The Bryan Times, Bryan, Ohio
Tuesday, April 23, 2013 — A-5
Husband rude to in-laws Fitness Myths 101:
should make himself scarce Letting go of what
you (think you) know
DEAR ABBY: I have been married haves this way. Does he dislike your He was inappropriate with me, sharing
for 18 years to a man I have a good rela- folks? Does he have so little in common things he should have kept to himself. It tionship with. My problem is he has al- with them he doesn’t know how to par- caused my mother great heartache and ticipate in a conversation with made me lose respect for him. I am still them? Is he this way with any uncomfortable around him. Mom knew all concerned if he saw them with obligation to him? He has a strained re- you less often, say, 30 percent to lationship with his only child. My sib- 50 percent of the time. And be- ling thinks I’m too hard on him, but Joe and Teresa
fore he does, make sure he is up doesn’t understand the major problems to the task of being social be- our stepdad caused. I don’t want to cause, as it stands, I agree his be- continue pretending I like him. Please tion. I'm talking about popu- metabolic acidosis. In fact, lar fitness myths that need the production of lactic acid is “They’re fine” — nothing more.
unlearning and debunking, actually useful when it comes When we go out to dinner, he usually nose buried in a cellphone; he’s an adult DEAR SEARCHING: You are enti-
and that's what I'm setting to exercising at high intensity.
doesn’t join in the conversation. Instead, who should know better. If he finds your tled to your feelings and, no, you do not he just sits there with a dismissive, bored parents’ company less than stimulating, have any obligation to your stepfather. If lovely list assembled by the drilled into us be so wrong? American Council on Exer- It gives me new hope for dis- DEAR ABBY: Last year my darling his/her choice. Explain to your sibling
cise. (Disclaimer: I'm a covering the healing power come with me when I visit them. It only mother lost her battle with cancer. Aside your reasons for feeling the way you do member. They certify fitness of hot fudge.
takes a few times before he asks if he can from grief and loss, a bigger issue looms — and if you encounter your stepfather come again and promises to try to be- over my life. It concerns my stepdad.
Myth No. 1: To reduce workouts increase metabolism Before Mom was diagnosed, my step- don’t linger. That isn’t pretending to like your risk of injury, you better than workouts later in back to his old, rude ways. It has reached father was a selfish, self-centered man. the man; it is good manners.
should always stretch before the day. Not true. A morning a point that it’s affecting our marriage. At times he was mean to her to the point Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van exercise. Sadly, this is false. workout doesn't do more for Can you offer any suggestions for how that I wanted her to leave him. In fair- Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, It's hard to believe, but there your metabolism than a work- this issue can be resolved? — TIRED OF ness, once Mom was diagnosed, he and was founded by her mother, Pauline is nothing in the scientific lit- out later in the day. Do it when stepped up to the plate and took excel- Phillips. erature that confirms that you do it . but do it! This is DEAR TIRED OF IT: It would be lent care of her until her death. or P.O. Box 69440, stretching before exercise not a myth: The sedentary I have other issues with my stepfather. Los Angeles, CA 90069. makes you safer. Darn. I say lifestyle is a killer!get Monsanto on the job.
Wash a full load of clothes, save energy They can prove almost any- weighs more than fat. I
thing, including the safety of would've bet the ranch on Dear Heloise: To save to: Heloise/Stain, P.O. Box a customs declaration? As I days. When we have visitors genetically modified organ- this one -- and been wrong.
money, I wait to wash clothes 795001, San Antonio, TX am sure you have experi- to our home, we simply sal- until I have a full load, and I 78279-5001. The most impor- enced, it is so difficult to keep vage tant thing to remember all important travel docu- cleanup and use them again stretching is that it's very of fat. The difference is their is: Do not put a stained ments together.
good for you in many ener- density. When we lose fat Then I thought of a large boxes that have been recycled High heat may set the binder clip! It worked perfect- in our home for more than brings blood to tired mus- many of us pray for on a dai- stain or make it harder ly! I used the clip to hold all five years! This saves on cles. It juices the joints. It fo- ly basis -- our weight may five passports (and any lug- wrapping materials for the cuses the mind on the breath, change very little. What does HANDY TRAVEL
gage IDs and customs paper- holidays and gives the boxes always helpful in getting the happen is that our body vol- work) together so that when it several uses before recycling.
Dear Heloise: I read was our turn to show our in- — April in Florida So please don't use this volume means looser jeans your hints daily in The formation, I only had to find EASY CLEAN
myth as an excuse not to and less belly fat, no matter stretch, to stay limber, to keep what your scale might read.
ing money and laundry addi- Vindicator. My husband and I It made traveling a lot and I were peeling a lot of feel that a day without reading more relaxing! — Melissa vegetables. She didn’t want ders loose, to work on your who don't want to look bulky Thanks for your laundry your hints is just not complete. Padgett, via email agility and flexibility. (This is should avoid resistance train- REUSING BOXES
of laundry, don’t know how to our family on a recent trip to Dear Heloise: I wanted to hate cleaning up starchy And not to add to your biceps that bulge -- well-de- treat a stain? Don’t worry — I Cancun, Mexico. We were add a little to the wonderful counters or cutting boards.
confusion, know this: ACE fined, not too much, think have the answer. I have put to- traveling with our three small advice from Joan in Niles, So my mom put down news- does have research showing Michelle -- tell people you gether Heloise’s Handy Stain children. Their ages are 7, 5 Ohio, about reusing boxes. In paper on the counter instead.
