Jackson v. East Bay Hospital O’Scannlain, Judge.
County. At Redbud, a nurse took Jackson’s medical
history, vital signs, current medications and drug aller-
gies. Half an hour later, Dr. Wolfgang Schug, a Redbud
We must decide, among other questions, whether
emergency room doctor, examined Jackson and or-
a hospital violates the Emergency Medical Treatment
dered blood tests. Dr. Schug noted that Jackson was
and Active Labor Act (“EMTALA”) if it fails to diag-
reporting hallucination, dizziness, and unsteadiness,
nose the cause of a patient’s emergency condition, but
and that he was taking Anafranil and Ativan. Dr. Schug
treats the symptoms identified, and concludes that the
then diagnosed Jackson as suffering from acute psy-
chosis; neither he, nor any other Redbud physician or
employee, diagnosed Jackson as suffering from an
emergency medical (as opposed to a psychological or
This appeal arises out of Robert Jackson (“Jack-
son”)’s visits to the Redbud Community Hospital
Redbud did not offer psychiatric care to its pa-
(“Redbud”) emergency room on April 2, 4, and 5,
tients, and the unwritten policy of the Redbud emer-
1996, in Clearlake, California. Redbud entered into an
gency room was that when a patient presented to the
“Association Agreement Regarding the Affiliation of
emergency room with psychiatric complaints, the pa-
Redbud Health Care District with Adventist Health
tient would be examined to determine if there were any
Systems/West” (the “Association Agreement”) which
medical components to his problem. If a medical prob-
became effective on July 5, 1995. This agreement stated
lem was found, it would take precedence over the psy-
that the parties anticipated a future affiliation, and that
chiatric complaints. If no medical problem was found,
Adventist Health Systems/West (“Adventist”) would
the patient would be referred to a psychiatrist or to a
provide Redbud with administrative and financial ser-
mental health facility for an appropriate psychiatric
vices. On July 1, 1997, Adventist and Redbud entered
follow-up. Dr. Schug arranged for Lake County (which
into an “Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Assets”
provides psychiatric care) to see Jackson upon his re-
(the “Purchase Agreement”). Adventist currently oper-
lease, where he was evaluated by Dennis Skinner, a
On April 2, 1996, Jackson visited the Lake County
On April 4, 1996, Jackson returned to the Red-
Mental Health Department (“Lake County”) to see a
bud emergency room. A triage nurse took Jackson’s
psychiatrist. Jackson previously had been diagnosed
medical history, vital signs, and current medications.
with psychotic disorder, borderline intellectual func-
An hour later, Dr. Miguel Ollada, a Redbud emer-
tioning, and pedophilia. The Lake County staff in-
gency room doctor, took a separate medical history
structed Jackson to go to the Redbud emergency room
and evaluated Jackson, who complained of a sore
to receive a medical clearance before returning to Lake
throat, chest pain while breathing, and dry heaves. Dr.
Ollada also observed Jackson talking to himself. Dr.
a life-threatening condition, and that a transfer to East
Ollada performed a complete physical exam, and or-
Bay Hospital did not pose a risk to Jackson’s condition.
dered a battery of tests including an electrocardio-
At 9:15 a.m., Redbud transferred Jackson to East
gram, a urine screening, and a blood gas test. The
Bay, where he was seen by Dr. Spencer Steele, a psychia-
urine analysis indicated the presence of a tricyclic an-
trist who performed a psychiatric, but not a physical,
tidepressant, such as the Anafranil Jackson was
examination of Jackson. At the time of the transfer, Dr.
known to be taking. Dr. Ollada diagnosed Jackson as
Ollada believed that Jackson’s condition had been stabi-
having chest contusions, hypertension, and psychosis,
lized. Dr. Steele prescribed more Haldol for Jackson.
