maleate at 4 mg/mL [Fenistil injectable solution, Novartis]),
Anaphylaxis to Dimenhydrinate Caused by the
2 piperazines (cetirizine hydrochloride at 10 mg/mL [Zirtek
Theophylline Component
tablet in normal saline, UCB] and levocetirizine dihydrochloride at 5mg/mL [Xozal tablet in normal saline, UCB]) and a
piperidine (desloratadine at 5mg/mL [Aerius tablet in normal
Allergy Department, Laikon General Hospital, Athens, Greece
saline, Schering-Plough]). All were negative.
To study the allergenic properties of the 2 compounds
Key words: Anaphylaxis. Dimenhydrinate. Diphenhydramine. Drug
we proceeded to perform SPTs with the pure substances
(Figure). Interestingly, there was no reaction when we tested
Palabras clave: Anafi laxia. Dimenhidrinato. Difenhidramina.
diphenhydramine (1 mg/mL, 10 mg/mL, and 100mg/mL;
powder provided by Recordati, Italy), as previously reported [3]. In contrast, all the theophylline-containing drugs tested were positive. Specifically, we tested anhydrous theophylline (0.6 mg/mL, 6 mg/mL, and 60mg/mL [Theodur tablet in normal saline, Lavipharm]), choline theophyllinate (0.8 mg/mL,
Dimenhydrinate is an over-the-counter, widely used drug
8mg/mL, and 80 mg/mL [Choledyl syrup, Galenica]), and
for motion sickness. It consists of 2 drugs: diphenhydramine, an
aminophylline (0.25 mg/mL, 2.5 mg/mL, and 25 mg/mL
ethanolamine, and 8-chlorotheophylline, a xanthine derivative
[injectable solution, Cooper]). The results were increasingly
that reduces the sedating properties of diphenhydramine.
positive. Again, 5 healthy individuals tested negative. Of
Allergic reactions to dimenhydrinate are rare and typically
interest, SPTs for allopurinol (3 mg/mL, 30 mg/mL, and
manifest as fi xed drug eruptions [1,2]. To our knowledge, no
300 mg/mL [Zylapour tablet in normal saline, Farmanic]),
episodes of anaphylaxis have been reported.
which is a structural isomer of hypoxanthine resembling
Herein, we present the case of a 27-year-old woman who
theophylline, were negative. It can be concluded thus that
was admitted with sudden pruritic rash on the palms that rapidly
the reactivity in our patient was specifi c to the theophylline
progressed to the soles and the fl exural surface of the elbows.
compound. Unfortunately, the patient refused to undergo
Within 30 minutes, she developed emesis, diarrhea, and pain in
a diagnostic oral drug challenge. Of note, previous reports
the lower abdomen. The symptoms resolved without treatment
on aminophylline reactivity have not been attributed to
within an hour. Ten minutes prior to the onset of the rash, she had
theophylline but rather to ethylenediamine, a well-known
taken an antiemetic pill (50 mg dimenhydrinate) due to a planned
car trip. She reported multiple intakes of dimenhydrinate in the past without any reaction. History was insignifi cant for other allergic disease, with no reports of atopic dermatitis, physical urticaria, or food or drug allergy.
Based on the concurrent manifestation of symptoms
affecting the skin and the gastrointestinal tract together with the pain in the lower abdomen (attributed to uterine contractions), we considered the possibility of an anaphylactic reaction to dimenhydrinate and proceeded to perform skin prick tests (SPTs) with the suspected agent. The tests were performed with increasing concentrations (0.5 mg/mL, 5 mg/mL, and 50 mg/mL) of dimenhydrinate (Drimen tablet in normal saline, Coup); they were all positive with progressively increasing wheal and fl are reactions. The same tests performed in 5 healthy controls were negative, indicating no irritating effect of the drug. SPTs performed with a panel of food allergens (egg white, cow’s milk, wheat, and fi sh) and aeroallergens (grass mix, weed mix, Olea europea, Parietaria judaica, cat epithelia, and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) were all negative, confi rming the negative atopic profi le of the patient. The
Figure. Skin prick tests, performed using the standard prick method,
patient did not exhibit dermographism. To assess the specifi city
for the various compounds. DM indicates dimenhydrinate; DP,
of the reaction, we performed SPTs with 4 antihistamines of
diphenhydramine; AM, aminophylline; TH, anhydrous theophylline; CT,
different drug classes. We tested an alkylamine (dimetindene
choline theophyllinate; and AL, allopurinol.
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
In summary, this is the fi rst report of an anaphylactic
reported species. More than half of these species occur in North
reaction to dimenhydrinate attributed to 8-chlorotheophylline.
America. Europe, however, is home to just 7 species and most
Anaphylactic reactions to either theophylline or dimenhydrinate
of them are currently endangered species. Crayfi sh is a very
have not been previously reported. Moreover, SPTs seem to be
popular food worldwide but few cases of adverse reactions
a reliable method for detecting immunoglobulin E-mediated
after its ingestion have been reported.
anaphylaxis to theophylline. Therefore, even though
An 18-year-old woman presented with chest tightness,
anaphylaxis to dimenhydrinate is very rare, the possibility of
wheezing, headache, and hives on the abdomen that had
such a reaction should be kept in mind, especially for patients
appeared within minutes of eating Procambarus clarkii, a
with high exposure in the past presenting with compatible
crayfi sh belonging to the Cambaridae family. She said that
symptoms. Finally, patients who develop anaphylactic
she had never developed symptoms after eating crustaceans or
reactions to dimenhydrinate should be instructed to avoid
molluscs on previous occasions. As the only additional atopic
xanthine derivatives without prior testing.
background, she reported a history of pollen-induced seasonal
Protein extracts from raw and boiled P clarkii shell (PCSr
and PCSb, respectively) and fl esh (PCFr and PCFb) were prepared by homogenization in phosphate buffered saline,
1. Rodríguez-Jiménez B, Domínguez-Ortega J, González-García
dialyzation, and lyophilization. Skin prick tests (SPTs) to
JM, Kindelan-Recarte C. Dimenhydrinate-induced fi xed drug
common commercial aeroallergens, crustaceans, molluscs,
eruption in a patient who tolerated other antihistamines. J
and Anisakis simplex were performed, with positive results
Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2009;19:334-5.
(wheal diameter ≥3 mm) only to grass and olea pollen. Prick-
2. Saenz de San Pedro B, Quiralte J, Florido JF. Fixed drug eruption
by-prick tests with PCFr and PCFb yielded a wheal of 3 mm
caused by dimenhydrinate. Allergy. 2000;55:297.
in both cases. Serum-specifi c immunoglobulin E (sIgE) against
3. Barranco P, López-Serrano MC, Moreno-Ancillo A. Anaphylactic
commercial crab extract (Pharmacia CAP system) was <0.35
reaction due to diphenhydramine. Allergy. 1998;53:814.
kU/L, and sIgE determinations against PCSr, PCSb, PCFr,
4. Thompson PJ, Gibb WR, Cole P, Citron KM. Generalised allergic
and PCFb (enzyme allergosorbent technique) yielded
reactions to aminophylline. Thorax. 1984;39:600-3.
