Iatrogenic impotence and rectal dissectionI. Lindsey and N. J. McC. MortensenDepartment of Colorectal Surgery, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK(e-mail: lindseyilinz@yahoo.com and resnaith@hotmail.com)
Colorectal surgeons are becoming ever more aware of the
near the pelvic plexus, and during deep dissection of the
details of the surgical anatomy of the rectum and
anterior aspect of the rectum away from the seminal vesicles
surrounding pelvic structures in the drive to improve not
and prostate near the cavernous nerves.
only the oncological but also the functional outcome of
Accumulating evidence suggests that most trauma to
pelvic surgery. In the past, impotence after proctectomy has
parasympathetic nerves occurs during deep anterior dissec-
been overattributed to non-surgical factors, such as the
tion. First, published impotency rates after abdomino-
presence of a stoma or the fear of recurrent cancer. Higher
perineal excision are consistently higher than after anterior
impotence rates in ileostomists have never been demon-
resection for rectal cancer, re¯ecting a deeper rectal
strated1 and there is now increasing recognition of the role
dissection5. Second, operations for rectal cancer that
involve rather than spare the anterior rectal quadrant are
Traditionally, subjective assessment methods (interview
associated with a higher rate of impotence6. Third,
or questionnaire) have been used to explore impotence after
impotency rates after close rectal versus mesorectal excision
proctectomy, but recent objective evaluation has proved
for in¯ammatory bowel disease are the same when a close
illuminating. Nocturnal penile tumescence monitoring,
rectal dissection is used immediately behind the prostate in
assuming that nocturnal erections during rapid eye move-
an otherwise mesorectal technique7; this suggests the
ment sleep are equivalent to sexually induced erections,
importance of the anterior dissection. Finally, in the
strongly supports the aetiological role of parasympathetic
Singapore trial of laparoscopically assisted versus open
nerve injury. Patients with impotence after proctectomy for
surgery for rectal cancer, published in this edition of BJS8,
rectal cancer or in¯ammatory bowel disease have a
impotency rates were tenfold higher after laparoscopically
signi®cantly reduced number of tumescent events when
assisted surgery, yet ejaculatory and bladder dysfunction
monitored for two nights, compared with matched potent
were equivalent in the two groups. This indicates that nerve
controls2. Intriguingly, the phosphodiesterase type 5
injury takes place distal to the origin of nerves supplying
inhibitor sildena®l (Viagra; P®zer, Tadworth, UK) helps
motor function to the bladder, distal to the pelvic plexus, i.e.
impotent patients with diminished nocturnal tumescent
injury affects the cavernous nerves during anterior dissec-
activity (and thus parasympathetic nerve damage) more
tion (which is generally the most technically dif®cult point
than those with preserved activity2. Sildena®l works by
to obtain good retraction and vision during laparoscopic
augmenting the vasodilator effect of parasympathetic
neural tone on the choke arterioles governing in¯ow to
In the authors' opinion, injury to the pelvic plexus is
the erectile cavernous chambers of the penis. It requires
uncommon unless it is tented up during ligation of the so-
the presence of at least some intact and functioning
called `lateral ligaments', a technique on the wane with
parasympathetic nerve ®bres to exert its effect3, and is
declining belief in this anatomical concept9. Urological
generally less effective when profound neural injury under-
studies have established the anterior cavernous nerves as
lies impotence4. This ®nding supports the role of para-
central to the development of erectile dysfunction after
sympathetic nerve injury and, in particular, suggests that the
pelvic surgery10. These small nerves are extremely close
neural lesion in postproctectomy impotence is frequently
during anterior dissection, yet are not visualized. They arise
as branches from two discrete neurovascular bundles that sit
Where does this nerve injury take place? It is dif®cult to
just anterior to the lateral borders of Denonvilliers' fascia
be certain about where most injuries occur, but there are
between the rectum and the prostate and seminal vesicles.
four key zones of risk of autonomic nerve damage. The risk
Anterior dissection deep in the pelvis can be especially
of sympathetic nerve damage occurs in the abdomen during
dif®cult, particularly in a male with a bulky tumour, and
ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery pedicle, and high in
occasionally troublesome bleeding requires diathermy
the pelvis during initial posterior rectal dissection adjacent
control. The mesorectal plane is also slightly less well
to the large hypogastric nerves. Lower down, risk to the
de®ned anteriorly than posteriorly. It is not dif®cult to
parasympathetic nerves occurs while dissecting laterally
imagine how these small nerves may be damaged.
British Journal of Surgery 2002, 89, 1493±1494
1494 Leading article · I. Lindsey and N. J. McC. Mortensen
It seems important to de®ne the principal zone of injury so
Maximum preservation of the cavernous nerves, when
that suitable steps may be taken to prevent postproctectomy
possible, is especially important as a result of the advent of
impotence. The choice of surgical plane for anterior rectal
modern pharmacological agents for impotence that act by
dissection is a factor within the surgeon's control; it has an
amplifying otherwise suboptimal function in these nerves12.
in¯uence on impotence and should be better de®ned. A
consensus has been reached regarding the anatomy of the
planes of posterior and lateral rectal dissection (mesorectal
plane), but this is not the case anteriorly. What planes are
1 Burnham WR, Lennard-Jones JE, Brooke BN. Sexual
available anteriorly; can the surgeon easily differentiate them;
problems among married ileostomists. Survey conducted by
and which should be used and when? There are three planes,
the Ileostomy Association of Great Britain and Ireland. Gut
and dissection within them involves resection of none, some, or
all of the structures lying between the anterior rectal wall and
2 Lindsey I, Cunningham C, George BD, Mortensen NJMcC.
the prostate and seminal vesicles. The planes are, respectively,
Nocturnal penile tumescence is diminished but not ablated in
characterized by the anterior mesorectum, the fascia propria of
post-proctectomy impotence and explains response to
the rectum, and Denonvilliers' fascia.
sildena®l (Viagra). Colorectal Dis 2002; 3(Suppl): 27.
