British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
Index to the British Simuliid Group
Nos. 1 to 20 (1992-2003)
Compiled by M.E. and R.W.Crosskey
[The Index may be separated from the Bulletin by loosening
the staples between pages
vii and
viii ]
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
Index to the British Simuliid Group Bulletins
Nos. 1 to 20 (1992-2003)
The information contained in the first 20 issues of the B.S.G. Bulletin, published between May 1992 and June2003, is presented in this index in four sub-set indexes, according to the topic (subject matter), the scientificnames of Simuli dae, the scientific names of other organisms, and the names of contributing authors. For eachentry the issue numbers are given first, followed by the relevant page(s) in parentheses; where the same indexeditem occurs in separate articles within an issue the page references are separated by a slash (/). References to'onchocerciasis'
per se pertain to the disease in humans. The titles/authors of talks and posters given at B.S.G.
and other meetings but never supplied as full text for publication have been disregarded, left unindexed becauseof lack of content. In the contributor index each author's name is accompanied by full initials even if not all initialsare provided in the article heading; when known the author's usual or preferred ful forename is given inparentheses.
Topics. . .i
Scientific Names.vi
Other Organism Names. ix
Topic Index
BBC, "The Witness was a [black]fly" programme, 4 (18-
Beaucournu-Saguez, F., obituary, 16 (8-10)
Afghanistan, Hindu Kush (in Travel ers' Tales), 7 (9)
Beer, as Blandford fly antidote, 16 (12-13, with bottle
Bell, Gavin (in Travel ers' Tales), 13 (9-11)
Amazonia, blackfly biting (in Travellers' Tales), 20(6-7)
Amazonia, onchocerciasis in, 10 (10-12), 12 (9-10/14-
Bioengineering, demonstrated by blackfly larvae, 8 (5-
Anaphylactic shock, from blackfly bites, 18 (4-6)
Annual Transmission Potential (ATP), 4 (7/14),
Blandford fly (Simulium posticatum), 1 (5), 2 (17),
3 (14/23-27), 8 (2/7-8), 16 (8/12), 18 (5/9)
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
"borrachudo/pium" pest, 9 (7-10), 20(6-7)
new onchocerciasis focus, 10 (3-4), 12 (3)
onchocerciasis transmission, 3 (10-11), 6 (13-15),
Cibarial armature, 4 (4-6), 15 (6-8), 18 (17)
microfilariae, damage to, 4 (4-6), 12 (10), 15 (9)
Simulium perflavum larval food, 12 (11-12)
modelling onchocerciasis factor, 10 (5-6), 15 (6-8)
Computer models, see Onchocerciasis, model ing of.
"borrachudo/pium" in Brazil, 9 (7-10)
distribution recording form, 14 (unnumbered end
Dorset, in River Stour, 2 (17), 3 (14), 8 (7-8)
Oxfordshire, Blandford fly in, 3 (14/24), 8 (2)
Simulium damnosum, in Bioko, 3 (13), in OCP,
'Stonesfield Stinger' (Simulium posticatum), 3 (24)
vegetation management in, 4 (16-17, Malawi),
'Woodstock fly' (Simulium posticatum), 3 (24)