0.4 kU/L for PCSr (total IgE of 90 IU/mL) and were negative
5. Toal M, Kinney A, Fulton R. Allergy to the ethylenediamine
for the rest of the extracts. All the extracts were analyzed by
component of aminophylline. Ulster Med J. 1992;61:205-6.
sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
❚ Manuscript received May 26, 2010; accepted for publication, November 18, 2010.Vasilios Vovolis Allergy to Crayfi sh
D González-de-Olano,1 C Pastor-Vargas,2,3 M Gandolfo-Cano,1
E González-Mancebo,1 A Meléndez-Baltanás,1 MP Morales-Barrios,1 M Pérez-Gordo,4 F Vivanco,2,3 B Bartolomé51Allergy Unit, Hospital de Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain 3Department of Immunology, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain4Allergy Unit, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain5Research & Development Department, Bial-Arístegui, Bilbao,
Key words: Allergy. Crayfi sh. Ferritin.
Figure. Immunoglobulin (Ig) E-binding proteins in crayfi sh extracts. A,
Palabras clave: Alergia. Cangrejo de río. Ferritina.
sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrymidamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) IgE-immunoblotting of raw Procambarus clarkii fl esh. B, SDS-PAGE IgE-immunoblotting of raw P clarkii shell. Lane P, patient serum; lane
Crayfi sh, also known as crawfi sh or crawdad, are crustacean
C, control serum (pool of sera from nonatopic individuals); lane M,
members of the Astacoidea and Parastacoidea superfamilies.
Distributed throughout the world, there are more than 500
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
(SDS-PAGE) as described by Laemmli [1], showing protein
ferritin, from the snail Lymnea stagnalis L. Eur J Biochem.
bands ranging between 14 and 99 kDa for the PCFr and PCSr
extracts. SDS-PAGE IgE-immunoblotting assays revealed
6. Huang TS, Law JH, Söderhaäll K. Purifi cation and cDNA cloning
IgE-reactivity with a 21-kDa protein in both extracts, but
of ferritin from the hepatopancreas of the freshwater crayfi sh
with stronger labeling in PCSr (Figure). In order to identify
Pacifastacus Leniusculus. Eur J Biochem. 1996;236:450-6.
this IgE-binding protein, the 21-kDa band from the PCSr
extract was manually excised from the gel, digested with
❚ Manuscript received July 30, 2010; accepted for publication,
trypsin, and analyzed by MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization-time-of-fl ight mass spectrometry) and LC-ESI-IT [liquid chromatography electrospray ionization
David González de Olano
tandem mass spectrometry/LC-MS/MS]), as described by
Pastor et al [2]. Protein identifi cation was performed by
searching a nonredundant protein sequence database (NCBI)
using the Mascot program (
To identify the 21-kDa protein, we performed MS/MS and obtained the sequence of an internal peptide with the sequence AGTSGLGEFLFDKELK. Research conducted with protein databases identifi ed the sequence as ferritin.
Ferritin is a globular protein complex consisting of 24
protein subunits that is present in all cell types [3]. It is the
Successful Rapid Rituximab Desensitization
primary intracellular iron-storage protein in prokaryotes and
for Hypersensitivity Reactions to Monoclonal
eukaryotes and maintains iron in a soluble, nontoxic form.
Antibodies in a Patient With Rheumatoid
In vertebrates, these subunits can be light-type (L) or heavy-
Arthritis: A Remarkable Option
type (H) subunits, with a molecular weight of 19 kDa and 21 kDa, respectively [3]. An additional subunit resembling
O Abadoglu,1 K Epozturk,1 E Atayik,1 E Kaptanoglu21Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Medicine, Chest DiseasesLymnaea soma ferritin is associated with shell formation in the pearl oyster and its primary sequence is similar to that of
Dept., Immunology and Allergic Diseases Subdepartment,
the vertebrate H-type [4]. Because of the importance of iron in
mineralization, ferritin is employed in the shells of organisms
Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Medicine, Rheumatology
such as molluscs and crustaceans to control the concentration
and distribution of iron, and to sculpt shell morphology and
Key words: Desensitization. Rheumatoid arthritis. Rituximab.
coloration. The function and structure of ferritin vary by cell type and are controlled by an RNA-binding protein (iron-
Palabras clave: Desensibilización. Artritis reumatoide. Rituximab.
regulatory protein). Ferritin sequences have been obtained in molluscs [5], and a ferritin subunit in the hepatopancreas of the freshwater crayfi sh Pacifastacus leniusculus has also been described [6]. To the best of our knowledge, however, no cases
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an infl ammatory disease
of allergy to ferritin or crayfi sh have been reported.
characterized by disturbances in T-cell and B-cell functions [1].
In this report, we present a case of IgE-mediated allergy
Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody (mAb) against
to P clarkii, a crayfi sh belonging to the Cambaridae family,
CD20 that induces a profound depletion of B cells in the
and suggest that the allergen involved was a 21-kDa protein.
peripheral blood of patients with RA [2]. The infusion of this
mAb may cause transient hypotension or hypertension, cough,
pruritus, and rash [3]. In 5% to 10% of cases, the reactions are
clinically consistent with immediate hypersensitivity (IHS) reactions [4]. Desensitization to rituximab has been described
1. Laemmli UK. Cleavage of structural protein during assembly the head
in case reports and small series of patients with hematologic
of the bacteriophage T4. Nature. 1970; 227 (5259):680-5.
malignancies and certain connective tissue diseases [5,6].
2. Pastor C, Cuesta-Herranz J, Cases B, Pérez-Gordo M, Figueredo
We report the case of a 32-year-old woman followed by our
E, de las Heras M, Vivanco F. Identifi cation of major allergens in
rheumatology department for RA for 7 years. In 2007, she had
watermelon. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2009;149:289-90.
been given adalimumab (Humira, 40 mg/0.8 mL), an anti-tumor
3. Theil EC. Ferritin: stucture, gene regulation, and cellular function
necrosis factor (TNF) mAb, in another medical center. After the
in animals, plants, and microorganisms. Annu Rev Biochem.
second dose (15 days after the fi rst dose), she developed labial
angioedema and tongue swelling within 2 hours of injection.
