70 | The Journal of One-Day Surgery | VOL 17 | No 3 Minimally-invasive Surgical Repair of Ruptured Achilles Tendon as a Day Case Procedure with Early Full Weight Bearing MAYUKH BHATTACHARYYA & BRUNO GERBER The authors have received no funding from, nor have any other financial connection with, the manufacturerof the Achillon™ instrument guide.Keywords: New day surgery procedures; Orthopaedics; Emergencies Abstract We performed a non-randomised, prospective, sequential study in order to assess the potential of minimallyinvasive repair after rupture of the tendo Achillis as a short-stay surgical procedure with early weight-bearingThe first group of 25 patients were hospitalised until the next available trauma list and then underwent aconventional open repair. The second group of 20 patients were treated with a temporary splint and admittedfrom home at the first available opportunity to be treated as a day case with a minimally-invasive techniqueusing the Achillon™ instrument guide. Patients in the open repair group were not mobilised fully weight-bearing until eight weeks after surgical repair whereas the minimally-invasive group were allowed earlyMedian postoperative hospitalisation was 3.3 days in the open group, whereas the minimally-invasive groupwere all discharged on the day of surgery. Patients undergoing open repair required postoperative analgesiafor an average of seven days compared to two days in the minimally-invasive group. These patients alsorequired opioid-based analgesia, whereas only paracetamol or ibuprofen were required in the minimally-Two cases of wound dehiscence requiring repeated debridement surgery and five cases of delayed woundhealing occurred in the open repair group, none of whom had any predisposing factors. In contrast, the onlycase of delayed wound healing in the minimally-invasive group occurred in a patients with known HIVinfection. Both groups showed an improved functional outcome after surgery but the minimally-invasivegroup demonstrated a functional benefit from early weight bearing mobilisation and same day discharge.This study suggests that minimally-invasive surgical repair with the Achillon™ instrument as a day caseprocedure and early weight-bearing mobilisation in an orthosis for accelerated rehabilitation might beadopted for all patients with rupture of the tendo Achillis.
Immediate postoperative morbidity and analgesic
requirements following surgical intervention have been
Surgical treatment of acute rupture of the tendo Achillis is
underreported. The potential of any method to offer
favoured in the literature for younger patients1, 2. This
treatment as day surgery has also not been extensively
condition typically affects young active adults and is
advocated. The Achillon™ (Integra Lifesciences, Plainsboro,
associated with prolonged periods off work and sporting
New Jersey) is an adjustable polycarbonate instrument
activity2. Surgical repair with percutaneous3 or limited
guide (Figure 1) which allows minimally-invasive repair of
open technique1 had been reported with good to excellent
the Achilles tendon with direct visualisation and control of
outcome compared to open operative treatment. The two
the tendon stumps. We believe that repair with the
main problems with operative intervention by open repair
Achillon™ instrument on a semi-elective basis with early
described in the literature are poor wound healing and
delayed weight bearing following surgery2. This also has
significant health implications for the patients and
Authors’ Addresses
represents a financial burden to the healthcare provider in
MAYUKH BHATTACHARYYA Staff Orthopedic Surgeon
BRUNO GERBER Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon,
terms of associated nursing and physiotherapy costs1.
The Journal of One-Day Surgery | 71 Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for surgical Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Figure 1 The Achillon™ instrument guide and needle driver. The metal
screw allows the polycarbonate guide to be adjusted so that the tendon lies
comfortably between the two central branches.
weight bearing would reduce bed usage and facilitate faster
patients received one dose of cefuroxime 15 minutes before
rehabilitation for patients after a rupture of the tendo
Achillis. Thus, in the present medico-political climate, it
may provide less financial burden to the national health
Conventional open surgical management
The first group of 25 patients were admitted direct from
A&E and underwent surgery on the next available trauma
We therefore prospectively studied two groups of patients
list. These patients had a simple, open end-to-end repair of
admitted to our institution and treated operatively for
the tendon as an inpatient under instruction of the
acute Achilles tendon rupture in order to compare bed
admitting consultant. The Achilles tendon was repaired
usage, wound complications and immobilisation regimen.