Bryson, Bil (in Travellers' Tales), 11 (12-13)
Crabs, in phoretic associations, 2 (5-6), 3 (11-12), 8 (5),
Bti larvicide (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis), 2 (17),
Bul etins, of B.S.G., superseding Newsletters, 1 (1)
Database of photographs of simuli d morphology, 19(6)
Simulium damnosum and Onchocerca immunity,
Deforestation, ef ects on Simulium damnosum, 4 (4),
Fuerteventura, first blackfly record, 8 (13)
Cattle, Onchocerca parasites of, 2 (3-4/15), 4 (14), 8 (8) De Meil on, B., obituary, 17 (2-5)CD Rom:
Denmark, blackfly genera/subgenera in, 12 (6)
Digitized imaging, flow patterns, 13 (17)
Newsletters and Bulletins on 19(10), 20(2)
Discovery Channel (TV programme), 4 (22-23)
Channel Islands, additional blackfly species, 6 (19-20)
record form, Britain, 14 (unnumbered end page)
Mermithids described from simuli d hosts, 19(13-26)
Simuli ds in Britain, map, 9 (I -I I insert)
Cheesman, Evelyn (in Travellers' Tales), 13 (11-12)
Simulium damnosum, southern Africa, with map, 14
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
DNA, PCR test for, Onchocerca volvulus, 11 (11-12)
Drought, recovery after, in Kent, 6 (16-17)
Durrell, Gerald (in Travellers' Tales), 7 (8-9)
Earthquakes, and Golubatz fly, 14 (15-17)
Humboldt, Alexander von, in Venezuela, 20(7-10)
Hungary, Golubatz (= Kolumbács) fly, 14 (15-17)
cytology, Simulium exiguum, 2 (11-12), 3 (2)
Hybridization, Simulium damnosum s.l., 18 (15-16)
Hydrological surveil ance, by satellite, 6 (11)
vector biting/infection rates, 18 (17-19)
Epithets, meanings in British blackflies, 12 (15-19)
Europe, W. & Central, digital key to larvae & pupae,
Image analysis, use in blackfly taxonomy, 8 (10-11),
Fecundity, blackflies infected with Onchocerca, 3 (3)
Fennoscandia, blackfly genera/subgenera in, 12 (6)
Flow patterns, around blackfly larvae, 13 (17)
Forest habitat, Simulium damnosum, 2 (9), 4 (14),
to Onchocerca, Simulium damnosum, 2 (15), 10 (7),
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (new
Galapagos Islands, simuli ds recorded, 4 (21-22)
Gene expression, in Onchocerca larvae, 2 (8-9)
blackflies on World Wide Web, 7 (7), 14 (17), 16
Gene flow, in Simulium damnosum s.l. 18 (15-16)
Ghana, Simulium damnosum s.l. environment, 2 (9),
Invasions, by Simulium damnosum s.l., 2 (9)
Invitation ef ect, in bloodfeeding, 11 (3-4)
Golubatz fly (Simulium colombaschense), 14 (15-17)
Gonotrophic cycle, Simulium damnosum, 3 (8)
Isoenzymes, in blackfly identification, 2 (4-5), 14 (5-6)
Italy, blackflies troubling humans, 13 (18-19)
Ivermectin, duration of treatment, 19(6-8)
onchocerciasis elimination, 6 (11-12), 11 (7-12)
onchocerciasis in, 10 (13/14-15), 14 (5-6)
onchocerciasis transmission, 10 (6), 11 (7-12)
Guinea, Simulium soubrense and migration, 1 (6)
in Venezuela, 12 (10-11/14-15), 15 (8-10)
Kennedy, W. R. (in Travellers' Tales), 11 (13-14)
Kenya, Simulium neavei group status, 2 (5-6)