4. Andrews SC, Arosio P, Bottke W, Briat JF, von Darl M, Harrison
The following month, the medication was replaced by twice-
PM, Laulhère JP, Levi S, Lobreux S, Yewdall SJ. Structure, function,
weekly etanercept (Enbrel Pen, 50 mg), an anti-TNF fusion
and evolution of ferritins. J Inorg Biochem. 1992;47:161-74.
protein. After the fourth injection, she developed tingling in
her lips, syncope, dizziness, and headache. Three months later,
5. von Darl M, Harrison PM, Bottke W. cDNA cloning and deduced
the drug was withdrawn following epistaxis and bleeding in
amino acid sequence of two ferritins: soma ferritin and yolk
the mouth. Skin prick and intradermal tests with adalimumab
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
Table. Intravenous Desensitization Protocol for Rituximab
were negative and the patient was therefore restarted on
(Ig) E- or non-IgE–dependent mechanisms. Premedication
adalimumab treatment. Nevertheless, after 6 months, she
with antihistamines, acetaminophen, and/or corticosteroids
presented erythema at the injection sites lasting more than
is a common practice to prevent infusion reactions with all
24 hours. The drug was discontinued and the patient was
hospitalized. Rituximab (Mabthera 500 mg/50 mL) therapy
We present the first report of successful intravenous
was planned and skin tests were performed with a drop (10 mg/mL)
desensitization to rituximab performed in rapid succession
for the prick test, and 0.03 mL of 1:100 and 1:10 dilutions
(double desensitization) in a patient with RA. Although an
for the intradermal test. All were negative. Rituximab was
IgE-mediated mechanism was not confi rmed by skin tests, the
administered and 90 minutes into the infusion (175 mg of the
patient was empirically desensitized because the nature of the
planned 1000-mg dose), the patient developed pruritic papular
reactions indicated IHS. Rapid desensitization can be used for
urticarial eruptions (which subsequently extended to the whole
both IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated IHS reactions [6].
body), dizziness, tachycardia, and blackout. The infusion
Rapid desensitization is a promising method for the
was stopped; the patient was treated with antihistamines and
delivery of rituximab after IHS reactions to mAbs and should
intravenous steroids, and observed for several hours. After 1
be considered in RA when there are no acceptable therapeutic
month, given the success of rituximab and the lack of response
to other drugs, the patient agreed to be re-treated with rituximab
Previous presentation: This case was presented as a
using a desensitization protocol. Written informed consent
poster at the Turkish National Society of Allergy and Clinical
was obtained and she was admitted to the immunology and
Immunology Congress, November 3-7, 2010.
allergic diseases ward. She received premedication with an intravenous injection of 20 mg methylprednisone (Prednol-L) and an intramuscular injection of 45.5 mg/2 mL pheniramine
(Avil) 30 minutes before the desensitization procedure. Three solutions in normal saline were prepared and delivered in
1. Martínez-Gamboa L, Brezinschek HP, Burmester GR, Dorner
12 consecutive steps as shown in the Table and described
T. Immunopathologic role of B lymphocytes in rheumatoid
in previous reports [6,7]. Hypertension occurred during the
arthritis: rationale of B cell-directed therapy. Autoimmun Rev.
infusion and the patient was treated with 10 mg amlodipine
(Vasocard). Two weeks later, a second rituximab infusion was
2. Edwards JC, Szczepanski L, Szechinski J, Filipowicz-Sosnowska
administered within the desensitization protocol. Treatment
A, Emery P, Close DR, Stevens RM, Shaw T. Effi cacy of B-cell
schedules and concomitant medication for the underlying
targeted therapy with rituximab in patients with rheumatoid
disease were not altered during desensitization. The patient also
arthritis. N Engl J Med. 2004;350:2572-81.
received antihistamine and corticosteroid premedication 30
3. Edwards JC, Szczepanski L, Szechinski J, Filipowicz-Sosnowska
minutes before the second desensitization. The procedure was
A, Emery P, Close DR, Stevens RM, Shaw T. Effi cacy of B-cell-
successful and the patient subsequently tolerated rituximab.
targeted therapy with rituximab in patients with rheumatoid
arthritis. N Engl J Med. 2004;350(25):2572-81.
The use of biological agents is increasing. RA remains the
4. Grillo-López AJ, White CA, Varns C, Shen D, Wei A, McClure A,
only nonmalignant condition for which rituximab has received
Dallaire BK. Overview of the clinical development of rituximab:
approval from the US Food and Drug Administration [8]. mAbs
fi rst monoclonal antibody approved for the treatment of
can cause infusion-related reactions but the exact etiology of
lymphoma. Semin Oncol. 1999 Oct;26(5 Suppl 14):66-73.
these remains unclear. They can arise via immunoglobulin
5. Brennan PJ, Rodríguez Bouza T, Hsu FI, Sloane DE, Castells MC.
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
Hypersensitivity reactions to mAbs: 105 desensitizations in 23
and hand angioedema 10 minutes after the ingestion of a
patients, from evaluation to treatment. J Allergy Clin Immunol.
tablet of Cinfamar Cafeína (dimenhydrinate 50 mg and caffeine
50 mg) to prevent car sickness. She recovered spontaneously
6. Castells MC, Tennant NM, Sloane DE, Hsu FI, Barrett NA, Hong
in 2 hours and said that she had tolerated this drug on 5
DI, Laidlaw TM, Legere HJ, Nallamshetty SN, Palis RI, Rao JJ,
previous occasions. Four months earlier, she had experienced
Berlin ST, Campos SM, Matulonis UA. Hypersensitivity reactions
a bronchospasm 2 hours after taking an ibuprofen tablet for
to chemotherapy: outcomes and safety of rapid desensitization
in 413 cases. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008;122(3):574-80.
Skin prick tests (SPTs) were performed, with negative
7. Brennan PJ, Rodriguez Bouza T, Hsu FI, Sloane DE, Castells MC.
results, with Cinfamar Cafeína 10 mg/mL (5×4 mm), Cinfamar
Hypersensitivity reactions to mAbs: 105 desensitizations in 23
10 mg/mL (4×4 mm), and theophylline 20 mg/mL. Intradermal
patients, from evaluation to treatment. J Allergy Clin Immunol.
tests performed with diphenhydramine at dilutions of 5, 0.5,
and 0.05 mg/mL were negative. The same tests were also
8. Sanz I. Indications of rituximab in autoimmune diseases. Drug
negative in 5 atopic and 5 nonatopic controls. The excipients
Discov Today Ther Strateg. 2009;6:13-9.
in Cinfamar Cafeína were also found in other drugs taken by
9. Chung CH. Managing premedications and the risk for reactions
to infusional monoclonal antibody therapy. Oncologist.
We performed a single-blind controlled oral challenge
test with diphenhydramine. A few minutes after the intake of 12.5 mg of the drug, the patient presented palm and
plantar pruritus, dyspnea, pharyngeal occupation, dizziness,
❚ Manuscript received August 2, 2010; accepted for publication,
hypotension (65/40 mm Hg), nausea, vomiting, intercostal and
abdominal breathing, urinary relaxation, and syncope. She was treated with epinephrine, Actocortina (hydrocortisone sodium
O Abadoglu
Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Medicine
phosphate), fl uid therapy, and oxygen in the intensive care unit
and recovered completely within a few hours.
SPTs with loratadine (5 mg/mL), cetirizine (10 mg/mL),
hydroxyzine (5 mg/mL), fexofenadine (12 mg/mL), mizolastine (1 mg/mL), ebastine (10 mg/mL), azelastine (5 mg/mL), and dexchlorpheniramine (5 mg/mL) were negative. Single-blind controlled oral challenges with
Anaphylactic Shock Caused by Antihistamines
theophylline, loratadine, and ibuprofen were tolerated. Serum total tryptase levels were normal.
