The Nevada County Beekeepers Association June 2007 President’s Message
(same building where meetings are held, office is upstairs.) or bring to the meeting. There is no cost if you
Shane Mathias, our President, reports that the weather
has been great for beekeeping! The blackberries have
just opened at his yards, and all of his colonies are doing
Raffle Items Wanted
very well. He’s put honey supers on about 60% of them (some of the splits are not strong enough yet). He hopes
everyone’s bees are doing well, and says he looks
Karla Hanson, raffle chair, is looking for items for the
forward to seeing you on June 4th for a great program
raffle. Support the club raffle by bringing in your old
bee equipment (new, old, or not wanted), plants, knick-
knacks (bee related stuff is nice, but not necessary)--
anything that might earn a buck for our club. Our club
brings in between $150 and $350 a year with our raffles
and this money goes directly to club enhancements like
June 4th Program
books and videos for our library. If you have a question
about raffle items, please call Karla at 265-3756.
Are you getting ready for the Nevada County Fair
Honey Judging in August? Can't tell your light honey
from your dark? Wondering what the judges are looking for? Our special guest, past award winner for honey and
honey products Lois McClaughy, will give a talk about
preparing your honey for judging and a demonstration
(These are excerpts from Randy’s upcoming article in
on baskets and tips on how to win the blue ribbons. Join
the American Bee Journal. Please read the full article
our lively regular question and answer session starting
when it comes out, as there is significant detail omitted
promptly at 7 PM followed by a brief meeting and
I remember when beekeepers would argue if we should
If you have any questions, please call our president,
ever put any chemical into our hives. Most of us would
reluctantly use Terramycin, or possibly Fumidil. But the
thought of intentionally putting synthetic pyrethroids,
Register, Register, and
organophosphates, or other toxic-smelling agricultural chemicals into our hives would have been unthinkable.
Funny how one little mite changed all that! Nowadays, commercial beekeepers play miticide
roulette: use a chemical until it doesn’t work, then treat
All beekeepers must register their apiary locations in
with a second or third chemical which may interact with
Nevada County. This is to your advantage, since you
the first and hurt your bees; perhaps find out that you’ve
will be notified of pesticide spraying. It is also to the
contaminated your combs to the point that they are
advantage of beekeepers in general, since registration
worthless; or get your honey rejected by the packer; or,
gives us a political voice. A registration form is
worst of all, make the headlines with your contaminated
attached, please fill out and return directly to the farm
honey, and ruin the honey market for all of us.
advisor at 255 South Auburn Street in Grass Valley
How did we get to this point in just 12 years? When we
Likely, though, you will need chemical help from time
first used Apistan® strips to save our colonies, we
to time, especially if you are exposed to major mite
stepped onto a slippery slope. The “active ingredient”
immigration from outside your operation. Commercial
(tau-fluvalinate) appeared to be a dream come true, the
operators will understandably look for the most cost
answer to our prayers. It was simultaneously the best
effective methods, and chemical treatments are relatively
thing to happen to beekeepers, and the worst thing. It
inexpensive, as long as they are efficacious. Scientific
was safe to handle, didn’t contaminate honey, didn’t
research and consumer demand are pointing us toward
appear to hurt the bees, and really killed mites. Take
“natural” chemicals such as formic and oxalic acids, and
two strips and the mites are gone! It allowed us to
the essential oils such as thymol. I will cover these in
largely ignore the mite, and continue keeping bees the
the next article. In this article, I’ll inspect the synthetic
way we always had, with just the addition of a yearly
There are now three registered synthetic miticides for
The flip side was that it gave us the fleeting illusion that
varroa control in the U.S. All three have different modes
we had varroa under control, and didn’t need to invest
of action, and thereby should theoretically be able to be
any effort in developing alternative methods of mite
rotated in order to delay mite resistance. There is
management, removed the economic incentive for the
currently widespread mite resistance to fluvalinate and
development of resistant bee stocks, and insidiously
coumaphos. Fenproximate (Hivastan) has just entered
contaminated our combs. But worst of all, it got us into
the market. There is also considerable off-label use of a
the Silver Bullet model of giving the mite free rein to
fourth miticide—amitraz, again with a different mode of
build up all season, knowing that we had a weapon in
our holster that we could use to blast the mite to
Their safety to humans is in the order (from safest to
Kingdom Come at the end of the season, giving us what
most toxic) fluvalinate, amitraz, fenproximate,
appeared to be a fresh start each winter.
