Graft versus host disease (GvHD) is a complication of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT), in which the cells from the bone marrow or stem cell donor (graft) react to the cells in the patient (host).
This booklet has been written to give you simple, precise definitions of GvHD and to help you to understand the implications of GvHD and its possible treatments. The booklet is designed to compliment the information given by the nurses and doctors, who will be able to give you information specific to you/your child. You should never be afraid to ask questions.
This booklet has a glossary at the back to explain unfamiliar words.
Hickman® – a registered trademark of C.R. Bard, Inc. applied to central venous catheter. RCN Legal Disclaimer This publication contains information, advice and guidance to help members of the RCN. It is intended for use within the UK but readers are advised that practices may vary in each country and outside the UK.
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Published by the Royal College of Nursing, 20 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0RN
2008 Royal College of Nursing. All rights reserved. Other than as permitted by law no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. This publication may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by ways of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the Publishers.
What is graft versus host disease?
• the conditioning regimes used (pre BmT
GvHD can occur following a stem cell transplant whether
cells come from bone marrow/peripheral blood or
umbilical cord blood. The ‘graft’ is the donor cells and the ‘host’ is the bone marrow transplant (BmT) patient cells. Preventing GvHD
In GvHD, the donor’s T-cells fight the patient’s organs
During and following the transplant drugs are given for
and tissue, reducing their ability to work normally.
GvHD treatment. These drugs help towards controlling the donor’s T-cell activity and may prevent/reduce GvHD.
T-cells are white cells that can identify “self” (cells
This will be discussed with you and your family by your
that should be in our bodies) from “non-self” cells that
should not be in our bodies for example bacteria and viruses. Once the donated bone marrow begins to grow
The main medications used to prevent GvHD are called
in the patient’s body the donor’s T-cells become very
immunosuppressive drugs in particular a drug called
active and identify the patient’s body tissue as
ciclosporin. There are other treatments used for GvHD
these are discussed later on in the booklet.
T-cells use human leucocyte antigen (HLA) to recognise
Types of GvHD
“self” and “non self”. HLA is the inherited genetic material found on the surface of many human cells and
Acute GvHD
tissue. The greater the difference between the patient’s
This happens up to day 100 after the bone marrow
and the donor’s HLA, the quicker and more severe the
transplant. This is graded from mild to severe (or grades
1 to 4). Please ask your doctor to explain. Who gets GvHD? Chronic GvHD
It is difficult to predict before the transplant exactly
This occurs after day 100 and can be limited or extensive.
who will get GvHD and to what extent. When donors are matched to patients, whether related or unrelated, work
GvHD can occur in any body part but the most common
done in the tissue typing laboratory aims to provide the
best match possible. This work can attempt to predict the risk of GvHD. It is worth remembering that most
patients will get some GvHD and it is a normal part of
There are however some factors which may influence the
This booklet will describe each of these separately along
Acute GvHD of the skin
Skin GvHD usually starts with a rash. It may be more
• female to male sex mismatch of donor and patient, due
obvious at certain parts of the day. It often starts on the
to female donor T-cells recognising male chromosomes
palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The hands and
• age of donor, the older the donor the greater the risk
feet can become sensitive. The rash may spread, come
• if the female donor has had pregnancies
Diagnosing acute GvHD of the skin
• exposure to viral infection, particularly
Often GvHD of the skin can be diagnosed by looking at the rash. Sometimes your team will get dermatologists (skin doctors) involved for advice, especially to rule
out drug reactions. A skin biopsy may be needed to
Small to large amounts of diarrhoea may be passed
ensure an accurate diagnosis; this allows a small sample
several times a day. Often the diarrhoea has a ‘mucus’
of tissue to be collected so it can be examined in the
(jelly like) appearance and is green in colour. Sometimes
small amounts of blood are present in the diarrhoea. This is caused by the GvHD inflaming the bowel lining and
Treating GvHD of the skin
making it delicate. You/your child may experience tummy cramps, pain and sometimes nausea and vomiting with a
mild to moderate GvHD (grade 1-2) means the rash may
loss of appetite, because attempting to eat often makes
cover 50% of the skin surface. Sometimes no treatment
is necessary. The skin can become itchy, treatment usually involves emollient creams (special moisturising creams), medication to control the itch and/or steroid
Diagnosing acute GvHD of the gut
cream. It may be necessary to add in low doses of
Often the symptoms of acute GvHD of the gut and the
type of diarrhoea is enough to make a diagnosis. Your stem cell transplantation (SCT) team may also want
moderate to severe (grade 3-4) GvHD means the rash
you/your child to be assessed by a gastroenterologist
covers more than 50% of the skin surface. Treatment will
(specialist gut doctor).The gastroenterologist may want
involve a combination – intravenous steroid infusions,
to view the inside of the bowel with a small camera, (a
steroid creams and emollient creams.