P Mur Gimeno,1 T Alfaya Arias,1 M Iglesias Aranzazu,1
We found no in vitro specifi c immunoglobulin (Ig) E to
diphenhydramine using the dot-blot method. The Basotest (a
1Allergy Unit, Hospital Santa Bárbara, Puertollano, Spain
kit for the quantitative determination of basophil activation
2R&D Laboratory, ALK-Abelló, Madrid, Spain
in human heparinized blood) applied to diphenhydramine
3Immunology Service, IIS-Fundación Jimenez Díaz, Madrid,
We believe that the mechanism involved in the
anaphylactic shock experienced by our patient might have
Key words: Anaphylaxis. Basophil activation test. Diphenhydramine. Histamine antagonists. Dot-blot.
been an IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reaction caused by diphenhydramine. The clinical symptoms and results of the
Palabras clave: Anafilaxia. Test de activación de basófilos.
SPTs and oral challenge support this hypothesis. The dot-blot
Difenhidramina. Antihistamínicos. Inmunoblot.
and Basotest methods failed to demonstrate this mechanism
but this is a common problem in drug allergy because drugs can act as haptens or through reactive metabolites likely to haptenate. Barranco et al [1] reported an anaphylactic reaction
Antihistamines are widely used drugs which rarely produce
to diphenhydramine in a nonatopic patient with a positive
immediate hypersensitivity reactions, although contact or
intradermal test and challenge but a negative SPT and specifi c
photoallergic dermatitis and fi xed drug eruptions have been
IgE in vitro tests. Weidinger et al [2], in turn, reported an
reported frequently. Dimenhydrinate is an equimolecular
anaphylactic reaction to mizolastine in a patient with a positive
preparation of 2 drugs, the antihistamine diphenhydramine
and 8-chlorotheophylline, a xanthine derivative which reduces
Our patient tolerated loratadine, an antihistamine from the
the sedating properties of diphenhydramine. The preparation
piperidine group, and had a negative SPT to an antihistamine
is used to treat dizziness, nausea, anxiety, and cold symptoms.
from a different group to diphenhydramine (ethanolamine),
We report the case of a patient with anaphylactic
suggesting selective sensitization to diphenhydramine. This
shock caused by diphenhydramine and tolerance of other
is discordant with the hypothesis of a malfunction of the
histamine H1 receptor or nonimmunologic antihistamine
A 48-year-old housewife with nasal polyps and perennial
intolerance, as has been suggested by other authors in very
rhinitis and asthma exacerbated by olive pollen in the spring
reported an episode of generalized itchy erythematous lesions
We highlight the rapid onset of symptoms and the small
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
dose of antihistamine necessary to trigger the reaction after reexposure, suggesting previous sensitization [4].
Measurements of Fractional Exhaled Nitric
Diphenhydramine is clearly the offending drug, even though in
Oxide With 2 Portable Electrochemical Sensors:
vitro tests showed no evidence of the mechanism [5]. An oral
A Comparative Study
challenge starting with a lower dose could have diminished the severity of the reaction [6].
JM Olaguíbel,1 A Parra,2 MJ Álvarez,1 S Quirce,3 R López21
The potentially life-threatening adverse event experienced
Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
by this patient should make us aware of the possibility, albeit
Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña, A Coruña,
small, of allergic reactions to such widely used drugs as
Hospital La Paz, Madrid, Spain Comité de Asma de la Sociedad Española de Alergología e Inmunología clínica
Key words: Agreement. Asthma. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide.
Palabras clave: Acuerdo. Asma. Fracción exhalada de óxido nítrico.
We thank Jesus Novalbos, PhD (Generic Clinical Research
Manager, Spain) for his pharmaceutical advice and Francisca Prieto Valderrey, PhD (Intensive Care Service, Hospital Santa Bárbara, Puertollano), who provided invaluable clinical assistance.
Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) is a marker that
Previous presentation: This study was presented as a
enables us to measure eosinophilic airway infl ammation.
poster at the International Symposium on Drug Hypersensitivity
It has potential applications in respiratory allergic diseases
organized by the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical
for diagnosis, selection of therapy, dose adjustment, and
Immunology (SEIAC) in Logroño, Spain in October 2009.
assessment of adherence to inhaled corticosteroids [1]. The emergence of new portable devices for clinical practice has simplifi ed and lowered the costs of the measurements.
Although numerous publications analyze clinical uses of FENO, few studies provide data on whether measurements
1. Barranco P, López-Serrano MC, Moreno-Ancillo A. Anaphylactic
performed with different devices authorized for clinical use
reaction due to diphenhydramine. Allergy. 1998; 53: 814.
are comparable [2]. The aim of this study was to compare the
2. Weidinger S, Mempel M, Ollert M, Elser I, Rakoski J, Köhn FM,
degree of agreement between FENO measurements made with 2
Ring J. Anaphylaxis to mizolastine. J Allergy Clin Immunol.
devices frequently used in Europe–the Niox Mino (Aerocrine,
Lund, Sweden), which is the reference technique, and the
3. Rodríguez del Río P, González-Gutierrez ML, Sánchez-López J,
NO Vario Analyzer (Filt, Berlin, Germany)–both of which
Núñez-Acevedo B, Bartolomé Álvarez JM, Martínez-Cócera C.
are based on electrochemical sensors. Niox Mino performs
Urticaria caused by antihistamines: report of 5 cases. J Investig
well in comparison with the more accurate measurements
Allergol Clin Immunol. 2009; 19 (4): 317-20.
provided by electrochemiluminescence. Both devices follow
4. Gonzalo-Garijo MA, Jiménez-Ferrera G, Bobadilla-González P,
the recommendations of the American Thoracic Society/
Cordobés-Durán C. Hypersensitivity reaction to mizolastine:
European Respiratory Society [3]. The measurement range
study of cross reactions. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2006;
is 5-300 ppb for the Niox Mino and 2-5000 ppb for the NO
Vario, with an accuracy of 3 ppb or <10% for both instruments.
5. Demoly P, Messaad D, Benahmed S, Sahla H, Bousquet J.
According to the manufacturers, the accuracy of Niox Mino
Hypersensitivity to H1-antihistamines. Allergy. 2000; 55: 679-80.
is ±5 ppb for values <50 ppb, ±10 ppb for values 50-100 ppb,
6. Aberer W, Bircher A, Romano A, Blanca M, Campi P, Fernandez
and ±25 ppb for values >100 ppb, expressed as the difference
J, Brockow K, Pichler WJ, Demoly P for EDNA and the EAACI
±1 SD between a Niox Mino measurement value and the
interest group on drug hypersentitivity. Drug provocation
corresponding value measured with the NIOX instrument from
testing in the diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity reactions:
Aerocrine. According to independent investigators, accuracy is
general considerations. Allergy. 2003; 58: 854-63.
within the limits set by the manufacturer, although the readings are consistently higher [4,5].