coumaphos. In this author’s opinion, coumaphos should
Beekeepers worldwide embraced fluvalinate. Apistan
be phased out, and amitraz should gain registration.
strips seemed pricey to many, so application by dipping
Varroa’s main strength is its ability to rapidly evolve
a stick into the ag formulation Mavrik® was quickly
resistance to chemical miticides. The mite has beaten us
(and illegally) adopted. Mite control was cheap and
at the chemical game time and again, yet we keep
playing into its hand by trying to fight it at its strong
The first signs that the party was about to end appeared
point! Miticides can be very useful tools in varroa
in 1992, in the Lombardy region of Italy. After four
management, but only if we don’t overuse them.
year’s use, fluvalinate no longer killed the mite, and the
Clearly, coumaphos is very rough on queens, and rough
term “resistance” entered the beekeeping lexicon. We
on workers, and resistant mites are common. Fluvalinate
Americans were slow to listen to the Italians, and
is rough on drones, and may have some sublethal effects
suffered our own crashes when resistant mites appeared.
and immune response issues. Fluvalinate-resistant mites
Some beekeepers started increasing the doses of
are also common. Amitraz, though not registered for use
fluvalinate applied, others (myself included) used the
in the U.S., shuts down the queen’s egglaying
scary-smelling Checkmite+® strips, promising that we’d
temporarily, but does not appear to cause other major
try to rotate chemicals to avoid resistance. It only took
problems. Amitraz appears to be less effective than it
the mites a few years to laugh at Checkmite, also.
was a few years ago. Beekeepers who use the latter two
At that point, the Industry cried for new treatments, and
chemicals judiciously, and don’t ramp up the dosages,
we were belatedly granted ApiLife Var®--a shift toward
the European model of “soft” or “natural” treatments.
The effects of miticides in the colony appear to lie
Many beekeepers, however, turned into kitchen
somewhere between the Chicken Little shouting that
chemists, and tried every concoction of agricultural,
they are the cause of all our problems, and the chemical
acidic, or aromatic chemicals imaginable. Many
industry’s soothing assurance that colony health is
colonies did not survive the experimentation. The mites
dependent upon them. My current opinion (subject to
revision) is that beekeepers who choose to use synthetic
As readers of this series know, bee scientists are telling
miticides should dump coumaphos, avoid repeated use
us that it’s time to move on to mite management that is
of fluvalinate, especially in high doses, perhaps try
not based 100 percent upon chemical treatments. That’s
Hivastan, or better yet, give the bees a break by using
not to say that chemicals are necessarily excluded from
one or more of the “natural” treatments that we know
varroa integrated pest management, but only used
don’t leave residues in the combs (remember, I’m not
sparingly, if at all. For the hobbyist or sideliner, I’ve
dispensing pesticide advice—consult with the proper
detailed alternative methods that involve no chemicals.
Pollinator Habitat May Minutes Protection Act of 2007
President Shane Mathias opened with Q&A: If you
Introduced to Senate
added a queen cell to your colony, leave the plastic base
in place--it may be used for a new queen cell later.
Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) and Senator Saxby
Removing queen cells will prevent swarming--but you
Chambliss (R-GA) along with 28 other co-sponsors
must find each one. Swarm season's coming. Australia
including both California U.S. Senators, introduced the
and Hawaii seem to have escaped Varroa infestation
Pollinator Protection Act of 2007 into the Senate
recently. This bill allows existing conservation
programs to provide enhanced habitat for pollinators.
