Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Delusions (talking with people who do not exist) Incoherence Lack of or inappropriate display of emotions Inability to concentrate Disorganized thinking or behavior Inability to read social cues Excessive fatigue Emotional withdrawal Extreme moodiness Odd behavior Schizophrenia usually appears during adolescence or early adulthood. The cause is unknown; however, many believe that it is an inherited disorder. Medical Treatment of Schizophrenia
The National Institute of Mental Health (2008) states that the treatment of schizophrenia includes pharmacotherapy (medications) using antipsychotic medications such as Risperdal, Risperidone, and Haldol (three of many prescribed medications) combined with psychosocial interventions: cognitive therapy, rehabilitation day programs, peer support groups, or nutritional supplements. The psychosocial interventions include supportive therapy with family, educational interventions, and vocational rehabilitation when appropriate. Educational Strategies for Schizophrenia
It is essential to remember that schizophrenia is an illness just like diabetes. Children who experience schizophrenia need to realize that something is wrong in their body, and they have no control over what is happening. Even if the symptoms are well controlled by medication, extra support from the school system may be necessary, or a completely different educational program may be appropriate. Understand that the child may miss a lot of school due to medication issues or the Relieve pressure and stress if possible. Expect the child's attention, energy, and abilities to rise and fall o Provide sympathy, encouragement, and understanding rather than forcing the child to behave and shape up on an "off day." Base the student's grades on what has been done rather than what has not been done, as these children are very sensitive to criticism. Medications may make the child less tolerant of heat and sunshine. Noise and activity of the normal school day may become overwhelming. Provide and allow use of a refuge when the student feels it's necessary. If a psychotic episode or breakdown occurs at school, remain calm, speak softly, and be available to the child-do not try to talk the Child out of the episode, belittle the child, or point out that he or she is being ridiculous.


Microsoft word - instrucoes contra o branqueamento de capitais e o financi…

INSTRUÇÕES SOBRE COMBATE AO BRANQUEAMENTO DE CAPITAIS E FINANCIAMENTO DO TERRORISMO I. OBJECTIVO As presentes instruções visam concretizar os pressupostos para o cumprimento dos deveres preventivos de combate ao branqueamento de capitais e financiamento ao terrorismo bem como sistematizar o procedimento para o seu cumprimento, tendo em atenção as especificidades das actividade


Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2001) 16 , 1297–1302 OUTCOME OF AUTOIMMUNE HEPATITIS IN CHILDREN Long-term outcome of autoimmune hepatitis in children OMAR I SAADAH, ARNOLD L SMITH AND WINITA HARDIKAR Department of Gastroenterology and Clinical Nutrition, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Abstract Background and Aim : Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic disease

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