Microsoft word - may 2013 meeting

Pharmacy Resident Research Presentations President:
“Predictors of Antipsychotic Polypharmacy in an Acute-Care Teaching Hospital.” President Elect:
“An Observational Trial Using Procalcitonin to De-Escalate Antimicrobial Therapy in Patients with Sepsis and Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Unit.” Immediate Past President:
“Prospective Evaluation of a Tool-Guided Approach to Venous Thromboembolism Risk Treasurer:
“Correlation of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Nasal Colonization with Culture Results in Critically Ill Patients.” “Red Blood Cell Length of Storage and Development of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Trauma Secretary:
“Impact of Rocuronium Administration on Time to Target Temperature in Patients Treated with Therapeutic Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest.” “Retrospective Evaluation of Melatonin, Zolpidem, Trazodone, and Temazepam on the Incidence of Delirium in Hospitalized Elderly Patients.” CE Chair:
Akron Area Society of Health-System Pharmacists Business Meeting and Continuing Education T H E F A V O R O F A R E P L Y I S R E Q U E S T E D B Y M A Y 1 0 Newsletter of the Akron Area Society of Health-System i
armacists – Organized 1947
A Message from the President
released to the Colleges of Pharmacy in Ohio. Jessica has also identified a subcommittee to assist her in evaluating the applications. John Moorman, President Elect, reported that GI am happy to report that our the Faithful Servants Care Center in Tallmadge is up and running and looking for volunteers. If students all across the state. I wish to express you are interested in volunteering, please my gratitude to Ronda Ambroziak and Amanda Benedetti for assisting in selecting our scholarship winner. Their efforts and willingness Scott Wisneski, Treasurer, reported balances in to assist reminded me that the power and the checking and savings accounts of $4,087.90 greatness of our organization rests not with the executive committee, but in the dedication of the membership. No man is an island. Serving Melanie Ensley, LAC, reported that registration our organization as president this year has information for the annual meeting was mailed. inspired me to recognize the utility and strength of teamwork. I am grateful for the opportunity. reported that Kyle and Amy Gustafson will present on their mission trip to Ghana on 4/18. I am excited to see the direction in which our On 4/20, the organization will participate in new leadership will take us. I have complete Adopt-A-Highway on I-76. Aleta thanked the confidence in John Moorman and Chris Paxos to faculty and staff for donating items for the motivate and lead by example. I know they annual raffle. Tickets for the items will go on have the needs of our organization in their sale in May. Finally, NEOMED SSHP is scheduled to participate in the AMSA Health Fair on 4/27. I look forward to seeing everyone at our May Erin Onder, CE Coordinator, introduced the showcase and bid you a wonderful summer. Again, thank you for this marvelous opportunity Pharmacotherapy Specialist in Endocrinology, who presented, “Transitions in Care in Diabetes.” Erin reported the May meeting will once again showcase the local area pharmacy resident research projects for two hours of April Meeting Highlights
Next Meeting: September 10, 2013
Have a great summer!!!!
membership to the April meeting. Jessica stated that the AASHP scholarships have been Stay tuned for the AASHP Summer Social!!!


Media contact: tom greenwell, +44 (0)870 991 4044

analytikLtd News Release #68 – 21 December 2010 Media Contact: Tom Greenwell Tel: +44 (0)870 991 4044 Email: [email protected] ParticlesCIC at the University of Leeds choose CPS Disc Centrifuge to enhance particle characterisation capability Cambridge, UK – Analytik are pleased to announce that ParticlesCIC at the University of Leeds, have expand

Microsoft word - spn - programaquimica.doc

Instituto “San Pedro Nolasco” José F. Moreno 1751 Cdad. Tel.: 4251035 ESPACIO CURRICULAR : SUJETO, APRENDIZAJE y CONTEXTO PROFESORADO QUÍMICA SEMINARIZADA NÚMERO DE HORAS : 168 TOTALES 6 SEMANALES PROFESORA : Lic. ANUNCIACIÓN MARÍA MARTÍN Correlatividades En correlatividad para cursar con Problemática Sociocultural, Instituciones Edu

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