Ap-221: using pids to assess exposure risk in unknown environments
Using PIDs To Assess Exposure Risk In Unknown Environments Risk Decisions Based on PIDs Correction Factors are the Key
Photoionization detectors (PIDs) can measure volatile
Correction Factors are the key to unlocking the
organic compounds (VOCs) and other toxic gases at
power of a PID for assessing varying mixtures and
concentrations from parts per billion (ppb) to 10,000
unknown environments. They are a measure of PID
parts per million (ppm). This sensitivity allows PIDs
sensitivity to a particular gas. CFs permit calibration
to be used to make accurate, instantaneous decisions
on one gas while directly reading the concentration of
as to the levels of ionizable chemicals to which
another, eliminating the need for multiple calibration
workers are exposed. By simultaneously solving for
gases. PID manufacturers determine Correction
human and PID meter sensitivity, a logical program
Factors by measuring a PID’s response to a known
of atmospheric risk reduction based upon PID
concentration of target gas. Correction Factors are
response can be implemented in both known and
instrument and/or manufacturer specific, so it is
important to use the CFs from the manufacturer of the PID. Therefore, it may be best to choose a PID
Two Sensitivities Must Be Understood
manufacturer with the largest listing of CFs. PID
In order to make an assessment of toxicity risk with a
manufacturers publish CF lists and some integrate
PID, two sensitivities must be understood:
this information into the microprocessor of the PID.
Microprocessor PIDs, like the MiniRAE 2000, can
1. The first is human sensitivity and is expressed
automatically store and apply over 100 CFs.
in exposure limits defined by organizations such as OSHA (the US Occupational Safety
Three Scenarios on How to Set PID Alarms:
and Health Administration), NIOSH (the US
In order to better understand making a decision that
National Institute for Occupational Safety and
combines these two sensitivities we can look at three
specific examples of applying a PID to make an
Governmental Industrial Hygienists) or other
typically expressed in parts per million (ppm)
2. Gas/vapor mixture with constant make-up
2. The second sensitivity is that of the PID. This
3. Gas/vapor mixture with varying make-up
sensitivity factor is called a Correction Factor (CF) or sometimes a Response Factor. The CF
1. PID Alarms for a Single Gas/Vapor
is a ratio of the PID sensitivity to a particular
It is comparatively easy to gain information on a
chemical referenced to the PID calibration gas
of isobutylene. CFs are specific to a PID brand
(for more information on CFs and how PIDs
work, refer to RAE Systems’ AP-000: PID
• Set the PID correction factor to that chemical
from the PID manufacturer’s listing. This solves
• Find the Exposure limit(s) for the chemical (refer
PID sensitivity + Human Sensitivity = Decision
• Set the PID alarms according to the exposure
Most PIDs can automatically do the math involving CF, so, for example, all the user has to do is select
RAE Systems Inc.
3775 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95134-1708 USA Phone: +1.888.723.8823 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.raesystems.com
“toluene” from the PID library, and the PID is
In a similar manner the Correction Factor is
measuring in “toluene” ppm. Then set the PID alarm
to the appropriate value (100 ppm for OSHA), and
the PID is able to accurately make “toluene”
• 0.4 is the CF for styrene • 0.85 is 85% xylene
2. PID Alarms for a Gas/Vapor Mixture with Constant Make-up
Often processes do not involve a single chemical, but may involve a compound that is a mixture of toxic
The reading in the area with the paint odors was 120
chemicals. This “witches’ brew” of toxic compounds
on the PID in isobutylene units. Multiplying this
requires greater care in determining alarm setpoints.
reading by the correction factor of 0.56, an actual
If the contents of the mixture are identifiable, the
concentration in mixture units was 67.2 ppm. This is
individual chemicals and their concentrations should
under the calculated exposure limit of 87 ppm of
be easily determined through a contents label or
mixture. If the reading were 178 ppm in isobutylene
MSDS. Then the following equation can be used to
units, the actual concentration would be 100 ppm of
the mixture, consisting of 15 ppm styrene and 85
ppm xylene. This mixture reading is over the
exposure limit of 87, even though none of the
components are over their individual exposure limits.
