy part of nose near nostrils and tell the child to breathe through the mouth. Be careful to time yourself (write down time if necessary) and if bleeding persists longer than 10 minutes – telephone home. If bleeding persists longer than 30 minutes – telephone hospital. Give the child a tissue for any dribble (no cotton wool) and instruct him/her not to blow down the nose. If the nose bleed persists for 30 minutes or longer, take or send to hospital in the treatment position. Head injuries Particular care must be taken to monitor and treat children who have received a bump to the head. Any moderate or serious injury to the head must be reported to a first aider (page 1) and the headteacher. Be alert to the following complications which are not always immediately obvious following a head injury.
School procedure for head injuries
Minor eg. two children bumping heads with each other – a blue note will be sent home to parents. If more serious but the child appears to be okay, a green note should be handed direct to the parent/carer or a telephone call made to the child’s home if they walk home on their own. Causing concern eg. fall on the face/head, swelling on the face/head) – parent is telephoned and told of the child’s condition. Parent is requested to come to school when injury and next course of action is discussed. If a parent cannot be contacted the child will be carefully monitored and taken to hospital if necessary. Other injuries
a) If the injury is not too serious, contact parents and ask them to come to school. If
they decide that hospital treatment is appropriate, offer to telephone for an ambulance. It is the parents’ decision at this point to refuse but be sure that they understand that they are responsible for this decision and not the school. If the parent cannot be contacted, take child to hospital by ambulance accompanied by a member of staff. Continue to try and contact the parent putting a note through the door if necessary.
b) For serious injuries telephone immediately for an ambulance to remove child to
hospital as quickly as possible. A member of staff known to the child will accompany him/her to hospital.
Whenever a child is taken from school to hospital, take the confidential form with you for all important details (also consent form).
First Aid is situated in the KS1 Group room and Nursery
Materials are maintained by first aiders and checks are regularly made. Such stock is for use by trained first aiders under the direction of the headteacher and are so maintained as to avoid delays in an emergency. First Aid rucksacks are also available when partaking in educational visits.
a) Act calmly, reassuring the casualty b) Do not allow children to treat each others injuries. c) ALWAYS wear protective gloves. d) All staff including temporary staff, must be aware of those children who suffer from
conditions such as asthma, epilepsy and diabetes which may affect them whilst at school and where medication is stored. Red medication notice should be on back of classroom door stating name and place of medication (without naming what it is) therefore first aider entering a room would know where to look for information.
e) If an accident occurs during playtime, lunchtime, etc., the person supervising at that
time must ensure that the child’s class teacher is informed.
f) If possible parents should be informed of any injury including nose bleeds. Letters
for ‘bumped heads’ are available at each First Aid box point. Parents may be telephoned any time during the day if any injury gives cause for concern, otherwise the parent should be informed verbally at the end of the day. If there is no telephone or the parent does not meet the child, a letter may be sent.
g) At playtime, a member of teaching staff will be on first aid duty. At lunchtimes a
h) All accidents must be recorded in the accident book situated in the Nursery,
Reception and corridor. The entry must include the name and class of the child, date and time and place of accident and a brief description of the injury and treatment given. All entries must be signed in full by the person making the entry.
Any serious accident must be reported to the headteacher who will complete the LA accident form (Riddor 2).
i) Where a pupil is on a course of medication prescribed for a life threatening
condition by a medical adviser, eg. family doctor, consultant and the school accepts that the pupil should take such medication during the course of the school day, eg. epilepsy, asthma, etc., the medication must be handed with clear instructions to the school office and a Healthcare Plan completed. The medication must be securely stored and dispensed at the appropriate time. An asthmatic child may keep their
inhaler with them if requested by the parent. For minor ailments, we ask parents to come into school to administer any medication required.
j) Any pupil with the medication condition diabetes, will keep a supply of any
necessary foods and drinks in the classroom under the direction of the class teacher. Information on ‘snack’ times for such cases will be clearly displayed. Procedures for dealing with a ‘hypo’ attack will be well read:
Unconscious casualty
Open airway, check and record breathing, pulse and level of response.
Administer hypo stop. Be prepared to resuscitate if necessary
Conscious casualty
Sit casualty down, give sugary drink, sugar lumps, chocolate, hypo stop
If the casualty’s condition improves quickly, give more sweet foods or drink
Inform parent and request that he/she is taken home and advised to see a
k) For more serious accidents always send for a first aider then further qualified help.
Do not give drinks or medication. Approach situation only if safe to do so and do not move the casualty unless they are in imminent danger of further injury.
l) Any other person (employee, visitor, workman)
Use first aid box for plaster/bandage
More serious – seek help of first aider No medicines or tablets are to be given
Record accident in the First Aid book for adults
Accident/Emergency Procedures
1. The injured person should be examined by a first aider. 2. If hospital treatment is required, call 999 for an ambulance. 3. In the case of pupils:
Parent/guardian must be notified and requested to join the child at the school/hospital/surgery as soon as possible.
There should be no delay to treatment or despatch for treatment pending the arrival of parent/guardian.
Where possible, in the absence of a parent/guardian, a member of staff known by the child will accompany and stay with him/her at the hospital/surgery.
Consent to hospital treatment by an accompanying member of staff should not be given unless specifically asked for. In such circumstances the hospital doctor should be asked to resume responsibility for this decision. If, however, it is an emergency situation and all reasonable attempts have been made to contact parent/guardian, consent should always be given on
the advice of the senior hospital doctor even if it is known that the consent of parents might be forthcoming.
The headteacher should complete the accident form.
