Chin Ho sp Pharm J ,2005 Aug ,Vol 25 ,No . 8 Allen R , Myers A R , Frederick H , et al . The relatio nship of ser2 um uric acid to risk facto rs in co ro nary heart disease [ J ] . Am J Puig J G , Mat eo s F , Bo un A , et al . Effect of Ep ro sartan and Lo sartan o n uric acid met aboli sm in patient s wit h essential hyper2 tensio n[J ] . Hypertens , 1999 , 17 (7) : 1033 Edwareds RW , Triznaw , stack EJ . Interoctio n of no npeptide an2 recepto r antagonist s wit h t he urat e t ranspo rer inrat renal brush bo rder membranes [ J ] . Pharmacol Exp Ther , 1996 , Preparation and i n vit ro studies on diclofenac sodium patch
YU Co ng2ho ng1 ,2 ,SON G Jin2chun1 ,2 ,WAN G Yu2guang2 ,ZEN G J un2fen2 (1. The Pepole s Hospital of Wuhan Universi2 t y , Hubei Wuhan 430060 ,China ;2 . The Pharmacy College of Wuhan U niversit y , Hubei Wuhan 430072 ,China) ABSTRACT :OBJECTIVE
To p repare t he diclofenac sodium patch and st udy it s characteristics of t ransdermal delivery. METHODS
Met hacrylic acid copolymer was employed to p repare declofenac so dium patch. Snake skin and mo dified Franz diff usio n cell s were used in t he drug penet ratio n test s. The release test was perfo rmed using t he met hod of t he Chinese p harmacopoeia. RESUL TS
release rate of diclofenac sodium patch was 21 . 98 g cm - 2 h - 1/ 2 ,t he penet ratio n rate in vit ro was 17 . 97 g cm - 2 h - 1/ 2 . CONCL U2
The release rate and t he penet ratio n i n vit ro of diclofenac sodium patch acco rded wit h t he Higuchi equatio n. Diclofenac sodi2 KEY WORDS :diclofenac so dium ; release rate ; i n vit ro permeatio n
Chin Ho sp Pharm J ,2005 Aug ,Vol 25 ,No . 8 10 - 5 A + 0 . 059 8 , r = 0 . 999 9 , Release test s of DCF2T TS( g cm - 2 , n = 6) Penet ratio n test s of DCF - T TS ( x : M = 3 . 98 t + 169 . 90 , r = 0 . 989 3 : M = 21 . 98 t1/ 2 + 140 . 67 , r = 17 . 97 t1/ 2 - 28 . 32 , r = 0 . 999 7 ( n = 7 ) Chin Ho sp Pharm J ,2005 Aug ,Vol 25 ,No . 8 The preparation and the qual ity assessment of cetirizine gel
C H EN Teng ,L I Shi2gen , SU Xi2tan ( Guangdong Provincial Corp s Hospital , Chinese People s Armed Police Forces , Guangdo ng Guangzho u 510507 ,China ) ABSTRACT :OBJECTIVE
To p repare cetirizine gel and establish a qualit y co nt rol met ho d fo r t he gel. METHODS
was used t he gel base ,t he co ntent of cetirizine was determined wit h UV2spectrop hotomet ry and t he stability test was performed. RE2
There was a good linearit y of calibratio n curve of cetirizine in range of 6216 mg L - 1 , r = 0. 996 7 ,t he average recovery was 98 . 23 %. RSD was 0 . 69 % ( n = 5) The gel was stable. CONCL USION
The design of t he gel fo rmulatio n is reaso nable. The gel can be p repared feasibly and is stable in qualit y ,co nvenient in use.
KEY WORDS :cetirizine ;gel ;p reparatio n ;qualit y assessment
:020261617201 , 61627076 , E2mail : yjk_0611 @163 . co m


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