“EL” is the Exposure Limit and X is the mole
fraction (percent by volume) of each volatile
Note: An Excel format spreadsheet is available at the
chemical. Similarly, the Correction factor for the
end of the online version of Technical Note TN-106
mixture can be calculated using the following
at www.raesystems.com. It allows calculations of
CFs and alarm limits for complex mixtures.
3. Setting PID Alarms for a Gas/Vapor Mixture with Varying Make-up:
To clarify the usage of these equations lets take an
The “Controlling Compound”
example. Suppose that you have a complaint of paint
Many times we can identify the chemicals
odors and upon investigating you find that the paint
present, but their relative concentrations vary
contains 15% styrene and 85% xylene. Then the exposure limit is calculated as follows:
throughout a process. Or, in situations like HazMat Response, one cannot predict the
ELmix = 1/(0.15/50 + 0.85/100) = 87 ppmmix
concentrations. Therefore, we have to look at
another way of using the PID to make decisions.
Setting alarms in a varying or unknown mixture
• 50 is the 50 ppm exposure limit for styrene
means that you have to simultaneously interpret
both the human sensitivity (exposure limits) and
• 100 is the 100 ppm exposure limit for xylene
PID sensitivity (Correction Factors) for all of the
RAE Systems Inc.
3775 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95134-1708 USA Phone: +1.888.723.8823 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.raesystems.com
chemicals involved. Fortunately, this is easier
than it sounds. Every mixture has a compound
that is the most toxic and “controls” the setpoint
for the whole mixture. Determine that chemical,
So to get the exposure limit in units of isobutylene
and you can determine a conservative setpoint
we divide the exposure limit in chemical units by the
for the entire mixture. The basic assumption is
ratio of chemical units to isobutylene units.
that if we are safe for the “worst” chemical in a
mixture, we will be safe for all of the others.
Chemical 10.6eV ELChemic ELIsobutyl
1. Express all exposure limits in equivalent
2. Look for the compound with the lowest
3. Set the PID for that setpoint, and you are safe
for all of the chemicals in the mixture.
In Table 2, the far right column expresses all of the
exposure limits in equivalent units of isobutylene. Now the chemicals can be compared on equal
footing. One can compare apples to apples. While
Chemical Exposure
humans are not as sensitive to ethanol as they are to
toluene, the low PID sensitivity to ethanol combined
with the highest exposure limit in the table makes
ethanol the “controlling compound” when the
exposure limits are expressed in equivalent
isobutylene units. In this example, the PID is left on
Table 1 is a simple example where ethanol appears to
an isobutylene measurement scale and the alarm is
be the safest compound and toluene appears to be the
set to 83 ppm. As long as the PID does not alarm,
most toxic. This is because most people are
then no respiratory protection is required.
accustomed to making decisions solely on human
sensitivity. Users of meters rarely take into account
Important: In the rest of this discussion, exposure
that, like humans, meters have varying sensitivities to
limits in “Isobutylene Units” calculated by
different chemicals. Therefore, Table 1 only
provides half of the decision-making equation. The exposure limit is expressed in units of different
chemicals. When trying to use a PID to make a
decision regarding which is the “worst” chemical,
one might be comparing 1000 apples to 100
will be called RAE Units (RU) because their
pineapples. What is required is to express the
calculation involves a RAE Systems PID Correction
exposure limits in a common unit of measurement.
Factor which should only be applied to RAE Systems
Because PIDs are calibrated to isobutylene, and
PIDs. Similar calculations can be done for any other
Correction Factors are expressions of PID sensitivity
PID brand that has a published list of correction
to a chemical relative to isobutylene this is very easy
to do. First let’s look at this theoretically:
Note: Setting alarm limits this way is the most
conservative, restrictive approach, required by
Chemical: Exposure Limit in chemical units (ppm).
the limited information. When compound ratios
Unless otherwise indicated the EL is typically an 8-
are known better, the methods in Section 2
always allow higher alarm settings and fewer
CF = PID Isobutylene Response x Concentration of gas (ppmv) Conc. of isobutylene (ppmv) x Response of gas on PID
RAE Systems Inc.
