Newsletter 1draft

Control of
Hyperglycaemia in
Paediatric intensive care
September 2008
Welcome to the first CHiP newsletter!

We hope you find the newsletter informative and interesting.
We welcome your feedback and encourage you to contribute to
future publications with any experiences or issues you would like
to share with everyone.

CHiP Sites

Since the beginning of May we have seen a steady increase in the
number of sites coming on board. To date the study sites that are
up and running include:

Royal Bromprton
St Mary’s

We expect Great Ormond

Street, Stoke on Trent and
Leeds to be up and
running soon.
Stoke on Trent
A new possible CHiP site
is Leicester.
(St Mary’s, GOSH, RBH)
Map of the participating and potential CHiP study sites. Research Nurse Study Day

A reminder for all CHiP Research Nurses that the study day will be
held at Birmingham Children’s Hospital Education Centre on
Monday 29th September 2008, 10:00 -18:00.


The first patient was randomised on 4th May 2008:
Well done Helen and Lucy in Southampton!
At the end of August 2008 we had 59 patients recruited into the trial.
The graph below shows that we are behind with the expected level
of recruitment but we hope that this will pick up after the summer
and with increased experience of the research nurses and PICU

The expected versus the actual rate of recruitment for the CHiP trial on a monthly basis (a site’s expected recruitment is only included once they have started screening patients). Who’s Who on the CHiP trial

Dr Duncan Macrae - Chief Investigator

Duncan Macrae is the Director of Children’s & Young Person’s
Services at the Royal Brompton Hospital and a Consultant
Paediatric Intensivist. His career also includes previous work
as a Consultant at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital
and involvment in the UK ECMO Trial, INNOVO Trial, and

commercial trials of the use of sildenafil and inhaled nitric oxide in
pulmonary hypertension.
Dr Macrae also carries out the role of Paediatric Editor for the journal
of Intensive Care Medicine and is an Associate Editor of Paediatric
Critical Care Medicine.
Although I have been involved in the investigation of some very
invasive techniques, such as ECMO and iNO, I base my clinical
practice on the mantra ‘Keep it simple’. Management of glycaemia is a
simple intervention which we can all do well. We simply had no idea
until the adult ‘Leuven’ studies that it might be at all important to
suppress the glycaemic response to stress and critical illness. So the
CHiP trial is in a sense taking the management of multiorgan-system
dysfunction back to basics, and (re)introducing a ‘simple’
intervention.” - Dr Duncan Macrae.

Medical Statistics Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


Microsoft word - document

At Last, Quit Smoking for Good 1. Set a Date to Quit Smoking If you want to quit smoking, it helps to set a quit date, says Lindy Wolfenden, MD. Wolfenden is an assistant professor of medicine at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. She is also director of the outpatient pulmonary function laboratory at Emory Clinic. Setting a date to quit formalizes the attempt to quit. And whi

In collaborazione con Marco Zucchi, critico cinematografico della RSI. Venerdì 27 settembre 2013 – 20.30 eXistenZ Sala-cine Excelsior – Chiasso (Sala della Comunità) Genere : Metafora Regia : David Cronenberg Interpreti : Jennifer Jason Leigh (Allegra Geller), Jude Law (Ted Pikul), Jan Holm (Kiri Vinokur), Willem Dafoe (Gas), Christopher Eccleston (Wittold

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