Our study sample comprised 32 adults (15 healthy controls
❚ Manuscript received September 15, 2010; accepted for publication, December 10, 2010.
and 17 patients with respiratory allergy) with a mean age of 38 years (range, 17-63). The measurements were made according
Pilar Mur Gimeno
to the manufacturers, recommendations and in a random order,
with an interval of 2 minutes between readings. In addition
to the descriptive statistical analysis and correlation between
measurements, we analyzed agreement between the 2 devices
The mean (SD) FENO measurement was 21.8 (12.4) ppb for
Niox Mino and 22.11 (11.3) ppb for NO Vario; the correlation between the 2 devices was excellent (r=0.971, P<.000). The
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
more evident in subjects with higher concentrations. Allergy.
6. Bland JM, and Altman DG. Statistical methods for assessing
agreement between two methods of clinical measurement. Lancet. 1986;327:307-10.
❚ Manuscript received October 6, 2010; accepted for publication December 10, 2010.Jose Mª Olaguibel Hypersensitivity to Pollen Panallergens (Profi lin and Polcalcin) Detected In Vitro and In Vivo: a Comparative Analysis
Absolute Difference Between Both Measurements of FE
Ambulatorio di Allergologia, Clinica San Carlo, Paderno
Figure. Analysis of agreement between the 2 measurements.
Key words: Profi lin. Calcium-binding protein. Allergens. Pollen.
Palabras clave: Profi lina. Proteína de unión a calcio. Alérgenos. Polen.
measurements ranged from 6 ppb to 63 ppb. Agreement was excellent between both measurements, with an average difference of –0.30 ppb (range, –7.4 to 6.80), as shown in the
Profi lin and polcalcin are plant panallergens. Profi lin can
Figure. These differences followed a random distribution and
cause cross-reactivity between pollen and vegetable foods
[1,2]; polcalcins are cross-reacting pollen allergens [3,4].
We found the degree of agreement between the
Polcalcin and profi lin hypersensitivity affects between 10%
measurements made with both devices in control subjects to
and 30% of pollen-allergic patients [5]; sensitized individuals
be excellent. However, this agreement should be verifi ed in
react to several botanically unrelated sources. Recombinant
asthmatic subjects with higher levels of FE
profi lins and polcalcins are now available for routine in vitro
diagnosis of allergy, and profi lin- and polcalcin-enriched natural pollen extracts for skin prick tests (SPT) have recently
been produced. This study compared in vivo and in vitro tests for profi lin and polcalcin.
1. Dweik RA, Sorkness RL, Wenzel S, Hammel J, Curran-Everett
We studied 59 patients (age, 12-72 years) with seasonal
D, Comhair SAA, Bleecker E, Busse W, Calhoun WJ, Castro
respiratory symptoms and positive SPT results to more
M, Chung KF, Israel E, Jarjour N, Moore W, Peters S, Teague
than 4 extracts from among the following: grass, mugwort,
G, Gaston B, Erzurum SC, for the National Heart Lung, and
ragweed, pellitory, plantain, birch, olive (50 000 SBU/mL;
Blood Institute Severe Asthma Research P. Use of exhaled nitric
Allergopharma, Reinbeck, Germany), Platanus, and cypress
oxide measurement to identify a reactive, at-risk phenotype
(30 HEP; ALK-Abelló, Madrid, Spain). Fifty-seven and 48
among patients with asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.
were assessed for profi lin and polcalcin hypersensitivity,
respectively, both by SPT (ALK-Abelló, see below) and in
2. Taylor DR. Exhaled nitric oxide: still alive, not laid to rest. Am J
vitro (measuring immunoglobulin [Ig] E to grass profi lin or
Respir Crit Care Med. 2009;179:88-9.
3. ATS/ERS Recommendations for standardized procedures for the
To prepare profi lin-enriched SPT, Pho d 2 was purifi ed
online and offl ine measurement of exhaled lower respiratory
from date palm pollen using affi nity chromatography [5]; purity
nitric oxide and nasal nitric oxide, 2005. Am J Respir Crit Care
was checked using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (SDS PAGE), mass spectrometry, and amino
4. Fortuna AM, Feixas T, and Casan P. [Measurement of fraction of
acid analysis. The fi nal concentration of Pho d 2 was adjusted
exhaled nitric oxide with the portable NIOX-MINO monitor in
to 50 μg/mL. Polcalcin-enriched SPT was obtained from the
healthy adults]. Arch Bronconeumol. 2007;43:176-9.
same extract after Pho d 2 purifi cation. Protein identity was
5. Prieto L. Exhaled nitric oxide measurements using a hand-held
assessed using SDS-PAGE. The fi nal concentration of polcalcin
monitor and a chemiluminescence equipment: difference is
was 1 μg/mL by inhibition assay using the ADVIA-Centaur
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
platform (Siemens Healthcare Systems, Madrid, Spain). IgE was
extracts, suggesting that SPT+/ImmunoCAP– patients were
measured using FEIA ImmunoCAP (Phadia, Uppsala, Sweden);
sensitized to 1 of the 2 panallergens. We could speculate that
levels greater than 0.35 kUA/L were considered positive.
some patients reacted to isoforms other than those present in
Altogether, 50/57 (88%) patients were profi lin reactors.
the rPhl p 7 and rPhl p 12 used in ImmunoCAP. Furthermore,
The results of in vivo and in vitro tests were consistent
recombinant profilins from different sources may show signifi cant differences in sensitivity [7].
Table. In Vivo and In Vitro Findings in Patients Showing Discrepancies Between Skin Prick Test and CAP
The author is particularly grateful to Drs Domingo Barber
and Lucia Jimeno (ALK-Abelló R & D, Madrid, Spain) for the gift of profi lin- and polcalcin-enriched date palm pollen
extracts, as well as for their technical support. References
1. Valenta R, Duchene M, Ebner C, Valent P, Sillaber C, Deviller P,
Ferreira F, Tejkl M, Edelmann H, Kraft D, Scheiner O. Profi lins
constitute a novel family of functional plant pan-allergens. J
Abbreviations: Ig, immunoglobulin; SPT, skin prick test.
2. Asero R, Jimeno L, Barber D. Preliminary results of a SPT study
about prevalence and clinical relevance of hypersensitivity to
bSkin reactivity to purifi ed date palm profi lin and polcalcin is expressed
pollen pan-allergens (polcalcin and profi lin). J Invest Allergol
as a function of the SPT induced by a positive control (histamine 10 mg/mL):
Clin Immunol. (In press). 2010;20:35-8.
0, SPT negative; 2, mean diameter of the wheal al least half that of the
3. Wopfner N, Dissertori O, Ferreira F, Lackner P. Calcium-binding
control wheal; 3, equivalent to the diameter of the control wheal; 4, mean
proteins and their role in allerrgic diseases. Immunol Allergy
diameter of the wheal exceeding that of the control wheal.