3775 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95134-1708 USA Phone: +1.888.723.8823 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.raesystems.com
Utilizing RAE Unit Logic to help Characterize
Of the 270 compounds that are or may be ionizable,
Unknown Environments
RAE Systems currently has Correction Factors (CF)
RAE Units provide people who need to characterize
for 121 compounds using the 10.6eV lamp (the most
unknown environments (HazMat technicians, health
common PID lamp). These 121 compounds account
and safety professionals, indoor air quality
for 45% of the potentially ionizable compounds on
consultants) with an important tool. It allows them to
gauge the risk to themselves and others. The higher
The 50/50 Rule
the chemical’s RU, the less risk. If the RU (isobutylene equivalent) is below the threshold for a
Using the RAE Unit logic allows one to use the PID
particular chemical, it does not pose a threat. For
to help determine standard operating procedures
example, if the PID reads 45 ppm isobutylene in an
(SOPs) because one can know exactly what
area with toluene (RU=400), styrene (RU=250) and
chemicals the PID will provide protection from,
cumene (RU=92) vapors, we are safe because the RU
given a particular reading in isobutylene units. Table
for all three of these chemicals is well above 45 ppm
3 is a list of 174 chemicals combining OSHA-Z,
NIOSH, AGCIH and other exposure limits. Because
they are enforceable by law, OSHA exposure limit,
Acceptable levels of exposure can change with the
take precedence in Table 3 when there is a difference
circumstances. In a “normal” HazMat response (like
in exposure limits between OSHA, NIOSH and
a truck rollover), a 50 ppm RU alarm might be the
AGCIH. A RAE Systems PID with a 10.6eV lamp
most appropriate for going to respiratory protection
(the most common PID lamp) set to the following
because the typical threat is hydrocarbons from fuel
alarms and not beeping provides protection from:
products and a RU alarm of 50 is very conservative
for all hydrocarbon fuels. However, in a potential
44 chemicals at a 100 ppm alarm, includes
terrorist chemical agent attack, a RU of 1.00 ppm
major solvents like xylene, toluene, MEK, MPK,
might be more appropriate because it is below the
LCT50 (Lethal Concentration) for mustard (LCt50
65 chemicals at a 50 ppm alarm, from sec-amyl
RU=385), Sarin (LCt50 RU=2.61) and Tabun (LCt50
RU=25). RAE Units are only one guage of the threat
• 81 chemicals at a 25 ppm alarm, from
level in any circumstance. The PID user must use all
of the clues present to reach a decision. In the
• 105 chemicals at a 10 ppm alarm, from
preceding example, we would also look to see if
victims were affected. If not, we might have a hoax
• 140 chemicals at a 1 ppm alarm, from
on our hands. If victims were showing the telltale
diethylenetriamine to acetone. (Note: A
signs of chemical exposure, more monitoring assets
ppbRAE is highly recommended when using the
would be required to make a determination as to the
type of chemical agent (Reference AP-216: Using
Of course, setting an alarm to 1 ppm would provide the highest level of protection, but it would also
RAE Units and OSHA’s Z-Listed Chemicals
provide the most alarms. Too many alarms would be
There are approximately 436 chemical compounds on
like “the boy who cried wolf” and would reduce user
OSHA’s Z-List. The approximate breakdown is as
confidence in the PID. An alarm point of 1 ppm
would be similar to always wearing a Level A suit!
The RAE Systems MultiRAE Plus and ToxiRAE
PIDs are factory set with a low alarm at 50 ppm on
an isobutylene scale. This alarm point provides
• Non-ionizable vapors with Ionization
protection from some of the most common chemicals
in industry and is a good balance point between too
many and too few alarms. One way of looking at this
is with 50 ppm alarm in isobutylene units and the PID is not beeping, users don’t have to worry about
RAE Systems Inc.
3775 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95134-1708 USA Phone: +1.888.723.8823 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.raesystems.com
more than 50 (65, exactly) common chemicals.