Apr Start $1357.02; Inc 189.50; Exp 0; April End Bal
The European honey bee is -- and will continue to be --
PROGRAM Randy Oliver: "Rules for moving colonies
the most important single crop pollinator in the United
on your pickup:" 1) Prepare with full gear-smoker,
States. However, with the decline in the number of
gloves, ropes, tools. 2) Move at dusk, never in the dark.
managed honey bee colonies from diseases, parasitic
Unload at dawn. 3) Give helpers full gear that fits them
mites, and Africanized bees - as well as from Colony
4) Don't allow either end of a hive to be dropped, even
Collapse Disorder - it is important to increase the use of
one inch. Set down gently! 5) Protect ankles
native bees in our agricultural system as well. Providing
completely, including boots, and tie cuffs or use elastic
habitat for these pollinators is vital to this effort.
rings from motorcycle inner tube. 6) Don't pound
staples to hold supers together. Use ratchet-tightened
The Pollinator Protection Act of 2007 is aimed at
straps. 7) Strap tight enough to prevent sliding on farm
improving habitat and food sources for pollinators. This
roads and potholes. 8) Gas up before loading bees; carry
bill utilizes existing Farm Bill conservation programs to
spare gas in metal cans. Never stop en route. 9) Don't
strengthen both native and managed pollinator
block hive entrances in warm weather. Bees may panic
habitat. It does not cost additional money, or create a
and try to escape, killing them all. Cover load with loose
new program. It simply requires existing conservation
netting or use screened bottom boards. 10) If unable to
programs to acknowledge pollinator habitat as a
unload at once, spray them--they'll think it's a storm.
conservation resource and rewards producers whose
conservation practices are beneficial for pollinators.
'neonicotinoid', the most common insecticide worldwide,
applied as seed coating, may release the toxin into the
Hundreds of species of native bees are potentially
plant nectars. May impair bees' memory and learning,
available for crop pollination. Research from across the
country demonstrates that a wide range of native bees
help with crop pollination, in some cases providing all of
the pollination required. These free, unmanaged bees
provide a valuable service, estimated recently to be
The Pollinator Protection Act of 2007 recognizes that conserving America’s pollinators will require economic incentives for private landowners. The bill would create incentives for farmers to protect, restore and enhance pollinator habitat on and around farms. Fully integrating native pollinators into Farm Bill programs can have a wide impact. For example, the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) allocated over $1 billion in financial and
technical assistance to farmers in 2006, and the
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) retired over 36 million acres of farmland, 4.5 million of which was specifically for wildlife habitat that could be tailored to provide the greatest benefit for pollinators.
Partners for Sustainable Pollination
Submitted by Kathy Kellison, Sonoma County Beekeepers Assn. Partners for Sustainable Pollination (PFSP) was proud to be among the co-sponsors of the Pollinator Conservation Act of 2007. If you have not heard of PFSP, it’s a newly
chartered non-profit organization with the mission of
pursuing a partner-based, collaborative approach
founded on sound science working with willing farmers, beekeepers, and scientists to develop, demonstrate, and
Sacramento Beekeeping Supplies
validate ways to improve EHB health while
Complete line of all beekeeping supplies
incorporating more native pollinators into meeting field
Candle making supplies (molds, wicks, dyes, scents)
• Glycerin soap making supplies (soap base, molds, scents,
crop pollination needs in the U.S. PFSP advocates for
the needs of bees and beekeepers to improve the
• Honeycomb sheets for rolling candles (50 colors and in
conditions and serve everyone's best interest. PFSP is
working to promote the benefits of screened bottoms and
• Beeswax and paraffin, special container candle wax
is also advocating the investigation of the use of
packaged Australian bees and their negative impact on
the overall beekeeping industry due to lack of mite
(916) 451 – 2337 fax (916) 451 – 7008
tolerance. (See current article in this month's Bee
Culture for more information on this.) We also want to
Open Tuesday through Saturday 9:30 – 5:30 MAIL ORDERS
develop a channel for beekeepers to have more say in the
research conducted by USFA regarding EHBs. Anyone
concerned about pollinators and honeybee health can join PFSP, not only beekeepers, and there is no charge
A Quick Funny/Not so Funny Story.
