Caffeine – Myths & Facts If you live the life of a typical college student, then it is likely that you, at one point or another, have depended on a dose of caffeine to get you going in the morning or to help you make it through a long night. Take the quiz below to see how much you know about caffeine. True/False: To decrease your intake of caffeine, switch from espresso to coffee. False: Actually, espresso has less caffeine than coffee! On average, one 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee has 85 milligrams of caffeine, and one ounce of espresso (plain or in a coffee-drink) has 40 milligrams. True/False: Caffeine can dehydrate you. False: While researchers previously believed that caffeinated beverages caused people to urinate more, increasing your risk of dehydration, more recent research has proved otherwise. Typical caffeine intakes of 200-300 mg/day (equivalent to 2-3 cups of brewed coffee) are unlikely to have a diuretic effect in most individuals. It’s interesting to note, that drinking large amounts of water can have a diuretic effect on people as well! While small to moderate amounts of caffeine aren’t likely to dehydrate you, excessive amounts (500-600 mg, equivalent of 5-7 cups of coffee) may still result in a diuretic effect. True/False: Caffeine can enhance athletic performance. True: Caffeine has been shown to decrease athletes’ perception of exertion, so they are able to exercise longer before reaching exhaustion. Regular caffeine users typically need 200-400 mg of caffeine to see performance-enhancing effects, while those that don’t typically consume caffeine, only need 50-100 mg to enhance performance. But remember that individual tolerances to caffeine differ greatly…and some of the other side-effects of caffeine (upset stomach, jitters) can negatively affect your performance, so use it cautiously. True/False: Chocolate is a major source caffeine. False. While chocolate does contain SOME caffeine, it’s not much. A 1 oz milk chocolate candy bar or an 8 oz glass of chocolate milk each contain about 5 milligrams of caffeine. As stated above, an 8 oz cup of brewed coffee contains around 85 mg of caffeine. If you notice a pleasurable “pick-me-up feeling after indulging in chocolate, it’s likely the sugar content in your candy bar that’s responsible, not the caffeine. True/False: Caffeine dependence, due to a lack of sleep, can become a self-perpetuating cycle. True. Used moderately, caffeine may help improve performance and concentration when you haven’t gotten enough sleep; however, caffeine may be part of your sleeping problem. Overuse of caffeine can substantially interfere with sleep, preventing you from getting the rest you need. Without enough rest, you’re more likely to turn to caffeine to make it through your day, which may lead to interrupted sleep patterns. And the cycle continues. It’s best to avoid caffeine at least 3-4 hours before bedtime, because it takes this long for it to be eliminated from the body. Caffeine – Bottom Line: While caffeine can temporarily improve alertness, concentration and performance, its use does not come without risks. Common negative effects of caffeine include irritability, nervousness, fast heart rate, trouble sleeping, upset stomach/heartburn, and feeling jittery/muscle tremors. Caffeine causes a temporary, but dramatic increase in blood pressure and can interact with certain medications. Individual tolerances to caffeine vary from person to person and be related to how much caffeine you’re used to consuming, your body mass, age, medications, and health conditions such as anxiety disorders. For anyone that is lacking energy, the best way to get it is through a healthful diet, adequate hydration, physical activity, and sleep.


Political economy 39.52

International Political Economy- IPE-studies the political battle between thewinners and losers of global economic exchange. It examines how this politicalshapes the evolution of the international trade and monetary systemsaffects the ability of Multinational Companies ÿ (MNCs)to conductinfluences the development strategies governments adopt.38Thus, IPE suggests that it is hard to understand

Log-exp problem sheet 4-15-13

The Caffeine Problem Introduction In this lesson, we explore the dynamics of caffeine in the body through the use of exponential functions. Various foods and drinks popular around the world contain caffeine. Caffeine is an alkaloid compound that comes from plants, including coffee, tea, kola nuts, mate, cacao and guarana. Many people drink caffeine drinks because they like the taste of the

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