4. Tinghino R, Twardosz A, Barletta B, Puggioni EM, Iacovacci
in 48/57 (84%) cases: negative in 7 patients and positive in
P, Butteroni C, Afferni C, Mari A, Hayek B, Di Felice G, Focke
41 patients. In 9 patients, the results were discordant (Table):
M, Westritschnig K, Valenta R, Pini C. Molecular, structural,
7 patients were SPT+/ImmunoCAP–, whereas 2 were
and immunologic relationships between different families of
SPT–/ImmunoCAP+. Polcalcin hypersensitivity was detected
recombinant calcium-binding pollen allergens. J Allergy Clin
in 15/48 (31%) patients. The results of in vivo and in vitro tests
were consistent in 45/48 patients (94%): negative in 33 cases,
5. Asturias J.A., Ibarrola I, Fernandez J, Arilla MC, Gonzalez-Rioja
positive in 12. In 3 patients, the tests produced discordant results
R, Martinez A. Pho d 2, a major allergen from date palm pollen,
(Table); all 3 were SPT+/ImmunoCAP–. SPT specifi city was
is a profi lin: cloning, sequencing, and immunoglobulin E cross-
checked by testing with 100 single-pollen reactors (44, grass, 33,
reactivity with other profi lins. Clin Exp Allergy. 2005;35:374-81.
ragweed, 16 birch, 4 pellitory, 3 cypress) and 30 patients with
6. Barber D, de la Torre F, Lombardero M, Antepara I, Colas C,
chronic urticaria but no respiratory allergy with both extracts; no
Dávila I, Tabar AI, Vidal C, Villalba M, Salcedo G, Rodríguez R.
positive SPT was recorded. The specifi city of in vitro tests was
Component-resolved diagnosis of pollen allergy based on skin
checked using sera from 30 single-pollen reactors (10 grass, 10
testing with profi lin, polcalcin, and lipid transfer protein pan-
ragweed, 6 birch, 2 cypress, and 2 pellitory); no positive results
allergens. Clin Exp Allergy. 2009;39:1764-73.
were recorded. Thus, the sensitivity of SPT and ImmunoCAP
7. Villalta D, Asero R. Sensitization to the pollen panallergen profi lin. Is
was, respectively, 96% (48/50) and 86% (43/50) for profi lin and
the detection of IgE to multiple homologous proteins from different
100% (15/15) and 80% (12/15) for polcalcin. These differences
sources clinically useful? J Invest Allergology Clin Immunol. (In press)
were not statistically signifi cant.
This study confi rms that SPT with natural extracts enriched
in pollen panallergens are useful diagnostic tools for the allergologist [6]. They are less expensive and time-consuming
❚ Manuscript received June 11, 2011; accepted for publication
than in vitro assays and produce results within minutes in the
offi ce. When negative, they detect cosensitization to different
Riccardo Asero, MD
pollen sources; when positive, they detect corecognition of cross-
reacting allergens and prompt in vitro investigations. Although
the number of polcalcin reactors (n=15) was too low to draw
defi nitive conclusions, it seems that the sensitivity of these
SPT may slightly be even superior (though not signifi cantly) to
ImmunoCAP; in fact, although reactivity to specifi c date pollen allergens cannot be ruled out, no control patients reacted to the
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
Immediate Type 1 Hypersensitivity to Apomorphine: A Case Report
D Gutiérrez,1 A Foncubierta,2 R Espinosa,3 S Astorga,1 A Leon,1 S Fernández41UGC Neumología-Alergia, Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cádiz, Spain2UGC Dr. Joaquin Pece, Distrito Sanitario Bahía de Cádiz-La Janda, Spain3UGC Neurología, Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cádiz, Spain4UGC Alergología, Hospital Universitario Carlos Haya, Málaga, Spain
Key words: Apomorphine. Hypersensitivity. Parkinson disease.
Palabras clave: Apomorfi na. Hipersensibilidad. Enfermedad de Parkinson.
Figure. Raised wheals on underarms, groin, chest, sacrum, and buttocks.
Injectable apomorphine is commonly used as rescue
blind placebo-controlled provocation test with subcutaneous
therapy for intractable off periods in Parkinson disease [1].
apomorphine 10 mg/mL produced a positive response after
It is administered as an intermittent subcutaneous rescue
approximately 20 minutes, with scattered papules measuring
injection to reverse drug-refractory off periods and as a
4 to 5 cm in diameter and erythematous lesions on the lower
continuous diurnal subcutaneous apomorphine infusion [2],
back, buttocks, chest, underarm, and penis, which disappeared
which typically provides a clinical benefi t within 10 minutes [1]
30 minutes later. As the commercial preparation of apomorphine
A 56-year-old man experienced episodes of raised itchy
contains 0.093% sodium bisulphite, a known trigger for contact
wheals on the underarms, groin, chest, lower back, and
dermatitis, our patient underwent a double-blind placebo-
buttocks approximately 20-25 minutes after subcutaneous
controlled trial with sodium metabisulphite in 50 mg, 100 mg,
administration of 4-6 mg apomorphine (Figure). The symptoms
and 150 mg doses; the results were negative. Our fi ndings for
disappeared 30 minutes later with no residual lesions when the
total immunoglobulin (Ig) E and specifi c IgE values (Hytec,
effects of the drug had worn off. The patient showed no clinical
Hycor Biomedical Ltd, Penicuik, UK) were not signifi cant.
signs of mastocytosis, either as a result of massive release of
Adverse skin reactions to apomorphine have been described
mast cell mediators following chronic release of mast cells or
in less than 1% of patients [3]. Sodium metabisulphite has been
as a result of tissue infi ltration. He had no history of idiopathic
identifi ed as a cause of contact dermatitis [4] and of allergic
or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)–related
reactions. In our study, SPTs with aeroallergens and the sodium
anaphylactic reactions or life-threatening vascular collapse,
metabisulphite provocation test produced negative responses.
and NSAIDs (eg, ibuprofen, aspirin) to treat a herniated disc
The positive response by our patient to the single-blind placebo-
were well tolerated. Apart from the medication prescribed
controlled provocation test with apomorphine 10 mg/mL suggests
for Parkinson disease and occasional NSAIDs (metamizole),
an IgE-mediated mechanism that we are unable to contrast with
all of which he tolerated well, the patient was taking no
others due to the paucity of related studies in the literature. To
antihypertensive medication (angiotensin-converting enzyme
our knowledge, this is the fi rst report of a type I hypersensitivity
inhibitors, ß-blockers, or angiotensin receptor blockers). On
one occasion he was prescribed tramadol. Although ingestion of morphine and opioid derivatives can produce nonspecifi c release of mast cell mediators, no such release of histamine
occurred in our patient following ingestion of tramadol. Skin prick test (SPT) responses were negative with aeroallergens
Factor SA. Literature review: intermittent subcutaneous
and foods. SPT with apomorphine 10 mg/mL and intradermal
apomorphine therapy in Parkinson’s disease. Neurology.
tests with diluted apomorphine at concentrations of 1:1000 and
1:100 were also negative. An intradermal test at a dilution of
2. Poewe W, Wenning GK. Apomorphine: an underutilized therapy for
1:10 resulted in a 6-mm papule in our patient and a negative
Parkinson’s Disease. Movement Disorders. 2000;15(5):789-94.
