
A PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLE WRITTEN BY B.J. FOX Put the Right Food in the Fuel Tank
You can’t afford NOT to exercise!
If you wait until you have a heart attack, you might not get a second chance.so the best • Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains • Put an emphasis on unsaturated fats, including no replacement for lifestyle change.
extra virgin olive oil, fish, avocado, nuts, and seeds • Limit your consumption of sweets, margarine, and sodium containing foods such as soup, saltysnacks, fast food, and canned foods.
• For best results, the services of a dietitian can be used to formulate a customized plan.
Take a moment to consider the benefits of exercise:• it boosts your daily energy• heightens mental function Resistance Training is Best
Exercise lowers blood pressure by improving the elasticity of the blood vessels, giving more flexibility and providing less resistance In addition, regular exercise reduces blood clotting11, and has been shown to decrease risk ofdying from heart disease by a staggering 50%5.
Could anything else give you a better return on your sudden recovery, then demandingactivity again.” Get Physician Clearance First
Always have a doctor’s consent before
The research shows that walking and cardio may help, but resistance training works best: considerations and the impact of your medications • Don’t cut the person to fit the coat: Have a fit- before making a decision on your exercise ness trainer develop you an individualized routine.
readiness. If working with a personal trainer, give • Use lighter loads: Lifting heavy weights can elicit them your doctors contact information so that they can discuss the best exercise approach for you, and • Perform the exercises in a circuit fashion: maintain constant communication throughout.
Cycle through the exercises, stopping 3-4 repsbefore you anticipate muscle failure.
Stay Away from Harmful Exercises
Always Warm-Up
There are a number of exercises that require extra caution due to their potential to raise blood 5begin.Ifthebloodpressureisinarela- pressure.Theseexercisesshouldonlybeusedunder
a physician’s advice, or avoided altogether: with a proper warm up. Perform brisk cardio for 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the intensity until a Avoid exercises with the arms or legs overhead
Have an emergency plan
dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, or nausea. If you suspect a heart attack, call 911 imme- diately. The American Heart Association recom-mends taking Aspirin (if not contraindicated) early in the treatment of a heart attack. 2 chewable baby Aspirins can greatly improve chances of survival bybreaking up potential blood clots.
Breathe! It can be common for exercisers
to instinctively hold their breath during a
7specificexercise,creatingpressuretocushion AVOID
and support the spine. But to prevent blood pressure from skyrocketing, hypertensive individuals c Avoid exercises where you maintain a
should never hold their breath. As an alternative, breathing through pursed lips can help maintain thesupportive pressure in the trunk.
Cool Down at the End During
*BREATHEOUTWhenexercising: theexercise,muchofthebloodmay
• Breathe in as you return the weight *
physical activity could cause one to faint as a result of a sharp drop in blood pressure. Whenfinished exercising, incorporate a 10-20 minute car- For example, if doing a bicep curl, you would dio cool down to normalize blood pressure, while breathe out as you curl the weight up, and breathe burning some extra fat in the process. Keep the in and as you lower the weight back down.
intensity low enough that you would be able toengage in a conversation if necessary.
Take Your Body for
a Tune-Up!
10Peoplespendmanythousandsof over110,andmyrestingheartrate
dollars on a top model car. They douprgrades, take it in for regular maintenance, and make repairs. But at the end of the day they always step out of that “slick looking” car, and find themselves stuck in an “old jalopy” of a body. Why not make the body a top priority? According to the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, inactivity is the most prevalent modifi- able risk factor for heart disease7. If you continue todefer maintenance on your body, debilitatingproblems will arise…then how will you get around? ABOUT THE AUTHOR
B.J. Fox is a Toronto based Kinesiologist with over 16 certifications in the areas of fitness, nutrition, and rehab. B.J. specializes in help-
ing busy people get fit by working smarter, not harder. He provides customized personal fitness training for individuals with special health considerations. For more information, visit www.Foxfitness.ca.
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Batmanghelidj, Dr. F (2002) Your Body’s Many Cries for Water 2nd Ed. Global Health Solutions Inc, Vienna VA Buffet, Ed. Testimonial of results while personal training with Brendan Fox. Provided on July 18, 2006.
Bryan, Cedric and James Peterson (1996) Endurance Fitness: The Complete Guide 2nd Ed. International Sport Sciences Association.
Campbell NR, Burgess E, Choi BC, Taylor G, Wilson E, Cleroux J, Fodor JG, Leiter LA, Spence D. Lifestyle modifications to prevent and control hyper-tension. 1. Methods and an overview of the Canadian recommendations. Canadian Hypertension Society, Canadian Coalition for High Blood PressurePrevention and Control, Laboratory Centre for Disease Control at Health Canada, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. CMAJ. 1999 May 4;160(9Suppl):S1-6. Retrieved from www.Pubmed.com on June. 12, 2006 Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP)(1997) The Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness & Lifestyle Appraisal. Health Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Catanzaro, John Paul (2004). Advanced Strength Training Workshop June 12-13, 2004, Scarborough ON Catanzaro, John Paul (2006) Q & A. Information retrieved from www.bodyessence.ca on July 1, 2006 10. Dickerman RD, McConathy WJ, Smith GH, East JW, Rudder L. Middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity in elite power athletes during maximal weight-lifting. Neurol Res. 2000 Jun;22(4):337-40. Retrieved from www.Pubmed.com on June 29, 2006 11. Elrick, Dr. Harold. (1996) Commentary: Exercise is Medicine. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, Vol. 24, No.2, Feb 9612. Heart and Stroke Foundation. The Mediterranean Diet. Retrieved from www.heartandstrokefoundation.ca on July 9, 200613. Kinakin, Dr. Ken. (2004) Upper Body Functional Muscle Testing Seminar. May 8-9, 2004, CMCC Toronto ON.
14. Kingwell BA, Jennings GL. Effects of walking and other exercise programs upon blood pressure in normal subjects. Med J Aust. 1993 Feb 15;158(4):234-8. Retrieved from www.Pubmed.com on June. 12, 2006 15. Koupaei, Hamid Reza Majlessi. Personal Communication on July 25, 200616. Kumar, Naresh. Interview on July 2, 200617. Leon AS, Casal D, Jacobs D Jr.Effects of 2,000 kcal per week of walking and stair climbing on physical fitness and risk factors for coronary heart dis- ease. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 1996 May-Jun;16(3):183-92. Retrieved from www.Pubmed.com on June. 12, 2006 18. Pinto A, Di Raimondo D, Tuttolomondo A, Fernandez P, Arna V, Licata G.
19. Schmid, Ron. Dietary Supplements: What the Industry does NOT want you to know. Retrieved from www.westonaprice.org on July 3, 300620. The American Heart Association: Aspirin in Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention. Retrieved from Americanheart.org on July 3, 200621. The Weston A Price Foundation: Myths and Truths about Nutrition. Retrieved from www.westonaprice.org on July 3, 200622. Twenty-four hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to evaluate effects on blood pressure of physical activity in hypertensive patients. Clin J Sport Med. 2006 May;16(3):238-43. Retrieved from www.Pubmed.com on June. 12, 2006 23. Vriz O, Mos L, Frigo G, Sanigi C, Zanata G, Pegoraro F, Palatini P; HARVEST Study Investigators. Effects of physical exercise on clinic and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure in young subjects with mild hypertension. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2002 Mar;42(1):83-8. Retrieved fromwww.Pubmed.com on June. 12, 2006

Source: http://brendanfox.info/Downloads/Article-Blood%20Pressure.pdf


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