Key, digital, to European blackfly larvae & pupae,
Kingsbury Water Park, simuli d biting in, 18 (4-6)
Laird, Marshal (in Travel ers' Tales), 11 (13), 12 (19-
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
NE-118 (1996, Florida), 7 (2-4, programme only)
NE-118 (1998, Florida), 10 (16, announcement
NE-118, History 1978-1996 (last meeting), 17
NE-118, Locations of Meetings 1978-1996, 17
Other North American annual blackfly meetings
Larviciding, against Simulium damnosum s.l., Malawi,
Libraries, holding B. S. G. Bulletins, 7 (17-18)
Marquesas Islands, anthropophily in 13 (9-13)
address changes, 8 (17), 9 (15), 10 (20), 11 (19),
12 (23), 13 (20), 14 (18), 15 (20), 16 (16), 8 (24),
Mectizan [commercial name]: see ivermectin
10th (1987, River Laboratory, Dorset), 1 (1-7)
new members, 8 (18), 9 (15), 10 (20), 11 (19),
12 (24), 13 (20), 14 (18), 15 (20), 16 (16), 18 (23-
13th (1990, Natural History Museum, London), 2
Mermithidae: list of species described from blackflies,
damage by cibarial armature, 4 (4-6/6-7)
16th (1993, Natural History Museum, London), 3
injection into simuli ds, 2 (3), 3 (3), 8 (8)
18th (1995, Birmingham University), 6 (2-17)
19th (1996, Monks Wood Experimental Station),
uptake by vector, 4 (6), 11 (7-12)m 12 (10-11)
20th (1997, Natural History Museum, London),
21st (1998, Oxford University), 12 (1-15)
23rd (2000, Salford University), 15 (1-14)
24th (2001, Birmingham University), 18 (2-21)
Molecular systematics, Simulium damnosum, 18 (16-
24th (sic.) (2001, Center for Hydrology &
Summary list with venues 1979-1997, 11 (17-18)
International blackfly meeting, proposal, 12 (23)
Latin American Federation of Parasitologists
new species records, 15 (15-18), 17 (7-10)
12th Meeting, Santiago, Chile (1995), 6 (20)
Morphometrics, in Simulium damnosum taxonomy,
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
epidemiology, various countries, 12 (2-5)
Newby, Eric (in Travel ers' Tales), 7 (9)
Netherlands, blackfly checklist, 18 (7-10)
modelling of, 10 (5-6), 15 (6-8), 18 (11-13), 19(6-8)
transmission, 4 (6-7/14-15), 8 (8), 10 (5), 12 (9-10),
Newman, Edward, Simulium quotation from, 16 (2-7)
vectorial competence, Amazonia, 15 (8-10)
New Zealand, 'Namu' pest (Austrosimulium), 12 (19-22) Ovarian protein, 3 (3)Nigeria, vector cytospecies identifications, 3 (8-9)
No-no (nau-nau) Simulium buissoni, 13 (9-13)
North Africa, simuli ds new for, 15 (15-18)
North America (in Travellers' Tales), 11 (12-14)
Nuclei number, in microfilaria/L3 of Onchocerca
Pallas, Peter S. (in Travellers' Tales), 8 (14-17)
Clergue-Gazeau, M., memorial note, 20 (3)
mermithids, list of blackfly hosts of 19(23-25)
Parity rates, Amazonian vectors, 18 (19-21)
Patagonia, blackfly overview and records, 8 (9-10/11-
PCR assay, in O. volvulus detection, 18 (13-15)
Peritrophic membrane, and Trichomycetes, 1 (4)
