MetaToo System Administration Guide
Franck Falcoz
Christian Tønsberg
MetaToo System Administration Guide
by Franck Falcoz
Subversion Identifier: $Id: docbook.xml 1048 2008-01-31 08:36:23Z franck $ EditionCopyright 2005 Technical Knowledge Center of Denmark (DTV), Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the appendix entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
Revision 1 October 2006 Revised by: chtRelease corresponding to software release 1.6 Table of Contents
I. Initial Preparations
Disposition: Describing what needs to be done in order to make MetaToo operational as a
webapplication for online cataloguing of metadata: Install, Configure (formats, forms, screens, etc),
Load (of existing records).
Chapter 1. Installation
A MetaToo application consist of the MetaToo core as well as an application specific supplement andcustomisation of the core.
Throughout this document, the core may be refered to as "fit" (for historic reasons) or as "the metatoocore".
The target system for the installation must be UNIX. The software packages are particularly well suitedfor Debian Linux, but should work with other UNIX variants.
1.1. From Source
Installation on a UNIX system involves the following: 1. Acquire the MetaToo core software package ( as well as the MetaToo supplement packages relevant for the application.
2. Make sure that the software upon which MetaToo depends are present on the target system. The setup script (see below) will provide you with a list of missing packages upon startup. Also, makesure that a database user with appropriate privileges exist. This database user should either haveprivileges to create databases or - in the case an already existing database is to be used - have allprivileges on that existing database.
3. Unpack the core package and the application package in the same directory. The core package will have be named fit.ver where ver will usually be a 3 digit version number (e.g. fit.1.4.5). Thename of the application directory can be anything. For the purpose of this document, we will refer toit as app/ The rest of the installation takes place from within the app/ directory.
4. Make any necessary adjustments of the configuration file The various entries are described in . In most cases, no adjustments are needed.
5. In the app/ directory, run the setup script setup as superuser (root): This script will start an interactive dialog with the installer and subsequently: • check the target system for existence of necessary Perl modules, • perform the necessary database actions to create the necessary table structure, • install the necessary code on the target system, and • upload to the database the content of various definitions (formats, forms, etc) located in the source The setup dialog will ask for the following: The dialog will start by asking for a service name - vname - for the installation. Default value isthe value for configuration parameter PACKAGE.
Informations regarding the database used for the installation.
The mail address to which MetaToo system mails are sent. Should be the application manageror the system administrator.
The passwords for the two special users associated with any MetaToo installation.
After these informations are fed to the setup script, it will establish the MetaToo database.
Application specific - as well as core - definitions are then loaded into the database.
Finally, various codefiles are copied to their location beneath the cgi-bin directory of the targetsystem. During the copy, the files are renamed, introducing the chosen service name as prefix.
1.1.1. Installing an Additional Version of The Application
An application may be installed more than once on the target system, for example, for test purpose.
Making a second installation of an application is done by making a new installation of the MetaToosupplement packages relevant for the application into directory app2/ which should reside as sibling to app/, and then repeat step 4 and 5 of the install procedure described above. Make sure to: • choose a service name at the begining of the dialog which is different from the service name chosen • choose database parameters for a database different from the one used for the first installation.
As with a first-time installation, it is important that the database user is allowed to create databases (orthat the database is readily created at setup time).
Chapter 2. Configuration
Chapter 3. Defining XML MetaData
describing formats and introducing forms and their relations II. Administrative Maintenance
Disposition: Describing how to configure metatoo: format design, formi design, screen design (images,stylesheets, etc), lookups (internal, external). Also, user-maintenance, authorisation, workflow, etc.
Intended audience: Application Managers Chapter 4. Format Design
Choose Administration -> Formats -> New Use xpaths (without prefix /) with one addition:foo/bar/.body allow content to an element which has nothing else than attributes as its children Chapter 5. Form Setup
Cataloguing form setup is a process which influence both the input experience when actually using theform to catalogue metadata as well as the structure of the resulting xml metadata.
The form design is the process of determining • which elements the resulting xml metadata should contain; their names and their structure • for each field, which kind of input widget should be used to input content to fields • the associated text elements associated with fields when cataloguing: Labels and help • the associated cataloguing actions which should be available for fields.
The form customisation is the process of determining the apperance of the input form in the cataloguersbrowser.
A form is designed and/or customised by logging in as admin, choose "administration" and choose the"Forms" menu.
If the form in question does not exist, create it either by duplicating an existing or by creatig a new bypressing "New".
Locate the form in question in the list of forms and press "Edit". This will bring up the design andcustomisation form for the form in question.
The following sections will describe the setup possibilities for the form in question by describing thecontent and use of this design and customisation form.
5.1. Design
Disposition: Describe includes, groups, properties, labels, help, actions.