(Submitted by Randy Oliver as reported from Pennsylvania) One of our local beekeepers who has been losing a battle to township ordinances finally moved his bees from his home yard. A while later, he received a letter threatening a $8,000 fine for hiding a beehive next to the house. One of the township officials took a photo of "the hive" as evidence. After reviewing the “evidence" they all agreed to drop the fine after looking at a photo of his air conditioner.
NAME: _________________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ____________________________________________ STATE: _____________ ZIP CODE: ______________ __ PLEASE CHECK HERE IF ADDRESS HAS CHANGED __ PLEASE CHECK HERE AND RETURN IF YOU NO LONGER HAVE BEES IN NEVADA COUNTY
I hereby request to be notified before pesticide applications as provided for in Section 29101 of the California Food and Agriculture Code and Title 3 California Code of Regulations, Section 6654. I am available for notification during the two-hour time period from ________ to ______ Monday through Friday by collect call to the following phone numbers(s): ( ) ____________________ or ( ) ________________________ I understand that if I fail to submit my request for pesticide notification to the Agricultural Commissioner IN WRITING within the 72-hour period before relocation, I may not be entitled to recover damages for an injury from pest control operations. I also will not recover damages if I fail to properly post an identification sign at my apiaries or am not available for notifications at the hours I have designated above. I understand that this “REQUEST FOR NOTIFICATION” will expire next December 1st. DATE: ______________________ SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________________
PRINT NAME: ______________________________________________________
DATE RECEIVED BY AGRICULTURE: ________ BY: _________________________________________________
The Nevada County Beekeepers Association is dedicated to
apiculture education and promotion of the art and science of
beekeeping among beekeepers, agriculturists, and the general
President: Shane Mathias……. 308-1376
public. This is a “not for profit” organization.
Meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 7 PM at the
Grass Valley Veteran’s Memorial Building at 255 South Auburn
Street in Grass Valley. All visitors are welcome. The newsletter is
Secretary: Jack Meeks………. 432-4429
published monthly as a service to the membership. Articles,
recipes, commentary, and news items are welcomed and
Treasurer: Janet Brisson….530-913-2724
encouraged. Submission by email is encouraged. Please submit to
Leslie Gault at The deadline for the July
2007 edition is June 21st . A limited amount of advertising space
(business card size 3” by 2”) is accepted and need not be bee-
Past President Gary Wood……… 477-9202
related. Rates are $1 per issue or $7 per year for NCBA members
and $16 per year for non-members. All revenue from advertising
goes to the Association treasury and helps offset the cost of
producing and distributing this newsletter. To receive the Local Buzz via email: please email your request to Swarm Hotline: Karla Hanson……. 265-3756
Lynn Williams …. ………….675-2924
Newsletter Mailing: Gary Wood.….…. 477-9202
Honey Extractors: Karla Hanson…. 265-3756
c/o Gary Wood 10396 Mountain Lion Lane Grass Valley, CA 95949 First Class Mail June 2007
June 4th Meeting Program
Our special guest, past award winner for honey and honey products Lois McClaughy will give a preparing your honey for fair judging, plus a demonstration on baskets and tips on how to win the blue ribbons!
† SMZ/TMP PEDIATRIC 200-40MG/5ML ANtiFuNgAl generic Name Brand Name Qty Form Allergy & AsthmA generic Name Brand Name Qty Form ANtivirAl generic Name Brand Name Qty Form Arthritis & PAiN generic Name Brand Name Qty Form ANtiBiotics generic Name Brand Name Qty Form AMOXICILLIN PEDIATRIC 50MG/ML AMOXIL® GAstrointestinAl HeAltH
New Pd-catalyzed cross coupling reactions with Boronic Acids Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1, D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany Tel. +49-208-306-2392; Fax +49-208-306-2985; e-mail [email protected] Abstract New palladium(0)-catalyzed cross coupling reactions between arylboronic acids or esters and alkyl bromides, which do not contain β