disorder and the possibility of subtypes
the market) are available, there will be
(e.g. anxious or depressed subtype) rather
I(PTSD), since the drug treatment As an introduction to clinical research • Selective serotonin reuptake
in this area, it is important to know that
inhibitors(SSRIs) have been successful
most randomized clinical trials (drug vs.
anxiety, panic disorder, depression, and
(fluoxetine), open trials, and case reports
those of us who work in the trauma field
trials of significant length have reduced
know, our patients meet the criteria for a
traumatization or acute vs. chronic PTSD.
dissociative disorders, substance abuse/
combat), the first such clinical report,
sexual disorders, sleep disorders, eating
within clusters A, B, and C. In addition,
“dissociative symptoms” used in this
Classes of Medications Used with
illnesses in Axis III (as mentioned in the
clinical experience is that medication has
• The tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)
defenses, particularly amnestic barriers.
in 1992 (this is not yet a DSM diagnosis,
published; amitriptyline, imipramine and
• Trazodone and nefazodone, the other serotonergic antidepressants, have and
are being studied. A recent open trial of
trials. It describes a clinical syndrome in
• A comprehensive review of all
counteract the sleep disturbance of PTSD.
published findings on monoamine oxidaseinhibitors (MAOIs) showed
There is one open trial report showing a
pathological changes in relationships and
insomnia. Buspirone, an anxiolytic, also
mutilation and revictimization). Synthesis
contrast, there is a growing literature on
has serotonergic properties; it has been
the use of MAOIs for “treatment-resistant
depression”, which includes many trauma
• Benzodiazepines are antianxiety agents
nightmares, intrusive recollections, and
which exert their effect by enhancing the
startle reactions. Since there is adrenergic
and anxiety. Gabapentin, given at night,
agents should be used with caution. Many
is helpful for sleep. I use the atypical
patients have gotten into difficulty with
by large numbers of brain cells. It is the
brake on the excitatory pathways and thus
results in decreased anxiety and arousal.
• The opioid antagonists have been
suggested to counteract the stress release
syndrome” (descriptive term courtesy of
Dr. Norman Sussman). “Poop-out” refers
benzodiazepines in clinical practice, the
medication that had previously resulted in
a clinical response. Whether this is due to
treatment for self-mutilation; two reports
the biological complexity of the disorder
• Antipsychotics have no specific
sensitivity) is not clear. Before moving
small doses on a routine basis give more
efficacy in the treatment of PTSD and are
on to another medication, I have learned
consistent results than p.r.n. usage. The
their short- and long-term side effects.
benzodiazepine-like properties, but is not
In summary, the literature and research
addictive. It may be a useful adjunct in
• The mood stabilizers, carbamazepine
clinical experience and sense of direction
psychiatric colleagues in the field, the
axioms appear to be “keep it simple” and
disorder. The new atypical antipsychotics
“trial and observation.” I always tell
(risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine) have
patients that psychotherapy is the heart of
fewer side effects and, we hope, less risk
of tardive dyskinesia. They are now being
adjunctive. I have sometimes jested that
in two studies. The newer anticonvulsant
times of intense agitation and crisis, but
gabapentin, are being used clinically, but
“rescuer” countertransference (these
it is too early to determine their efficacy.
patients are in great distress). In this era
controlled trials on the use of lithium in
Suggested Treatment Algorithm References
instability and irritability/outbursts in the
sertraline or paroxetine, with a small dose
of trazodone for sleep. This is first-line
focus on safety and few side effects. If
Neurobiology and pharmacotherapy. CNS
• Antiadrenergic agents suppress the
there is no response, I will usually switch
Spectrums, 3(7) [suppl. 2], 43-51.
buspirone or bupropion (small dose). If a
anxiety, I prefer the use of clonazepam,
Trauma and recovery. New York: Basic
been exhausted, I will try mirtazapine or
noted to be effective in open trials. There
significant reductions in re-experiencing
because of the lethality of small doses.
Either clonidine or propranolol is useful
to treat intense hyperarousal if there are
(Ed.), Psychological trauma (Ch. 5).
was relapse after discontinuation of the
In Vitro Comparison of Particle Size Distribution/Respirable Dose for LiteAire Spacer versus Misty Max – 10 Nebulizer Using Albuterol. Sunil Dhuper MD, Sanjay Arora MD, Aziz Ahmed MD, Alpana Chandra MD ,Cynthia Chong MD, Chang Shim MD, Hillel W. Cohen DrPH, Scott Foss, Sonia Choksi MD North Central Bronx Hospital, 3424 Kossuth Avenue, Bronx, New York 10467 An Affiliate of The Albert
Valeria Dente nata a Napoli il 18 settembre del 1975. Laureata in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università degli Studi di NapoliFederico II il 26 luglio del 1999 con voto 110/110 e lode. Titolo della tesi di laurea: “Produzione e rilascio dello Stem Cell Factor dai mastocitiumani”. Dopo la laurea ha effettuato una trasferta di ricerca (1998) ha lavorato presso ladivisione di Allergologi