Ethyl silicate 100.000 140.85
Hence, this is known as the RAE Systems “50/50
Hexone (Methyl isobutyl 0.80 100.000 125.00 ketone) Pentane 8.40 1000.000 119.05 Table 3: RAE Unit Alarms Points for a Tetrahydrofuran 1.70 200.000 117.65 10.6eV Lamp Chemical Name Hexane, n- 4.30 500.000 116.28 Note: OSHA Z-Listed Chemicals are in bold Italics Dichlorobenzene (o-) 0.47 50.000 106.38 Chemical Name Butyl acetate, (tert-) 2.00 200.000 100.00 Acetone 1.10 1000.000 909.09 Petroleum distillates 500.000 704.23 Stoddard Solvent 0.71 500.000 704.23 100 ppm Alarm Isopropyl ether 0.80 500.000 625.00 Isopropyl acetate 2.60 250.000 96.15 Methylcyclohexane 0.97 500.000 515.46 Cumene 0.54 50.000 92.59 Trichloroethylene 0.54 50.000 92.59 Toluene 0.50 200.000 400.00 Dioxane, 1,4- 1.10 100.000 90.91 Ethyl acetate 4.60 400.000 86.96 Cyclohexene 0.80 300.000 375.00 Diethyl ether 1.10 400.000 363.64 Ethyl alcohol 12.00 1000.000 83.33 Diacetone alcohol 0.70 50.000 71.43 Turpentine 0.35 100.000 285.71 Octane, n- 1.80 500.000 277.78 Styrene 0.40 100.000 250.00 Isopropyl Alcohol 6.00 400.000 66.67 Methyl ethyl ketone 0.86 200.000 232.56 Methyl methacrylate 1.50 100.000 66.67 Xylene, m- 0.43 100.000 232.56 Butyl acetate, (n-) 2.60 150.000 57.69 Xylene, p- 0.45 100.000 222.22 Isobutyl acetate 2.60 150.000 57.69 Pentanone(2-) (Methyl 0.93 200.000 215.05 Propyl acetate, n- 3.50 200.000 57.14 propyl ketone) Cyclohexanone 0.90 50.000 55.56 Cyclohexane 1.40 300.000 214.29 Amyl acetate (sec-) 2.30 125.000 54.35 Xylenes (o-, m-, p- 100.000 204.08 isomers). 50 ppm Alarm Methyl styrene(alpha-) 0.50 100.000 200.00 Isoamyl acetate 2.10 100.000 47.62 Ethyl benzene 0.52 100.000 192.31 Chlorobenzene 0.40 75.000 187.50 Perchloroethene 0.57 25.000 43.86 Heptane, n- 2.80 500.000 178.57 Amyl acetate (n-) 2.30 100.000 43.48 Xylene, o- 0.59 100.000 169.49 Butoxyethanol, 2- 1.20 50.000 41.67 Ethoxyethanol (2-), 1.30 200.000 153.85 Butyl alcohol (sec-) 4.00 150.000 37.50 (Cellosolve) Naphtha (Coal tar) 2.80 100.000 35.71 Chemical Name Butyl alcohol (tert-) 2.90 100.000 34.48 Acetaldehyde 6.00 200.000 33.33 RAE Systems Inc.