5.2. Customisation
The cataloguing form for - as well as the view of - a metadata record are created by merging an xmlrepresentation of the record data with eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) stylesheets, and theresulting HTML is then rendered by the cataloguers browser using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
For a specific form, the choice of XSL stylesheets is done by selecting from the dropdown "XSLStylesheet" near the top.
MetaToo ships with a limited selection of XSL stylesheets, each defining a basic visual structure anddesign for catalouging forms. If a more application specific layout is needed, it is possible to supplementthis list with alternative stylesheet(s).
Each XSL stylesheet has an associated CSS stylesheet. Depending on the degree of customisability in theHTML produced by the XSL, this CSS determines a number of styling parameters for the apperance ofthe cataloguing form in the browser.
A form specific appeaance is obtained by overloading the associated CSS. This is done by redefining(parts of) the CSS in the input field "CSS" near the top.
In the design process of the actual browser experience of a certain form, FireFox eqiped with theWebDeveloper plugin - and perhaps even with the mozdev plugin - is recommended.
Below, the structure of the output of each of the default XSL is briefly described, as well as the mostrelevant CSS classes to change.
5.2.1. XSL: standard_form
This XSL represents a layout of the input form which is historically inspired: The structure of its outputresembles that of the HTML producd by earlier versions of MetaToo.
The descriptive area - the left hand side of the form - is organised in columns with fixed width. Labels forgroups and fields on the top level is set in the first column, labels for groups and fields on the second levelis set in the secenond column, etc. The number of columns are determinded by the depth of the form.
Labelwise, groups are layed out with its label vertically aligned with the label of the first subfield orsubgroup.
Buttons for collapsion/expansion of groups, adding new occerences (repeat), reordering occurences(move up and move down) as well as buttons for longhelp and lookup are located in the vicinity of thelabel; either immedialtely after it or right justified in its column.
Help texts are placed as it is described in the design and customisation form: Either below or to the rightof input boxes, below the label or as the first line of a group.
The class controlling the whole form. Its width should be defined in accordance with the width forthe descriptive area and the width for the input area.
The class controlling the input area - the right hand side of the form, containing the input boxes. Itswidth should be set in accordance width the width of the individual input boxes as well as the totalwidth of any horisontally layed out groups.
.description-area-1.description-area-2.description-area-3.description-area-4 The class styling the columns of the descriptive areas. Their width should be chosen acording to thelabeltexts in a form, making the linebreaking visually tolerable.
III. Getting Data Into and Out of
Disposition: 1) Describing how to load data into MetaToo 2) Describing how to access cataloguedmetadata. Describing the Data Access Service (DAS) Chapter 6. Delivering Data Downstream: The
Data Access Service (DAS)

Making records and associated digital objects catalogued with MetaToo available outside of MetaToo isdone via communication through the Data Access Service, or DAS.
A client program can use DAS as a web service for retrieving records as well as for registering backinformations for records and their associated digital objects.
Note: by default, this service is only accessible from localhost, if you wish to grant external access, add
auth.ip to the configuration file with a space separated list of IP addresses: e.g. das.ip
This chapter describes the communication.
6.1. REST based DAS API for Retrieving Records
The DAS is called for record retrieval as http://yourserver/cgi-bin/yourapp_das?key=val&.&key=val,where the possible keys (and their values) are described below.
6.1.1. Search related
a single record ID or a comma separated list of record IDs.
either a unix timestamp (seconds since EPOCH) or a timestamp in the formatYYYYMMDDHHMMSS or 1957-03-20T20:30:00.
an abitrary where clause which can be used to select records based, at this time, on the id, udate,cdate, status, grp, uid and type.
Chapter 6. Delivering Data Downstream: The Data Access Service (DAS) 6.1.2. Format related
if set to ’short’, the record XML is not returned if equal to 1, the result will be compressed with gzip if equal to 1, the XML returned will be indented if equal to 1, the records returned will be extractly like in the database and will not include, amongother things, authority text mapping 6.1.3. Others
the number of the first record to be returned, starting from 1 (default: 1).
the authentication key, which must match configuration option das.key, if it is defined maxRecords
the maximum number of records returned (default: 100000).
6.1.4. Changes done to database records
The following changes are done to the database record when not using the raw argument:
Adding of fit namespace to admin fields
All fields and attributes under /<root>/admin are modified to use the fit namespace.
Change update timestamps
All Unix timestamps under //admin/cataloguer/timestamp are changed to ISO8601 dates in localtime without timezone.
Adding release dates
The first date of cataloguer publication under a new status is added as admin/released, with theattribute status giving the status code and the body being an ISO8601 date as described above.
Chapter 6. Delivering Data Downstream: The Data Access Service (DAS) Change of authority attribute to fit namespace
All attributes with the name authority or authority_* are moved to the fit namespace.
Modifications done through the export configuration in Metatoo
Metatoo can be configured to modified records upon export. If you have a file ’export.cat_doc.xml’in your application xml directory, changes defined in the file will be applied to your record in DAS.
