Innovative software for Product Car
bon Footprints
This carbon calculation software simplifies carbon assessments of product chains in agriculture, the food industry and trade, and enables you to carry out carbon assessments of product chains independently, based on a certifiable software tool. The software helps to identify CO2 saving potential throughout your product’s entire supply chain. Moreover, it enables you to position your company or product(s) with a unique selling point in the market. Licenses are offered by Soil & More International B.V. Performance and benefits of the software
The carbon assessment software, a new module of the worldwide successfully used certification
software Ecert, enables you to:
 conduct an integrated collection of data relevant for the carbon assessment  carry out a computer-based, product-specific carbon assessment
The step-by-step carbon calculation throughout the product’s supply chain creates a sound
database from which you can develop reasonable measures to reduce your product carbon footprint
and thereby make a major contribution to mitigate on-going climate change with its devastating
effects on the environment.
Further benefits of using this software are:
 specific comparison of product chains that differ in a specific characteristic, such as for instance product type, cultivation conditions, or production system By concentrating on a climate friendly carbon footprint of your product(s), you support a farming
system in which resources are used carefully, soil fertility is enhanced, and even less energy is
consumed. Integrated into your corporate sustainability strategy and positioning, you can, actively
and profitably, communicate your environmentally friendly carbon footprints to trade and public.
Unlike most competitors, you will be able to convince your customers and cooperation partners with
reliable and credible data, thus gaining a competitive advantage in the market. The software helps
agricultural producers, processors or traders to comply with environmental and sustainability
standards that are currently valid and will be even more so in the future, such as the „Renewable
Energy Directive (EU)“ the „Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels“ standard and the „International
Sustainability & Carbon Certification“ standard.
Cooperation for the development of the software
Soil & More initiated the software development project. In his role as a carbon accounting expert,
Soil & More has developed all assessment principles for CO2 accounting needed for this project. To
ensure a flawless development and implementation phase, as well as the continuous optimization of this innovative software, Soil & More closely cooperates with:  Organic Services GmbH, Project initiation and coordination  Intact Consult GmbH, Software development and programming  TÜV NORD CERT, Expert Report on the carbon assessment software The project is financially supported by the „“ programme of the “Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft” (DEG), a German investment and development company.
[email protected]


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