Journal of Orthodontics, Vol. 34, 2007, 000–000
supernumerary: a complication ofspace closure
A. ShahLiverpool Road Health Centre, Luton, UK
S. HiraniLuton and Dunstable Hospital, Luton, UK
This case report describes a situation in which a mandibular supernumerary developed during orthodontic treatment andprevented space closure.
Key words: Late forming supernumerary, space closure complication, radiographs
Received 29th December 2006; accepted 20th March 2007
mode of inheritance has been suggested by the observa-
tion that males are affected twice as much as females.2
Supernumerary teeth are described as those in excess
Supernumeraries have a tendency to begin their devel-
when compared to the normal dental formula.1 Their
opment later than their corresponding normal teeth.3,4
reported prevalence ranges between 0.1 and 3.8% in the
An unerupted supernumerary tooth may be found by
permanent dentition, and between 0.3 and 0.8% in the
chance during radiographic examination, with no
primary dentition.2,3 Potential complications of super-
numerary teeth include failure of eruption, displace-
Classification of supernumerary teeth is based on
ment, rotation or root resorption of adjacent teeth,
location or morphology.2 Ninety to ninety-eight per cent
crowding, abnormal diastema, cyst formation and
occur in the maxilla, most commonly in the premaxilla.1
The majority of cases reporting one or two super-
The incidence of supernumerary premolars is reported
numerary teeth involve the anterior maxilla, followed by
to be 1 in 10 000 individuals.5 Several studies have been
the mandibular premolar region. There are variations in
conducted in order to determine their prevalence.
the reported relative frequencies of supernumerary teeth
Rubenstein6 reported 0.64% prevalence of supernumer-
in other regions.2 Supernumerary maxillary premolars
ary premolars. Grahnen and Lindahl7 reported that
have variable morphology, but are predominantly
mandibular premolar supernumeraries occur in 0.29%
conical. Those in the mandible tend to have the shape
of the general population. Mandibular premolar super-
of a normal premolar crown.11 A number of well known
numeraries have been reported to represent 6.6%,3
conditions, including cleidocranial dysplasia, Gardner’s
9.2%8 and 14%7 of all supernumeraries. The wide
syndrome and cleft lip and palate can predispose to the
variation in percentages reported can be attributed to
development of supernumerary teeth.2,12,13 A study on
variations in size of study, age, range, racial composition
multiple supernumerary teeth without associated sys-
temic conditions or syndromes, found the highest
The aetiology of supernumerary teeth is unclear and
frequency of occurrence (45%) in the mandibular
various factors, namely genetic and environmental, have
been suggested.2 Supernumerary teeth may result from
appear in more than one quadrant, are more likely to
hyperactivity of the dental lamina, proliferation of
develop in the mandible than the maxilla and are more
dental lamina remnants or cell rests, or division of
tooth germs.9 The familial nature of supernumerary
There have been numerous case reports documenting
teeth may be supported by findings that they are more
the presence of supernumeraries in the mandibular
common in relatives of affected children.10 A sex-linked
premolar region.4,5,9,11,12,14,15,17–28 Several cases have
Address for correspondence: Mr Ashish Shah, Dental Officer,Liverpool Road Health Centre, 9 Mersey Place, Luton LU1 1HH,UK. Email: [email protected]# 2007 British Orthodontic Society
been reported in which supernumeraries have developedduring orthodontic treatment.6,11,14,17–19,28 This reportdescribes how a late developing supernumerary in thepremolar region had an effect on the proposedorthodontic
space closure. This supernumerary was not apparent,radiographically, prior to treatment. Although thepotential of supernumeraries to prevent space closurehas been recognized,4,11,14 to our knowledge, there hasbeen
A 13-year-old autistic Caucasian male was referred to
the Orthodontic department at Guy’s Hospital fortreatment of a Class II division I malocclusion. The
history and subsequent clinical examination provided noinformation of a remarkable nature. There was no
Attain Class I incisor and molar relationships
In order to avoid extractions, medium pull headgear
could have been used to distalize the maxillary buccal
N Acceptable facial profile; lips on Ricketts’s E-Plane;
segments. However, the patient refused to wear head-
gear and his parents felt he would be unable to tolerate
approach was thus required, so the following treatment
plan was tailored to the patient’s needs:
N Mild mandibular arch crowding (approximately
N Extraction of maxillary first premolars and mandi-
N Severe maxillary arch crowding (approximately
9 mm) with exclusion of maxillary right canine.