procedure called an endoscopy) and take a biopsy of the bowel wall. An accurate diagnosis ensures the correct
Other treatments can include additional medication and
treatment for acute GvHD of the gut is given.
extracorporeal photochemotherapy or PUvA (see page 10). Treating acute GvHD of the gut
Your skin can feel uncomfortable at this time. You can
Grade 1-2 (mid to moderate) will require low dose
steroids (anti-inflammatory drugs) given by mouth or through a drip. Intravenous fluids may be required if the
• wearing loose cotton clothing and using cotton bed
diarrhoea causes dehydration. Painkillers for tummy
cramps and anti-sickness drugs will also be given.
• avoid highly perfumed washing powders and toiletries
Grade 2-4 (moderate to severe) will include all of
the above treatments plus steroids through a drip
• avoid very hot showers and use mild/non perfumed
in a higher dose (methylprednisolone) and/or other
immunosuppressive agents. As high dose treatment suppresses the immune system antibiotic/antiviral
• keeping the skin well moisturised with emollient
Sometimes with GvHD the bowel will not tolerate food so you/your child won’t be able to eat. In this case, feeding
• care to avoid trauma as the skin may be thin due to
• naso-gastric feeding (NG feeding), where a tube is
Acute GvHD of the gut
passed through the nose into the stomach, and liquid
Acute gut GvHD usually starts with diarrhoea, nausea
food enters the stomach directly via the tube
and some tummy pain. Remember however, that
• total parental nutrition (TPN) is when nutrition is given
these symptoms can also be caused by radiotherapy,
directly into the bloodstream via the central line,
chemotherapy, antibiotics or infection, so a specific
diagnosis can sometimes prove difficult.
Essential measures for caring for you/your child include:
Diagnosing acute GvHD of the liver The SCT team will monitor blood tests to see how well
• good personal hygiene, ensuring that you/your child’s
the liver is working. Results will change if liver GvHD
happens. If they show that acute GvHD of the liver is
• the use of barrier creams around the bottom to prevent
occurring it may be necessary to ask hepatologists
(specialist liver doctors) to assess any liver damage. A liver scan may be done and a liver biopsy may be taken
• regular inspection by the nurses to ensure the skin
round the bottom is not broken, damaged or infected
• ensuring any sore area is left exposed to fresh air as
Treating acute GvHD of the liver
• Low or high dose steroids (anti-inflammatory drugs)
• any carer should ensure they wear disposable gloves
depending on the grade of acute GvHD of the liver.
when dealing with diarrhoea and thoroughly wash their hands afterwards
• medication to help stop itching, which can be given
• anti sickness drugs to control nausea and vomiting.
• Blood product support, for example blood and
Acute GvHD of the liver
GvHD of the liver affects the small ducts that allow the
flow of bile out of the liver. These ducts become inflamed leading to mild, moderate or severe damage. If you/your
Chronic GvHD (cGvHD)
child is thought to have early signs of acute GvHD of the
cGvHD by definition occurs beyond day 100 from
liver, this may only show up as slightly abnormal liver
transplantation. It may be a continuation of acute
function blood tests. If acute liver GvHD progresses,
GvHD or more rarely occur separately. cGvHD can affect
almost every organ or system. The most frequently affected areas are the skin, mouth, liver and eyes. It can
• jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes and darkening
also affect the gut (gastrointestinal tract), lungs and
How is chronic GVHD diagnosed and treated? cGvHD can affect more systems than acute GvHD.