but not drug toxicity. Dr. Ollada gave Jackson medi-
Shortly before 2:00 p.m., the East Bay medical staff con-
cations, and ordered a mental health consultation, to
cluded that Jackson was so unable to control his own
be conducted at Lake County. Lake County refused to
movements that he posed a danger to himself and oth-
evaluate Jackson, however, because he had been re-
ers. At 2:00 p.m., Jackson went into cardiac arrest. East
cently seen by its staff, who found him to be non-
Bay staff began to perform CPR, and they ordered an
suicidal. Believing Jackson to be non-suicidal, and his
ambulance to transfer Jackson to Brookside Hospital
condition to have stabilized, Dr. Ollada released Jack-
(“Brookside”). Jackson arrived at Brookside’s emergency
son from Redbud, and he instructed Jackson to return
room at approximately 2:30 p.m. Jackson received emer-
gency care at Brookside, but he was pronounced dead at
At 3:45 a.m. on April 5, 1996, Jackson returned to
2:37 p.m. An autopsy determined that Jackson died from
the Redbud emergency room after his wife found him
sudden cardiac arrhythmia, caused by acute psychotic
wandering in the road in the middle of the night. A
delirium, which was in turn caused by clomipramine
nurse performed an initial medical evaluation, and Dr.
(Anafranil) toxicity. None of the doctors or nurses who
Ollada performed another examination at 3:50 a.m. Dr.
saw Jackson at Redbud diagnosed him as suffering from
Ollada observed that Jackson was very agitated, but he
also observed that Jackson had a regular heartbeat, and
Barbara Jackson and Sandra Jackson, Jackson’s
that he presented no other physical symptoms. Barbara
wife and daughter (“Jackson’s survivors” or “the survi-
Jackson told Dr. Ollada that she believed that her hus-
vors”) filed suit against the physicians who treated
band was suicidal, because she found him in the middle
Jackson, East Bay Hospital, Redbud, and Adventist in
of the road, waving his hands. Dr. Ollada determined
the Northern District of California. Their complaint
that Jackson was suffering from a psychological disor-
asserted claims under EMTALA [and California state
der which caused his agitation, but that he was not suf-
fering from any physical disorders. Dr. Ollada
EMTALA imposes a series of obligations on a hos-
prescribed and administered Haldol and Benadryl in an
pital emergency department. First, the hospital must
effort to sedate Jackson and to stabilize his condition.
provide an “appropriate medical screening examination
Dr. Ollada ordered that Lake County be contacted re-
within the capability of the hospital’s emergency depart-
ment.” . . . If the hospital detects an emergency medical
Later in the morning of April 5, Susan Smith, a
condition, the hospital must provide “either (A) within
Lake County crisis worker, evaluated Jackson. Smith
the staff and facilities available at the hospital, for such
found that Jackson’s condition met the criteria for in-
medical examination and such treatment as may be re-
voluntary psychiatric commitment, and she concluded
quired to stabilize the medical condition, or (B) for the
that he suffered from a psychological disorder, anxiety,
transfer of the individual to another medical facility. . . .”
and a dependent personality. Smith then asked Dr.
“If an individual at a hospital has an emergency medical
Ollada to clear Jackson for a transfer to East Bay Hos-
condition which has not been stabilized . . . the hospital
pital (“East Bay”), which functioned almost exclusively
may not transfer the individual unless . . . a physician has
as a psychiatric hospital. Dr. Ollada found that Jack-
signed a certification that based upon the information
son’s condition had stabilized (he was no longer agi-
available at the time of transfer, the medical benefits
tated, and was sleeping), that he was not suffering from
reasonably expected from the provision of appropriate
medical treatment at another medical facility outweigh
according to Redbud guidelines, and that Jackson was
the increased risks to the individual. . . .”
triaged by a nurse and examined by a doctor during
Jackson’s survivors argue that Redbud violated
each of his visits to the Redbud emergency room. Dur-
EMTALA’s screening requirements by providing medi-
ing these visits, the physicians performed several physi-
cally inadequate screening examinations and by failing to
cal examinations and ordered multiple laboratory tests.