Maxillary left canine unerupted with insufficient
N Upper and lower fixed appliances, with or without
Class II intermaxillary elastic traction.
N Molar relationship 1/2 unit Class II bilaterally
The patient was treated with pre-adjusted edgewise
The pre-treatment dental panoramic tomograph (DPT)
appliances. His treatment took 20 months until debond.
(Figure 1) showed normal dental development for the
Towards the end of treatment, spaces remained in the
patient’s age, with no presence of supernumeraries.
regions of the extracted premolars. Class II intermax-illary elastic traction was utilized. However, the patient
was not consistently compliant with this treatmentregime. Elastic chain was used in order to close the
N Skeletal: Class II skeletal base with mandibular
mandibular right premolar space and correct the lower
centreline, which was initially 3 mm to the left. After a
few visits, it was apparent that this space was not
closing. It was decided to take a DPT and lateral
Dental panoramic tomograph showing developing
supernumerary in the lower right premolar region
cephalogram in order to determine why space closurewas difficult, while simultaneously assessing the labialinclinations of the anterior teeth. These radiographsconfirmed the presence of a late-forming supernumeraryin the lower right premolar region (Figures 2 and 3). Oncareful clinical inspection of this region, the super-numerary could not be palpated buccally or lingually.
This confirmed the supernumerary was in the line of the
Lateral cephalogram also confirming the presence of a
supernumerary while showing the labial inclinations of the anterior
There was no change to the maxillary or mandibularrelationship, as growth modification or surgery was not
centreline orthodontically. However, if the extraction
involved excessive bone removal, this may have com-
The maxillary dentition was well aligned and the
plicated space closure. After careful explanation of the
canines were in the line of the arch. The mandibular
treatment options, the patient and parents felt the risks
dentition was aligned. However, approximately 3 mm of
of extraction of the supernumerary outweighed the
space remained in the lower right second premolar
benefits of space closure. It was therefore decided to
region. All space in the lower left quadrant was closed
leave the supernumerary in situ and accept the lower
using elastic chain. The incisor relationship was Class I,
right space and centreline discrepancy.
but the lower centreline was 3 mm to the left.
It was explained to both the patient and parents that
Consequently, the left buccal segment relationship was
the lower right mandibular supernumerary would
1/2 unit Class II and the right buccal segment relation-
require periodic clinical and radiographic monitoring
by his general dental practitioner. If this tooth were toerupt, it would erupt lingually.
The presence of the lower right mandibular super-
numerary was unexpected and prevented attainment of
a Class I buccal segment relationship bilaterally.
Facial aesthetics were preserved and there was no
supernumerary teeth may cause a variety of dis-
turbances to the developing permanent dentition. Theymay cause delayed eruption, displacement, rotation,
In this case, it was believed that the surgical and general
flaring, or root resorption of the adjacent permanent
anaesthetic risks of removing the supernumerary could
not be justified. Surgical risks included damage to the
development of dentigerous or primordial cysts.2,4,5,20,21
lingual and mental nerves and adjacent teeth. If the
As has been demonstrated in this report, they may
supernumerary was extracted, it may have then been
also create an unexpected complication to orthodontic
possible to close the space and correct the lower
The recommended management of supernumerary
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3. Stafne, EC. Supernumerary teeth. Dental Cosmos 1932; 74:
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