3775 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95134-1708 USA Phone: +1.888.723.8823 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.raesystems.com
Propyl alcohol (n-) 6.00 200.000 33.33 Methyl acetate 6.60 200.000 30.30 Phenol 1.00 5.000 5.00 Triethylamine 0.90 25.000 27.78 Nitric oxide 5.20 25.000 4.81 Isobutyl alcohol 3.80 100.000 26.32 Butylamine, n- 5.000 4.55 Diethylamine 0.97 25.000 25.77 Chemical Name Hydrogen sulfide 3.30 10.000 3.03 25 ppm Alarm Chemical Name Naphthalene 0.42 10.000 23.81 Methyl acrylate 3.70 10.000 2.70 Methyl iodide 0.22 5.000 22.73 Butyl alcohol (n-) 4.70 100.000 21.28 Chemical Name Benzene 0.53 1.000 1.89 Naphtha (Coal tar) 5.70 100.000 17.54 Crotonaldehyde 1.10 2.000 1.82 Butyl mercaptan 0.60 10.000 16.67 Benzyl chloride 0.60 1.000 1.67 Carbon disulfide 1.20 20.000 16.67 Propylene imine 1.25 2.000 1.60 Ethyl mercaptan 0.60 10.000 16.67 Methyl mercaptan 0.60 10.000 16.67 Phenyl ether, vapor 0.70 1.000 1.43 Propylene oxide 6.50 100.000 15.38 Dimethyl acetamide, N,N- 0.80 10.000 12.50 Dimethylformamide, N,N- 0.80 10.000 12.50 Butadiene 0.85 1.000 1.18 Ethylamine 0.80 10.000 12.50 Iodine 0.10 0.100 1.00 Dibromoethane, 1,2- 1.70 20.000 11.76 1 PPM Alarm Methyl bromide 1.70 20.000 11.76 Allyl alcohol 2.40 2.000 0.83 Aniline 0.48 5.000 10.42 Acetic Anahydride 6.10 5.000 0.82 Ethanolamine (Not 4.00 3.000 0.75 Ethyl acrylate 2.40 25.000 Recommended) Methoxyethanol, 2- 2.40 25.000 Dimethylhydrazine, 1,1- 0.78 0.500 0.64 Toluidine, o- 0.50 5.000 10 PPM Alarm Chloroprene (beta-) 3.00 25.000 Epichlorohydrin 8.50 5.000 0.59 Methylamine 1.20 10.000 8.33 Nitrobenzene 1.90 1.000 0.53 Vinyl chloride 2.00 1.000 0.50 Acetic Acid 22.00 10.000 0.45 Pyridine 0.68 5.000 7.35 Diisopropylamine 0.74 5.000 6.76 Allyl glycidyl ether 1.50 10.000 6.67 Hydrazine 3.00 1.000 0.33 Dimethylamine 1.50 10.000 6.67 Nitrogen dioxide 16.00 5.000 0.31 Diphenyl (Biphenyl) 0.70 0.200 0.29 Furfural 0.92 5.000 5.43 Ammonia 9.70 50.000 5.15 Allyl chloride 4.30 1.000 0.23 Dichloroethyl ether 15.000 5.00 Bromoform 2.50 0.500 0.20 RAE Systems Inc.
3775 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95134-1708 USA Phone: +1.888.723.8823 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.raesystems.com
Methyl hydrazine 0.200 0.17 (Monomethyl hydrazine) Phosphorus trichloride 0.500 0.13 Nicotine 0.70 0.075 0.11 Bromine Ethylene oxide 13.00 1.000 0.08 Phosphine 3.90 0.300 0.08 RAE Systems Inc.
3775 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95134-1708 USA Phone: +1.888.723.8823 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.raesystems.com
Chemical Name References Below Normal Outside
ACGIH, 2000 TLVs and BEIs, ACGIH, Cincinnati, Air Background Values of 0.05 ppm (50 ppb)
Maslansky/Maslansky; Air Monitoring Dimethyl sulfate 20.00 1.000 0.05 Instrumentation, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New Tetraethyl lead (as Pb) 0.30 0.008 0.03
NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, Acrolein 3.90 0.100 0.03 Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate 0.020 0.01
OSHA: 1910.1000 TABLES Z-1 (TDI)
RAE Systems: Correction Factors, Ionization Potentials, and Calibration Characteristics (Technical Note TN-106)
Wrenn, Christopher A.; AP-211: PIDs for Continuous Monitoring of VOCs, RAE System, San Jose, CA. Wrenn, Christopher A.: PID Training Outline, RAE Systems, San Jose, CA RAE Systems Inc.
3775 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95134-1708 USA Phone: +1.888.723.8823 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.raesystems.com
GROENLINKS Fractiesecretariaat: Telefoon: (0299) 427739 Email : [email protected] Initiatiefvoorstel betreffende: Open haarden en houtkachels Probleemstelling Twintig procent van de huishoudens in Nederland heeft een open haard of een houtkachel. Voor Purmerend zou dit neerkomen op ongeveer zesduizend stookplaatsen. Deze haarden en kachels zijn bedoeld als gezellige bijverwarmi