with delayed absorbable sutures through a medial
In the first part of the study, patients who had been treated
longitudinal incision approximately 10 cm long (Figure 2)
by open surgery with delayed immobilisation for eight
which was subsequently closed with nylon. The limb was
weeks were assessed. In the second part, those treated by
then placed in a temporary gravity equinus plaster
the Achillon™ technique with immediate weight bearing
overnight. All the patients received a nerve block with or
without oral morphine as postoperative analgesia while an
inpatient and subsequently received co-dydramol and
The aim was to address the potential of any surgical
ibuprofen after discharge. Patients were discharged when
method which reduces hospitalisation and postoperative
they were confident using crutches and the physiotherapist
wound care costs with reduced requirements for
postoperative analgesia, together with improved
rehabilitation and return to normal activity for young
patients (age below 45) with a rupture of the Achilles
Preoperative assessment:
The patients were acquired from the accident and
emergency (A&E) department of the University Hospital
Lewisham between January 2003 and November 2005 with
Achilles tendon rupture satisfying our inclusion criteria
(Table 1). The diagnosis was made clinically by a palpable
gap in the Achilles tendon with positive Thompson test.
None had any radiological investigation. All the patients
were initially treated with analgesia and the application of
Figure 2 Open repair of the Achilles tendon with delayed absorbable sutures
performed through a medial longitudinal incision.
a below-knee anterior cast adjusted in equinus position.
Patients subsequently underwent surgery, with all the
The equinus position of the hind-foot was not changed for
procedures performed, assisted or supervised by the main
the first two weeks and patients were mobilised non-
authors. All patients were operated on under general
weight bearing. The position of the plaster cast or the
anaesthesia in the prone position with a tourniquet. All
number of heel raises in the orthosis was then reduced at
72 | The Journal of One-Day Surger
two-weekly intervals before being removed at eight weeks
when full weight bearing was allowed. Rehabilitation
exercises were performed sequentially under the
supervision of a physiotherapist over the three months
Minimally-invasive Achillon™ management.
The subsequent 20 patients had their repair as a limited
open technique followed by immediate weight bearing.
After placing the temporary below-knee equinus splint in
the A&E department, patients were sent home and asked
to return on the morning of the consultant’s next operating
day. All patients were operated on by a single consultant
Figure 4 The postoperative
(BG). A 3 cm incision was made medial to the palpable gap
in the Achilles tendon. The paratenon was identified after
minimal localised soft tissue dissection, the torn tendon
stump was identified and the Achillon™ instrument guide
(Figure 3) was introduced as described by Assal et al1. Three
sutures were placed in both tendon stumps which were
then tightened under direct visual control while placing
the ankle into the equinus position The tendon sheath and
skin were carefully closed; local anaesthesia was not used.
Patients in this group were placed back into the below-
The average age of the patients was 36.8 years (range
knee gravity equinus cast for the immediate postoperative
25–48). All had a closed rupture within 5–7 cm from
period until a suitable orthosis was available, after which
calcaneal tuberosity, a palpable gap in the tendon averaging
they were mobilised with full weight bearing and were
38 mm (range 31–48 mm) and a positive Thompson test.
encouraged to move the ankle within the orthosis. They
All patients had ruptured their tendon within the previous
were prescribed paracetamol and ibuprofen as take-home
seven days and all were non-professional athletes with a
analgesia and discharged later the same day.
keen sporting interest. At time of injury they were
participating in a pivot-sporting activity, such as
badminton, tennis and basketball. The mean time interval
between the injury and index operation was 3.6 days (range
Five patients in the open surgery group were lost to follow-
up, leaving 20 with complete data sets at one year for
analysis. One patient with HIV did not attend the final one
year assessment, but no other patients were lost to follow-
up in the minimally-invasive group. The mean age of each
group was similar, as were the ratios of right to left sided
tendon ruptures. There were more men than women in
The average operating time was 85.7 ±18 minutes (range
81–123) in the open group, compared to 38.5 ± 7.9 minutes
Figure 3 The Achillon™ instrument in position in the prone patient in the
(range 27–58) in the minimally-invasive group. Average
minimally-invasive group. The forceps hold the tendon stump prior to
tourniquet time in the minimally-invasive group was 32
minutes (range 19–52 min). All patients in the open
At the first follow-up, all wounds were assessed and
surgical group were hospitalised before and after surgery
sutures were removed. Patients were then clinically
with a median postoperative hospital stay of 3.3 (range 2–5)
reviewed every two weeks for eight weeks. The equinus
days. No patients in the minimally-invasive were kept in
position of the plaster or the number of heel raises in the
hospital before surgery and all were discharged home on
orthosis (Figure 4) was reduced at each visit until a
plantigrade position of the ankle was achieved. The
orthosis or plaster cast was removed at eight weeks. Each
The number of days for which postoperative analgesia was
patient in both groups was subsequently reviewed at three
required was greater in the open group compared to the
months, six months and one year. The primary outcome
minimally-invasive group (mean 7 days versus 2 days).