6.2. Example Response
<das:records xmlns:das="" hits="37">➊ <das:record id="34" status="O3"> <das:object id="e674fb0fce2b68381cc47dca7ed5782a" type="image/gif" uri="/doc/e674fb0fce2b68381cc47dca7ed5782a"> <das:record id="46" status="O4"> <das:record id="15" status="D"/> <das:returned>3</das:returned> <das:timestamp></das:timestamp> <das:firstRecord></das:firstRecord> <das:maxRecords>3</das:maxRecords> <das:select>select id from cat_doc</das:select> Chapter 6. Delivering Data Downstream: The Data Access Service (DAS) In this example the we get back three records from the puller. The maxRecords parameter was set to 3and we can see my comparing //diagnostic/result/total and returned that the reply in incomplete. An errorof type warning also indicates that this is a partial reply. To view the next two records, you would need touse the same request but this time setting firstRecord to 4.
The attribute /records/record/@id is the metatoo internal identifier for that record. The attribute/records/record/@status is the status of the record, in the example above, you can see that the record asstatus D which stands for deleted. Deteted records are returned as a closed tag with just the id and statusattributes. The object field is a pointer to a file uploaded with the record. Using the object/@id attribute itis possible to link the actual file section in you record to the object/@uri.
6.3. REST based DAS API for Retrieving Digital Objects
The DAS is called for Digital Object retrieval as http://yourserver/cgi-bin/yourapp_das/doc/CKSUM,where CKSUM is the MetaToo internl identifier (checksum) for the digital object.
This URL can be constructed from a DAS record retrieval response by combining the url for the DASwith the "uri" attribute of the <das:object> element.
6.4. REST based DAS API for Registering Back

A client using the DAS interface to extract records may register back information for records (e.g. id’sfrom various staorage or handler services) as well as for objects associated with records.
The REST based interface for that resides onhttp://yourserver/cgi-bin/yourapp_das/extid?key=val&.&key=val, where the keys are described below.
The type of the external id. Typically an identifier of the recieving system.
Chapter 6. Delivering Data Downstream: The Data Access Service (DAS) The identifier (cksum) of a MetaToo object related to the record. Use this if the registration is forthe digital object rather than for the record itself.
6.5. REST based DAS API for Retrieving Authorities
In order to retrieve an xml representation of authority ’foobar’, the DAS is called for authorities ashttp://yourserver/cgi-bin/yourapp_das?tab=fit_authority&where=name=’foobar’ If an element in a DAS record retrieval response was catalogued by a form in which authority(dropdown) ’quez’ were used for this element, the element will carry an attribute ’fit:auth_quez’.
Chapter 7. Authorisation data: The Auth

This service is designed to be used by external service to discover some of the Metatoo authorisationdata for a specified user. For example, a search interface could have a direct link to edit a record butunless authorisation information is available, that system has no way of knowing if the user is actuallyallowed to edit the record.
Note: by default, this service is only accessible from localhost, if you wish to grant external access, add
auth.ip to the configuration file with a space separated list of IP addresses: e.g. auth.ip
This authorisation service is REST based and takes a single user ID as parameter: e.g.
http://localhost/cgi-bin/urbit_auth?id=root The result is an XML record with the following main elements: diagnostic: internal diagnostic, fields:fields from the authentication record, flags: authorisation flags, groups: main and extra groups this userbelongs to. Example record: <flag>default_document</flag> <flag>default_document_create</flag> <flag>default_document_pe</flag> <flag>default_document_view</flag> <flag>document_group_list</flag> <flag>document_proof_o21</flag> <flag>document_su_in_create</flag> <flag>fit_authorisation_view</flag> <flag>fit_authority_view</flag> <flag>fit_javascript_view</flag> Chapter 7. Authorisation data: The Auth Service This service does not return table level authorisation information because the resulting XML would betoo complicated and hard to use by an external service anyway.
You can however deduce some things based on your authentication rules. For example, by default a useris always able to edit is own records, this will mean that darcimm user will be able to edit all his ownrecords.
Further more, there are super-user flags defined which allows a user to edit records of a certain time ifthey are part of a group to which he belongs. For example, the user above has the flag document_su_land has access to group dtu_imm, which means he will be able to edit all dtu_imm literature records.
Appendix A. GNU Free Documentation License
Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for freesoftware, because free software needs free documentation: a freeprogram should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that thesoftware does. But this License is not limited to software manuals;it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter orwhether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this Licenseprincipally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.
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PHENOTYPIC AND GENOTYPIC CHARACTERIZATION OF LACTOBACILLUS SAKEI ISOLATED FROM PORTUGUESE FERMENTED MEAT PRODUCTS FOR TETRACYCLINE RESISTANCE Martins, A., Makita, M., Fernandes M.H., Fernandes M.J., Barreto A.S. and Fraqueza, 1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UTLisbon, Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal (CIISA), Av. da Universidade Técnica, Pólo Univ

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