Geochemical Baselines Survey of the Environment (G-BASE)
The British Geological Survey (BGS) will be recruiting earth and environmental science students for voluntary work, during the 2011 summer vacation, to assist with geochemical sampling in Glasgow and the Clyde Basin. Fieldwork will involve the systematic collection of geochemical samples for the G-BASE project. There will also be a limited number of vacation posts in other departments within BGS.
Applicants need to have a high degree of commitment to fieldwork, be able to traverse difficult terrain and work in all weather conditions. Sampling is undertaken by students working in pairs and will involve map work, walking long distances, and carrying equipment and samples. Students work a six-day week and will be expected to undertake evening work as necessary. It will not be possible for students to take time off during their period of employment, except in an emergency. The work will give successful applicants an opportunity to gain valuable experience in the more practical aspects of geology and geochemistry.
Accommodation (self-catering) will be paid for by BGS but students will be required to pay for food. A standard subsistence allowance of £30.00 per night (£210.00 per week) will be paid, based on each overnight stay. Posts will be available from June to July 2011 and preference will be given to those available for a minimum of 4 consecutive weeks. Application forms and further details are available from your departmental secretary or from the BGS web sit
The closing date for applications is Friday 8th April 2011. VOLUNTARY WORKER APPLICATION 2011
Title: _____ Surname: _______________ Forename(s): ________________ Age: _____
Have you held a driving licence for at least 1 year?
Give a brief summary of your field experience, (give locations, dates and duration), past employment, the name and address of 1 referee, outside interests and state why you are applying for vacation employment with BGS (continue overleaf if necessary). SIGNED:
HEALTH DECLARATION: Voluntary Workers Scheme
We want to be sure that we can reasonably expect you to be able to give an effective service, and we therefore ask you to provide us with some details about your health record. Each declaration we receive is considered individually and no decision to reject you on medical grounds will be made without further discussions with yourself. The Natural Environment Research Council is an equal opportunities employer and will recruit on the basis of ability, not perceived disability.
Do you have any disability which may affect your ability to undertake
the tasks set out in the duties of this post? (If yes, please give details)
If your answer to 1a. was yes, which facilities, adjustments or equipment (if any) would enable you to perform the duties of the post most effectively (use a separate sheet if necessary)?
Are you now or have you been in the past under any medical
treatment or observation, taken any form of medication to control or stabilise a condition (eg insulin for diabetes or ventolin for asthma), undergone any operation or hospital treatment, or had any serious accident? (If yes, please give details including dates)
Have you now or in the past had any disease or complaint, other
than normal childhood illnesses, colds and flus? (If yes, please give details including dates and treatment received)
Have you now or in the past had any drug or alcohol related problem?
(If yes, please give details, including dates and medication (if any) prescribed.)
Have you now or in the past had any back, muscle or joint problems
(eg slipped disc, rheumatism, arthritis etc) or any work-related upper limb disorder (eg from keyboard/VDU use)? (If yes, please give details, including dates and medication (if any) prescribed.)
Have you now or in the past had depression or any stress related
illness? (If yes, please give details, including dates and medication
Have you consulted a doctor at any time regarding an illness or
condition in the past five years? (If yes, please give details.)
8. What is the name and address of your GP? (medical emergency contact)
MEDICAL IN CONFIDENCE (WHEN COMPLETED) I declare that the information given on this form is to the best of my knowledge correct and understand that if at any time in the future the information is found to be false, any contract of employment I have with the Natural Environment Research Council may be terminated by the Natural Environment Research Council without notice. Name . Signed . Date . MEDICAL IN CONFIDENCE (WHEN COMPLETED)
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Klinik für Innere Medizin Chefarzt: Prof. Dr. E. Frantz Arzneimittel-Positivliste Version 8.1.Stand: 01.07.2009 Teil 1 von 2 1. Oral applizierte Arzneimittel (alle Stationen) Verfügbares Verfügbares Nr. Generic Handelspräparat Nr. Generic Handelspräparat 1 Acarbose Glucobay® 39 Levothyroxin Berlthyrox® 2 ACC ACC® 40 Loperamid Lopedium® 3