• altered bowel actions – stools (poos) may become pale
The most common are shown on page 5. Treatment
for cGvHD is often the use of steroids with continuing
• the clotting mechanism of the blood is made in the
cyclosporin or similar drugs such as tacrolimus, though
liver. This system can become disturbed in acute GvHD
other drugs may be used to help other symptoms. Your
of the liver, hence bruising and bleeding can occur
SCT team will explain to you how you/your child will be
How is chronic GvHD diagnosed and treated? Body system Signs and symptons Treatment effected Skin
cleansers and regular emollient cream use
• dry/flaky especially on knees, elbows and in
• hair and eyebrows may have streaks of white
• difficulty in breathing following exercise
• you/your child may be referred to an
ophthalmologist (your specialist eye doctor)
The effect of GvHD on bone marrow How is alemtuzamab given? function
It is given through a drip in hospital, with the first dose
Chronic GvHD and the immunosuppressive drug
treatment used to treat it, means that you/your child will be at risk of infections. Information on how infection
Side effects
can be prevented will be given to you by your SCT team.
Reactions are most commonly seen during the first dose,
During this time you/your child will not be able to form
less frequently with following doses. These may include:
a response to certain types of immunisation/vaccination and therefore NO ImmUNISATION / vACCINATION
Vaginal GvHD
vaginal GvHD is a rare complication that can present as
vaginal discomfort and itching or may not be apparent
• hypotension (low blood pressure) may also occur
until sexual activity commences. It can cause narrowing of the vaginal opening and dryness which may cause
pain and/or discomfort during intercourse. If you wish
A pre-medication can be given to reduce the severity
to have further discussions with you SCT Team as you
of these reactions; drugs often used for this include
are concerned about this or you wish to have more
paracetamol, hydrocortisone or other steroid and an
information to give to your child then please contact us.
anti-histamine (e.g. chlorphenamine). Graft versus leukaemia effect Antilymphocyte/Antithymocyte
Although GvHD is seen as a complication for some
Globulin (ALG/ATG)
children, when children have a stem cell transplant because they have leukaemia or lymphoma, GvHD
may actually be useful. As part of the process, donor
They selectively destroy T-lymphocytes. They are used
T-cells may also recognise host blood cells, including
before and during SCT to prevent graft rejection, or to
leukaemia, lymphoma cells, and seek to destroy them.
So if there are any leukaemic lymphoma cells left after the stem cell transplant, GvHD may destroy these cells
How is ATG/ALG given?
and reduce the chance of the disease coming back.
A pre-medication is always given prior to the infusion of ATG/ ALG. It is always given as an intravenous infusion
Drugs used in stem cell transplantation
and is infused over a minimum of six hours. Regular
(SCT) to prevent/treat GvHD
observations take place throughout the infusion in order
The following information on drug treatment is used as
a general guide. Your own SCT team will discuss in detail the appropriate medication given to you/your child.
Side effects on the administration of ATG/ALG
These drugs are listed in alphabetical order, not their
An immunosuppressant used to prevent and treat graft rejection and GvHD, given before the transplant.
very rarely patients can become shocked, causing a
low blood pressure, high pulse rate, and breathing
difficulties. While ATG/ALG is being used you/your child will be very carefully monitored for these signs. Budesonide Azathioprine Purpose Particularly used for gut GvHD. Purpose Azathioprine helps to prevent graft rejection by How is budesonide given?
suppressing the body’s immune or defence system.
Only available in oral capsules. Usually three doses per day are given. How is azathioprine given? Available in tablet or injection form. Side effects • Tiredness, muscle weakness Side effects Ciclosporin
An immunosuppressive drug used to prevent and treat
How is ciclosporin given?
Usually twice daily, but can be more or less frequent.
In hospital it will be given through a drip, but changed to
tablets or liquid given by mouth when you/your child can tolerate medicines and is free of diarrhoea. Basiliximab and Dacluzimab
Ciclosporin capsules should be swallowed whole. Purpose They are antibodies used to prevent T-lymphocytes
Ciclosporin liquid can be taken neat or mixed by stirring
from reproducing. They are normally used alongside
well with water, chocolate powder, or orange/apple juice
ciclosporin/mycophenolate mofetil and steroids.
for preferred taste. If diluted with something, this should be done just before the drug is given. How is it given? By a 30 minute infusion twice a week on consecutive Important
days. Both are given by intravenous infusion –
Do not use grapefruit juice to dilute ciclosporin or drink
grapefruit juice or eat grapefruit within one hour of taking ciclosporin as this interferes with the action of the
Side effects
drug. Watch out for mixed fruit juice drinks, for example
Five Alive, as they may contain grapefruit juice.