OCP (Onchocerciasis Control Programme, West Africa) Peterson, Bobbie V. (in Travellers' Tales), 16 (13-15)
Pheromones, in oviposition, 4 (8), 6 (7-9)
Phoresis, with crabs, 3 (11-12), 8 (5), 12 (3)
Phosphoglucomutase (PGM) isoenzyme, 2 (4-5),
Photographs of larvae & pupae of European species,
Portugal, blackfly species list, 3 (13-14)
Protease activity, watermite-induced, 3 (3-4)
Brazil, 3 (10-11), 6 (10/13-15), 9 (7-10), 10 (3-4), 12
Prediction of outcome of control programmes, 19(6-9)
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
River regulation, and S. chutteri, 1 (10-11)
mermithid species in blackflies, 19(13-26)
Pallas and the Moshki (Russia), 8 (14-17)
Russia, blackfly collection at St Petersburg, 11 (4-7), 18
TUNEL, cell death detection system, 16 (1-2)
Savanna habitat, Simulium damnosum s.l., 2 (9), 4 (14)
crab carriers of blackflies, 3 (11-12), 8 (5)
birchflies, simuli d pests, 1 (2), 5 (5-6)
onchocerciasis transmission, 3 (4), 8 (3-5)
Serodiagnostic test, use in Brazil, 10 (4)
Simulium damnosum s.l. in, 3 (4/11-12), 10 (7-10)
NE118 annual reports: see Meeting Reports
river regulation and Simulium chutteri, 1 (10-11)
SERA-IEG annual reports: see Meeting Reports
Simulium damnosum s.l. anthropophily, 13 (16)
Vanuatu, blackfly anthropophily in, 13 (11)
Simulium damnosum s.l. distribution, 14 (10-14)
Spain, autumnal blackflies in Pyrenees, 12 (7)
ivermectin use, 12 (10-11/14-15), 15 (8-10)
onchocerciasis in, 10 (10-12), 12 (9-10/14-15),
Spectrometry, for pteridine concentration, 2 (3)
vector biting activity, 12 (9-10), (in Travel ers'
'Stonesfield Stinger' (Simulium posticatum), 3 (24)
vector infection rates, pre-ivermectin use, 15 (11-
Synoptics [commercial name], image analysis system,
Temephos, larvicide, 4 (17), 8 (5), 9 (8-10), 13 (12)
Tepuis, Amazonian plateaux feature, 4 (22-23)
West Africa, reinvasions within, by Simulium
Thailand, morphologically aberrant species, 14 (7-9)
'Woodstock fly' (Simulium posticatum), 3 (24)
World Wide Web, blackfly sites, 7 (7), 14 (17), 16 (11)
Yanomami Amerindians, onchocerciasis in, 3 (10),
Togo, Simulium damnosum s.l. environment, 2 (9)
Zambia, Simulium damnosum s.l. in, 10 (17-19)
Great balls of blackflies (Iceland), 16 (13-15)
Zimbabwe, Simulium damnosum s.l. in, 10 (18)
Horrors of Hatiheu (Marquesas), 13 (9-13)
Zoological Record, Newsletters recorded, 1 (7-10)
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
Blackfly Scientific Names Index
P. arvernense (= tomosvaryi), 7 (6), 12 (16)
Astoneoymia, Parasimulium subgenus, 13 (8)
P. inflatum (= latimucro), 7 (6), 12 (16)
Boophthora, Simulium subgenus, 3 (14), 12 (6)
P. latimucro, 3 (14), 7 (6), 12 (16), 17 (11)
P. tomosvaryi, 3 (14), 7 (6), 12 (16), 17 (11)
Psaroniocompsa, Simulium subgenus, 9 (11), 10 (4)
Crosskeyellum, Simulium subgenus, 17 (11)
Eusimulium, Simulium subgenus, 3 (14), 6 (18), 12 (6),
Simulium (s.l.), 2 (4/14), 3 (3-4/5/6-7/15-16), 4 (4/6-