order additional tests on April 5, when, they allege, it was
The district court also concluded that Jackson’s survi-
obvious that Jackson was suffering from a physical dis-
vors failed to create a genuine issue of material fact that
order, and not a psychological one. The survivors also
these examinations were so substandard or of such low
argue that the examinations performed by Redbud’s
quality as to violate EMTALA, and that the Jackson’s
doctors and nurses were so wanting as to be “inappro-
survivors’ expert witnesses established nothing more
priate” medical screening examinations. Acknowledging
than a failure to properly diagnose Jackson’s symptoms,
the weight of authority supporting the district court’s
an error which might result in state tort liability, but not
conclusion that an examination does not have to be
in EMTALA liability. The district court also rejected as
“medically adequate” to satisfy EMTALA’s require-
groundless the argument that Jackson was treated dif-
ments, they ask us to overrule those precedents. In addi-
ferently from other patients because he exhibited psy-
tion, they argue, without evidentiary support, that there
chiatric, and not just physical, symptoms. It also
is a material possibility that the doctors acted in bad faith
rejected the argument that the Redbud physicians de-
because their diagnoses were “inherently implausible.”
parted from their own procedures when they consulted
We reject all of these arguments, and hold that Redbud
satisfied its EMTALA screening obligations.
The district court properly concluded that Redbud
“The statutory language of the EMTALA clearly
complied with EMTALA’s screening requirements. . . .
declines to impose on hospitals a national standard of
Jackson’s survivors also argue that Redbud failed
care in screening patients.” . . . Seven of our sister cir-
to stabilize Jackson’s emergency medical condition
cuits have held that to comply with this requirement, a
prior to his transfer to East Bay . . . As we have previ-
hospital only must provide a screening examination
ously explained, a “hospital’s duty to stabilize the pa-
that is comparable to that offered to other patients with
tient does not arise until the hospital first detects an
emergency medical condition.” In Eberhardt, the plain-
In Eberhardt, we did not explicitly adopt this com-
tiff claimed that the hospital violated EMTALA’s stabi-
parative test as the standard . . . We now adopt this
lization requirements by failing to treat his son’s
comparative test. We hold that a hospital satisfies
suicidal tendency, and that this failure led to his son’s
EMTALA’s “appropriate medical screening” require-
death. We rejected this argument, and held that the
ment if it provides a patient with an examination com-
hospital had no obligation to stabilize the son’s suicidal
parable to the one offered to other patients presenting
tendency, because the hospital never detected it. This
similar symptoms, unless the examination is so cursory
“actual detection” rule comports with the law of five
that it is not “designed to identify acute and severe
symptoms that alert the physician of the need for im-
. . . Redbud stabilized the only emergency condi-
mediate medical attention to prevent serious bodily
tion its doctors detected: agitation which posed a risk
injury.” This standard is consistent with Congress’s
purpose in enacting EMTALA, which was to limit the
The parties agree that Dr. Ollada believed that he
ability of hospitals to avoid treating poor or uninsured
had stabilized Jackson’s condition at the time of his
transfer to East Bay, and that he believed that Jackson
The district court concluded that there was no
was no longer agitated at that time. The parties’ dis-
genuine issue of material fact that Jackson received
agreement concerns medical conditions which re-
initial screening examinations which satisfied Redbud’s
mained undetected by the Redbud medical staff. . . .
EMTALA obligations. The court noted that the Red-
The survivors also contend that Redbud violated
bud doctors and nurses performed these screenings
EMTALA’s certification requirements because Dr.