response in 14 control subjects. Patch testing on our patient
3. Deleu D, Hanssens Y, Northway MG. Subcutaneous apomorphine:
with apomorphine 10 mg/mL diluted in water to 0%, 0.05%,
an evidence-based review of its use in Parkinson’s disease.
and 1% was negative at 48 hours and 96 hours. A single-
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
4. Acland KM, Churchyard A, Fletcher C, Turner K, Lees A, Dowd
Table. Results of Skin Test and Specifi c Immunoglobulin E Determinations
PM. Panniculitis in association with apomorphine infusion. Br J
❚ Manuscript received October 17, 2010; accepted for publication Diego Gutiérrez Fernández Identifi cation of Allergens in Chicken Meat
E González-Mancebo,1 C Pastor,2 D González-de-Olano,1
M Gandolfo-Cano,1 A Melendez,1 J Cuesta,3 A Zapatero,4
1Unidad Alergia, Hospital de Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain2Departmento de Inmunología, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain3Departmento de Alergia, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid,
Abbreviations: Ig, immunoglobulin; NP, not performed; SPT, skin prick test. 4Departamento de Medicina Interna, Hospital de Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain
sIgE determinations against the poultry meat extracts prepared (EAST technique) are shown in the Table. The patient declined
Key words: Allergy. Chicken meat. MLC. Myosin. Parvalbumin.
an oral challenge test with duck, quail, and ostrich.
Palabras clave: Alergia. Carne de pollo. CLM. Miosina.
Potential allergenic components of all these extracts were
detected by IgE-immunodetection after separation using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) [5]. SDS-PAGE IgE immunoblotting assays were carried out and revealed reactivity to bands of 16 and 27 kDa in
Chicken meat is widely consumed. Most cases of chicken
boiled chicken extract, 16 and 28 kDa in boiled duck extract,
meat allergy are associated with hypersensitivity to egg and/
and 16 kDa in boiled turkey extract (data not shown). Complete
or feather, thus prompting the so-called bird–egg syndrome,
inhibition of the IgE-binding bands in boiled extracts of duck
with α-livetin (Gal d 5) as the most frequent cross-reacting
and turkey was observed when these were preincubated with
protein [1]. Few cases of chicken meat allergy without egg
boiled chicken extract (data not shown). To identify these IgE-
hypersensitivity have been published, and its profile of
binding proteins, the 16- and 27-kDa bands from the boiled
allergen sensitization has seldom been investigated [2,3],
chicken extract were manually excised, digested with trypsin,
although α-parvalbumin was recently identifi ed as the allergen
and analyzed by mass spectrometry in tandem (MS/MS) [5].
implicated in a case of poultry meat allergy [4].
Proteins were identifi ed using a nonredundant protein sequence
A 20-year-old man experienced oropharyngeal and palmar
database (National Center for Biotechnology Information).
itching, facial hives, lip swelling, dysphagia, dyspnea, and
The analysis of the resulting peptides by mass spectrometry
heartburn 15 minutes after eating chicken. He tolerated turkey,
or MS/MS identifi ed the 16-kDa band as α-parvalbumin and
but did not eat any other poultry meat or meats such as veal,
the 27-kDa band as myosin light chain 1 (MLC).
pork, and rabbit. He tolerated eggs and had no contact with birds.
α-Parvalbumin is abundant in the muscle of fi sh and
Skin prick tests (SPT) to commercial meat extracts, egg
amphibians, rather less so in birds and mammals, and is
proteins, and a feather mix extract were performed. Prick-by-
not generally described as allergenic, except for a case of
prick tests were also carried out with raw and boiled poultry
allergy to frog meat [6] and a case of allergy to poultry meat
meats (Table). Protein extracts from raw and boiled chicken,
[4]. ß-Parvalbumin, which does not usually cross-react with
turkey, duck, quail, and ostrich meat were prepared following a
α-parvalbumin [7], has been described as a major allergen
standard protocol (homogenization in phosphate-buffer-saline,
and as the most important allergen in many fi sh species.
dialyzation, and lyophilization) and administered as SPTs
Parvalbumins are believed to be potent food allergens due to
(Table). The results of serum specifi c immunoglobulin (Ig) E
their thermal stability and resistance to digestion [7]. Myosins
against the commercial meat extracts (Phadia CAPsystem) and
are a large superfamily of motor proteins that move along
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
actin fi laments while hydrolyzing adenosine triphosphate. Two light chains of muscle myosin, each measuring 20 kDa,
Effect of Alcohol Consumption and Cessation on
wrap around the neck region of the 2 myosin heavy chains [8].
Serum Total Immunoglobulin E Concentrations
Although shrimp MLC (Lit v 3) has been identifi ed as a new major shrimp allergen [8], MLC has never been described as
V Coutinho,1 C Vidal,2 L Vizcaino,3 A Gonzalez-Quintela41Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, Politécnico e Universitário,
We present a patient with IgE-mediated allergy to chicken
meat and no sensitization to egg proteins. α-Parvalbumin and
Department of Allergy, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario,
myosin were identifi ed as the relevant allergens. IgE binding
to these proteins has also been identifi ed in turkey and duck
Department of Biochemistry, Complejo Hospitalario
meat. This is the fi rst report of MLC as a potential allergen in
Universitario, Santiago de Compostela, Spain4Department of Internal Medicine, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario, Santiago de Compostela, SpainReferences
1. Quirce S, Maranon F, Umpierrez A, de las Heras M, Fernandez-
Caldas E, Sastre J. Chicken serum albumin (Gal d 5*) is a partially heat-labile inhalant and food allergen implicated in the bird-egg syndrome. Allergy. 2001;56:754-62.
2. Liccardi G, Szepfalusi Z, Noschese P, Nentwich I, D’Amato M,
Alcohol consumption infl uences many aspects of immunity
D’Amato G. Allergy to chicken meat without sensitization to egg
[1], including a shift towards type 2 helper T cell (TH2)
proteins - a case report. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1997;100:577-9.
responses [1,2]. Observational evidence in humans indicates
3. Cahen YD, Frisch R, Wüthrich B. Food allergy with monovalent
that alcohol consumption, particularly heavy consumption,
sensitivity to poultry meat. Clin Exp Allergy. 1998;28:1026-30.
is associated with increased serum total immunoglobulin
4. Kuehn A, Lehners C, Hilger C, Hentges F. Food allergy to chicken
(Ig) E concentrations [3,4]. However, confounding factors
meat with IgE reactivity to muscle α-parvalbumin. Allergy.
hamper the inference of causation in observational studies.