measure was the time taken to return to normal activities,
There was also a difference between the groups in the type
as reported by the patient. Data relating to the return to
of postoperative analgesia required, with opioid-based
normal sporting activity, walking, stair climbing and work
analgesia being used in the open repair group, whereas the
minimally-invasive group reported adequate analgesia
The Journal of One-Day Surgery | 73
with paracetamol or ibuprofen. After one week, all patients
in the minimally-invasive treatment group and six in the
open group no longer required prescribed analgesia before
performing daily activities. The time taken to return to
normal walking was a median of 11 weeks (range 8–20) in
the minimally-invasive treatment group and 17 weeks
(range 12–24) for the open group. There was also an earlier
return to normal stair climbing, with a median of 13 weeks
(range 9–21) in the minimally-invasive treatment group
and 19 weeks (range 13–27) for the open technique. The
majority of patients had returned to their pre-injury state
after three months in the minimally-invasive group and six
months after the injury in the open group. This level of
postoperative improvement was maintained until the final
Figure 5 Wound infection and dehiscence occurring after open surgery.
We observed the maximum functional deficit of the
gastrosoleus complex one to two weeks after either the
Two cases of wound dehiscence requiring further surgery
(Figure 5) and five cases of delayed wound healing of the
surgical site (Figure 6) were reported as wound
complications in the open group. In the minimally-
invasive group, the patient with HIV infection had delayed
wound healing, but did not attend the final assessment at
one year. All other patients in the minimally-invasive
group were satisfied with their wound healing and had only
a minimal scar at the incision site (Figure 7). There was
some difference in the range of ankle movement at six
months follow up, especially in patients undergoing open
repair associated with major wound complications, where
ankle stiffness persisted at the final, one year follow-up. Figure 6 Delayed wound healing of the surgical site complicating recovery in
This study provides further evidence that minimally-
invasive repair with early weight bearing rehabilitation has
advantages over a traditional open repair with delayed
mobilisation for patients who have undergone surgery for
ruptured Achilles tendon. Traditionally, patients have been
operated on as inpatients and followed-up in the
outpatients clinic with supervised physiotherapy in our
institution. We have shown that limited open repair with
the Achillon™ instrument may allow these cases to be
treated as a day case procedure and also allows faster
rehabilitation. The financial implication was reduced bed
usage, reduced consumption of postoperative analgesics
and other associated indirect costs to the healthcare
provider. The practical advantages of early weight-bearing
mobilisation for the patients were an earlier return to
Figure 7 Good wound healing with minimal scarring at the incision site,
normal walking and stair climbing compared to their group
typical of the minimally-invasive group.
counterparts who underwent open surgery.
the support of physiotherapists. This reduced use of
hospital resources in the minimally-invasive group should
In this study, we reduced the median postoperative hospital
reduce cost to the healthcare provider, although there is the
stay from 3.3 days with open repair to same day discharge
additional cost of the Achillon™ device itself. We chose to
with a minimally-invasive approach. In addition, a change
use single use devices in all of our patients, which cost
in management intent also eliminated a preoperative
£170.15 each,* although devices are also available for
hospital admission of up to four days waiting for an
multiple use. However, the total cost of this surgery is
available trauma list. However, other factors may have
* Judith Banfield, Supply Manager, University Hospital Lewisham, personal
influenced the patients’ discharge decision, in particular,
74 | The Journal of One-Day Surgery | VOL 17 | No 3
reduced by shorter operating time, reduced nursing time
compliant to follow a structured rehabilitation protocol.
and lower cost related to the analgesic drugs used. Costs
This is an additional benefit to the healthcare providers.
would be reduced even further if all patients were treated
as day cases rather than as inpatient trauma cases. We
The difference in complication rates after surgery is as
believe that an economic analysis will be necessary to fully
important as the primary outcome measure. Wound
complication and atrophy of the calf muscles after an
injury to the tendo Achillis are reported to alter outcome7,
Another problem with surgically repaired tendon rupture is
8. We observed two major wound complications and five
postoperative pain, which also delays rehabilitation. In our
cases of delayed wound healing in the open repair group.