Do not rinse the measure with water or any other liquid.
Wipe it clean with a dry tissue between doses.
How long will I/my child have to take
Applying emollients can be hard work and tedious but is
worthwhile in preventing skin from drying out.
Blood levels will be checked regularly. This is to make sure that the correct dose of ciclosporin is given to
Dry cracked skin can be a route for infection. Your SCT
you/your child. You will need to delay giving the dose
team will give you advice on how to apply your emollient
of ciclosporin until after a blood sample has been taken
on days that you/your child has levels measured, as the doctors want to measure the ‘trough’ level. Your SCT
How are emollients used?
team will discuss with you exactly how long you/your
Emollients are applied externally to the skin. You may be
child needs to take it for; this will vary from one month to
given a bath oil and/or cream/ointment to apply to your
one year, or even longer if severe GvHD develops. Side effects and precautionary checks Side effects
• Kidney and liver function may be affected. Regular
It is uncommon to have side effects to emollient creams.
blood tests will be taken to check these and determine
However some people can become allergic to an
ingredient. There are many different emollients. If you
• Hypertension (raised blood pressure). Regular blood
are concerned speak to your SCT team.
pressure measurements will be taken and drugs to reduce the blood pressure prescribed if needed. Extracorporeal photopheresis
• Tremor or shaky hands. This can be due to high levels
Photopheresis is an “extracorporeal photoimmune”
of ciclosporin in the blood and if so will reduce as the
therapy. Whilst this may sound complicated, broken
ciclosporin is reduced and stopped. Some children can
develop excess shakiness, slurring of their speech, or unsteadiness on standing or walking even when the
Extracorporeal – means outside the body
drug level is not high. Please inform your doctor of any
of these side effects urgently, as the drug may need to
Pheresis – a procedure in which the blood is filtered
• Burning hands and feet. This usually only occurs at the
Therefore photopheresis is light activated treatment
taking place outside the body, where blood cells are
• Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
treated by ultraviolet light as they pass through a special machine. They are then returned to the body where they
• Low blood magnesium level. magnesium supplements
tend to calm down some of the immune reactions, which
can be given to maintain normal levels and your
cause GvHD to persist. This is only available in certain
dietician can offer advice about foods rich in
centres in the UK and patients may need to travel to
• Increased hair growth, often around the neck and back
and on the arms and legs. This will disappear as the drug is reduced. Infliximab Emollients (moisturisers)
Infliximab works by binding to and preventing the activity
of a specific protein in the body called tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF), a chemical that causes inflammation.
Emollients prevent the skin from becoming dry. You would normally be asked to apply the emollients two to three times a day. However, this can be more if your skin
How is infliximab given?
Infliximab is given by intravenous infusion. Side effects
• increased hair growth (hirsuitism) particularly on
• puffy cheeks (a “Cushingoid” appearance – named
after Cushing’s disease where your body naturally
• risk of ulcers developing in the gastrointestinal tract
Purpose Used to prevent GvHD by killing the T-cells that are
• higher blood glucose levels – in severe instances
Often methotrexate is given with ciclosporin to prevent GvHD. It is given on certain days following the BmT
• increased risk of infection – particularly Cmv
(often some, or all, of days one, three, five and 11 post-
Important: If any of these problems
Occasionally it may be used on a weekly basis after
occur you should seek medical advice.
transplant to treat acute GvHD, which is responding
Do not stop taking or giving the drug
poorly to steroids, or in an attempt to aid faster reduction of steroid dosage. suddenly. Mycophenolate mofetil How is methotrexate given? As an intravenous injection through your child’s central
This drug is used to treat and prevent graft rejection and GvHD. Side effects Although methotrexate is given in fairly small doses, How is mycophenolate mofetil given?
it can cause significant mucositis, gut and liver
Two to three times daily via a drip in your arm/Hickman®
disturbances and delayed engraftment. Methylprednisolone How long will I need to take this medication? Usually as long as you have symptoms of graft versus How is it given?
host disease. It may be different from patient to patient.