7/14), 6 (5/10-11), 9 (7), 10 (5-6), 12 (3/5/9-
10/14/15-16), 13 (8), 14 (4-5/15-17), 15 (5/18-
S. angustipes, 3 (14), 5 (16), 6 (19), 12 (16), 17
S. angustitarse, 5 (7-17), 7 (6), 12 (16), 13 (18),
Gnus, [former] Simulium subgenus, 12 (6)
S. aureum, 2 (3), 3 (14/21 [misidentified]), 12 (16),
S. aureum group, 5 (16), 6 (18), 7 (6), 16 (8)
Nevermannia, Simulium subgenus, 3 (14), 12 (6)
Notolepria, Simulium subgenus, 6 (20), 9 (11)
S. austeni (= posticatum), 2 (17), 7 (6), 12 (17)
Obuchovia, Simulium subgenus, 3 (14), 15 (15-18), 17
Odagmia, [former] Simulium subgenus), 12 (6)
Parabyssodon, [former] Simulium subgenus, 12 (6)
S. bipunctatum, 4 (22), 10 (11), 12 (9), 18 (17-19)
S. brevicaule (-is) (= cryophilum), 7 (6), 12 (16)
Prosimulium, 2 (8), 3 (14), 15 (2), 12 (6/15-16)
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
S. cambriense (= angustitarse), 5 (17), 7 (6)
S. colombaschense ('Golubtaz fly'), 14 (15-17)
S. incrustatum, 3 (11), 9 (11), 10 (11-12), 12 (9-
S. cryophilum, 3 (14), 7 (6), 12 (16), 17 (11),
S. intermedium, 3 (14), 7 (6), 12 (17), 17 (12), 18
S. damnosum s.l., 1 (3/6/7), 2 (2/3/9/15-16/19),
6 (7-9), 8 (8), 10 (7/7-10/12/17-19), 11 (3-4),
S. juxtacrenobium, 7 (6), 12 (17), 18 (9)
15 (6-8/13), 16 (1-2), 17 (4), 18 (11-13/13/15-
S. damnosum s.str. 2 (3/9,15), 3 (8-9/13), 4 (14),
S. latigonium (= lundstromi), 5 (7-17), 7 (6), 12 (17)
S. damnosum 'Nyamagasani' form, 10 (8-10)
S. latinum (= velutinum), 3 (14), 12 (18)
S. dunfellense (as dunfalense, error), 12 (16), 18
S. lineatum, 3 (3/14), 5 (16), 7 (6), 12 (17),
S. equinum, 1 (3), 2 (3/18), 3 (3/14/15), 4 (9/13),
S. lundstromi, 5 (7-19), 7 (6), 12 (17), 17 (11), 18
S. erythrocephalum, 1 (3), 2 (3/18), 3 (14), 4 (10),
5 (8/16), 6 (8), 12 (17), 13 (18), 14 (8)
S. exiguum, 2 (11), 3 (2/11), 6 (20), 9 (11), 10 (11),
S. minusculum, 8 (11), 10 (4), 12 (3, as minisculum,
S. neavei, 2 (6), 3 (4/11-12), 8 (3-5), 10 (8), 17 (3)
S. guianense, 3 (10-11), 4 (6/23), 6 (13-15), 7 (9),
9 (11), 10 (4/11-12), 12 (3/9-10/10/14), 15 (8-
S. nitidifrons (= intermedium), 3 (14), 7 (6), 12 (17),
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
S. noel eri, 1 (7), 3 (28), 4 (19), 6 (19), 7 (6), 8 (6),
S. sirbanum, 2 (3/9), 3 (8-9/13), 4 (14), 6 (9), 10 (5),
S. ochraceum, 3 (21), 4 (4-5/6), 6 (11-12), 10 (5/12-
14/14-15), 11 (7-12), 14 (5-6), 15 (6-8/13),
S. spinosum (= trifasciatum), 2 (12), 6 (19), 7 (6),
S. ornatum, 1 (3/6), 2 (3/9/12/14/18), 3 (3/3-4/14),
S. squamosum, 2 (3/5/15), 3 (9/13), 4 (14), 6 (9)
4 (10), 5 (8/16), 6 (16/19), 12 (7/8/18), 13 (18),
S. subexcisum (= latipes), 7 (6), 12 (17)
S. sublacustre (= rostratum), 7 (6), 12 (18)
S. oyapockense, 3 (10-11), 8 (11), 9 (11),
10 (11-12), 12 (10-11/14), 15 (8-10/13),
S. trifasciatum, 2 (12, as spinosum), 6 (19), 7 (6),
S. tuberosum, 1 (2), 3 (14), 7 (6), 12 (18)
S. variegatum, 1 (2), 2 (3), 3 (7/14), 12 (18), 17
S. velutinum, 3 (14, as latinum), 5 (16), 7 (6),