For pupils the basic position is that whilst the child is under the control of the school the school has a duty to care in a reasonable way like that of a careful parent of a large family. There is no distinction between teaching and non-teaching staff when it comes to the question of who should carry out this care. With regard to accompanying a child to hospital, again this can be by a teaching or non- teaching member of staff. IMPORTANT
The child’s confidential form and consent form MUST go with them to hospital/surgery and emphasise very much on phoning ambulance and parents, if in any doubt. OTHER INCIDENTS WHICH MAY ARISE 1.Choking – dependant upon size of child. Place the child over your knee head down. Slap him/her between the shoulder blades 5 times. Send for first aider. If back blow fails dial 999 and begin resuscitation, continuing until the ambulance crew tells you to stop. 2.Broken Limbs
Closed fractures – immobilise limb and support
Arm injury – support arm against trunk using a sling Leg injury – bandage the sound leg to the injured one
Dial 999 for ambulance – keep warm – NO DRINKS
3.Objects in ears and nose Do not attempt to remove the object. Obtain medical aid. 4.Swallowed Objects Do not give anything to eat or drink. Do not induce vomiting.
Small, smooth objects – ring parents and advise visit to hospital or doctor
5.Sand in eye Tilt head to affect side. Irrigate with water away from unaffected eye.
6.Mouth to mouth resuscitation Only to be undertaken by a qualified first aider.
7.Severe bleeding Sit or lie casualty down. Elevate bleeding limb(s) if no fracture apparent. Apply pressure using sterile dressing. Apply padding and bandages over dressing, maintaining pressure, applying others on top as necessary. Seek medical help. 8. Asthma Re-assure casualty and sit them down, leaning slightly forward. Ensure a good supply of fresh air. Given Ventolin (Salbutamol). All Ventolin is now blue and any asthmatic can use anyone’s Ventolin. You cannot overdose on Ventolin so therefore a child is in no danger if receiving another’s inhaler. Procedure for an attack
Give 4 puffs of Ventolin over one minute through a spacer.
Continue treatment until help arrives or child recovers.
Important If at any time the child should begin to lose consciousness, dial 999 straightaway. If a child is tinged blue at start of an attack, dial 999 and begin treatment. Note – If an asthmatic child cannot take Ventolin then they will have a white or blue inhaler which is Bricanol. 9. Insect Stings Remove sting if possible using tweezers. If embedded in skin, do not attempt to remove. Apply cold compress to relieve pain and minimise swelling. Waspeze may be used. Sting in mouth – give casualty ice to suck. Dial 999. Ring parents. 10. Convulsions
Undress child and ensure a good supply of fresh air
Keep airway open using recovery position
11. Epilepsy
Minor Epilepsy (Petit Mal) – protect casualty until fully recovered removing
any sources of harm. Talk calmly and reassure casualty. Ring parents and advise visit to doctor
Major Epilepsy (Grand Mal) – clear all dangers from around casualty, loosen
clothing around neck and protect head. When convulsions cease, place in recovery position. Ring parents. Once child is recovered fully, advise visit to doctors. If this is his/her first fit or if he/she has been unconscious for more than 10 minutes, dial 999. Note time and duration of the fit.
12. Poisonous Plants Berries – Deadly Nightshade, holly, laurel, mistletoe, yew and wild arum (lords & ladies)
1. Check and clear airway – do not induce vomiting. Be prepared to
resuscitate. Place in recovery position.
2. Dial 999 if necessary, or ring parents and advise visit to doctor. 3. Try to identify plant to show hospital or doctor.
Procedures for First Aid
Serious Accidents In the event of a serious accident the Qualified First Aider will initiate an emergency procedure: Emergency treatment will be carried out by appropriately qualified members of staff. The carer/family will be contacted and asked to meet either at the school or the Emergency Department (please ensure the school has your correct phone numbers). An Ambulance will be called. The patient will be accompanied either by an appropriate member of staff or carer/family member. For accidents which do not require immediate attendance at Hospital appropriate First Aid will be carried out by the qualified members of staff. The Carer/family will be contacted. Treatments will be carried out using the following equipment: Steri-wipes, plasters, dressings – non adherent and tape, Savlon dry, Waspeze. Where a fracture is suspected an assessment will be made and the patient referred to Hospital accordingly. Asthma will be treated by using the patient’s inhaler + spacer device to a standard protocol. For minor accidents and injuries the patient will be treated by the appropriate member of staff using the equipment detailed above and the carer/family contacted at the end of the day. All head injuries will be notified to the carer/family by letter. Salbutamol inhalers will be kept in a safe but easily accessible place available for immediate use by the child. A spacer will be available for emergency treatment used in conjunction with the patient’s Salbutamol. Monitoring and review: The implementation of this policy will be monitored regularly by the Headteacher and Governing Body. The policy will be reviewed every two years or sooner if felt necessary by the Governing Body. Date of last review: November 2011 Date of next review: November 2013
Updated list of First Aiders:October 2012
VILLAGE OF BEAVER CROSSING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 11TH. 2013 REGULAR BOARD MEETING The Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Beaver Crossing, Nebraska met in open session at 7:00 p.m., at the Village Hall DECEMBER 11TH. 2013. The public had received advance notice of the meeting by posting the notice in the following places: Village Hall, Marquee sign and the U.S. Post Office. U
In this study, we examine the distribution of revenues for a comprehensive sample of newdrugs introduced into the United States during the period, 1988 to 1992. In earlier research, weexamined the returns to R&D for the U.S. new drug introductions during the 1970s and early "The Distribution of Sales from Pharmaceutical Innovation" 1980s.[1,2] One of the key findings was that the