Ollada did not “sign[ ] a certification . . . that based
judgment on the EMTALA claim. The district court
upon the information available at the time of transfer,
found that the Redbud doctors provided medical
the medical benefits reasonably expected from the pro-
screenings, examinations, and evaluations designed to
vision of appropriate medical treatment outweigh the
determine whether Jackson had an emergency condi-
risks to the individual.” . . . The survivors argue that the
tion, and the court found that Redbud provided the
certification form signed by Dr. Ollada was deficient
care and treatment required to eliminate the emer-
because the form did not contain specific written de-
gency condition Dr. Ollada identified (Jackson’s agita-
scriptions of each of those risks and benefits. We con-
clude, however, that EMTALA’s certification
The survivors . . . contend that the provision in
requirement does not apply in the circumstances of this
[the statute] precluding liability “if a refusal to render
case. The certification provision applies only when a
emergency services or care . . . is based on the deter-
hospital has detected an emergency medical condition
mination, using reasonable care, that the person is not
and thereafter elects to transfer the patient, rather than
suffering from an emergency condition” establishes a
reasonable care standard for liability . . . . They further
argue that the opinions provided by their medical
experts constitute material evidence supporting the
California Heath and Safety Code imposes on Cali-
conclusion that Redbud doctors did not act reasona-
fornia hospitals an obligation to tend to all patients
bly when they determined that Jackson was suffering
from a psychological, and not a physical, condition.
Emergency services and care shall be provided
The logical reading of [the statute], which we
to any person requesting the services or care, or
adopt, is that its duty of reasonable care only applies
for whom services or care is requested, for any
in two situations: First, it applies when the hospital
condition in which the person is in danger of
does not provide a medical screening, examination, or
loss of life, or serious injury or illness, at any
evaluation to determine if the patient presents an
health facility licensed under this chapter that
emergency medical condition. Such a failure consti-
maintains and operates an emergency depart-
tutes “a refusal to render emergency services and
ment to provide emergency services to the
care.” There is no dispute that Redbud provided
public when the facility has appropriate facili-
medical screenings and examinations designed to de-
ties and qualified personnel available to provide
termine if Jackson suffered from an emergency medi-
The statute defines “emergency services and care”
Second, [its] duty of reasonable care applies when
as “medical screening, examination, and evaluation by a
a doctor diagnoses a condition, but declines to provide
physician . . . to determine if an emergency medical
treatment because he determines either that the condi-
condition or active labor exists and, if it does, the care,
tion is not an “emergency medical condition” or that
treatment, and surgery by a physician necessary to re-
the hospital does not have the appropriate facilities or
lieve or eliminate the emergency medical condition,
personnel to provide care. . . . If a hospital does not
within the capability of the facility.”
diagnose an emergency condition, it cannot “refus[e] to
[The statute] also provides a safe harbor for hospi-
render emergency care,” because one cannot “refuse”
tals and doctors who refuse to render care, provided
to treat a condition one does not detect. . . .
that their refusal is based on a determination that the
person is not suffering from an emergency condition or
that they cannot treat the emergency condition afflict-
Noting that the non-statutory claims against Ad-
ventist were tort claims, the district court held that
The district court granted Redbud summary judg-
Adventist’s liability, if any, could only arise out of its
ment . . . for the same reasons it granted it summary
contractual relationship with Redbud under a joint
venture or joint tortfeasor theory of liability. The dis-
The survivors also argue that the district court
trict court then held that Adventist and Redbud were
erred when it concluded that Adventist and Redbud
neither joint venturers nor joint tortfeasors. On ap-
were not joint tortfeasors. . . . In light of the limited
peal, the survivors argue that Adventist is directly
role Adventist played in the provision of patient care,
liable under EMTALA, and that the district court
the district court properly concluded that Adventist’s
erroneously concluded that Adventist and Redbud
connection to Jackson’s injury was too tenuous to
were neither joint venturers nor joint tortfeasors.
support a conclusion that Adventist owed Jackson a
The argument that Adventist is directly liable un-
duty of care. The district court properly determined
der EMTALA contradicts our precedents and the
that Adventist was not Redbud’s joint tortfeasor.
statutory definition of a “hospital.” . . .
The district court properly granted summary judg-
The survivors next argue that the Association
ment to Redbud and Adventist on Jackson’s survivors’
Agreement created a joint venture or joint enterprise
EMTALA and [state law] claims. The district court also
properly held that Adventist was not liable, as a matter of
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