S. posticatum ('Blandford fly'), 1 (5), 2 (17), 3
(14/23-27), 7 (6), 8 (7-8), 12 (18), 16 (8/12), 18
S. pseudequinum, 2 (18), 3 (14), 7 (6), 12 (18),
S. vernum s.l., 3 (14), 7 (6), 12 (7/18), 13 (15),
S. yahense, 1 (3/4), 2 (9/15), 3 (9/13), 6 (8/9)
S. reptans, 1 (2), 2 (3), 3 (14), 12 (18), 16 (2-7),
S. zetlandense (= equinum), 7 (6), 12 (17)
S. ruficorne, 3 (5/14), 5 (16), 8 (13), 16 (8-10),
Stegopterna richteri (as richterii, error) (= trigonium),
Thyrsopelma, Simulium subgenus, 9 (11), 12 (5)
S. salopiense (= lineatum), 7 (6), 12 (17)
Wilhelmia, Simulium subgenus, 3 (14), 17 (12)
S. sericatum (= erythrocephalum), 12 (17)
Index of Other Organism Names
Arrhenatherum elatius (oat-grass), 18 (4)
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
Limnomermis spp. (Mermithidae), 19(17-18)
Bacil us thuringiensis (Bti) (bacterium), 2 (17), 4 (21),
Brugia pahangi (filarial nematode), 1 (3)
Mermithidae, species found in Simulium, 19(13-26)
Mesomermis spp. (Mermithidae), 19(18-23/26)
Myoporum laetum (repellent tree, Myoporaceae), 12
Corvus frugilegus (rook, Corvidae, 5 (16)
Octomyomermis spp. (Mermithidae), 19(23)
Onchocerca (filarial nematode), 2 (8-9/14/15), 4
(6/7/14), 6 (12), 8 (8), 10 (5-6/7), 14 (4), 16 (1-2),
Deschampsia cespitosa (tussock grass), 18 (14)
Drosera (as Drocera, error, sundews, Droseraceae), 4
Escherichia coli (bacterium, as Escherischia, error), 4
O. ochengi, 2 (3-4/15), 4 (14), 6 (11), 8 (8), 10 (7)
O. volvulus, 1 (3/7), 2 (3-4/9/12/15), 3 (3/4/7-8/10-
Galleria mel onella (wax moth, Pyralidae), 2 (17-18),
11), 4 (4/6-7/14), 6 (11), 8 (3-5), 9 (11),
10 (3-4/5-6/10-12/12-13/14-15/18), 11 (7-12),
Gastromermis spp. (Mermithidae), 19(14-17/26)
Phalaris arundinacea (reed-grass), 5 (16)
Phlebotomus papatasi (sand-fly, Psychodidae), 11 (3)
Harpellales (trichomycete fungi), 1 (4), 2 (16)
Potamonautes aloysi sabaudiae (river-crab), 3 (12), 8
Hydromermis doloresi (Mermithidae), 19(17/26)
Hydrostachys polymorpha (Hydrostachaceae), 4 (16)
Rheotanytarsus (chironomid midge), 3 (28)
Hygrobates fluviatilis (water-mite), 3 (15)
Legeriomycetaceae (trichomycete fungi), 1 (4)
Styloconops albiventris (ceratopogonid midge), 13 (10)
Trichomycetes (fungi), 1 (4), 2 (16), 19(1)
Contributor Index
Adler, P. H. (Peter), 11 (4-7/15-16), 12 (12-13),
Basañez, M.-G. (Maria-Gloria), 4 (6-7), 10 (5-6/10-
12/12-14), 12 (9-10/10-11/14-15), 15 (6-8/8-
Bass, J A. B. (Jonathon), 1 (2), 5 (7-19), 10 (14-16), 14
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
Belqat, B. (Boutaina), 15 (15-18), 17 (7-10/10-16)
Gril et, M.-E. (Maria-Eugenia), 10 (10-12), 12 (9-10/10-
Botto, C. (Carlos), 10 (10-12), 12 (9-10/14-15), 15 (8-
Hagen, H. E. (Hans), 2 (15), 8 (8), 10 (7), 14 (4-5),
Ham, P. J. (Peter), 1 (3-4/6-7), 2 (14), 3 (3-4), 4 (13),
Charalambous, M. (Magda), 2 (11-12), 3 (2), 6 (13-15)
Cheke, R. A. (Bob), 2 (3/9), 3 (8), 12 (4)