3 Carrier S, Zvara P, Nunes L, Kour NW, Rehman J, Lue TF.
The close rectal dissection plane, immediately on the
Regeneration of nitric oxide synthetase-containing nerves after
rectal musculature within the mesorectal fat, is not a natural
cavernous nerve neurotomy in the rat. J Urol 1995; 153: 1722±7.
anatomical plane. Some will favour this dissection for
4 Quinlan DM, Epstein JI, Carter BS, Walsh PC. Sexual
in¯ammatory bowel disease, but it is technically dif®cult
function following radical prostatectomy: in¯uence of
and is probably required only behind the prostate to
preservation of neurovascular bundles. J Urol 1991; 145:
minimize impotence7. The mesorectal plane, immediately
outside the fascia propria, is an anatomical plane that should
5 Lindsey I, Guy RJ, Warren BF, Mortensen NJMcC. Anatomy
be familiar to the colorectal surgeon; it is the standard plane
of Denonvilliers' fascia and pelvic nerves, impotence, and
used in operations for rectal cancer. Dissection in this plane
implications for the colorectal surgeon. Br J Surg 2000; 87:
separates the fascia propria of the rectum from
Denonvilliers' fascia, which is left intact on the prostate
6 Lindsey I, Kettlewell MGW, George BD, Mortensen NJMcC.
and seminal vesicles and not the anterior surface of the
Erectile dysfunction after rectal cancer surgery: anterior
rectum11. An anterior mesorectal dissection remains
tumours at greater risk. Colorectal Dis 2001; 2(Suppl): 27.
posterior to Denonvilliers' fascia with the cavernous
7 Lindsey I, George BD, Kettlewell MGW, Mortensen NJMcC.
Impotence after mesorectal and close rectal dissection for
bundles relatively protected by it. Use of the extrameso-
in¯ammatory bowel disease. Dis Colon Rectum 2001; 44: 831±5.
rectal plane, exposing and staying immediately on the
8 Quah HM, Jayne DG, Eu KW, Seow-Choen F. Bladder and
prostate and seminal vesicles, results in a resection of
sexual dysfunction following laparoscopically assisted and
Denonvilliers' fascia which can be identi®ed on the anterior
conventional open mesorectal resection for cancer. Br J Surg
surface of the extraperitoneal rectum11. As dissection is
conducted in the plane anterior to Denonvilliers' fascia, the
9 Jones OM, Smeulders N, Wiseman O, Miller R. Lateral
risk of damage to the cavernous nerves is theoretically
ligaments of the rectum: an anatomical study. Br J Surg 1999;
highest. While some surgeons recommend the routine use
of this plane, in the authors' opinion it should be used only
10 Lepor H, Gregerman M, Crosby R, Mosto® FK, Walsh PC.
when the risk of leaving a tumour-positive anterior
Precise localization of the autonomic nerves from the pelvic
resection margin is high (when the tumour threatens the
plexus to the corpora cavernosa: a detailed anatomical study of
the adult male pelvis. J Urol 1985; 133: 207±12.
Sexual dysfunction in women after rectal surgery has not
11 Lindsey I, George BD, Warren BF, Mortensen NJMcC.
received much attention, and the surgical anatomy of the
Denonvilliers' fascia lies anterior to the anterior plane of rectaldissection in total mesorectal excision. Colorectal Dis 2000;
autonomic nerves and corresponding autonomic nerve
lesions are poorly understood. This area presents consider-
12 Lindsey I, Kettlewell MGW, George BD, Mortensen NJMcC.
able opportunities for further research. In men the plane of
Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of
anterior rectal dissection is now known to be critical with
sildena®l (Viagra) for erectile dysfunction after proctectomy
respect to sexual function; it should be de®ned relative to
for rectal cancer and in¯ammatory bowel disease. Dis Colon
Denonvilliers' fascia and the anterior mesorectum.
British Journal of Surgery 2002, 89, 1493±1494
analytikLtd News Release #68 – 21 December 2010 Media Contact: Tom Greenwell Tel: +44 (0)870 991 4044 Email: tom.greenwell@analytik.co.uk ParticlesCIC at the University of Leeds choose CPS Disc Centrifuge to enhance particle characterisation capability Cambridge, UK – Analytik are pleased to announce that ParticlesCIC at the University of Leeds, have expand
Curriculum Vitae Ritchie C. Shoemaker, M.D. DOB: 06-13-51 Charlotte N.C. US Citizen Home address: 2448 Lakeland Drive, Pocomoke, Maryland 21851 Current Employment Ritchie C. Shoemaker MD. PA. DBA Chronic Fatigue Center President, ChronicNeurotoxins, Inc Medical Director, Center for Research on Biotoxin Associated Illnesses (501-c-3, non-profit corp.) College: Duke University 1969-19