Often used when ciclosporin and steroids don’t appear
methylprednisolone is the intravenous equivalent of
to be working or when ciclosporin is not tolerated. may
prednisolone and can be given in much higher doses.
be used in conjunction with ciclosporin if you are having a cord stem cell transplant. Side effects of steroids These will be discussed with your BmT team, but some Side effects
Rituximab works by killing B-lymphocytes (B-cells),
All of these side effects will be monitored and explained
How is rituximab given? Muronomab-CD3 Purpose very often used in steroid resistance acute graft versus Side effects
The side effects of rituximab are generally mild and some of these can be reduced with medicines. Side effects can
How is muronomab-CD3 given?
begin during the first dose of the drug and may continue for a few hours afterwards, but are usually milder with
Side effects Sirolimus
PUvA is the name given to a skin treatment involving sensitising the skin with psoralens and then exposing it
to ultraviolet A rays. Psoralens can be taken by tablet or
Used for GvHD prevention and treatment.
applied to the skin in bath. The skin is then exposed to the Uv light. How is sirolimus given?
PUvA therapy is generally given two to three times per
It is given as an oral solution or tablets.
week as an outpatient – for a course of around 6-10 weeks. Side effects • Can drop the blood counts Side effects
• TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
Steroids (prednisolone)
• Abnormal kidney function. Regular blood tests will be
Steroids lower the production of white cells.
• Abnormal blood electrolytes. Regular blood tests will
How is it given? By mouth.
Prednisolone is available in tablets, dissolvable tablets
Thalidomide Purpose This drug is used to treat chronic GvHD. Tacrolimus How is thalidomide given?
may be used to treat GvHD that does not respond to
Side effects How is tacrolimus given?
main side effects are peripheral neuropathy and
Tacrolimus should be given orally if possible. Capsules
should be swallowed with fluid, preferably water.
Remove the capsule from its blister pack immediately before taking. Once opened the pack must be used within three months.
Tacrolimus may be given via a nasogastric tube if not tolerated by mouth and may be given through a central line if necessary.
Tacrolimus may be given by intravenous infusion over a 24 hour period.
Tacrolimus is given in two doses per day, 12 hours apart and should be taken on an empty stomach for maximum absorption, i.e. one hour before, or two to three hours after a meal. Side effects • Hypertension (raised blood pressure). Regular blood
pressure measurements will be taken and drugs will be given to reduce the blood pressure if required
GLOSSARY Biopsy – the removal of a tiny piece of skin, liver or lining Immunosuppressive – reducing the effectiveness of the
of the gut to examine it under a microscope. A biopsy
IV/Intravenous – a method of giving medication directly Chromosomes – a thread like structure in the nucleus of
into the vein, either by a drip, central line or an injection. Hypertension – high (or raised) blood pressure. Central line – a tube which goes into the child’s chest for Hypotension – low blood pressure. Lymphocyte – a white blood cell. Conditioning – treatment before the bone marrow transplant used to get rid of the patient’s bone marrow. Magnesium – an element needed for muscles and
This may involve the use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy
Mucus – a slippery, sticky substance. Dermatologist – a doctor who specialises in the skin. Nausea – a feeling of the need to be sick. Diarrhoea – frequent loose stools (poos). NG feeding/Nasogastric – where a soft, narrow tube is Emollients – moisturisers.
passed up the nose and into the stomach, through which liquid food and drugs can be given. Endoscopy – looking inside the body using a very small camera. Ophthalmologist – a doctor who specialises in the eyes. Enteric coated – a tablet covered in a sugar coating. Steroids – a group of drugs used to reduce swelling/ inflammation. Gastroenterologist – a doctor who specialises in the stomach and gut. TPN/Total Parental Nutrition – when the child’s nutrition is given directly into the bloodstream via the Genetic – relating to something that is linked to genes. Gastrointestinal (GI) tract – the mouth, throat, stomach Tremor – shaking.
and intestines are all from the GI tract. Hepatologist – a doctor who specialises in the liver.
The RCN represents nurses and nursing, promotes excellence in practice and shapes health policies. November 2008 second edition
Published by the Royal College of Nursing 0 Cavendish Square London WG 0RN
The RCN represents nurses and nursing, promotes excellence in practice and shapes health policies.
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