Col ins, R. C. (Richard), 10 (12-14), 18 (17-19)
Coronel, P. (Pablo), 15 (8-10/11-14), 18 (19-21)
Cortez, J. (José), 12 (9-10/10-11), 15 (8-10/11-14),
Crosskey, R. W. (Roger), 1 (7-10), 2 (8), 4 (21-22),
5 (7-19), 6 (5-7/18/19-20), 7 (6), 8 (9-10/11-
13/14- 17), 10 (17-19), 11 (4-7), 12 (15-19),
Klager, S. L. (Sabine), 8 (8), 10 (7), 16 (1-2)
13 (15), 15 (3-5/18-19), 16 (8-10), 18 (22-23),
Krüger, A. (Andreas), 10 (7-10), 12 (3), 18 (16-17)
Davies, J. B. (John), 2 (4-5), 4 (4-6/22-23), 6 (11-12),
Lowry, C. A. (Carolyn), 2 (11), 3 (2), 8 (10-11)
10 (1-2/14-15), 11 (1/7-12), 12 (3), 13 (16), 14 (5- Luján, R. (Ricardo), 4 (4-6), 10 (14-15), 11 (7-12),6/17), 15 (5), 16 (10-11/11), 17 (1-5), 18 (1-2/21-
Luna Dias, A. P. A. (Paulino), 6 (13-15), 12 (3)
Mafuyai, H. B. (Hayward), 2 (15-16), 3 (8-9)
Maia-Herzog, M. (Marilsa), 6 (13-15), 8 (10-11), 12 (3)
McCal , P. J. (Philip), 2 (3/4), 4 (8), 6 (7-9), 11 (3-4)
McCrae, A. W. R. (Angus), 3 (14/23-27), 18 (16/17)
McCreadie, J. W. (John), 11 (15-16), 12 (12-13)
Frontado, H. (Hortensia), 12 (9-10/10-11), 15 (8-
Mendizabál Solé de Cabrera, R. ( - ), 14 (5-6)
Garcia, M. (Mayila), 10 (10-12), 12 (14-15)
Garms, R. (Rolf), 3 (4/11-12), 8 (3-5), 10 (7-10)
British Simuliid Group Bulletin Index, June 2003
Palmer, R. W. (Rob), 1 (10-11), 4 (21), 14 (10-13)
Van den Hoek, T. H. (Tjeerd-Harm), 18 (7)
Post, R. J. (Rory), 1 (6), 2 (4/19), 3 (8-9/13), 12 (2-5),
Vil amizar, N. J. (Nestor), 10 (10-12), 12 (9-10/10-11/14-
Vivas-Martinez, S. (Sarai), 10 (10-12), 12 (9-10/10-
Volpi Ghirardini, A. (Annamaria), 13 (18-19)
Reyz-Vil anueva, F. (Filiberto), 10 (12-14)
Rodriguez-Pérez, M. A. (Mario), 10 (12-14)
Wil iams, T. (Trevor), 2 (17-18), 3 (6-7/15-16)
Santos Grácio, A. J. dos (Antonio), 3 (13-14)
Wil iams, T. R. (Trefor), 1 (1), 2 (12-13), 4 (17-18)
Shelley, A. J. (Tony), 2 (11-12), 3 (2/10-11), 4 (21-22),
6 10/13-15/20), 8 (10-11), 10 (3-4), 12 (3), 19(3-
Wotton, R. S. (Roger), 1 (5), 2 (16), 3 (28), 4 (18-19),
Yocha, J. (John), 3 (4/11-12), 8 (3-5), 10 (7-10)
Source: http://www.blackfly.org.uk/downloadable/indexbulls1-20.pdf
76 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health In addition to throwing off the body's homeostasis, excess sugar may result in a number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of some of sugar's metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications. 1. Sugar can suppress your immune system and impair your defences against infectious Disease. 2. Su
id2377015 pdfMachine by Broadgun Software - a great PDF writer! - a great PDF creator! - http://www.pdfmachine.com http://www.broadgun.com Chenopodium ambrosioides (Chenopodiaceae) (Syn.: Teloxys ambrosioides, Atriplex ambrosioides) English: Skunkweed, Mexican tea, epazote, Westindian goosefoot, hedge mustard, Jerusalem parsley, sweet pigweed, wormseed French: Epazote, The du Mexique
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