study, patients undergoing an open repair required opioid
The first patient developed persistent wound infection,
analgesia (despite the use of a perioperative nerve block)
which was treated conservatively with oral antibiotics and
which inevitably resulted in slower rehabilitation. In
silver dressings for six months until healing occurred. A
contrast, the minimally-invasive group required only non-
second patient was treated by larval therapy and delayed
opioid analgesia and their overall analgesic requirements
mobilisation. He made a prolonged recovery. None of these
were also reduced (postoperative pain might have been
patients had any co-morbidity which could have influenced
improved even more by instillation of long-lasting local
the wound healing mechanics. In contrast, the only patient
anaesthesia into the wound – Ed).
in the small minimally-invasive cohort to experience any
wound healing problem had co-existing HIV. This patient
We also compared the benefits of delayed weight bearing
had delayed wound healing, the final outcome of which is
following the traditional open technique with early full
unknown as they failed to attend the final follow-up clinic.
loading in an orthosis after the minimally-invasive
technique. Early mobilisation of the ankle4, early
Open surgery with delayed rehabilitation following rupture
functional treatment5 and early full weight bearing after
of the Achilles tendon may produce disuse atrophy very
operative repair of Achilles tendon have all been advocated.
quickly, which is difficult to reverse8. We noted two
None of our patients in the minimally-invasive group
patients in the open repair group who reported 50% loss of
reported any adverse consequences from early
muscle bulk compared to the other side. Loss of muscle
mobilisation. We advised all patients, in both groups, that
bulk was assessed clinically, although calf circumference is
they should not drive in either a plaster cast or an orthosis.
reported to be an insensitive assessment tool6, 9.
Consequently, many patients in sedentary jobs were forced
Nevertheless, controlled early loading and movement,
to stay home simply because of transport difficulties,
which are possible with minimally-invasive repair, should
although some of the patients did return to work with an
help to preserve the calf muscle volume.
orthosis within a week of minimally-invasive tendon
repair. Patients perceived this early return to normal
In summary, our open surgery group provided further
activities of daily living as the most important outcome
evidence of wound complications, two of which were
measure. The ability to bear weight within the orthosis
major, and greater opioid use which may impair functional
certainly encouraged some patients to return to activity.
outcome following repair of ruptured tendo Achillis. The
We advocate early loading of a healing tendo Achillis after
second part of our study provided evidence of improved
minimally-invasive repair to prevent detrimental
outcome from same day discharge and early full weight
alterations in muscle characteristics. In addition, a
bearing mobilisation after minimally-invasive repair. In
favourable influence on the maturation of collagen fibres
addition, the practical advantages of early full weight
within the tendon has also been reported6.
bearing did not predispose these patients to a higher
complication rate. In particular, there was no evidence of
The clinical measurements at six months after the surgical
tendon lengthening or a higher re-rupture rate. We
repair suggested an improved active range of movement of
advocate the use of a minimally-invasive procedure, on a
the ankle. Minimal scar tissue may have also influenced
semi-elective basis without hospitalisation, with early
the range of motion. Although the range of movement is
weight bearing mobilisation for the rehabilitation of all
only a surrogate measurement of tendon lengthening, our
patients with acute ruptures of the Achilles tendon. Use of
results in the minimally invasive group did not indicate
the Achillon™ instrumentation allows repair of the tendon
that early weight bearing produced stretching within the
under direct vision, thereby preserving its vascularity. This
healing tendon. We believe the ends of the tendon are held
results in shorter operating time, better wound healing,
in contact by an operative repair and minimal soft tissue
reduced analgesic requirements, shortened hospital stay
damage produces less postoperative pain, allowing the
and reduced postoperative complications.
musculotendinous unit to be fully loaded.
We have chosen an orthosis in the immediate
postoperative period for its flexibility. However, some
patients had to be offered a full equinus plaster due to
We thank Dr. Obonna Ekoecha for initial data collection,
unavailability of the custom-made orthosis. We speculate
Mrs. Helen Bradley and Mrs. Louise Nurchin for
that an orthosis may help our patients return earlier to a
continuing wound care to the patients. We also thank our
normal gait cycle. The practical advantages of being able to
patients for giving consent to publish the clinical pictures.
mobilise after minimally-invasive surgery and same day
We acknowledge the support of Maggie Fernandez and
discharge puts greater emphasis on the patient to be more
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