that stretching after you exer- are taking care of yourself, Guide for Clothing, which and 3. Before the trip, I was my family, we reuse them Easy cleanup! Just fold the cise can lower your risk of toning your muscles, boost- covers many common stains. worried about international slightly differently. We save paper around the skins and To receive a copy, just send $5 travel, security lines and cus- boxes and use them for wrap- toss — or compost! Simple and a long, self-addressed, toms. What if I lost a pass- ping gifts at Christmas, birth- as that. — Emily Dotson, mile burns as many calories bulk up to the extent men do stamped (66 cents) envelope port, an immigration form or days or other gift-giving holi- Gaithersburg, Md.
as running a mile. Only in because they are lacking inDreamland. Yes, walking is a testosterone. There are ways For some meds, success could be in the timing splendid form of exercise around that, but none that I
and should be encouraged would recommend. What Imorning, noon and night. do urge is strength training DEAR DR. ROACH: I take Bystolic
I think it’s worth a trial. See how your hamartin, gene. This mutation causes ab- But running gives you a for all! The benefits are for blood pressure, and was instructed to blood pressure is after taking it at night, normal growth during the development of greater energy burn, meaning boundless, whereas too much take it in the morning. The side effects compared with taking it in the morning. the fetus. The “tubers” in the brain are it melts more calories, as testosterone seems to have Also note how bad the side effects masses of abnormal cells that didn’t de- are. If the side effects are still so velop into normal brain cells. Unlike a If you love to walk and war in Iraq.
severe, I would talk to your doctor brain tumor, these do not grow over time.
about changing to a different med- However, they do make seizures more icine. There are so many blood likely, and epilepsy is almost universal. In pressure medicines available that tuberous sclerosis, there is also a high rate you are likely to find one that of benign brain tumors called subependy- works without causing you prob- mal nodules and astrocytomas.
tos in front of your Facebook take notice; what is difficult page. And if counting calo- is getting up and taking ac- cine for many people, but it just gans as well. In the heart, your son may ries is your thing, just step up tion." -- Al Batt Dr. Keith
High blood pressure is one heart muscle cells.
learn to race walk. It's a great ness expert, wellbeing coach pressure when it begins to rise. Taking of the most common ailments for the workout, and your knees will and speaker on healthy it in the morning seems a little too late general population. The booklet on it can appear at different ages.
to meet the rising pressure. — E.D.
MYTH No. 3: Lactic acid ator of Energy Express, the ANSWER: You are right that blood treated. Readers can order a copy by sclerosis have learning difficulties,
causes acidosis and muscle longest-running syndicated pressure varies during the day, and also writing: Dr. Roach — No. 104, Box which range from mild to severe. Some fatigue. We all learned in fitness column in the country. that the concentration of medication in 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. En- of them are diagnosed as autistic. Be- school that lactic acid builds She blood varies after you take it. It makes close a check or money order (no cash) cause there is such a wide range of how up in your muscles when you perfect sense to try to match the need for for $4.75 U.S./$6 Can. with the recipi- people may be affected, it’s impossible exercise, and causes muscles and welcomes reader ques- the medication to its supply. Unfortu- ent’s printed name and address. Please to know how well your son will do in the to hurt and become tired. We tions, which can be sent to future. I found a very helpful group with DEAR DR. ROACH: My 3-year-old a great website that has much more in-
nebivolol (Bystolic) you mention, if you was recently diagnosed with tuberous formation at
wanted peak levels to correlate with peak sclerosis, in which he has eight tubers in Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to effect, you would need to take the med- his brain and three in his heart. Can you answer individual letters, but will incor- ication around 3 or 4 in the morning. I please tell me a little more about this? I porate them in the column whenever pos-understand why you want to take it at have never heard of it. — O.P.
sible. Readers may email questions to A: Tuberous sclerosis is a rare disease [email protected] or
Actress-turned-diplomat Shirley Temple Black effect of the medicine would be when that affects many different systems, in- request an order form of available health is 85. Actor Alan Oppenheimer is 83. Actor you least need it. On the other hand, the cluding the heart, brain and skin. It is newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, David Birney is 74. Actor Lee Majors is 74.
peak side effects may be happening thought to be caused by a mutation (either FL 32853-6475. Health newsletters may Irish nationalist Bernadette Devlin McAliskey is in the parent or the child) in the tuberin, or be ordered from 66. Actress Blair Brown is 65. Writer-directorPaul Brickman is 64. Actress Joyce DeWitt is64. Actor James Russo is 60. Filmmaker-authorMichael Moore is 59. Actress Judy Davis is 58.
Actress Jan Hooks is 56. Actress ValerieBertinelli is 53. Actor Craig Sheffer is 53. Actor-comedian-talk show host George Lopez is 52.
U.S. Olympic gold medal skier Donna Wein-brecht is 48. Actress Melina Kanakaredesis 46.
Rock musician Stan Frazier (Sugar Ray) is 45.
Country musician Tim Womack (Sons of theDesert) is 45. Actor Scott Bairstow is 43.


Book proposal: intelligent optimization techniques:

NEW OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES IN ENGINEERING Godfrey C. Onwubolu, Professor of Engineering, The University of the South Pacific, Fiji B. V. Babu, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (India) CONTENTS Part I: New Optimization Techniques Chapter 2: An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms for Engineering ApplicationsChapter 3: Memetic Algor

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