Alcohol consumption is associated with a number of factors
5. Pastor C, Cuesta-Herranz J, Cases B, Pérez-Gordo M, Figueredo
(age, gender, smoking, nutrition, infection, and liver disease)
E, de las Heras M, Vivanco F. Identifi cation of major allergens in
that affect IgE concentrations. Although the effect of alcohol
watermelon. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2009;149:289-90.
seems independent of these factors [4], additional uncontrolled
6. Hilger C, Grigioni F, Thill L, Mertens L, Hentges F. Severe IgE-
confounders may exist. Temporal ambiguity is a drawback of
mediated anaphylaxis following consumption of fried frog
cross-sectional studies showing an association between alcohol
legs: defi nition of alpha-parvalbumin as the allergen in cause.
consumption and serum IgE [4]. Additional evidence for
causality includes the reversibility of the effect if the potential
7. Jenkins JA, Breiteneder H, Clare Mills EN. Evolutionary distance
cause is removed. The present study investigated the effect of
from human homologs refl ects allergenicity of animal food
alcohol consumption and the short-term effect of cessation of
proteins. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007;120:1399-405.
consumption on serum total IgE concentrations.
8. Ayuso R, Grishina G, Bardina L, Carrillo T, Blanco C, Ibáñez MD,
The cohort comprised 270 individuals (age, 27-83 years;
Sampson HA, Beyer K. Myosin light chain is a novel shrimp
64% men) attending a thermal spa in northern Portugal that is
allergen, Lit v 3. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008;122:795-802.
offi cially recognized as complementary therapy for hepatobiliary
and metabolic diseases [5]. During a standard 14-day stay, individuals follow a supervised diet, drink local mineral waters, and voluntarily abstain from alcohol consumption. Blood samples were provided by all participants on admission and by 211 individuals at the end of the stay. Alcohol consumption was recorded as the number of standard drinking units consumed weekly (glasses of wine, beers, and spirits, each containing about
❚ Manuscript received September 1, 2010; accepted for publication
10 g of alcohol). Occasional alcohol consumers (<1 unit/week)
and abstainers were grouped together; regular alcohol consumers
Eloína González-Mancebo
were classifi ed as light-to-moderate drinkers (1-28 units/week)
or heavy drinkers (>28 units/week) and were grouped separately.
Determinations included serum total IgE (Immulite, Siemens,
UK) and γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT, Olympus Analyzer,
Olympus, Germany), a marker of alcohol consumption. Written
consent was obtained from all participants.
Serum IgE concentrations were higher in heavy and light-
to-moderate drinkers than in occasional drinkers/abstainers (P=.01 and P<.001, respectively; Mann-Whitney test)
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
Figure. Upper panels, Baseline serum concentrations of serum total IgE and GGT in relation to alcohol consumption. Bars represent the interquartile range; horizontal lines represent the median. Lower panels, Mean change in serum concentration of IgE and GGT after 14 days’ cessation of alcohol consumption in the corresponding groups. P values were obtained after comparison of the 3 groups using the Jonckheere-Terpstra test for trend. GGT indicates γ-glutamyltransferase; Ig, immunoglobulin.
(Figure). Multivariate analysis (linear regression) revealed alcohol
the association between alcohol consumption and high IgE
consumption (in units/week) to be positively associated with IgE
levels has biological plausibility. Alcohol consumption induces
concentrations after adjusting for age, gender, and smoking (P=.001,
changes in cytokine balance with increased production of
data not shown). Serum IgE concentrations tended to decrease after
TH2 cytokines, which correlates with elevated IgE levels in
14 days in parallel with baseline alcohol consumption (Figure). The
alcoholics [4] and in animal models [2]. Some of these effects
decrease in serum IgE after cessation of alcohol consumption was
could be mediated by intestinal absorption of endotoxin [7].
statistically signifi cant in light-to-moderate drinkers and in heavy
For unknown reasons, drinkers are specifi cally at risk of
drinkers (P<.001 in both cases, Wilcoxon test). Variations in serum
sensitization to cross-reactive carbohydrates [8,9].
IgE paralleled those of serum GGT (Figure).
In summary, regular alcohol consumption (even light-to-
These results support the notion that alcohol consumption
moderate drinking) is associated with increased serum total
increases serum total IgE levels. According to the classic
IgE concentrations, which tend to normalize shortly after
criteria for causality, there is experimental evidence in animals
abstinence. Alcohol consumption should be considered when
[2], consistency among studies, strength of association, a dose-
response effect, independence of confounders [4], and a trend toward reversal shortly after elimination of the cause, as shown here. The short half-life of serum IgE [6] allows changes to be
observed over a short period. A similar trend has been reported in small samples of alcoholics admitted to the hospital [3,4],
The study was supported by a grant from the Instituto de
but not in drinkers from the general population. Furthermore,
Salud Carlos III (Spanish Ministry of Health, PI10/01870). J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
alcohol consumption on serum IgE levels. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2006;30:7-14.
1. Szabo G. Consequences of alcohol consumption on host
8. González-Quintela A, Garrido M, Gude F, Campos J, Linneberg
defence. Alcohol Alcohol. 1999;34:830-41.
A, Lojo S, Vidal C. Sensitization to cross-reactive carbohydrate
2. Heinz R, Waltenbaugh C. Ethanol consumption modifi es
determinants in relation to alcohol consumption. Clin Exp
dendritic cell antigen presentation in mice. Alcohol Clin Exp
9. González-Quintela A, Garrido M, Gude F, Campos J, Lojo S,
3. Hallgren R, Lundin L. Increased total serum IgE in alcoholics.
Linneberg A, Vidal C. Discordant positive results of multiallergen
immunoglobulin E tests in relation to crossreactive carbohydrate
4. Gonzalez-Quintela A, Vidal C, Gude F. Alcohol, IgE and allergy.
determinants and alcohol consumption. J Investig Allergol Clin
5. Coutinho V, Vidal C, Garrido M, Gude F, Lojo S, Linneberg
A, González-Quintela A. Interference of cross-reactive carbohydrates in the determination of specifi c IgE in alcohol drinkers and strategies to minimize it: the example of latex. Ann
❚ Manuscript received January 15, 2011; accepted for publication
Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2008;101:394-401.
6. Hamilton RG. Clinical laboratory assessment of immediate-type
Dr A González-Quintela
hypersensitivity. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010;125:S284-96.
7. Campos J, Gude F, Quinteiro C, Vidal C, González-Quintela A.
Gene by environment interaction: the -159C/T polymorphism
in the promoter region of the CD14 gene modifi es the effect of
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2011; Vol. 21(4): 317-329
People before Patents. The Success Story of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry The colonial patent law of 1911 secured the Indian market to British industry. A large majority of drugs were imported from abroad until the Patents Act 1970 brought a turnaround. Early in the 21st century India has a highly efficient pharmaceutical industry, blossoming thanks to the weak
(Rev. Esp. Anestesiol. Reanim. 2005; 52: 109-114) CASO CLÍNICO Tratamiento con radiofrecuencia pulsada en dos casos de neuralgiaglosofaríngea idiopática y secundaria. Resultados preliminaresD. Abejón*, S. García del Valle**, C. Nieto*, C. Delgado***, J. I. Gómez-Arnau****Área de Anestesia, Reanimación y Cuidados Críticos. Unidad de Dolor. Fundación Hospital Alcorcón. Alcorcón. Madr